
TeamTeabag: All Star Cheerleader (Wii Review)

Tigervamp writes:-

To all the manly men out there who'd instantly turn their nose up at this type of thing in order to prove how masculine they are - it's not as though you're being asked to wear your hair up in bunches and don a cheerleader outfit. If you manage to put your club down long enough to give this game an opportunity there's a good chance you'll find yourself chasing those trophies.

The graphics are sufficient although they could certainly do with a bit of polish while the animations are of a pretty high standard considering the game makes use of motion captured cheerleader routines. I'm sure the selection of music in this game will appeal to young children although I happen to believe that the Jonas brothers have been sent to earth to test the patience of anyone who appreciates good music. Having said that, the music on offer is very reminiscent of the type of thing you'd find in Bring It On so if that's the experience you're aiming for then this will be right up your street.

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