
Mixing It Up With Fuser - PAX East 2020 Preview

Fuser is the latest music/rhythm game from Harmonix. With elements from their previous games like Rock Band and Dropmix, Fuser will have you moving to the mixes you create.

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8 new tunes come to FUSER in July - both free and paid

Neil writes: "We've seen Harmonix keep FUSER fresh by pushing out a host of DLC and new features over the months since release, and it doesn't seem like they are going to be letting up on the content front anytime soon. July 2021 will see no less than 8 new tunes arrive in game, with both free and paid options keeping the DJ 'em up rocking."

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FUSER turns up the heat with host of new free and paid DLC tracks

Neil writes: "It's a busy old time back at FUSER HQ, with the Harmonix team and those behind the DJ 'em up having recently pushed out a huge free update centred on the new Diamond Stage. But for all the features and improvements in the world, it's the tunes that are the stars of the entire FUSER experience, and what is planned to drop throughout June sees the heat get turned right up."

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1097d ago
CrimsonWing691097d ago

I keep forgetting about this game. I’d actually want to check it out.

CYALTR1097d ago

It's pretty fun. I picked it up for $30 a couple of months ago. Not sure I'd pay the full $60, but as an old Rockband guy, it's fun.

CrimsonWing691097d ago

Yea i'm definitely waiting for a sale.


FUSER shines like a Diamond with a huge free update

Neil writes: "After nailing Rock Band for many years and having provided a dancing experience in Dance Central that allowed the music to continue to flow, there were high hopes for what Harmonix were going to do with FUSER - their DJ 'em up, when it launched at the back end of 2020. For the most part they delivered too, but that's not stopped them from continuing to enhance the base game with a plethora of new DLC. Now though it's time for the Harmonix team and the FUSER world itself to step up to the next level, with the introduction of the Diamond Stage."

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