
Sony Interactive Entertainment Global Second Party Games head Gio Corsi leaves PlayStation

Gio Corsi, the head of Global Second Party Games at Sony Interactive Entertainment, left PlayStation as of last week, Corsi announced.

Segata1647d ago

He got Yakuza in the west and was a big reason western Vita gor pretty much any thord party support. This is a bummer.

nowitzki20041647d ago

I thank him, Yakuza is one of my favorite series.

1647d ago
Chocoburger1647d ago

He also played a role with "building the list" which helped get Yu Suzuki on stage for E3 to promote Shenmue III, among other games! Gio will be missed, and I hope whoever replaces him, keeps building the list that focuses on what the fans want, rather than what the shareholders want.


Segata1647d ago

Yikes sorry for the spelling errors. I was dead tired and didn't proof read.

Obscure_Observer1647d ago (Edited 1647d ago )

Lots of people leaving since Jim Ryan took over. Best of luck to you, Gio Corsi.

1647d ago Replies(1)
Jin_Sakai1647d ago

That fake concern. The team that launch PS5 will be much different that the team that launched PS4. Its good to get some fresh blood and continue moving forward. Can’t wait for PS5!

KwietStorm_BLM1647d ago

So did you not approve of the team that launched PS4?

1647d ago
Christopher1647d ago

***So did you not approve of the team that launched PS4?***

I actually had issues with those in management who were resistant to allowing third-party services and restricting cross-play features and wanted to treat the PS4 as it was above everyone else.

timotim1647d ago (Edited 1647d ago )

Fake concern huh? This was YOU, just because a PRODUCER left 343i just a few weeks ago...

"Jin_Sakai22d ago (Edited 22d ago )
There’s definitely trouble in paradise.

Especially when the creative director and now the lead producer leaves before the game is finished.
Agree 80Disagree 83"

But you have Shawn Layden and multiple key talent and executives leaving Sony before PS5 launches and he isn't allowed to be concerned? Really??? Such hypocrisy...

SolidGamerX1646d ago

Exactly lots of fake concern from people who admittedly don't even own Playstation consoles.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1646d ago
KwietStorm_BLM1647d ago

Really hope all these long time members leaving doesn't mess up the brand.

GaboonViper1647d ago

I fear for the PS brand, its going the way of Mattrick and Spencer during the launch of Xbone.

MasterCornholio1647d ago

And wheres your proof of that?

I mean your claiming that they are going to screw up the PS5 so im wondering where you are getting the information from.

GaboonViper1647d ago

Just worried fam, all these people leaving, especially Layden, has got me spooked.

1647d ago
MasterCornholio1647d ago

Doesn't mean Sony will pull an Xbox One with the PS5. Alot of the plans are already set in stone for the system plus many of Sony studios will produce really good games for it. I personally am not worried about this.

THC CELL1647d ago Show
rainslacker1647d ago (Edited 1647d ago )

How so? As far as I can tell, Sony hasn't laid off the releases in the last two years of PS4's life to stack the PS5's launch line up. Sony hasn't shown any interest in changing their business paradigm to an all services machine the way MS did, and there are no rumors as of yet that PS5 will be always connected, or rife with anti-consumer DRM policies. Sony also isn't going on and on about services as if they are the next place to wage war, at least not to the extent that MS has the past few years.

So far, there is absolutely nothing that even closely resembles anything that Mattrick did with the 360 and launch of the X1, and Spencer was barely present during the X1 launch marketing, so why even bring his name up? As it is, Spencer is acting more like Sony with their success, than Sony is acting like Spencer at any time in his career.

DarXyde1646d ago

The concerns are fair. In my humble opinion, we've seen a lot change at Playstation since PS3 and they're stronger than ever. Kuturagi stepping out of the limelight, Kaz going, House, Tretton... on a studio level, Straley, Hennig, and a few others who escape me. I can see the worry since this is a lot of senior staff leaving at once. I really don't know what it means, but like 343, I don't think it is helpful to assume to worst.

Let's see what comes to pass.

GaboonViper1646d ago

Thank you, my thoughts too, nice to meet someone on this site who isnt a blind fanatic, PS5 is day one, soon as the pre orders go up, its mine, but Layden leaving, lets be honest, forced out, has left me a little concerned is all, i liked Shawn, he was genuine, i believe he had PS best interest at heart, and as soon as he goes, PSNow starts being rammed down our throat.

At the end of the day all i want from PS5 is quality SP exclusives that i cant play anywhere else, i dont want them on PC, i want what we had this gen, new IP, great new characters, i said this on twitter and everyone shares my concern and worry, but this site, bloody hell, i was told it was PS fanboy cesspitt but never expected such slaving, hell i kind of feel sorry bad mouthing Krib LOL, anyway as long as PS5 continues PS4 awesome SP games i will be there day one just like PS4.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1646d ago
gravedigger1647d ago

So long, Gio! You've a great job. Thank you for Yakuza.

