
PlayStation 5 vs Xbox Series X: not better or worse, just different

Mitch of RGN writes, "Throw in that this generation's cooling systems are taking radical redesigns, we will have to wait and see and it is also likely that different games will operate better on different consoles depending how they were utilized by the developer, on a case by case basis. This may end up being a very good thing in the long run as well, giving identity to each console makes developers more excited and helps produce more truly one of a kind experiences for gamers.

One example of this is how Sony is including on-board hardware, an additional processor for Audio Raytracing, which can be reprogrammed and used for any sort of processing by developers if they aren't putting Audio RT in the game. The existence of many custom chips like this on both the XSX and the PS5 are precisely why games will vary greatly on each console, and they'll have their own flavor and style more so than last generation's Jaguar APU setups on XO and PS4."

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oakshin1515d ago

It's Complicated but I get it.....can the ps5 run over clocked consistently and not melt will the Xbox split memory and slower ssd lead to wasted performance how many shaders does the ps5 gpu even got (that's the big question because I generally trust the Sony engineers with the cooling but screw tflops I need shader count )

oakshin1515d ago

Yea I'm actually going to be looking forward to the comparison breakdown of games this gen consoles are so much better with custom tech to me it's interesting

darthv721514d ago

1k shader difference between the two... what does that translate to in terms of performance?

ABizzel11514d ago


You can't really say without a like for like game / product. What it means in basic terms is the Series X has more rendering performance than the PS5, meanwhile the PS5 is likely a bit faster at rending said images.

In a game an example would be the PS5 is faster at displaying the gameworld, but the Series X can display more things on screen with less of an impact on performance because it has more shaders to take on the workload.

But both consoles are going to be fast so the PS5's speed edge gaming wise, shouldn't be a huge deal, we're looking at a few seconds at best in like for like loading, but it should be faster in OS functions, navigating menus, getting in and out of games, and just daily use. These are best case scenarios for PS5 from just pure logic of technology.

Meanwhile, the Series X has more potential for gaming graphics (nothing will ever be night and day difference, but it can do a bit more), likely higher resolutions in more demanding games Native 4K vs 1800p, and higher fps in games with like for like resolutions and graphics settings generally 10% - 20% (aka unlocked 60fps PS5 (55~) and locked 60fps for Series X). And these will generally be one or the other, and extremely rare for all 3 wins in a single game. These are best case scenarios for Series X from just pure logic of technology.

The best comparison we have right now is looking at an RTX 2070s (PS5) vs an RTX 2080s (Sereis X).

fr0sty1514d ago

They aren't "shaders", a shader is an app that runs on a GPU core. They are cores, though not the same type of fully featured cores you'd expect to see in a CPU, which is why they can cram thousands of them in there despite CPUs being generally less than 32 cores.

Core count isn't raw power. Each of those cores runs at a clock speed, and that helps determine what the core is capable of. So, while PS5 has fewer cores, they are running faster, and Cerny said he saw superior results in real world gaming applications when going that route (which means Sony too considered using more cores at one point, but decided against it).

While the cores can't consistently run faster all the time, since they are boost frequencies that rely on system cooling, games are not going to max out your system the entire time either, so it's unlikely that a game would be held back much by the system being too hot. We don't even know the capabilities of the PS5 cooling system yet, either. It may be substantial enough to keep PS5 cool at high clocks for as long as any game would need it to be.

Sony also seems to be stepping back towards exotic hardware designs, with the audio processing unit that can also lend its power to processing other things.

Comparing the two side by side isn't going to be easy. Both have strengths and weaknesses that make it so that there is no clear winner in the "which is more powerful" debate. Some games that come out on XSX could never run on a PS5, and the reverse will also be true with games that take unique advantage of PS5's transfer rates, more unified memory, and tempest engine.

dcbronco1514d ago


I'm not sure the transfer rate will matter. Sony hasn't said anything one way or another but Microsoft has said they have machine learning built in with the ability to make low resolution textures look like high resolution textures. If this works as advertised developers can substitute low resolution textures where possible to make the speed of the playstation hard drive pretty much unnoticeable. The machine learning acts like compression so the Series X won't seem to have nearly as much information to be transferred. You can see it in Flight Simulator 2020. That and variable shading will allow them to use low resolution textures for obscured images to cut bandwidth use.

1514d ago
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NeoGamer2321515d ago

To me the biggest problem with both these consoles is the reliance on SSD performance. Now my games have to be on a 1 TB or 825 GB internal hard drive to run them.

