
‘Ghost Recon Breakpoint’ Has A Hilarious Amount Of Microtransactions

Ghost Recon Breakpoint has a frankly astonishing amount of microtransactions, even if it's avoided loot boxes.

-Foxtrot1697d ago

It's disgusting and the worst part is it looks like a buggy mess that comes off no different to Wildlands, another reskin of a game with a lacking soul

People really need to wake up and stop buying their titles, the same is going to happen with WatchDogs 3 but it seems people just don't want to learn.

isarai1697d ago

Worst than that it's not even as good as wildlands. It literally feels like they modded the division to be like wildlands. The whole game is a joke, and seriously ridiculous how many things they convoluted the hell out of everything so they can nickle and dime you 3 times befire you actually get what you were going for. I f$#king hate most AAA games these days.

SkatterBrain1696d ago

As Soon as I Heard it Was gonna be Always Online , it Dropped off my Radar

1696d ago
RacerX1696d ago

You know why the micro transactions are getting worse? Because people are buying them. Disgusting what a whore the gaming industry has become.

Nodoze1695d ago (Edited 1695d ago )

Who is buying this stuff? Somebody is or else to the points made, they would not be in the game. I for one have a firm ZERO tolerance for this crap. I do not, will not under any circumstance purchase these offerings. This is a stupid tax. The troubling trend of late is that the poison of the freeware/shovelware of mobile games is maing it's way into full priced offerings. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Either release a full priced game, or release a free game with MT.

For the mindless morons that continue to buy this crap, thanks for DESTROYING the hobby.

indysurfn1695d ago

F Ubisoft, just as hard as EA. Forget forget em all.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1695d ago
Cmv381696d ago

Wildlands was fun....I played this beta....hard pass.

JackBNimble1696d ago

I played the beta, it was trash!

1696d ago
1696d ago Replies(3)
smolinsk1696d ago (Edited 1696d ago )

You can't stop people bying games no matter how many microtransactions or loot boxes it has, it's like smoking, everyone knows it is bad for you but it's just too addictive to stop. It's all about getting rules and making it illegal to have in games...

harmny1696d ago (Edited 1696d ago )

It's not that they don't want to learn. People don't care. just forum gamers

Godmars2901696d ago

Its hard to "wake up" and not buy bad products when the pre-order culture is a thing.

UltraNova1696d ago (Edited 1696d ago )

Pre orders are the end result of a smart PR machine doing its work through ads, puff pieces from far reaching outlets and the latest trend streamers/influencers. Things are not that simple now. This corporate machine is far to efficient and "silent" in its job for most to "wake up" from.

I don't want to sound so doom and gloom but the things I read and hear all day from fellow gamers are so unbelievable that i can't help but see a bleak future for gaming...

Psychotica1696d ago (Edited 1696d ago )

I haven't seen any bugs yet and it's much different than Wildlands. How can it be a reskin? Wildlands didn't have:
Drones spotting you then deploying forces to attack you
Injuries that can get you killed
Four different classes of characters etc etc.

Sure there are similarities since it's a sequel but you have to give them some credit. I have only played a few hours but's a lot of fun.

sevilha821696d ago

i tried the beta ,played like two days and got bored,pretty eye candy,and that´s it.

xTonyMontana1696d ago

From everything I've been reading, this game sucks anyway with some of my long time Ghost Recon buddies hating the demo thinking it's largely inferior to Wildlands. Maybe this will be the sacrifice Watch Dogs 3 needs to humble Ubi and have them scale back on the MTs so that Watch Dogs 3 can be a success.

ABizzel11696d ago (Edited 1696d ago )

Those who complain are the vocal minority, even if they are right in the message. There are millions of people who buy annual/bi-annual franchised games simply because it's safe to spend $60 on a game that you already know the expectation of, and even if it's a bit of a let-down you still can enjoy the core mechanics or multiplayer with friends and make what would normally be a mediocre game into a decent game you can spend nearly 100 hours in.

The majority of gamers are completely unaware of what games are considered to be universally reviewed as quality.

indysurfn1695d ago

Minority? The sales of a LOT of games that bit the DUST because of Micro transactions says we are the majority.

neutralgamer19921696d ago (Edited 1696d ago )

Ubi as a publisher is just as greedy as Ea and Activision yet they don't get the same amount of hate or attention from gamers

They literally made a game where to enjoy it you have to buy boosters and gaming media out it up for GOTY. I haven't bought a ubi game in a long time and if this continues I won't simple as that. Much rather buy less games with are quality titles than to give money to these greedy publishers

$60 isn't enough and when games do launch they are in beta stage

Look at for honor, wildlands etc yehy all launched with major bugs and look at borderlands 3 technical issues by 2k/gearbox

Now a days it's better to wait a long time before buying games made by these greedy publishers

indysurfn1695d ago

You are right but more and more people are catching on, just like they did with EA. They are building their reputation.

1696d ago
Profchaos1696d ago

Since far cry v I could see ubi pushing harder and hard to get extra $$$ want to refill your chopper ammo that's virtual currency even if E is single player.
Then new dawn just became a joke like a mobile game.