That man surely loved Vita.

rainslacker1647d ago

Yeah. His name came up a lot for us Vita fans. He did great work getting support for it. It's too bad that Sony pulled the rug out from under the system after the PS4 suddenly became a megahit.

UltraNova1647d ago

Its such a shame Sony giving up on the Vita when all they had to do was double down on releasing games on it.

One reason would be they had to make a decision during their hard financial times and that let to choosing to support only their mainline console and its services and cut costs by abandoning their handheld(the fact that it wasn't doing that well against Nintendo back then made the decision easier).

rainslacker1647d ago

I think from a business perspective, it made sense. PS4 was suddenly helping them immensely in fixing their financial troubles at the time, which was mostly due to stock devaluation and bloat in infrastructure, coupled with underperformance on some major products. It makes sense to focus on that, especially when their closest competition had given then so much of a boost early on. Nintendo certainly was doing well with the 3DS, so they had an uphill battle there, with a limited and dwindling market.

Vita was expensive to make, and Sony's own decisions made it a tough sell. It certainly could have done better if they supported it longer, or with more effort, but despite the narrative that it had no games or support, Sony did try to get support for the system for several years, and they even released some great games for it.

Beyond the reasonable criticisms involving memory cards and some other issues, many people still would never give it it's fair chance at any turn. The narrative was way too strong that the system wasn't worth it, and I could probably agree after the 3rd year due to most of the support being just Japanese niche games. Great for someone like me, but I'm reasonable enough to realize that that isn't going to appeal to the broader market.

Sony did try to make Vita work though. They made the cheaper version. Provided some excellent 1st and 2nd party software, and seemed to be trying to get more 3rd party major game support on the system. PSTV seemed like something Andrew House was really excited about, and the Vita was obviously designed alongside the PS4 to be a complimentary device. Nintendo eventually combined the idea of what PS4/Vita was supposed to be collectively into a single platform, coupled with their own Nintendo flare, which pretty much sealed the deal for the Vita, because Nintendo was still much stronger in the portable market.

It is a shame, but in the end, it's hard to blame Sony for giving up on it. People weren't interested, and they did make an attempt which may not have been enough, but was not something I'd consider complete lack of faith or abandonment. That came later, after the larger market obviously proved it wasn't receptive.

UltraNova1647d ago

Valid points. The market was simply not ready for the Vita and Sony wasn't helping its case by making some design flaws of their own.That's all in the history books now.

That said, do you believe there's a chance, going forward, that Sony will try their hand in the handheld business again, considering they are deep in VR support and their regular console business and all those services that come with it?

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20 Best PS1 RPGs of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Where would the PS1 be without RPGs? It’d no doubt still be a massive seller thanks to bandicoots, clones, and halfpipes, but half the cultural institution it is today? We’re not so sure.

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SimpleSlave1d 13h ago

While most of these games are great to amazing, most are not actual RPGs. Faux RPGs if anything. Turn Based Adventure Games for a more apt description, with Diablo, Brave Fence Musashi and Star Ocean as Action Adventure games.

Again, all great games without a doubt.


Diablo IV is Available on PlayStation Cloud Gaming - Beats Xbox to the Punch

Diablo IV is now available to play via PlayStation Cloud Gaming! Still not available to Play on Xbox Cloud Gaming.

We ran our script again and found 15 other PS5 games (a lot of popular ones!) that got PS5 Cloud Gaming support within the last month as well.

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Hugodastrevas2d ago

Not for me, I'm 100% physical media all of the time.

jwillj2k42d ago

I hate that I have to keep calling this out, but your physical disks mean nothing if the game code attempts to connect to a server prior to playing.

Hugodastrevas2d ago

And that happens when? I'm playing completely offline here, stellar Blade to be more precise.
I'm sorry but I've never run into that imaginary problem you're talking about, I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it has never happened to me.

jwillj2k42d ago

You not running into the problem yet has no bearing on my argument. You’re acting like the medium is the shield for you being able to always play your games when it effectively is not. The game code itself can try to connect to a server or the console you’re playing on may receive an update that requires that game to connect to a server. Just because you haven’t ran into it doesn’t mean anything lol you don’t own your games no matter how you try.

Hugodastrevas2d ago

So I have never run into the problem you're talking about and your answer is an hypothetical? Look I can play any game of my library offline right now without issue.
That issue is in your mouth and alone.

