
Sony Wants to Know if You Want PS4 Remote Play on Nintendo Switch, Portable DualShock Controller

Sony’s doing some research into PlayStation 4’s popular Remote Play feature, potentially teasing some tantalising new ways to play.

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Gazondaily1594d ago

Very interesting. Sony is quite naturally looking at making its games available on other platforms too. Would be a good move and a big one at that if you could play PS games on Switch and mobile

Thunder_G0d_Bane1594d ago

Well the good thing here is that you still need a PS4 to use remote play so Sony literally doesn't miss out on anything by having this feature on the Switch.

It just helps push their hardware and software even more,

And it's a win win for us consumers. Play where You Like!

UltraNova1594d ago

Exactly, its a win win for Sony.

1594d ago
Gazondaily1594d ago (Edited 1594d ago )

"Well the good thing here is that you still need a PS4 to use remote play so Sony literally doesn't miss out on anything"

Lol how is that a good thing??

Edit- beaten by Havik above.

darthv721594d ago (Edited 1594d ago )

I dont have a switch, but my son does and he has the ps4 and xbo as well. To be able to use his switch for remote play of xbo AND ps4 would be sweet. Right now I use my vita to stream from ps4 and I use my galaxy S6 to stream from xbo. Being able to use both services on the switch would be the icing on the cake.

One device that can be used for switch, ps and xb games... OH MY

1594d ago
nucky641594d ago (Edited 1594d ago )

it's only a "win-win for consumers" if you want to play in different places. i never do so it's a non-factor to me. so i hope any update for this would be optional as i'd never use it.
edit- sounds good for those who would use it, though.

1594d ago
FallenAngel19841594d ago

You can already Remote Play anywhere you like with good internet

AspiringProGenji1594d ago

It's a good thing in the sense that Sony also receives support of their product instead of making it not neccesay

how is not a good thing? Do you really need everything given to you that easy without any trade?

Zeref1594d ago

why does it matter to you if you need a playstation or not? PSNow is already on PC. What would be the disadvantage for you if it came to switch?

Muzikguy1594d ago

@Havik and Septic

You don't have to be a shareholder to want a company to do well. I game on the systems so of course I'd want them to do well so the games keep coming. Sony making money for this to continue is a good thing


It baffles me as well

S2Killinit1593d ago

I thought it goes without saying but I guess it has to be explained: its a good thing that you need a PlayStation to play PlayStation games because the business model where games are bought through a console maintain the relevance of consoles, and the integrity of high quality games. Imagine a scenario where you can buy and play PlayStation games on any device and without even having to buy it on a PlayStation, in which case the name PlayStation is merely a placeholder for a service or “digital store/catalogue” of games. If that happens, this digital service/store no longer serves gamers, rather it becomes a place where whatever can sell more, will become the norm. Gone are the quality games, replaced by money grabs, microtransaction fests, and flooded with only the newest trend that makes money at the lowest cost. Case in point: mobil phone gaming.

mikeslemonade1593d ago

No I don’t want to play PS games with a bunch of latency on a screen the size of my phone and with crappy 720p resolution.

Xavi4K1593d ago


for now...I'm sure they will also allow it through the cloud that's why the gave Microsoft that big fat ass check

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1593d ago
SLiSH831594d ago ShowReplies(4)
SpaceRanger1594d ago

Lmao talk about reach. It’s about remote play, which means you still need a PS4.

Considering the vast majority have this preferred combination of consoles, it would make sense. And it would avoid another PS Vita being made.

Teflon021593d ago

I want a new PS portable system. While Nintendo gots good games. The prices and lack of proper system features is what makes me hate using it. Those are 2 things I don't see them fixing either sadly

Nyquist2891593d ago

The Vita is fantastic if you know how to hack and mod it. Best console I've acquired for a long time.

Nyquist2891593d ago

The switch doesn't appeal much to me. Shoddy build quality. Nintendo games aren't my cup of tea either. So much cutesy crap. The wii was weird. Building a whole console around the imprecise motion control. Good for casuals I suppose.

SolidGamerX1594d ago (Edited 1594d ago )

This isn't making games available on other platforms this is allowing their games to be remote played from Playstation on another device, you still need a PS4 to play the game. In reality its actually just asking the community a question and depending on the answer it might not happen at all.

"Lol how is that a good thing??"

More money for Sony = better games and more of them for Playstation gamers.

Muzikguy1594d ago

Remote play is a plus for Sony and consumers. Doesn't mean they're trying to release their games on the Switch.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1593d ago
Xaevi1594d ago

A thousand times yes on remote play on Switch!

crazyCoconuts1594d ago

Would be awesome, but I can't see Nintendo allowing this. Would be a big shift in their culture/identity

porkChop1593d ago

They allow XBL sign-in and achievements on Switch, so why would this be an issue? This would be advantageous for them. New functionality for the system, and for free? Come on, Nintendo would never say no to that.

crazyCoconuts1593d ago

@porkchop, XBL login only from within Minecraft, which the gamer paid for via a Nintendo store. That's different than a free app that allows you to pay other platform titles on the switch without Nintendo getting a cut.

King_Noctis1593d ago

It would be better on the Switch, especially when it comes to full controller buttons.

Segata1594d ago

If the lag is better than it was on Vita then yes.

Welshy1594d ago

I never personally had any major issues with latency on my Vita. Streaming as a whole is just dependent on your internet connection.

Even if the latency isn't 100%, being able to fire up less reflex intensive titles or even just use the store/messaging would be pretty sweet on the larger screen and real buttons on the switch vs phones.

Segata1594d ago

I have Google fiber with 500 mega bit internet. Still get severe lag on Vita. In fact the PS4 dropped the signal a few times.

jivah1593d ago

Lag on it was just bad. Wifi 6 (ax) just came out. It's not widespread but hopefully it gets adopted fast. It focuses on speed, performance and battery life. That said I cant see any of this really working without an improved protocol that focuses heavily on reducing latency. Maybe wifi 7 but who knows

crazyCoconuts1594d ago

Latency wasn't a big issue for my on my Vita. Not having shoulder buttons or clickable thumbsticks was though. If they had that I'd still have my Vita for remote play alone

Shiken1593d ago

The VITA was only able to use 2.4 wifi. Switch can use 5, so yes it should be much better for solid connections.

Segata1593d ago

And for whatever reason. Nintendo put a cap on it. You can't go over a certain speed. I think it caps at 60.

Shiken1593d ago (Edited 1593d ago )

Yeah Sony did the same thing with the PS4. Still MUCH faster than what the VITA was able to do with 2.4.

MeteorPanda1593d ago

l remember l was playing ff14 on ps4, went to the toilet with remote play on vita as l waited for raid team to set up. was gathering l think. then l saw the ready checks and the leader saying we had only 3 attempts this raid and we had to go asap...l was on remote play and was the tank. told them and they didnt care. so l tanked savage alex on the toilet on vita and managed to do it. raid was laughing at my torment, fucking had bruises on my knees lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1593d ago
TheEnigma3131594d ago

Good Sony is expanding remote play. Very underrated feature.

HeisenbergX1594d ago

Since i have a switch and a playstation i would say yessss why not

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