
Asgard's Wrath Review - IGN

Asgard’s Wrath is a must-play action RPG for anybody who’s ever had a semblance of curiosity about VR.

Giblet_Head1696d ago (Edited 1696d ago )

It's published by Oculus Studios so I wouldn't put much if any faith in that happening. Most if not all of the games they publish are exclusive to their storefront.

BLizardXD1695d ago

"Needs to release on psvr"

and they call pc beggar race...

Tech51695d ago (Edited 1695d ago )

just think of scam citizen when it turns out to actually be good. they'll want a port of it.

1696d ago Replies(15)
Livingthedream1695d ago

I don't see why most PS owners own formidable PC's just buy the VR gear on. PC

VerminSC1696d ago

Have you tried VR seriously? It’s amazing

1696d ago
nowitzki20041696d ago (Edited 1696d ago )

I used to say the same about 3D gaming. A lot of people talked down about it but I guarantee most never tried it. Same thing here, most will talk down and wont even try and it will slowly fizzle out.

Ricegum1695d ago

That's the problem. People like shaggy2303 calling VR a gimmick.

People tend to call VR a "nice gimmick" when it's just not suitable for them. Whereas people who actually enjoy it realise that VR is fantastic and is here to stay.

1695d ago
maelstromb1695d ago (Edited 1695d ago )

@shaggy2303 You really do owe it yourself to try it out again. Maybe try with a higher end VR headset and I'm convinced it will change your mind. I was honestly thinking exactly as you do and had little interest in entertaining VR I'd say mostly b/c of the stigma that it gained when it first became a thing - IE. Short, under-developed, casual experiences which were more about proving the technology than providing an actual game worth playing and remembering. That is until I tried out my brother's Oculus headset on his high-end PC and I was seriously and unexpectedly blown away by the whole experience...I got a glimpse into where we are headed with this technology and its endless possibilities.

So I'll say again - I wouldn't write it off just yet. The motion-sickness problems of the past continue to be addressed in a lot of games now that the VR hardware continues to improve with each iteration. I also have a higher-end PC and intend to purchase a Valve Index provided I can scrape together the enormous price tag it carries, but I think it will be worth it. Again, I came from a place where I really wanted nothing to do with VR 2 months ago to where I am now - considering shelling out about $1k for a high-end VR headset... Just my 2 cents.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1695d ago
CosmicTurtle1695d ago (Edited 1695d ago )

I think many are opposed to it for what they project it to be. But sickness is legitimate issue.

generic-user-name1695d ago

People get car sick, but we don't blame cars, we blame the individual.

CosmicTurtle1695d ago

But nausea is accepted as a side effect of VR even by developers, many games offer modes and features to reduce it. Your analogy is a false equivalent. I like many VR games I think it has a lot of potential.

There are plenty of things that have side effects where the object and not the user is blamed. You know what you are writing is nonsense. I assume you are being facetious.

zahdab1695d ago

You sure took the time to inform us all that you'll pass!

generic-user-name1695d ago

"3D gaming... yeah I'll pass"

-You, if you were born 30 years earlier.

CosmicTurtle1695d ago

I was born earlier. Nobody I met said that. We were excited by it. It’s only in hindsight we realise how horribly janky most of them were at start.

I own and enjoy VR but this is a straw man argument.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1695d ago
DiRtY1696d ago


I have to finish Arizona Sunshine and Moss first, but this looks great.

redrings321696d ago

Well don't knock something unless you try it and don't mean on a PSVR it ok but but it not PC VR which this game is on every single person i have let try my VR headsets have been amazed from older people to kids and the same statement " This is amazing "

King_Noctis1695d ago

Let me translate:

“PS VR bad, Oculus good”.

Ricegum1695d ago

King Noctis

Why you here bro? Doing your daily round of trolling?

King_Noctis1695d ago


Let me iterate what I had said before you put your defensive hat on:


Gaming4Life19811695d ago

I'll be playing this on oculus quest with oculus link this November.

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ApocalypseShadow190d ago (Edited 190d ago )


It's the inevitability of VR rising to the point of getting the same things flat games are getting.Small games, big games, RPGs, racing, puzzles, etc.

How they are sold would be no different. Expensive games, cheap games, in-house and indie games, third party games, digital and physical releases. DLC and micro transactions, updates and remasters and remakes. PRE-ORDERS.

How would VR be any different than regular gaming when VR is gaming too? I used to pre-order because sometimes it was the only way to get a copy without waiting. Now I don't as it's either in stock or not. I'm not allowing someone to hold my money when the game may turn out to be broken at launch. I love games but I don't need to rush out and get them. I've become more patient about when to buy. Sometimes waiting gets you more for your money with everything included for the same price or less.

As a store manager, I used to have to get pre-orders so that the company I worked for knew how many copies to buy. I understand that side as it made business sense. But pre-orders were inevitable. VR is growing.

1nsomniac189d ago (Edited 189d ago )


I came close to pre-ordering Fireteam Ultra - glad I didn’t!

If HL Alyx came along I’d do it in a heartbeat. Realistically there’s a hand full of proper games. Even now. But Sony has killed PSVR2 already. I’ve come to the conclusion it was DOA. I wasted my money on it. I didn’t expect them produce tons of games for it but I expected them to support it with very basic features at least. Sony have failed it they just released and dumped it then moved on to the portal and they’ll do the same with that.

Babadook7189d ago (Edited 189d ago )

I love PSVR2 a lot, but I agree that Sony has been way too absent or quiet about their 1st party plans. Sony did fund the RE8 and RE4 patches though which are (or are going to be) great.

The 3rd party support has been enough for me though, and eventually I still expect that the platform will reach and surpass the level of the OG which actually was phenomenal. I want Alyx and Asgard's Wrath.

Babadook7189d ago

TLDR: preorders seem to be a key aspect to financing VR projects and we who are interested in upcoming games should embrace that aspect.

Leeroyw189d ago (Edited 189d ago )

I agree with you. Vr is still pretty niche and this is one area of gaming I would consider a pre order. Like an early adoption. I do love VR.

But in almost any other context I don't preprder. And refuse to.


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rokos239d ago (Edited 239d ago )

Looks cool I might pick it up for Christmas I am mostly interested in the ability to work standalone and for gaming using the new WiFi 6E which is double the bandwidth, so that I can wireless connect it to my PC. As for AR it look like a work in progress, thus I don't expect much at launch or in the next couple of months.

1nsomniac239d ago

This isn’t software it’s hardware…. That’s how technology works, it gets better.


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