Many triple AAA games are 50-100 GB. This means that I can only have about a maximum of about 20 games on my system before I am swapping.

Right now, I have 3 x 10 TB external drives on my XBO X. Now I am going down to 1 TB internal and 1 TB external max on the XSX. I am not in impressed with either console's approach here. There are definitely benefits but I don't think the benefits outweigh the annoyance of always having to manage your game collection now.

oakshin1515d ago (Edited 1515d ago )

It's 4k texture streaming is the kicker on top of that come to find out hhd has limited game design for 20 years I know anything much stronger then a x1x without a ssd is pointless all the assets would be bottlenecked in the ram and hdd making the thing seem like a beast on paper but run like crap

ssj271515d ago

Games take nothing to install on the ps5 acording to the mark cerny words is what i understood so sure more memory is better always but it seems that you wont have to wait 30min for a game to install etc like we do now days you insert the disc and in a min or sec the game is ready to be played. If you are not using it for a week or month delete it and if you wanna install it again it will just take seconds or a min not 30min or 1hr like they do today.

darthv721515d ago

The SX memory cards are going to come in different sizes so you can expect to see 1tb, 2tb, 4tb and maybe even 8tb (whatever NVME flash storage sizes top out at)

i do like that I can use my external 4tb USB to offload SX games from internal to external to make room for other internal games. Moving stuff around can work but obviously I will get a memory card or two.

Phantom681515d ago

The reasons why game take so much space is because they need to duplicate assets on HDD install to reduce the seek time needed to find data. On SSD the dublication is unnecessary therefore the isntal size can be reduced. Nevertheless 1TB or less is way to small but they do give us the ability to expand SSD space.

SLiSH831514d ago

How many games do you actually play at any one given time?

I only have 4-6 games on my drive at a time. The other I either have on a USB drive or it’s Play complete delete repeat on other games that I don’t see playing a 2nd time through. (For awhile) and then I’ll just re down load those if I get the itch

NeoGamer2321514d ago

I have over 2,000 games on those drives. It is not about how many games I play at once.

It is more about sitting down and thinking, "What am I in the mood to play?" and going thru the games to figure out what I want to conquer next. I like all types of games so it is nice to just scan thru, decide then play. In the new world I can probably scan, then decide to play but not before I copy it to the internal drive. And on the internal drive I will be continually deleting games.


chiefJohn1171514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

Damn how many games do you play? 30 tb is over kill. The 1 tb plus my 1 tb external to hold last gen games and games I'm not playing should be enough for me. I may buy a 1tb card tho. These ssds are blazing fast. Heavy storage is not necessary

1514d ago
dumahim1514d ago

Just remember, game size won't go up as much as you expect because of everything being solid state. No need for data duplication to reduce seek time.

KillBill1514d ago

How is their a max limit on the XBSX? You can purchase as many external SSD as you want and simply place in the one with the game you want to play.

Sure a pain on keeping track of which SSD has which games on it but not like it is actually a limit as you suggested.

Eonjay1514d ago

"Now my games have to be on a 1 TB or 825 GB internal hard drive to run them."
This is not true of the PS5. You can use an off the shelf NVMe However you will need to purchase one on the PCIe 4.0 standard in order that is compliant under the PS5 speed standards. In fact as fast as the PS5 is (fastest ever) there are drives coming out that will surpass the base PS5 SSD, but you can use that drive to store and play your games on

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1514d ago
rainslacker1514d ago

Running at full speed is not overclocked. They locked the GPU to prevent it from running faster than 2.33GHZ. If anything, they're just using these as 2.33GHZ processors that may not run at full speed.

GottaBjimmyb1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

Scaling clock rate on a CPU does defeat the purpose of static hardware though, does it not?

At minimum I hardly see a benefit to a varying clock rate for a console in really any scenario, wouldn't using the highest viable clock rate be the ideal situation? Also, varying CPU clock speeds would mean varying lifespans on said console, on that basis, which seems like an odd choice.

Did they confirm this? I haven't looked but it just seems unreasonable. Not to mention, what changes the CPU clock rate? Temperature or coding for the game? (I assume temp) If temperature, that would mean you could see a game run great sometimes and not as well at others, just an all around confusing choice if true.

rainslacker1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

No. Processors come off the silicon set for what they can run based on testing. There is no difference between a 2GHZ processor and a 3GHZ processor. They are made on the same silicon, and could be right next to one another. After they're made, they're tested to see what frequency they can run at reliably, and then they're sold at that speed. This is what makes overclocking possible.

