
Every item in Ghost Recon Breakpoint can be purchased with real money

Ghost Recon Breakpoint has multiple currencies, but everything is for sale.

OhReginald1693d ago

Can this game just unrelease itself and go f*** off?

Akira20201693d ago

It can...but that's hidden behind another micro-transaction.

xTonyMontana1693d ago

Don't forget it'll F-off three days early with the ultra super duper extra special important deluxe edition.

swifty11693d ago (Edited 1693d ago )

Heyooooooo good one ak , don’t buy this shit

RacerX1692d ago

It's a surprise mechanic: "Surprise! You have to purchase everything in the game to play it".

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1692d ago
staticall1693d ago

Can't wait for «It's just options! It's for the players» excuses. I don't get why this «pay to not play the game» is even a thing. You pay $60 to buy the game and then you pay even more just to not play it, why buy the game then?

You know, i think, that Sony, Microsoft, Steam, Epic, GOG and other platform holders must outright ban any microtransactions for games that cost money. So no one would be able to sell then in Playstation Store, Xbox Store, Steam and others. Even if the game costs just $0.01.

Unless something of that magnitude happens, publishers and developers will keep pushing the boundaries. I bet soon they'll add some sort of counter, like you can't access X part of the game unless you buy Y of microtransactions or use Z «time savers» or whatever dumb name they'll come up with. Or you can play the mode, but you will be limited, for instance, you're playing Capture the flag, you can kill enemies, but you can't capture the flag itself, unless you're paying for «flag holsters» or something. Sadly, voting with our wallets doesn't work.

harmny1693d ago (Edited 1693d ago )

You think the platforms that make money off microtransactions must ban microtransactions? You should stop and think for a minute.

Every company you named except for GOG has priced games with microtransactions

staticall1693d ago

Yes, i completely understand that not only platform holders have paid games with microtransactions, but they're also getting a certain percentage from every microtransaction sold. So in a way, they're in a symbiotic relationship with publishers, the more microtransactions are sold on their platforms, the more money both of them are getting.

I don't expect them to just do that, because they're so caring and kind (they are not, their prime directive is to earn the most money). And i don't think that we, as a customers/consumers, can do anything about it either (anymore). Even if most of us agree not to buy they game and any of the microtransactions (and actually follow through), there will still be some people who'll buy the game and be like «hey, this gun just costs $5, buying it will save me so much time *credit card swipe*». Publishers will still get their money in the end.

My original post wasn't about «Please, companies, do that!», it was more about some «game changer» need to happen or this will get worse and worse, sorry if my wording was off and/or confusing!

BLow1693d ago

It's only going to get worse with these services people are praising now days. This will be the only way developers really make their money. It's cheap now but the price will go up because developers will ask for more money. It will be a never ending cycle and then more subscriptions will be made from more companies.

It getting off of subject but they go hand and hand in my eyes. No one has time to do anything anymore. Now, they make games like RPGs with the leveling but then you can buy everything lol. What a great option right? I realize that not all people have the time to invest in these games but there has to be a line drawn somewhere. Oh well, we are getting exactly what we deserve. Sad reality but true.

And I'm really starting to get burnt out on all these open world games. I liked Wildlands but I also got the game pretty late for only $20. I can clearly just go and beat the game but I want to get all the weapons and attachments. Why I don't know because it really makes no difference lol but these new side missions keep popping up and it keeps me off track. I'm in the tier levels and I should just go and beat the game but I always feel like I'm not completing the game if I don't do the side content as well. Hard to explain but I hope my point is coming across. And this is why, open world games are really starting to get to me.

I need to stop. I have this love/hate relationship with gaming now days and the fanboys just make it worse lol. My love of gaming is also my curse because I like to now the latest news but I also read comments and listen to a few on YouTube. Maybe I need to cut the last 2 points off my list and things will get better. I don't know....help lol. Happy gaming people...

Si-Fly1693d ago

GRAW was such a great game, can we just get a remaster of that please?

annoyedgamer1693d ago

No, we wont. For the same reason Activision is rebooting COD:MW and now giving us a MW2 remaster. The same reason EA gave us Battlefield: V and not a BC2 remaster. The remasters would cannibalize their MTX cash cows.

ShinjukuSon1693d ago

Give me a Black Ops 1 remaster.

PlayableGamez-1692d ago

Modern Warfare Remastered has MTs in them. So it doesn't matter if Activision remastered MW2.

hiawa231693d ago

I would just settle for GRAW and the rest of the games added to the Xbox1X enhanced list.

Kabaneri1693d ago

Loot shooter mechanics do not belong in Ghost Recon and Assassins Creed, they're copy and pasting this formula for every game.

LemyAtom1693d ago

The only way we can stop this happening is by not buying the game, and being vocal to Ubi about why. Enough people were vocal to EA for them to U turn, the same can happen if enough people kick up a fuss. We're always going to get those idiots with more money than sense that will buy stupid things because they are impatient and the stuff is there to buy, but if enough of us disgusted gamers are vocal enough, in enough numbers then maybe devs will listen. Just maybe. But the chance is there. I'm hoping these sort of things get outlawed soon.

Xb1ps41693d ago (Edited 1693d ago )

They know by now... imo this was just a throw away game to test how far they can go.

hiawa231693d ago

Except, WE, don't have any control over what other gamers buy. I personally don't have issues with microtransactions. They are in business to make money. Not saying it is right. It just is and not going anywhere.

RegorL1693d ago

But this isn't evil EA releasing pay to win this is just Ubisoft being nice and giving you an opportunity to buy a time saver...

