
DOOM Eternal Has One of the Best Intros In Ages | Cultured Vultures

"Warning: the Slayer has entered the facility."

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MrDead1688d ago

I thought this was going to be new info on Doom but it just repeats what we saw at QuakeCon 2018, even the attached vid is a low quality clip from last years QuakeCon

PS4Gamer19841687d ago

Getting this on Stadia day 1. Can’t wait

Hungryalpaca1687d ago

Enjoy losing all your games when stadia shuts down

TheMutator1687d ago

like everything google do lolololol

PS4Gamer19841687d ago (Edited 1687d ago )

Enjoy constant downloads, patches, waiting and literally only playing on one device. I’ll be sitting at a Starbucks playing doom eternal on my pixel like a boss!

Smclaren19851687d ago

Hahahaha exactly what I was thinking 👍

SirCharles1687d ago

Stop! I can only get so erect!

AK911687d ago

So exactly like Doom (2016) then.

xX1NORM1Xx1687d ago

I bet, the DOOM 2016 intro was amazing i cannot wait to play eternal. I really hope bethesda don't ruin this for me like they did wolfenstein new blood, the microtransactions were completly unwarrented and the stupid armour mechanic annoyed the crap out of me im sure some people liked that but it just felt forced imo.

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6 Games That Make You Feel Overpowered As Hell

While some video games overwhelm you with sheer scale, titles like Asura's Wrath and Doom Eternal make you the boss player right upfront.

solideagle11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

where is GOW (original trilogy)?


Canceled & Abandoned DOOM Games We Want To Rip Into

Cultured Vultures: While we've been eating fairly good recently when it comes to DOOM, there are DOOM projects that never were or never can be ripped, nor (gasp) teared.

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XiNatsuDragnel80d ago

Doom absolution and 4 would've been nice

DefenderOfDoom278d ago

Midway did an excellent job porting DOOM 1 and 2 , just called DOOM, for Playstation in 1995 .

banger8878d ago

This is my favourite version of Doom. It also had the best soundtrack imo. Very ambient and creepy as f***. I never liked the rock music in the PC version, then again I grew up on the PS1 version so maybe I'm biased towards it.

DefenderOfDoom278d ago

Aubrey Hodges did a awesome job with the music for Playstation DOOM. I really liked the reverb type sound effects when you picked up health and armor in PS DOOM . Did not play PC DOOM until 2006 when it came with the collectors edition of DOOM 3 . I had a lot jump scares from Demons when I played PS DOOM back in 90S and was in my late 20s back then. And remember having nightmares of me being in DOOM , I remember in my nightmares Demons were chasing me and was climbing up ladders running scared from DOOMs Demons. Crazy scary but very fun times!!!


The 7 Best FPS Games on PS5

The PS5 isn't the FPS powerhouse the PS3 was, but there's still some good titles. Here's Chit Hot's picks of the 7 best FPS games on PS5.

zacly97d ago (Edited 97d ago )

all listed as number 1?
1. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
1. DOOM Eternal
1. Apex Legends
1. Battlefield 2042
1. Borderlands 3
1. Destiny 2: Beyond Light
1. Far Cry 6


Stonilein97d ago

I want a Sony exclusive fps like Killzone with no Cross play