
PS3 controller adds touchpad interaction

Sony is introducing a new accessory for the PS3 controller. Soon, gamers will be able to snap on a wireless keypad that supports typing on the Playstation 3, including texting in the new Home environment and games like LittleBigPlanet.

In addition to the QWERTY keyboard, there are a couple of shortcut buttons – a Message Box button and a Communication button. But what's most interesting from a interaction standpoint is the new Touch Pad feature.

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Bob Dole5656d ago

Pointless if you have a usb/blutooth keyboard. But whateva.

monfa5656d ago

Obviously if you have a keyboard that you are happy with this is pointless but I personally will be getting this because I rather not sit on the couch with a bulky keyboard.

SL1M DADDY5656d ago

Agreed. I did not buy the Logitech 90 dollar huge keyboard that would look super gaudy next to my sofa but this one will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine. I like how small it is and being Sony, it will beat out that other small keypad that was put out by MadCatz.

Milky Joe5656d ago

Nice one Dole, thank god there are geniuses like you about to guide us morons... xD

Anyway, I will be getting this little piece of kit although the lack of 'F' buttons means I won't be able to use it for my MGO macros. Nevermind...

Daver5655d ago


im having a wireless keyboard for my ps3 but i prefer this keypad, its gonna be great

uie4rhig5655d ago

but.. ive always wondered how they would manage the touchpad part .. with all those buttons there, i wonder if it even will be easy to use .. guess ill have to find out..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5655d ago
UnwanteDreamz5656d ago

I'm confused is the touchpad feature gonna be like the touchpad on a laptop but covering the entire keypad? Neither one of you mention this feature, which is what the story is about.

Raoh5656d ago (Edited 5656d ago )

"The Touch Pad button allows PS3 users to use the entire surface of the keypad as a touch pad, allowing them to easily maneuver the pointer while web browsing, simply by sliding their finger on the keypad surface."

pressing buttons will work like a normal keyboard. gliding your fingers will work like a mouse.

at least that's what i got from it.

_____________________________ _________________

i would have said pointless too. but lately with the flash 9 push i've been using the browser more often. redeem codes etc

it sucks to have to get up and grab the keyboard to do some typing...

this can be kept nearby..

with games like white knight story and other MMO's coming out i could see this becoming more useful as well...

Panthers5656d ago

Im pretty sure WKC is not an MMO, it just has online Co-Op play.

INehalemEXI5656d ago

Yah, the co op plays like an MMO but its not a Massive Persistant World.

Panthers5656d ago

I hate that it is above the controller. It needs to be where your thumbs are.

5656d ago
Karum5656d ago (Edited 5656d ago )

It really doesn't NEED to be where your thumbs are.

I've never understood this logic, I have the madcatz keypad which is positioned the same way and it is perfectly fine where it is.

Having it on the bottom on the PS3 controlller would be more of an inconvenience imo.

lokiroo4205656d ago

You are very wrong, it needs to be by the power supply, unless you like two usb cables on one controller.

Karum5656d ago

Why would it need to be beside the power supply?

You're not another one of these people that think it's going to plug into that mini usb slot are you?

When they announced this device they said it would be compatible with other portable bluetooth enabled devices that have keyboard functionality such as a smart phone.

It's a bluetooth device that will charge via it's own USB cable and operate off it's own internal power source, there's no inherent need for it to be beside a power supply except for when you need to rehcrage it.

ud5656d ago

Does it affect the L1/R1/L2/R2 buttons? are they harder to reach or anything?

Karum5656d ago (Edited 5656d ago )

The Madcatz version? No not at all in my experience.

Here's a couple of shots I just took of mine.




I think the Sony one looks like it fits the controller a lot better, I don't really like the madcatz one but it idn't top heavy, doesn't interfere with the controller and does a job.

ud5655d ago

I only saw the pics from the front so I wasn't sure how it was placed. Bubbles for the info ;)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5655d ago
Capt CHAOS5656d ago

The keypad should be below the controller like on the 360, that'd work without getting in your way.

Kush_Reaper5655d ago

First comment and its a negative attitude. Why comment if you know you aint gone buy one huh? geez, do people think before they speak.


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Most Offensive Video Games That Would Never Cut It Today

Times are changing, and these games would have never been made in today's climate.

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thorstein51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Every single time someone uses this phrase whether it's music, movies, books, comics, video games, etc it's always the same claim.

The ubiquitous "they" won't allow it to be made. And every decade these claims are made the claimant completely ignores all the "offensive" material that is published when the claim is made.

In ten years, you can write a new article about how you can't make games like Helldivers 2, Resident Evil VIII, Mortal Kombat I, Dragon's Dogma 2, Alan Wake 2 etc etc etc any more.

MrBaskerville51d ago

Yeah, people wouldn't be constantly outraged if there weren't games that people found enraging. The whole SBI discourse shit wouldn't be a thing if all games were inoffensive. A game like Starfield can make a guy froth at his mouth, so there will always be room for a list like this.

0hMyGandhi50d ago

Normally, I'd be inclined to agree with you, but there are massive caveats.
TV shows like Venture Bros, Ren and Stimpy, and Aqua Team wouldn't/couldn't be made today. Hell, Ren and Stimpy was a *children's* show, same thing with Rocko's Modern Life.

