
Devs Wanted Modern Warfare to Be Slower for Newbies, Uses "Endless Places to Hide" as Selling Point

Modern Warfare's pace a bit slow for you? Infinity Ward has made it that way so newbies won't be stomped on by franchise vets; "endless places to hide" being used as a map selling point.

1nsomniac1679d ago

Haha. Wow really reaching with this one!

Slow and tactical is now for noobs...??.

Instantly know this article was written by an angry teen of the OCD generation. Upset because he can no longer snipe scope and now has to work a little for his kills.

Nitrowolf21679d ago (Edited 1679d ago )

What's reaching about it? It's what the devs said in an interview, they wanted to make it more slower to new players and offer them safe spots for hiding. That's hardly reaching when it's their word

excaliburps1679d ago

There's an actual transcript of the devs saying they are making it slower so newcomers can "breathe" or something.

KwietStorm_BLM1679d ago

It came straight from the mouth of a designer of the game, just like the article headline says. All I hear about is cancel culture, but every article or journalist gets immediately attacked on here for typing words. You don't even know what's legit or not anymore. You guys need to relax.

StarLink1679d ago

Regarding quickscopers there is hardly any in the game.

Fist4achin1679d ago

Geeze, does everyone get an achievement/trophy for pressing their start button as well?!

Hungryalpaca1679d ago (Edited 1679d ago )

Except this is exactly what the dev said about the map design...nice that you comment on titles only. Keep up the intelligent work.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1679d ago
2pacalypsenow1679d ago (Edited 1679d ago )

Doesn't mater since you still get sniped by a shotgun one shot from any distance, so it doesn't matter how slow you are.

I don't think I've ever played a COD where so many games end with time limit. I finished a game of TDM that had total team kills in the 30's because everyone camps.

MW(2019) might have some of the worst maps ever made for COD.

Nitrowolf21679d ago (Edited 1679d ago )

I love the gunplay but no one plays the objective. I bet scorestreaks would change that, but a majority of my games end due to the timer

They made a good feeling game with horrible decisions elsewhere

NealGamby1679d ago

Scorestreaks are in the game. Use them if you want.

Nitrowolf21679d ago


Well that yeah, but how many people are gonna use that lol. Killstreak promote people camping, scorestreaks at least rewards them.more for playing the objective

CDbiggen1679d ago

Lmao, scorestreaks are in the game sure...
...when you reach level 49

DaDrunkenJester1679d ago

I honestly haven't had too many camping situations. The drone perk helps identify those people as well. I do think the 725 should be toned down a bit, even though a slug shot can reach that distance, it's not exactly fun in game.

ramiuk11679d ago

the shotgun distance needs serious nerf imo ,theres a video on reddit of a shotgun snipe from so so so far away

ravens521679d ago

You guys must really get a lot of campers in your games or just exaggerating, I have had games that ended due to time and Ive played against campers. BUT not that often for either. I like the maps and I run and gun. Not for nothin but i think people throw that word around alot. I run and gun, say I run and gun you after that kill ill stop to make sure the coast is clear because people do move together sometimes and shoot anyone who follows up sometimes people will call that camping. Camping is staying in ONE spot and not moving for extended periods of time.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1679d ago
Kabaneri1679d ago

More like endless places to camp with your double barrel shotty and a claymore on each door.

Ricegum1679d ago

Isnt there a perk specifically to locate enemy claymores? But I do agree, the range on the 725 needs to be nerfed.

I do find it funny how no one complained about akimbo rangers in MW2 though.

Absonite1679d ago

Goddamned right no one complained about Akimbo!

2pacalypsenow1679d ago

They did lol, that's why they were patched and after that they were pretty much useless.

isa_scout1679d ago

Lol Everyone complained about akimbo rangers. There is a perk, but the claymores have such crazy range its impossible to avoid them without just camping with claymores of your own. Thus, everyone ends up camping.

ReadyPlayer221679d ago

Did you forget the akimbo Model 1887s nightmare that was early MW2? Those things were snipers pre-nerf

BlackTar1871679d ago (Edited 1679d ago )

The 725 is the worst in the last week 80% of my deaths are from the shotgun. It's annoying and makes me dislike anything but ground war.

NarooN1679d ago

Nobody complained about akimbo Rangers in MW2 because they weren't anything special. Almost everyone complained about the akimbo Model 1887s because they were beyond broken, which is why they got nerfed hard with a patch, and even then they were still really effective.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1679d ago
excaliburps1679d ago

And you have people like the 1nsomniac who are defending the game. LOL.

I didn't know being tactical meant camping.

Pickledpepper1679d ago

Actually being tactical can mean camping, its all about the way you think the best way to tackle a situation.
E.g to give you a tactical advantage, if everyone is running around like headless chickens and you can find a good spot to pick them off with a sniper rifle without drawing to much attention to yourself that's being tactical.

Hungryalpaca1679d ago

Well yes it does. If you play tactical games, especially games like the older R6 games, the AI has set patrol paths or rooms they’re hold up on. The tactics comes down to figuring out how to deal with them in various situations.

Tactical in terms of gameplay usually means slower methodical thoughtful combat. Which this cod has BUT there’s too many players often so if you’re trying to figure out how best to deal with said camper you get shot Im the back. So if you try to be tactical you get punished for it.

BlackTar1871679d ago

3 on 3 would be so nice with these cod maps and fix the 725.

Rebel-Dew 1679d ago

That is why i run around and throw c4 in every corner and room. Smoke bomb and c4, no more campers!

Profchaos1679d ago

Yeah I'd pay that I've out some hours into these new maps and mp does feel entirely different I find myself being cautious entering buildings as people hide behind doors and such.

It's not better or worse just different out in the open however it's the same old game.

But somehow I feel like mp took a backseat to the campaign and I love that

Muzikguy1679d ago

I'm just curious as to who these newbies are. Do they even exist? I would've thought everyone has played one or another COD by now

excaliburps1679d ago

I gather, there are always new people entering the franchise for the first time? For this, I assume IW was kinda targeting those who liked battle royale who might want to dabble in COD for the first time. This system of theirs made it so that these people can play slow, and still get a fair number of kills.

If you think about that perspective, it does make sense but it could have been handled much, much better.

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Garethvk1d 22h ago

Star Wars Outlawa has some real potential. I loved the Fallen Order games but the abundant timed jumps at times took me out of the narrative as they could be come frustrating. The branching options and status with factions looks great.

-Foxtrot1d 22h ago

Prince of Persia 2026…REALLY? And that’s all they had for us…a candle.

Jesus. Imagine if they didn’t give it to a shitty support studio and tried to sell us a sloppy remake years ago

Now we have (no hate on quality here) two PoP games no one asked for. We could have been anticipating a Warrior Within remake by now.

Elda1d 21h ago

LOL!! They should have even announced it. They should have just waited a year from now to announce it with some gameplay. Lame.

Terry_B1d 22h ago

Sorry for everyone who watched this ;)

LordoftheCritics1d 22h ago

Where's the quadruple A games?

Elda1d 22h ago

No surprises just updates on existing games & games that have already been announced. A lame show.

-Foxtrot1d 21h ago

The "could have been an email" type of show.

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