
Super Crush K.O. (Switch) - EnthusPlays

Aaron plays some Super Crush K.O. for the Nintendo Switch and enjoys punching the things in their faces for cat-rescuing purposes.

Full Disclosure: This game was provided to GameEnthus by the PR rep, publisher or developer.
Genre: 2D brawler, action
Developer: Vertex Pop
Publisher: Vertex Pop
Platform(s): Switch, PC
Player(s): 1
Price: $19.99

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Five Indie Beat-‘Em-Ups to Play if You Loved TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge

Half-Glass Gaming: "If you enjoyed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge, here are five more indie beat-'em-up games you should check out."

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Terry_B699d ago

Fight N Rage and Double Dragon neon belong into this list.

ZeekQuattro698d ago

Surprised to see someone mention DD: Neon. I loved it but it seemed like I was the only one as most people just dunked on it when it was first released on the PS3. Fight N Rage is also a good one. I liked Raging Justice but it doesn't hold a candle to the other games you mentioned.

HeliosHex698d ago

How can you leave out fight N Rage that game is awesome.

Venoxn4g698d ago

Nobody mentioned Castle Crashers.. now thats bad

DazaMc698d ago

Guardian Heroes is only £1.69 on the Xbox store, just picked it up yesterday. It's still amazing.

isarai698d ago

Been playing 9 Monks of Shaolin, definitely deserves to be on this list


Super Crush KO PC review - A very fun, beautiful, charming, but extremely hard platformer - TGG

"Super Crush KO” is a very fun, beautiful, charming, but extremely hard platformer that should bring you many hours of joy (or torment, depending on how you see it/your skill level as a player) if you’re into action/brawler/bullet-hell platformers." - Nicholas Kingsley, TGG.


The Most Underrated Games of 2020

GameCrate: "It happens every year. There are so many game releases that we just can’t keep up with all of them. It’s a shame, because a lot of times, some truly outstanding titles don’t get the hype or recognition they deserve. Other times, they do but are quickly forgotten. Worse still, sometimes these underdog games go almost completely ignored. These games might not have been on many “best of” lists this year, but they’re still worthy of recognition and they’re totally worth playing."

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rlow11252d ago

Some good jems in there. I wish I had the time to try alot of these.

TheSanchezDavid1251d ago

Yeah, time constraints are the reason I missed some really good games this year. I was glad to play these. And I know something like Wasteland 3 is a pretty big time commitment, but it's def recommended if you get the chance. Same with Paper Mario: The Origami King. So good!

1251d ago
IanTH1250d ago

Lol - I know you meant "gems", but I couldn't help but remember this super random 80s cartoon.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jem_(TV _series)

rlow11250d ago

Lol, I totally misspelled that one. I remember the cartoon you linked up. Never watched it, but good memory.

PS-Gamer-19861251d ago

Imo paper mario was an awesome game. Enjoyed every second of it. That being said i didn't play the other paper mario games

Kabaneri1251d ago

Immortals is surprisingly good.

TheSanchezDavid1250d ago

Haven't played that but it definitely looks interesting.

MadLad1251d ago

Serious Sam 4 just continues the decline of the series.
Wasteland 3 should have been on more goty lists, and West of Dead was also great.

CantThinkOfAUsername1250d ago

I wonder, what does Serious Sam need to do in order to gain traction?

MadLad1250d ago

It's always going to be a somewhat popular, though still niche series.
The problem is they never figured out how to evolve it.
Serious Sam 3 was really just a Frankenstein monster of a game cobbled together from the assets from a canceled project.

4 did a lot better, but it's still hanging on the drab aesthetics of 3. They really need to examine what made Serious Sam 2 ... well, serious Sam 2.

TheSanchezDavid1250d ago (Edited 1250d ago )

Yeah, I was a bit surprised that Wasteland 3 wasn't mentioned more in GOTY discussions/videos/articles.

Also, I actually really loved Serious Sam 3 -- it's prob my favorite in the series.

KyoSiegfried861251d ago

Origami King was bad. Horrible and annoying battle system, no rpg elements. Story was fun but not better or worse than most entries in the series.
Sticker star was even worse, but I’m not going to say that is good because of that.

Serious Sam 4 is not good either.

Battletoads.... not a bad game, i liked it.

TheSanchezDavid1250d ago

There have been a lot of cool beat 'em ups, and I thought Battletoads did a good job of bringing that classic style of action with some nice refinements and a Saturday morning cartoon coat of paint.

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