It's not for some arbitrary reason, either. It's branding and IP alignment. Companies are far more risk-averse than they were when I was kid in the 90's. Of course, you have companies coming out of the woodwork to hell spur on similar content, but remember: Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon and some incredibly provocative material.

And for movies? it's pretty obvious. American Pie/Wedding Crashers/Eurotrip among many other "raunch coms" have fallen out of style, and are absolutely outside what the modern day film industry is willing to stand by.
Ace Ventura 1 and 2, Dumb and Dumber, Freddy Got Fingered, Rat Race, Harold and Kumar, and Van Wilder follow suit.

Remember: I am not explicitly talking about films put onto streamers. I am talking wide-releases in actual theaters. Same thing goes for games: Carmageddon, Duke Nukem, Manhunt, Six Days In Fallujah (with their original concept), Hatred, and so on and so forth. Of course, I'd be inclined to mention most tactical shooters like Rainbow Six and Joint Ops as well, due to cultural sensitivity regarding *who* you are shooting and why.

And not all of it is bad (obviously). Tastes change, and perspectives change to fit the demographic.
I should add that I'm a lefty, living in L.A. Working in film.

thorstein50d ago

The Boys, Invincible, Jojo Rabbit, Deadpool, Gen V, Last of Us, Banshee... There are plenty of media being made today that people will claim "can't be made today".

Profchaos50d ago

Yeah but if you consider manhunt which was basically a snuff film could you seriously make that game with high than PS2 era graphics.

thorstein50d ago

The Outlast Trials just came out.

But the storyline of Manhunt was that you were executed. But then lived. And if you didn't do as you were told, you'd die. And the people you killed were not innocents.

It was all filmed by a psychopath.

As we speak GTA VI is being finished up for a release. You get to play a Bonnie and Clyde type of protagonist who run up against the law.

Bodycam looks so real.

People are making those games. Articles like this will always exist no matter how incorrect they are, no matter how many times they blame "them" for whatever it is "they" do to prevent "those" games from being made.

Number1TailzFan50d ago

The UK is the biggest junk country pandering to that nonsense as well, with laws against free speech and expression to match. It got so bad even Rowan Atkinson made a video on free speech about it.

Now the UK raises the age rating on harmless films like Mary Poppins, it's just a load of pansy weak ass nonsense.

MrDead50d ago (Edited 50d ago )

The right wing Tories have been in power in the UK for the 14 years you know the ones that are "anti-woke", blame them for your perceptions.

Killer2020UK50d ago (Edited 50d ago )

Are these snowflakes in the room with us now?

This is more faux outrage designed to get hits. The consequences are unfortunately creating hysteria amongst those willing to buy into it and blame "them" or "the left" or "liberals" meanwhile the left are kicking off about genocide, actual real world abhorrent acts. Nobody is campaigning to censor this shit.

Huey_My_D_Long50d ago

Not too mention the fact that some of these game are controversial for you know, underage porn and encouraging rape.

So either the guy just came in to comment snowflakes without reading anything, or he is calling people snowflakes for having a problem with said titles. Crazy how much brain rot someone can have.

banger8851d ago

Dead Island: "The early PC version of the zombie game swapped the playable character Purna’s Gender Wars skill with a prototype name, which shouldn’t be mentioned directly. The skill name made fun of both Purna as a character and feminists."

"Feminist Whore" lmao

gold_drake51d ago

ill add one more to the list.
drakengard 1.

its ridiculous tho, especially since they'd still be able to find their place in alot of places in the world. except america of course ha. and maybe Australia.

ppl are so sensitive these days. ha. but it is what it is.

Barlos51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

They're not offensive.

And we need another Fat Princess. Fantastic little game!

Some people just have no sense of humour if this sort of thing offends them. They need to lighten up and stop taking themselves so seriously.

Deeeeznuuuts51d ago

Would love a new fat princess game 🤟

CantThinkOfAUsername51d ago

Games literally about sexual assault, mass genocide, bombing civilians, and school shooting. None of which is satirical.

isarai50d ago

Actually it's about fat princesses

Huey_My_D_Long50d ago (Edited 50d ago )

Its crazy that people are fixated on Fat princess when clearly the list is going over controversies, and not all of them are equal. Like way worse examples but pretend the entire list is like that.

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Top 20 Best PlayStation 3 Games (20-11)

Alex DS. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Is the PlayStation 3 retro? This is a surprisingly hard question to answer as the system definitely has the age to be considered retro, having launched in 2006, over 15 years ago now. But with it being home to so many massive games, many of which still hold up today and in fact were released for the PlayStation 4 when that console was released, make the PS3 a retro console that doesn’t feel retro."

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shinoff2183737d ago

No ps3 is not retro. I dont even consider ps2 era retro. All imo.

shinoff2183737d ago

Typically, the term retro is given to items which are at least 20 years old (but not yet 40 years old).

