
StarCraft Doom Mod aims to replace all Doom monsters with StarCraft units, version 0.3 released

According to its description, StarCraft Doom will replace all monsters/enemies with units from Blizzard's strategy game.

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It Seems Pretty Clear Why StarCraft 3 is Not a Thing Yet

Even though fans have been clamoring for a StarCraft 3 for years now, it seems like Blizzard really has no reason to spend time making one.

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StormSnooper199d ago

They sort of ran the story as far as it could go.

Also, it seems like blizzard is more busy with mediocrity at this point in time.

Jingsing199d ago

The problem with Blizzard is they have franchises that don't need sequels. People are happy playing the games that they previously made. What they need is new games, none of this business of trying to transport the old audience into a new version of an old game which only ends up nickle and dime'ing users.


DOOM Games Ranked - What is the best DOOM game?

BLG writes, "Plug in your electric guitars and start shredding; we’re making a list of the DOOM games ranked.

Trying to decide the best DOOM game is like deciding who your favorite child is. You love every one of them, imperfections and all."

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bloop663d ago

I don't understand the hate Doom 3 got, but the original has to be tops for me too.


John Romero, DOOM II Co-Creator, Release New Level For Ukraine

For the first time since 1994, John Romero has given DOOM II fans a new level. The level is a product to provide support to Ukraine. 100% of the proceeds from the level will go to Red Cross and the UN Central Emergency Response Fund.

mastershredder822d ago

Actions that are actually doing something to help. That's really cool. Refreshing to see this after the armies of companies do their grandstanding me-too do-nothing support message online for all to see.

DefenderOfDoom2822d ago

Looking forward to JOHN ROMERO'S new DOOM 2 episode.