These are 2.33GHZ chips, because one thing you don't want in a console is a processor that may not be able to run at full speed, because when a dev is making their game, they expect the timing to be consistent across all devices.

All Sony is doing is downclocking when they don't need the extra power. It's no different than how it's done on PC nowadays, and I question why Cerny even talked about it because it's nothing extraordinary. MS will always have their processor running at full speed, which is fine. Sony will vary the frequency as needed, and it's seamless to the dev.

Did they confirm what? That it's a 2.33GHZ processor? yeah, it is. Cerny never said it was a boost mode. He specifically said it would run slower when it could run the processes at a speed needed. He said when the more demanding games needed the power, the power would be there. You can't promise that if the processor isn't meant to run at full speed at all times.

GottaBjimmyb1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

You have no clue what you are talking about, but don't take my word for it. Turbo speed generally (or always up until now if this is an exception) refers to increased clock rate when the CPU temperature is within a specific range and workload is above a specific range.


Also, CPUs and GPUs can be overclocked thanks to the ability to alter cooling in PCs, overclocking on systems with the default tested cooling will cause increased heat and lower lifespan. May I also add, if this is an APU, (I assume it is) this can actually cause even more issue as it could affect the GPU performance also.

GottaBjimmyb1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

I just looked up the specs, the CPU and GPU appear to have boost, and being on the same SOC and both being temperature and workload reliant for the boost. This does not sound like an ideal solution for a console. This would mean possible different performance between consoles, different lifespans between consoles and different performances between even two separate sessions on the same console.


rainslacker1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

It's not an ideal solution for a console, which is why it's not a boost mode. Cerny didn't say they were boosting the processor, he said they were slowing it down when it didn't need all the power. These processors can come off the line and be capable of more than the 2.33GHZ, it's just that Sony locked it at that speed, so it will have that consistency, and the dev can rely on it if they need to.

It's not rocket science, and you seem to be trying real hard to make this into something it's not.

This is a 2.33GHZ spec'd processor. It will run slower if it can run the code at a slower rate. this will conserve energy, thus heat.

GottaBjimmyb1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

Idk where you are getting your info, but eurogamer and techradar both disagree with you about the "boost" operation.


I was originally speaking hypothetically and even explained I had not researched the claim, but it not only seems you are wrong about the boost, but also that I was 100% right in my claims and you were wrong, like on almost every aspect, even with your edits.

ABizzel11514d ago


Not from my understanding. The scaling clocks are more so there to allow the GPU to boost performance in areas when needed. Let's say a game is 60fps, but it dips to the low 50's in an intense area, then the developer can program the GPU to boost up to a higher clock at that point in a game to give that extra performance to make the game stay at 60fps during that section.

It's more so there to give the extra power when needed.

rainslacker1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

I have official documentation from Sony that I go off of, not a website making it's own conclusions. The processor is locked so it can't go past the 2.33GHZ. It isn't a slower chip that is boosted when needed. It slows down when the extra power isn't needed....as was said by Cerny in the presentation.

A Boost mode will take the standard clock, and push it past what it is spec'd to do, typically by clock multiplying. What Cerny was talking about was throttling down, not boosting up.

If this were a boost mode, then it'd be pushing past the 2.33GHZ barrier that they locked the processor to, since the processor is rated at that speed. The actual processor is likely capable of a higher speed, but if I had to guess that's what they chose for yield to get the pricing they want to be at.

The developer can force it, but the processor will make this decision on its own in most cases. More often than not, a processor does not need to run at full speed even during heavy load assuming that all the processing is spread out properly in well designed threads.

Gazondaily1514d ago

Official documentation lol

RookieMonsterLives1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

"The processor is locked so it can't go past the 2.33GHZ. It isn't a slower chip that is boosted when needed. It slows down when the extra power isn't needed....as was said by Cerny in the presentation. "

Not according to digital foundry
"PS5 is predictable but it forces developers to make choices that won't be necessary on Series X. I think fixed clocks are a better choice in this case BUT we'll see how it goes."

Why would developers have to make choices on PS5 if the clocks are set at the max like you are saying?

VariantAEC1513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )

The PS5 power input is throttled
(Source: YouTube->Channel-"Play Station"-Video-"The Road to PS5"-Time-"35:00& ;quo t; - can't use HTML in comments here's a link: https://youtu.be/ph8LyNIT9s... ) as you can see PS5 varies its clock speeds rather than its power input meaning thermal performance should never be exceeded. The reason for that as Cerny explains is because from the get go they created a cooling system for the hottest thermal point the hardware can handle.
Fan noise should be minimal on PS5.

