
Death Stranding: Review – A Watershed Moment In Gaming | Remote Play

Remote Play: "After 40 hours of mystery, bewilderment, excitement, and connection- I’m finally happy to see the end credits roll. Death Stranding didn’t just live up to the hype – it exceeded them. While AAA Publishers are in lock step retreading familiar ground – Death Stranding bucks the trend by turning its back on conventional wisdom. Kojima isn’t afraid to tell players to think outside the box. Death Stranding is the type of game that comes once a decade. The type of game that ushers in gameplay loops, trains of thought, and leaves the familiar behind. It is a defining game of the generation. Game awards come and go – but Death Stranding will be talked about for years to come."

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Hardiman1667d ago

Good read and my sentiments exactly.

SwampthingsSon1666d ago

I'm confused. So when a small site reviews a game you're looking forward to as "bad" n4g puts them on blast, calls them "no name site" by a writer "no one knows."
When same site reviews a game you're looking forward to as "good" n4g says "good read" and the site is automatically credible? Interesting.

Hardiman1666d ago (Edited 1666d ago )

Not sure about anyone else but I haven't condemned any review. Now the bitter people (many of who create numerous accounts ) who haven't played the game and stalk articles about said game that's a different story entirely!

TheEroica1666d ago

Fanboys aren't concerned with a real critique, only that someone is supporting their opinions.

S2Killinit1666d ago (Edited 1666d ago )

I think most people are critical of clickbait journalists. So if a game is good but the reviewer is trying to get clicks by criticism, the natural reaction is to criticize the reviewer. So it all depends on the details, and that should be obvious, no?

1666d ago
rainslacker1665d ago (Edited 1665d ago )

Your confusion probably stems from the fact that the person you're responding to made no statement about the quality of the site, whether they felt the site was no name, whether they felt the negative reviews were bias(although he has done that elsewhere), yet you seem to be adding a lot of sentiments to his comment that aren't there.

All he said was that it was a good review, with no real supporting information on why he felt that. Whether it was because of the score being good, or maybe just well written.

What's more interesting is that you read so much into his comment. Well, not really, but here you are.

GrubsterBeater1665d ago


Yes. There are trees. It seems like the beginning area of the game is very devoid of any trees, and it seems like that’s where most of this footage is taking place at for some reason.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1665d ago
SolidGamerX1667d ago

Another perfect score. Some people just don't get it though some peoples brains are conditioned to think everything has to be run run run hide behind cover and pew pew pew and if you're not doing that then well it must be "boring". This is not a game for the twitchy ADHD Ritalin medicated crowd its a game for real thinkers and those that enjoy and appreciate something different.

SegaGamer1667d ago

You people are unbearable. Why can't you just accept that some people don't like it without acting like a snob?

TheColbertinator1667d ago

Because snobs took over the gaming industry.

sushimama1666d ago

HEY. ALL REVIEWS are accepted ok. But what people are saying is that, just because one person says the game is crap, does not mean that the game is crap. The people are defending the game against people that are always and constantly talking shit about it. Constantly putting it down. Constantly taking a dump on it. Every chance they get.
REVIEW BOMBING metacritic for no reason. THAT is what the people are defending. There is nothing wrong with the reviews where some people trashed the game.

OB1Biker1666d ago (Edited 1666d ago )

What hes saying isn't wrong though. He said 'some people' and doesn't generalise.
Dont take it personally.

Segata1666d ago

Never argue with a sycophant.

1666d ago
SolidGamerX1666d ago

And why can't people let others enjoy the game without shitting all over it. I'd call people who want label the gaming "boring" having never actually played it pretty unbearable. Furthermore why bother reacting to my comment at all it wasn't aimed at you, it wasn't personal, if you took it personal there must be a reason.

JackBNimble1666d ago (Edited 1666d ago )

Maybe it's about the hypocrisy of the psfanboys, you guy's do this all the time to the other side.

Take it like man bud...

SyntheticForm1666d ago

He's obviously trolling all you guys and you all bit down pretty hard.

darthv721666d ago (Edited 1666d ago )

@solid, are you able to follow your own words when it comes to something you may not like but others do? It can be extremely difficult to do but it can be so much more rewarding to simply agree to disagree instead of mob mentality of attacking something or someone over their choice to like or dislike something.

I am reminded by the mob and how they seem to attack anyone who tries to defend something from being shit on simply because that person may like whatever it may be. And yet then you see comments from some of those who partake in that mob and how they too want to defend something from time to time. It's all very petty and has really gotten out of hand, this gen especially.

I have said this repeatedly for years. We cant all agree on gaming all the time but we can agree we are all in the same hobby for the same reason. We enjoy playing games. Some may take sides (platform) but overall... in the grand scheme of things... we are all on the same side when it comes to just simply wanting to have fun and play some games.

Samonuske1666d ago

Agree with Sega gamer. Just cause you like this game doesn’t make you better than other gamers. Everyone has different tastes. When you insult people for not liking this game by insulting their taste you’re just as bad as the people that you’re trying to diss. Everyone enjoys different things. Get over it.

S2Killinit1666d ago (Edited 1666d ago )

Why cant you just accept that he doesn't agree with you? Stop being unbearably snobish.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1666d ago
yoshatabi1667d ago

I mean. ADHD people tend to be more deep and creative thinkers. Should've just said it's not for people with a short attention span or something

rainslacker1666d ago (Edited 1666d ago )

I have ADD, and I have no problem with games which require me to have an attention span.

