
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - There Will Be No Microtransactions - Interview with Respawn

During the Star Wars Jedi starter event: Fallen Order, we also had the opportunity to speak with producer Kasumi Shishido and writer Megan Fausti. In conversation, the makers of Respawn assure us, among other things, that there will be no microtransactions in the game despite extensive customization options.

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Si-Fly1684d ago

Probably not their decision at the end of the day, so it’s GG EA for once!

VerminSC1684d ago

GG and EA don’t belong in the same sentence

DaDrunkenJester1684d ago (Edited 1684d ago )


If we want EA to get the hint, we have to acknowledge when they do something right. As well as call them out when they do something wrong. Battlefront 2 MT's gets a massive uproar, Fallen Order should get a GG for not having any. Its showing that the customers want games like Fallen Order.

VerminSC1684d ago


I understand that but they are not good guys. If they do something favorable it’s only because they are afraid of what will happen if they don’t.

lodossrage1684d ago

@VerminSC and DaDrunkenJester

You're actually both making good points. If a company is going to get blasted for doing something bad, we should praise when something good happens if all things are to be equal.

But at the same time, we all know they're doing "good" simply because of all the heat they've been taking. Not for the sake of doing the right thing. Remember, this is EA we're talking about. If this game gets big, don't think they won't try to shoehorn some MT's in if possible

DaDrunkenJester1684d ago (Edited 1684d ago )


I'm not saying you should exonerate them from their past sins, or even buy this game. But if EA is just doing this for good grace points then let them keep that up. And if they decide to add them a year later, the community should blast them again and not buy a sequel. But consumers need to show that we want to support games like Fallen Order vs Battlefront.

CorndogBurglar1683d ago


I don't care WHY any company decides not to use MT's. If they make a good game with no MT's they deserve praise and my money. Period. It doesn't mean I have to think they are swell guys.

I've been saying all along that this is EA's chance. Possibly their last chance, to get back in the good Grace's of a lot of gamers. So if they do the right thing here, we need to show them its appreciated.

rainslacker1683d ago (Edited 1683d ago )

Or disney exerted their influence after the last star wars game didnt do as well after all the backlash.


Acknowledge sure, but support them with a purchase is less required. One right step doesnt absolve the ten wrongs they did to get there.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1683d ago
CorndogBurglar1683d ago

I really hope this game is as good as everyone is saying it is. I really want to buy EA games again. They have some great properties. It's just their practices that are abysmal.

I've been saying this since it was first rumored that Fallen Order would have no MT's, that it's on us, the gamers, to support this game if it's a true single player experience with no MT's.

If we don't, then we're just showing EA that their big multiplayer, MT filled games are what we want.

I'm being cautiously optimistic, but I fully plan on buying this game if it truly launches without MT's and is not a buggy mess.

Snookies121685d ago (Edited 1685d ago )

This game has gone from something I completely ignored to something I am so tempted to pre-order... I just hope it can compete with the extensive amount of fun I had with Jedi Academy back in the day. Either way I'm pretty pumped now. Despite the main character looking rather boring. Hopefully he'll have a great story.

Nodoze1684d ago

I am close, but have been burned with Pre-orders and am holding off. Sad that it has come to this, but after BFII, and Anthem both from EA, I am reluctant to pre-order anything from them ever again.

Anthem is now dead. BFII has been making a slight comeback.

CorndogBurglar1683d ago (Edited 1683d ago )

I wouldn't go so far as to pre-order. Use caution because at the end of the day it's still EA.

But we do need to send EA a strong message if this ends up being an actual quality single player game with no MT's.

Pre-ordering just tells them that we still haven't learned. We'll still buy anything they dish out. What sends a strong message is waiting until after launch. And only buying it if it's truly what we hope it will be.

Snookies121683d ago (Edited 1683d ago )

I never said I was going to pre-order the game. I said I was very tempted to do so. I pre-order games maybe once or twice a year now. So, that's a big decision for me. One I don't usually jump into. Which is a testament to how well this game seems to be shaping up. Just because the publisher is crappy, doesn't mean the developers work should automatically fall into the "wait and see category." Thinking like that will only lead to a far worse game climate for the industry. Early sales are a huge factor in deciding a game/series fate.

yoshatabi1683d ago

The game looks like so much fun. But I'm not pre ordering. I gotta be wary when it comes to EA because you never know

CorndogBurglar1683d ago

"Just because the publisher is crappy, doesn't mean the developers work should automatically fall into the "wait and see category."

I agree with that, but in some rare cases it's very understandable. We've see EA ruin so many projects that looked promising that in this case its smart to take the wait and see approach.

"Thinking like that will only lead to a far worse game climate for the industry. Early sales are a huge factor in deciding a game/series fate."

But.....you just said you only pre-order once or twice a year. So are you contributing to a worse "gaming climate"?

All I was saying is people need to use caution in this case, and EA has more than proven why that's the case. I understand the importance of early sales, but when a specific publisher has a track record of destroying promising games, people aren't really left with much choice.

rainslacker1683d ago

As far as not blaming the devs, I usually agree, but it's not like respawning hasn't ignited the controversy with their own statements on the matter. Even if they didnt make the decision, they tried hard to validate their publishers decision, sometimes in a way that was disrespectful to their potential customers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1683d ago
Relientk771684d ago

See we will. The dark side I sense in EA.

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