VariantAEC1513d ago

Those official docs should tell you the GPU clock frequency tops out at 2.23Ghz not 2.33Ghz.
This is what Cerny stated in The Road to PS5 video I linked to earlier.

rainslacker1513d ago

It probably was 2.23 then. I read them before I started working at home. But it doesn't change the rest of the stuff I was saying.


That quote said nothing about it being a boost mode. I'd take Cerny's direct description of what the processor does, that anyone can go rewatch if they want, where he said they slow the processor down if the program doesn't need the power. The dev can make a choice to force it to run at full speed, but that full speed is not a boost mode, which is what this discussion is about.


Yes, official docs. Unless after all these years you still want to question my credentials.


I'm done talking about these official specs things until people wrap their head around this stuff better. It's feels like i'm banging my head against the wall fighting with people who just want to come to a conclusion based on varying other conclusions because they don't understand the tech in the first place. In this case, it's not even that hard to understand, so if people want to believe it's a 9.X TF processor that boosts in short bursts, go ahead. Won't matter in the end. Games will look good, and run good, so who really cares in the end?

GottaBjimmyb1513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )

@VariantAEC you just literally posted a video saying exactly what I said, what eurogamer said, what techradar said and basically the opposite of rainslacker.

Cerny says:
"Then, we went for a variable frequency strategy, which is to say we run the CPU and GPU in boost mode ... then we increase the frequency of the CPU and GPU until they reach the capabilities of the systems cooling solution."

This specifically says it is in boost mode, though it can run this for a sustained time-frame, it does mean that is the max performance and will ONLY go down from there.

"Rather than run at a static frequency and let the power vary based on workload, we run at constant power and let the frequency change based on workload."

This mean temperature will determine the frequency. If you don't understand how it works, that would explain why you thought he was saying whatever it is you are claiming he is saying.


So this does change one thing, since they are making a static power consumption, temperature is likely to be the sole limiting factor and probably means it will have a very stable life-span, but the frequency will be temperature dependent which means all the other negatives will be more apparent than I first assumed, not less.

You keep saying he said it will go lower as needed, but that need is temperature, 2.23Ghz (GPU) and 3.5Ghz (CPU) are the max, it cannot go higher, so obviously lower is the only option, your conflation that that means it will only go lower to save power was never stated. In fact, he said the EXACT opposite, that the power consumption is 100% static. However as quoted above, he specifically said that the frequency will vary in use based on temperature, you just don't know that is what he said because he didn't say it that way and you are uninformed. Obviously he would use the wording that sounds the best, not the worst. However what you have said is not accurate, even using Cerny's own words, you have just made it out of pure imagination.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1513d ago
gamer78041514d ago

series x has a much higher shader count, for the most part depending on what third party developers do games will look better on the series x overall.

343_Guilty_Spark1514d ago

And dedicated ray tracing block

oakshin1514d ago

When it comes to that it's impossible for me to think about much untill someone reverse engineers the chips and I can get the whole story hell I'm happy with the specs 4k TV's will get all they can handle from these things and I see 3rd partys learning to use the ps5 audio chip for extra gpu(sadly) because they won't use it much otherwise it will just turn the ps5 into the harder console to develop for it will have to leverage it flexibility and the sx will just be the benchmark (maybe alot of unknowns with this new tech and future game design that can't be predicted in 2020)

HallowedSoul11514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

You better believe once warranty is up I'm changing the thermal paste to arctic MX-4. But with those overclocks I'd be surprised if Sony cheaps out on thermal paste like with the OG PS4.

1514d ago
Kakashi Hatake1514d ago

Can't believe people think this is a simple overclock 🙄

1514d ago
Zeref1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

The biggest differences we'll see is when it comes to raytracing capabilities.

XSX has 44 percent more raytracing hw than the PS5. That is a massive advantage right there.

It will be like 4K was this currentgen where PS4 Pro versions rarely hit native 4k. Except raytracing will be much more perceptible,we may see PS5 versions of games lack raytracing entirely.

anubusgold1510d ago

Those extra cu can mean 40 extra fps on xbox and You can get 4950 speed pcie 4.0 drives when x570 motherboards came out they are 200 dollars on newegg now

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1510d ago
1515d ago Replies(8)
Sharingan_no_Kakashi1515d ago

My only question is what are these "worse possible scenario games" Cerny mentioned. What kind of games will cause the ps5 to downclock?

jznrpg1515d ago (Edited 1515d ago )

Programmed poorly I bet . We won’t see worse case scenarios from graphics physics etc toward the end of the gen unless it’s programmed poorly . There were some indie games that ran like crap on PS4 and made it get hot

alb18991515d ago

When you want to combine 4K, 60fps and Ray Tracing on the ps5 will be compromise.

