
New Sony Controller Patent Shows Last Minute Update to PS5's DualShock?

A new patent filed by Sony will give its PS5 controllers, or 'input devices,' a set of new buttons with unique functions on their backsides.

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ApocalypseShadow1593d ago

And what gamer doesn't love nice features and a good backside? Lol! J/K

If true, I can't imagine what kind of gameplay can be added with more buttons. It would have to be proven like Ape Escape did a long time ago with the dual shock.

Right now with the amount of buttons currently, and the announced haptic feedback, is enough for me. Unless Sony figured out something I needed that I didn't know I wanted. We'll just have to wait and see.

RpgSama1592d ago

I would use them for L3 and R3, hate to press down the stick to use those, if they are programmable buttons I would find a lot of uses for them depending on the game, sometimes you just want a quicker reaction time and these buttons would allow you that.

Abnor_Mal1592d ago

Very good reason for those back buttons, and why the PS4 back button peripheral is not worthless as some have stated.

Always hated pressing R3 or L3 to slow breathing when sniping which would cause my character to move when I want them to stay still behind cover.

bouzebbal1592d ago

I have a feeling ps5 will make x1sx look like 3 generations old...
It is too simple, nothing futureproof and no unique tech.. revealed too early too soon ..

1592d ago
fr0sty1592d ago

I always thought that the PS4 back button add-on was released to ensure PS4 would be able to have some forward compatibility with PS5 games coming (yeah, forward... I think PS4 is going to be come the low tier of the PS ecosystem, able to play some PS5 games at greatly reduced settings, and PS5 is going to cost more than we might think, with Pro being the mid-range, and eventually PS5 Pro pushing things even further.

indysurfn1592d ago

I like how the option button looks like it has more space for my fat fingers now. Space between it and the screen.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1592d ago
Tetsujin1592d ago

I prefer R1 for fire in my games, and R3 for reloading. I can't stand games where the controls are standard and can't be changed.

Tetsujin1592d ago


I know, through the PS4 menu. Problem is each game I play has a different setup, so hopefully either all games have some sort of remapping option, or the controller can allow for multiple game configs so I can switch without much headache.

Enturax1592d ago

You don't play fighting games, do you?

KwietStorm_BLM1592d ago

Controllers with extra buttons have existed for years, and really should be standard at this point with how complex game design has gotten. If the way you're thinking is you can't imagine what kind of "gameplay can be added", I'm assuming you've never used one of these controllers.

ApocalypseShadow1592d ago (Edited 1592d ago )

I've used multiple controllers since Atari days. Even off brands. Too many buttons didn't add to the experience. Just made you press another button by mistake. Although I did like the Sega Genesis 6 button controller for Street Fighter 2. And the Sega Saturn controller for fighting games like King of Fighters and I imported Japanese games then by using this adapter
This part is for enturax. I probably played fighting games before he was born.

I do like what rpgsama and Mal said about L3 and R3. Sometimes when trying to run or activate something, pressing down on the analog didn't happen the way I wanted.

Like I said though. Sony would have to prove to me that my controller experience will be better than what I'm using currently like the games that used the dual shock back on PS1.

JackBNimble1592d ago

Well look at all the extra buttons pc gamers have . I'm sure it wouldn't take much to figure out what to use them for.

ILostMyMind1592d ago

I once tried to play The Witcher 1 on PC. When the tutorial showed me the twentieth button, I gave up.

JackBNimble1591d ago

So why didn't you use a controller?

KwietStorm_BLM1592d ago

No dude I'm not talking about different platforms over the generations, I'm talkin about "pro" controllers with paddles on the back or side or just extra buttons. Scuf, Xbox Elite, Nacon, etc. You know like the upcoming attachment for the Dualshock 4?

ApocalypseShadow1592d ago (Edited 1592d ago )

I wasn't just talking about platforms either. That's why I mentioned "off brands." Even PC mouses with multiple buttons and controllers.

I'm fully aware of what you were saying. I didn't miss it.

Anything added needs to add to PlayStation gameplay. Like sixaxis or the light bar for VR or the touch button. There has to be a reason why if they decide to add to PS5. I just can't figure out what that would be.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1591d ago
Thundercat771592d ago

Last minute update? Is the Dual Shock 5 going to release on January? Because that would be a last minute update.

How a change on a device that is going to be released almost a year from now is called a last minute update is beyond me.

Fluttershy771592d ago

Well because devices that will release a year from now, for the most part must be ready now, at least on their design (that's why it is a last minute update) if any of these crap is real :)
That's why this is news.
I mean an update that introduces major changes on the design of the dualshock for the PS5 announced the 15th of november 2020, its not a last minute update: it is an impossible scenario

ILostMyMind1592d ago

You don't know what the DS5 will be like or Sony's goal. Nothing said until the PS5 reveal will be "a change.

Wasabi1592d ago (Edited 1592d ago )


**"Last minute update?"**

See where you're coming from Thunder, but I think by last minute it means patents in place, licenses obtained for wireless communications and device tested for safety.

Even minor changes require months of certification, planning and testing prior to release, not to mention the amount that need to be manufactured to meet the PS5 demand on day one.

But yeah, last minute update does sound strange when you think of it as any normal person would.

Tross1592d ago

Are you applying logic to games journalism? A waste of thought if you ask me. I agree though.

DaDrunkenJester1592d ago

Because typically major changes dont happen less than a year out. A lot of money and testing goes into these designs and deciding to install and program additional buttons this late is kind of last minute.

At this point the systems and accessories should be going through final design approvals and testing and getting ready for production.

Saigon1592d ago

I look at it like this, if it isn't in mass production it isn't late. This may be late to us based on the timing, but in most cases, companies have the prototype(s) ready before the patent is in place. It may also be the case that the patent office may have took a while to approve this revision before making it public, which happens all the time.

I honestly believe that this was a revision they made a while ago and it's just going public. I say that because the new device added for the DS4 wasn't something that was just randomly thought of, Sony was planning that peripheral and i believe it came due to the potential of the DS5.

So this isn't a last minute revision.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1592d ago
bluebenjamin1592d ago

Best feature on a controller is the amount of play time it provides before needing another charge hopefully the Ds5 battery will be powerful enough to to send power for all the functions without dying out too fast or at least make the battery easily replaceable for those who want more we shouldnt be tethered so much on these new consoles

ShadowWolf7121592d ago

Best feature on a controller is a good D-Pad and durable triggers tbh.

1592d ago
yomfweeee1592d ago Show
bluebenjamin1592d ago

So are y’all saying you want it to have the same battery 🔋 life play time as the Playstation 4Dual Shock? If so I find that shocking!!!Why wouldn’t you ask for more???

CuVe1592d ago

The Ps4 controller lasts 12-13 hours for me with dualshock enabled. If you play more than that a day then you have sething very wrong with your life...

IamTylerDurden11592d ago (Edited 1592d ago )

The DS5 is sounding very nice with the haptic feedback and stick technology.

The built-in mic is also a smart feature.

Hopefully the new ergonomic design feels good because i've grown quite attached to the DS4.

Back buttons or paddles would be a bold move to incorporate into a standard launch controller, perhaps they will provide multiple iterations of the DS5? Or perhaps it will become the standard and the recently announced DS4 paddle add-on is a way to bring the DS4 up to speed, especially on crossgen games that may heavily incorporate a back button or paddle oriented control scheme into their games.

rlow11592d ago

Sounds very interesting............it will be real interesting to see what they come up with.
Going by the tidbits we've glimpsed so far about the console and controller. This upcoming gen is shaping up to be something really special........if they make these features the default controller, then interaction in games should be amazing.

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