
The Avengers – Hands-On Preview at the New Marvel Zone - Player 2

Player 2 gets some playtime with the new Marvel game, along with a few extra details about the final release.

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Hewso1703d ago

It is in all the marketing material, hence not a spoiler.


VR Arcades: A Brief History of The Void

VR arcades are now a permanent part of the entertainment space. But a few years back the king of the LBE scene was The Void.

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Opinion : How to Rebuild The Avengers

Steve from SG dissects Square Enix's The Avengers and presents a better idea more suitable to modern day gaming.

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Marvel's Avengers Defeats Tony Hawk And NBA To Claim No.1

Compared with the last big Marvel video game, Spider-Man on PS4 (which also launched in September 2018), the numbers are radically different. Avengers sold less than a third than what Spider-Man managed to do in the UK during its debut week (physical sales only).

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Nyxus1372d ago

Only a third of Spider-Man's sales? And this one is multiplatform too.

-Foxtrot1372d ago

Kind of hilarious that a exclusive, one platform, single player driven Marvel game like Spiderman managed to sell more than a huge, live service focused online multiplatform title feathering all the Avengers, and then some.

Then you have the fact the PS4 Spiderman is just a better game in everyway while the Avengers is a repetitive, grindfest that you can bored of in a few hours.

Phoenix761371d ago

I'd like to know what the actual sales numbers are. And then compare them to Marvel Spider man and Marvel Iron Man (psvr)

badz1491371d ago

and they say Disney will force Sony's hands to make Spider-man a multiplat LOL

toxic-inferno1371d ago

A brand-new action-adventure game starring some of the most popular characters in fandom, beating a remake of an already niche pair of games. Not exactly a surprise.

I really hope that Tony Hawk sells well enough to revive the series though. I've been having an absolute blast with the game. The way Vicarious Vision have managed to capture the feel of the original is nothing short of spectacular.

Profchaos1371d ago

I think there's been enough praise and I hope sales to at least warrant a remake of 3/4 it's actually up there in my goty so far as it's extremely addictive also so far no mtx.

toxic-inferno1371d ago

I wonder whether they will go down the route of the 2012 (?) remake and provide THPS3 as DLC.

THPS4 would definitely need to be a separate release. But I'd love a THPS4 remake. I spent a lot of time on that game.

LucasRuinedChildhood1371d ago (Edited 1371d ago )

Was gonna say that same thing

Darkborn1371d ago

It's really because everyone wanted to hate this game just because it didn't have Thanos and everyone from the MCU as actors in the game.

Profchaos1371d ago (Edited 1371d ago )

I think the showcased gameplay looked to be just another on the rails action qte button masher. I've said it all along it was poorly marketed but will sell incredibly well because it's a globally popular franchise I've heard the game is good from a few friends but I was put off buying it by the advertised material that came out so far.

jukins1371d ago

You should probably play it rather than parrot the opinion of those who were already set on hating it. Theres few qte. ..and definwtly not a button masher.

Elda1371d ago

Not surprising. It's Marvel.

txboy051371d ago

And rightfully so. Having a blast with Avengers, Cap is the best and was well done by these guys. The way his shields zips around never gets old. All y’all haters are missing out ! Oh well lol

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