Aenea1514d ago

How's that then? Any logical reasoning behind your nonsense statement?

You gotta love the extreme fans on either side, saying crazy stuff without anything to back up their silly claims

Atticus_finch1513d ago

Your ego will definitely be compromised. Ps5 is really bothering you, isn't it.

alb18991513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )

The GPU of the series X Is more powerful and there is the directX 12 ultimate....that along will make the Ray Tracing better on the SX. Ok
Ps5 focus on their conference in what seems to be their advantage: sound..... wish is not clear that will be better and faster output or SSD wish will make ps5 have better load times and maybe help the overall system a little bit.
I'm sorry if that makes me a fanboy but when I read too much boost I feel that Sony is trying too hard to no look weaker and could end with a new generation red ring of death.
I don't have to be a NASA scientist to interpreted that the SX will be capable to support more weight without any compromise and ps5 will be compromise with less weight.

rainslacker1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

I dunno, but I suspect it will involve the menu systems of games. There seems to be this thing where they don't limit the render clock, which causes these huge spikes in processing since there isn't much going on with them. Quite a few games have had this issue this gen....and a lot of them were from Sony.

Otherwise, if a game doesn't need the power, it will downclock. If the system starts to overheat, it will downclock.

Despite what some people are saying, the 10.2TF speed is not some random boost mode that it may achieve sometimes, but rather, the other way around.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi1514d ago

That could be. Cerny did mention Horizon Zero Dawn's map screen causing ps4 pro's fan to go wild and I have experienced that myself. He said it had something to do with the kind of geometry. Processing dense geometry takes less power than processing simple geometry.

super_bruno1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

Consoles are always pushed to the metal, what makes you think these two new consoles won't

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1515d ago
Vanfernal1515d ago

It comes down to games. That's what really matters.

hamburgerhill1515d ago

Yes but specs matter as well. If not then just stick with ps4 or Xbox one.

Vanfernal1515d ago

Right... Cause we know how much of a flop the Switch has been. /s

PS1 and PS2 were the weakest consoles of their respective generations and the most successful by far.

It's JUST about the games. Next gen isn't even here yet and people are acting like the difference between the systems is so big that it's gonna hinder them. If one console runs multi platform games and 4K 60fps and has killer exclusives, and the other runs the same multi platform games at 4K 120fps but has no exclusive games, at the end of the day the one with the better game library will be the best one.

Vx_1515d ago

Switch is destroying the Xbox right now.. and it’s a much much weaker machine... for us gamers we are only interested in the AAA exclusives and unique games of each machine and how good they are.

CaptainOmega1515d ago

“buT sPeCs mAtTeR tOO”

Yes. they do. Compared to PS4, PS5 is a much better console. Compared to the Xbox One X, Series X is a much better console. And compared to the Xbox One S, Series S will be a much better console. Comparing Series X to PS5 is not using common sense to say ‘buT Xbox is better”.

hamburgerhill1514d ago

This same argument happens every single generation. I agree games and (in my opinion) especially exclusives are what matter most. MS has a lot to prove this gen on the games front, unlike Sony or Nintendo. I say let them attempt to prove it, but at the same time don't knock them for making a really impressive console. That's not saying PS5 doesn't sound impressive as well.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

Can I play God of War PS5 on my PS4?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1514d ago
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ApocalypseShadow10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

I was impressed with the trailer and hoped to find out more and then it fell off the map with no new information. Not sure if it's vaporware or not but I stopped thinking about it and moved on. Maybe it was moved to a new and improved engine, moved to PS5 development and suffers the long Dev times that many games had/have suffered from lately. Who knows. But we'll see.

As for gaming bolt, that video was trash. A long winded video that says nothing for 7 minutes going back and forth on it may or may not still exist and just kept going and going and going trying to produce an informative video with barely any information. Like an article with a word quota that's just paragraphs of nothing. Showing me that they haven't gotten any better at game journalism. If we can even call it that.

XiNatsuDragnel8h ago

I'm interested in project awakening still

lodossrage4h ago

One of the directors for the game already said that game was still being worked on just last month....


DOMination-1h ago

It's coming out next year with Deep Down, Agent and Pragmata!

Christopher1h ago

It's trying to not go woke. Okay, I'll see myself out.

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