Kind of tired of the misconception about what ADD/ADHD is. It's been perpetuated as people who have no ability to do anything without meds. That's just more people who have no attention span, which isn't the same as ADD or ADHD. It's just laziness or lack of focus. One is a medical condition involving the level of various chemicals in the brain, and is a physiological condition, whereas the other is just lack of discipline in the person in question.

ADD/ADHD has nothing to do with a person's creativity.

@drunken below

Ritialin is a treatment for ADHD. Those with ADHD who take ritilin probably would be more focused and be able to play the game....maybe even more so than someone without the condition. Ritalin doesn't make you twitchy if you actually have ADHD.

I've had ADD all my life, even before it was a well known condition. I didn't take meds until my late 20's. I could easily sit for hours playing and concentrating on a game.

JackBNimble1666d ago

You should have responded to your buddy solidgamer with your rant , after all, he's the one who made the offensive comment about adhd in the first place.

rainslacker1665d ago

Hmmm...yeah probably. I guess the context of your comment got lost so far down in the thread.

Sorry if I came across as upset with you, I was just venting, and tried to remain fairly neutral. But It is tiresome seeing people continuously talk about the condition as if they understand it, or generalize the results of properly diagnosed and medicated conditions, and substitute it with the false media narrative that kids are a problem because of over medication or false diagnoses, as opposed to just saying that a bunch of kids are impudent idiots, and that maybe some good old fashioned discipline to teach them to be civilized may be a good idea.

DaDrunkenJester1667d ago ShowReplies(9)
BLUEKNIFE1667d ago

This game is for high IQ people, that is why is not for everyone.

King_Noctis1667d ago (Edited 1667d ago )

So people can’t like it without being lamented as having “not enough intelligence” to understand this game?

Now I have seen everything.

Hardiman1667d ago (Edited 1667d ago )

Can't speak for anyone else but seeing some on here continually pop up in every article to say how bad they hate something they'll never play isn't something intelligent people would do. Seems like they just want to get a rise outta someone!

Now coming to say you like something you've played well that's completely normal. I don't go read articles about games I don't give a shit about.

1666d ago
King_Noctis1666d ago (Edited 1666d ago )

Implying that people are “Not intelligent enough” because they don’t like the game is abit over the top don’t you think? What does this game do to make you wanna pull your brain out and say “it is hard, I can’t figure how to play it”?

Oh and calling people childish because they don’t support SolidGamerX’s comment. Can you see the irony in that?

dumahim1667d ago

I graduated from Ritalin and went to Focusyn.

Atticus_finch1666d ago

You touched a lot of nerves with your comment. Lol

1666d ago
1666d ago
Doge1666d ago

I half-expected you to dish out the “you need a high IQ to understand Rick & Morty” line.

porkChop1666d ago

"Some people just don't get it though some peoples brains are conditioned to think everything has to be run run run hide behind cover and pew pew pew and if you're not doing that then well it must be "boring"

Come on, man. I've put quite a bit of time into the game, and while I like the game I completely understand why some people don't like it.

It *can* get boring at times. It *does* feel empty and lifeless. It *isn't* fun. The game was intentionally designed that way.

But not everyone will appreciate a game that isn't meant to be fun. That doesn't mean they have ADHD or that they only play shooters. Stop acting like you're above everybody else just because you like some game.

OB1Biker1666d ago

What's hard to understand with 'some people' though. It's not like he said 'everyone who doesn't like it'

porkChop1666d ago


Don't be naive. You're smart enough to know exactly what they were implying.

InUrFoxHole1666d ago

Or... the game is lame. I personally think it's boring but that doesn't make you wrong for liking it.

pornflakes1666d ago

Please post ur psn Account so we can see that u also played it instead of bashing bad reviews. Thank you

TheEroica1666d ago

This is possibly the dumbest comment I have ever read on a gaming forum, I'm sorry, but God killed 5 kittens after it was posted....

The nerve of some kid to shame you based on some made up group of "thinkers" playing with advanced sensibilities to any game is a laughable joke.... 5 kittens dude....

Gunstar751666d ago

"A game for real thinkers" hahaha oh, to be a true thinker like you. Some of us thick people just won't ever be able to understand such art.

Or it could be that you just like boring games... perhaps the rest of us like a bit of action, not bored one to a point that would send a battery chicken to sleep

SolidGamerX1666d ago

Don't take it so personal bud, its funny to me how many people have gotten so offended and personally bothered by what I said as if I was talking about them specifically, I guess if you felt the need to react there's a reason. I like games of all kinds, you labeling it as "boring" becasue it isn't "a bit of action" in your opinion is a sad cop-out and simply parroting what all the other trolls are saying but you're entitled to your feelings.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 1665d ago
telekineticmantis1667d ago

Uh oh someone's played more than 10 hours...

Knushwood Butt1666d ago

The same folks are here as expected, doing what they always do.

Must be a dry spell on their chosen platform.

As for me, just came off my seond session on DS and enjoying it. It's unique, which is precisely what I expected, and wanted.

Atticus_finch1666d ago

I'm barely about halfway, I think. And im loving the game. It isn't perfect, but it is enchanting.
I'm happy Kojima took a risk to build this world and it payed off.

jznrpg1666d ago

I’ve never played a perfect game

Kiwi661666d ago (Edited 1666d ago )

Do they even exist?

shingojacky1666d ago

You are right. It doesn't need exact perfection to have a full 10/10 score.

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Juancho51117d ago

Just got to chapter 5 and Im loving every second of this game. Phenomenal boss fight at chapter 4, and just great dialogue and story. What a GEM.