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What We Want From Ghost Recon Project Over - The Guide Hall

As long-time fans of the franchise, here is what The Guide Hall would like to see from Ghost Recon Project Over!

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CR7JUVE1897562d ago

Wow. That's a lot of games. Still no PSP, PS1, or PS2 titles though....................

RetroCaptainSteve562d ago

A bunch of Ratchet and Clank games though.

Eidolon561d ago

streamed. gross. I have a PS3.

CR7JUVE1897561d ago (Edited 561d ago )

Yeah, but they are only putting back what was originally on PS Now in the first place. This isn't worth the Premium Tier as of right now. They need to do a lot better on their legacy consoles titles


Insane lineup! Was actually thinking of getting back into Skyrim and always wanted to give Division 2 a go but never around it.

Class_Viceroy561d ago

Umm if you want to “get back into” Skyrim wouldn’t that mean you already own it? I mean like 95% or the human population owns a copy of that game in some format.

I’m just confused as to how you’re excited to get back into it when you could literally buy the game for $5-10 for years now. The Division 2 has also been $10 for a while now.

Your excitement just seems a little inauthentic and cheesy. If you really wanted to play those games you could have by now and for dirt cheap.


Haha alright, alright. Let me elaborate, sweety 😉

Last time I played Skyrim was back when it originally appeared on the PS3, so going back to it would feel like somewhat of a fresh experience, with better graphics ofcourse. Also never touched the DLC so that's a plus!

Since I have a full-time job and value my social life a lot, I don't have all the time in the world to try out every game I'm curious about. The Division 2 did spark my interest but since I was pretty disappointed by the first one I decided to give other games more priority. But now that I've got some time off from work and Sony is offering it through Plus, I might as well give it a shot. No way I'm able to finish it but that's ok.

Also, Im a big sucker for the old Kingdom Hearts games, so happy for anyone that's gonna give them a try.

Wether you agree with me or not, don't let it ruin your day, alright?

560d ago
monkey602562d ago

Man PS Extra just isn't impressing me. I dont care that there's no big AAA games releasing day one on the service but the stuff they are adding is just old filler. I've played already.
Gamepass games might not all appeal to everyone but at least they give a broad mix of new games. Road 96, Echo Generation, Turtles, Streets of Rage, Signalis, Ghost Song, Somerville. They're all great additions.
Sony should have made some deals to bring the likes of F.I.S.T. RollerDrome and Inscryption to the service or games like them. Something of value.
I guess I got the wrong impression when they gave us Stray.

Eonjay562d ago

I feel the exact opposite. I have only played three of those games. I'm definitely taking advantage of this month.

monkey602562d ago

Good to hear. Hope you enjoy something you might not have otherwise

Eonjay561d ago

What you are saying makes sense for you because you have bought so many games. This isn't the case for most people. Services like this are great for finding and trying ges we might have been apprehensive about in the past. I finally get to try Ghost Recon, Earth Defense Force and KH 2.8

I understand your point of view tho.

gangsta_red562d ago

Echo Generation was an absolute blast to play. And I am enjoying Signalis at the moment, in between OW2 play. I definitely agree tho, the offerings for PS+ seem to be left overs from GP, they definitely need standout titles to make their service more appealing.

I guess if you don't have both consoles these would be some good games to play, but again, just as you stated, Sony should make more deals to bring games like similar to Stray to their service.

SurgicalMenace562d ago

There is another option; buy what you want to play instead of relying on a service to grant you access. All the games you mentioned are available for purchase. Sony is already granting a lot for only 120 yearly, that is equivalent to buying two games. Be grateful....

monkey602562d ago

I have bought those games. Well with the exception of Rollerdrome, I havent got that yet. And I have a library of over 800 games so you don't need to worry about my spending habits. I'm just saying the value just isn't there in the service for me. I find they do fantastic with the choices of games for PS Essential but Extra is disappointing and Premium is a joke. They really did just rebrand PSNow and there's no extra effort being made here. As it is, if my sub was up this month I wouldn't renew it

SurgicalMenace561d ago

Cool story bro, but I assure you that your spending habits are of no concern. While every person has their own taste, what stands out to me is the fact that you have 800 games but are complaining about what one serve offers over another.

I have well over 10k games but there is always an opportunity to discover and purchase more. Sony has one of the richest libraries acrossed several platforms so they don't need to offer more "appealing" games as they often just sell those. What sense would it make to give what's willing to be bought? GP has to appeal more because they're both losing market share and have a community of thrifty gamers. With a despondent economy of gamers you can't risk not offering everything to keep them engaged.

Crows90562d ago (Edited 562d ago )

For now. Stray was a day 1 release for instance. So was shadow warrior 3

shinoff2183562d ago

Fist looks incredible. Ive been waiting for a sale.

monkey602562d ago

It's a great game! I got equally excited for Clid the Snail but that was a dissapointment.

S2Killinit562d ago

Your opinion is the exact opposite of mine. I think the value of PSPlus is higher for my style of gaming.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 561d ago
562d ago Replies(1)
nevin1562d ago

Sony needs to just come out and address the state of PS1/PS2/PSP classics to the public.

I paid $28 in June to test out the premium. But it looks like I won't be renewing for $120 in Dec.

shinoff2183562d ago

You do have a point. I want more classics. There loaded ps1 ps2 wise. Whats the deal. I still think the service is on par with gamepass where everything stands right now. But i need sone of those classic titles.

gleepot562d ago

PS Plus has been such a disappointment so far

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ifinitygamer833d ago

They really do try everything.

Relientk77833d ago

I don't think Ubisoft are going to get it through their fat thick skulls either way, even with the incredible amount of backlash they've been getting for this.