Crows902d ago

Actually...there's an easy way...don't connect. If it doesn't require a connection and you don't connect...the code can't update...obviously....confused why you don't get what he's saying.

outsider16242d ago

Hold on..lets say i dnt have an online connection, can i atleast play the game offline though. Was thinking of getting this

jwillj2k42d ago

None of you use your brains.

OK, let’s explore this playing offline. not talking about Diablo specifically just gaming in general.

Are you going to buy two PlayStations? One offline one online? If not, moment you want to play something that requires a connection you’re cooked.

Does game experience you love so much stay the same offline?

Is the game even playable offline?

The whole point of my argument is that we don’t hold the keys anymore. The gatekeepers are the developers and console makers regardless of whether it’s digital or physical. You altering your play style for a lesser experience is not a workaround, it doesn’t solve the overall problem.

None of this matters since the move to the cloud is inevitable.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2d ago
spicelicka2d ago

So you have to buy the game and can only stream to the PS5 devices using PS plus premium? What is the point of that. Much more useful when you can stream to other devices.

MrNinosan2d ago

Works great on my Portal while at work 👍

spicelicka2d ago

That's streaming off your PS5, not from the cloud. This is specifically referring to cloud gaming.

CrimsonWing692d ago

Can’t you, uh, do this on your phone?

Tacoboto2d ago

Sony doesn't yet have a web or app-based solution to stream games off their cloud service, the closest you may be able to get would be Remote Play if they allow cloud streaming during a Remote session.

And yes this applies to the Portal too.

Einhander19721d 22h ago (Edited 1d 22h ago )


Please stop talking about PlayStation Streaming, you don't know what you're talking about.

I just explained this to you the other day where you were telling people that remote play was their only cloud solution, because apparently you didn't understand how PlayStation Premium works even though PS Now was a thing since shortly after the launch PS4..

You can stream to PC and Mac, and they had mobile clients for it in the past but probably for the same reason Microsoft is fighting Apple and Google PS Now wasn't allowed on App stores. Which is why it's not on iPhone and Android still.

And to be honest, I am glad they are trying to keep it on the console, all their moves away from the console seem like a step in the wrong direction, which isn't working so great for Microsoft...

anast2d ago

Blizzard is shoving this game everywhere. Diablo 4 is going to take an even bigger hit soon. Path of exile 2 is coming out and it looks insane.

Crows902d ago

Well they're about to release the next season...I think that might be way they're pushing the game again.

anast1d 20h ago

I mean I get what you are saying, but D4 isn't doing that well either.

UnbreakableAlex2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I completed it on gamepass. Thanks God I dint pay it full price. It plays like a lazy mobile game. I am not a pro diablo gamer (Diablo 1 was the only one I completed) but D4 has no atmosphere, no creepy feeling and soundtrack like the first one and its so easy, I managed to not buy any weapon and had 4 Million Credits on level 55. I always used the same 4 attacks from the beginning and died maybe 10-15 times. It's so easy, wtf. I remember D1 to be pretty hard.
WTF happened? Is Diablo 3 also that bad?

jwillj2k42d ago

Diablo 3 was my first Diablo game. I had to use the mailbox cheats to keep it interesting.

Crows902d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Diablo 3 was really hard at launch....then they made it easy.

They love scaling difficulty though.

anast1d 20h ago

D2 is the pinnacle. I still fire it up from time to time.

GrmpyolGamer 2d ago

Considering that the PS cloud steaming is garbage compared to XCloud and is limited to certain devices this isn't something to brag about. Wake me up when Diablo is on PS plus


35 years of the Nintendo Game Boy, the handheld originally dubbed "hopeless"

Originally dubbed "hopeless", the Game Boy went on to have a lasting legacy, as well as hosting some of the most influential games of all time.

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ZeekQuattro3d ago

Lots of fond memories with the Gameboy. It was my first portable console. It's also the last system my parents played as games were getting too advanced for them outside of pinball, Mario and classic Donkey Kong games. 🤣

Cacabunga3d ago

I never had one but some school friends did.
I still remember the magical feeling of playing motocross and mario bros 2 (i think).. gaming addiction since that very moment

victorMaje3d ago

I’ll never forget opening that Christmas gift. I was ill, had a fever, and was screaming with Joy :)

Profchaos3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I still have my original GB that I opened up on Christmas morning way back and donkey Kong game it came with.

Still works to I recently picked up a ever drive for a decent price and have been rediscovering some of my all time favourite games like Pokemon, super Mario land 2 and links awakening.

Amazing little system with interesting development and release story.

The story of how Tetris came to be a pack in has been turned into a movie it's that interesting

P_Bomb3d ago

I remember the audio being pretty ace back in the day.

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