Quick google search

badz149737d ago

No the PS3 is not yet a retro console. But if you're gonna put 1 game from a series in this list, then LBP2 should be there instead of the original, Motorstorm PR is also an overall better game than the 1st game and to put Tools of Destruction over A Crack in Time is a blasphemy when ACiT is the best game in the series.


An update on the LittleBigPlanet server and online services

Classic LittleBigPlanet servers are to be shut down permanently following hacks.
Sony’s drastic move comes after months of downtime for the older games.

darthv72968d ago

It was fun while it lasted. And some of the user created stuff was a blast to play with.

Snookies12968d ago

Whaaa-? That's crazy. Didn't expect it to be permanently shut down...

Teflon02968d ago

It's still up on PS4, they just shut down the PS3 end because hackers on PS3 can't be stopped and go on the game making announcements that can't be avoided without having to go back to all the old game codes and updating to remove the feature etc. It's one of those sad and garbage things where hackers ruined a good thing. I'm mostly sad about the Vita, I'm not sure if I have my music stages saved to my Vita, meaning they're gone forever if I didn't save them back to it. They were good too :(

Profchaos968d ago (Edited 968d ago )

Have to say I expected them to be permanently shut down problem would be in the underlying server architecture and possibly something like a depricated authentication protocol which has to be replaced that the PS3, PSP and vita can't support which is why they can't be securely restored on those consoles but the PS4 does support it.so lbp3 was restored on that.

Given the attackers were able to breach the server there was obviously a fear of lateral movement once inside their servers so I can't blame them for this and it makes sense despite the huge blow to the community millions of hours spent building that community.

Despite this blow I believe the millions of creations are going to be available via lbp3 and it's capability of backwards compatibility with user generated content so that's something to be thankful for still not a huge consolation to the many players who only own a older console but unfortunately that's the world we live in these games are old the older they get the more insecure the servers get which the company that make them.host them on and the more likely they need to be shut down.

MadLad968d ago (Edited 968d ago )

Feel bad for the people who dedicated so much time into this game.

Battlestar23968d ago

Nice edit to your troll comment.

MadLad968d ago (Edited 968d ago )

I reread the article, and changed it, to be as honest on the topic as possible.
Let's be real, it was an easy reaction to have considering their actions of late.

CaptainHenry916968d ago (Edited 968d ago )

He's been on a roll and it's comical 😁

RedDevils968d ago

This guy love stealth troll on playstation article as I see the pattern, but he doesn't want to admit that he's a MS fanboy.

Christopher968d ago

I am also sorry people enjoyed the online aspects of the game?

mikey15968d ago

TheRealTedCruz10h ago(Edited 10h ago)
Feel bad for the people who dedicated so much time into this game.***

I'm sorry for the PC fans port begging for Dreams to come to PC... You do realise that


Little Big Planet 3 PS4 - PS Now PC gameplay
224 viewsJun 26, 2020

LBP is on PS Now and PC right?? So less of the crocodile tears/crap when you stated PS Now was crap... Clue

The man who earned a job by playing LittleBigPlanet
By GamesRadar Staff March 03, 2015
***“We've hired four people from the LBP community" reveals Alex Evans, co-founder of UK studio Media Molecule and creator of LittleBigPlanet. Including one lucky soul who dodged death to get a job on LBP2. Enter John Beech, or 'johnee' to his PSN friends. Two years ago John was a builder with absolutely no qualifications to speak of. But now? He's a full time designer at Media Molecule working on LittleBigPlanet 2, one of the most anticipated titles on PlayStation 3. This is his story.***

Dreams players are being employed by game studios

3RD MAR 2020 / 11:49 AM
Posted by
Tom Ivan***

The CREATIVE CONSOLE creates JOBS... What are they using to Sculpt??


the failure that is the MOVE controller. lolol

John_McClane968d ago

Why would anyone disagree with your statement? I don't get get it.

mikey15967d ago Show
John_McClane967d ago

@mikey15 Actually my comment was for TheRealTedCruz. There is absolutely no good reason for all those disagree votes.

mikey15967d ago

John_McClane9h ago
@mikey15 Actually my comment was for TheRealTedCruz. There is absolutely no good reason for all those disagree votes.***

of course there is.. He was stealth trolling stating all LBP contributors wasted their time making levels for LBP... I pointed out that some of the contributors for LBP + Dreams have actually got JOBs because of the CREATIVE console. Just like Gran Turismo fans


***Team GT Academy Competing at the Nürburgring 24hr This Weekend with Kazunori Yamauchi
May 18, 2012 (updated Mar 13, 2016) · News Article
by Jordan Greer · 37 Comments***

If you are so clever, step up and show me where I was wrong, or keep schtum and we'll see what a hero "John Mclane" actually is. lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 967d ago
Battlestar23968d ago

Understandable they had to do this better to be safe then sorry. I just wish those right wing racists that hacked the servers and started posting homophobic slurs would get want they deserve a good few decades in prison.

Profchaos968d ago (Edited 968d ago )

That's the thing I guess if it wasn't them it would just be someone else and we would still be in this position regardless of their intent.

darthv72968d ago

What are you going on about?

Profchaos968d ago

The attackers breached and manipulated the servers to place abusive messages all over the game ccontent https://www.ruetir.com/2021...

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