I really do hope wd3 doesn't follow the trend wd2 has some mts but they had no real impact on gameplay I felt like I got my money's worth with it and really enjoyed it but I'm worried for legion

SlagWolf1696d ago

I haven’t bought a Activision, EA,
Ubisoft, MS, 2K game in years. I doubt I ever will again either.

Xaywhat1695d ago

Agreed! Ubisoft games have slowly gotten worse now too. They are so blatant with it now, it’s disturbing. WTF is “Time savers”

SyntheticForm1695d ago

Like most of its kind, it's lazy and predatory as fuck.

cyber_daemonx1695d ago

Stopped buying ubi games ages ago tbh.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 1695d ago
2pacalypsenow1697d ago

Its a Ubisoft game....

No reviews until after release and it full of MT.

This is what gaming has become.

fiveby91696d ago

Both good reasons to not pre-order games and wait for opinions of people you trust after full game release. I tend to avoid review sites and prefer to talk to friends or watch some streams. At this point, it would appear this is yet another game I just avoid purchasing.

UltraNova1696d ago

What about games that launch without MT's but plan to add them later? How do you combat that?

fiveby91695d ago (Edited 1695d ago )

That's a good question. Nothing is full proof. Perhaps go by the reputation of the publisher in previously released games. Games don't need to be purchased day 1. Publishers market games to maximize hype as part of their marketing strategy. We all know this. For example, I was initially looking forward to Anthem. Sure glad I held off from ever purchasing it.

Tross1696d ago

This is what third-rate AAA Western gaming has become. I for one choose not to support BS like this and hope it flops...and lose faith in my fellow “gamers” when it doesn’t. All the more reason to just support proper studios that don’t pull this nonsense and pretend this stuff doesn’t exist. The industry for me now is mostly indie, Japanese or Sony first party, and usually single-player.

Relientk771696d ago

When I played the beta last weekend, it just seemed like a worse and less fun version of Wildlands, and add tons of microtransactions. Glad I could play a free beta and save myself some money by not not buying this.

Psychotica1696d ago

Just curious how you think it's worse than Wildlands? Seems better in every way to me.

Hungryalpaca1696d ago

AI is worse, gunplay feels worse, drones are bullet sponges, RPG elements do not belong in a ghost recon game, the AI bugs out all the time, the driving is atrocious, the cutscenes are boring as hell with Andromeda level facial animations, levelled guns do not belong in ghost recon, it feels nothing like a ghost recon game but a cheap military themed GTA, etc

NarooN1695d ago


I remember when Ghost Recon was basically a lite milsim. Ghost Recon in the early 2000s was legit. This newer stuff is Ghost Recon in name only.

Artemidorus1696d ago

I really would be at breaking point if I had bought the game and seen all of them.

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As long-time fans of the franchise, here is what The Guide Hall would like to see from Ghost Recon Project Over!

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CR7JUVE1897562d ago

Wow. That's a lot of games. Still no PSP, PS1, or PS2 titles though....................

RetroCaptainSteve562d ago

A bunch of Ratchet and Clank games though.

Eidolon562d ago

streamed. gross. I have a PS3.

CR7JUVE1897562d ago (Edited 562d ago )

Yeah, but they are only putting back what was originally on PS Now in the first place. This isn't worth the Premium Tier as of right now. They need to do a lot better on their legacy consoles titles


Insane lineup! Was actually thinking of getting back into Skyrim and always wanted to give Division 2 a go but never around it.

Class_Viceroy562d ago

Umm if you want to “get back into” Skyrim wouldn’t that mean you already own it? I mean like 95% or the human population owns a copy of that game in some format.

I’m just confused as to how you’re excited to get back into it when you could literally buy the game for $5-10 for years now. The Division 2 has also been $10 for a while now.

Your excitement just seems a little inauthentic and cheesy. If you really wanted to play those games you could have by now and for dirt cheap.


Haha alright, alright. Let me elaborate, sweety 😉

Last time I played Skyrim was back when it originally appeared on the PS3, so going back to it would feel like somewhat of a fresh experience, with better graphics ofcourse. Also never touched the DLC so that's a plus!

Since I have a full-time job and value my social life a lot, I don't have all the time in the world to try out every game I'm curious about. The Division 2 did spark my interest but since I was pretty disappointed by the first one I decided to give other games more priority. But now that I've got some time off from work and Sony is offering it through Plus, I might as well give it a shot. No way I'm able to finish it but that's ok.

Also, Im a big sucker for the old Kingdom Hearts games, so happy for anyone that's gonna give them a try.

Wether you agree with me or not, don't let it ruin your day, alright?

560d ago
monkey602562d ago

Man PS Extra just isn't impressing me. I dont care that there's no big AAA games releasing day one on the service but the stuff they are adding is just old filler. I've played already.
Gamepass games might not all appeal to everyone but at least they give a broad mix of new games. Road 96, Echo Generation, Turtles, Streets of Rage, Signalis, Ghost Song, Somerville. They're all great additions.
Sony should have made some deals to bring the likes of F.I.S.T. RollerDrome and Inscryption to the service or games like them. Something of value.
I guess I got the wrong impression when they gave us Stray.

Eonjay562d ago

I feel the exact opposite. I have only played three of those games. I'm definitely taking advantage of this month.

monkey602562d ago

Good to hear. Hope you enjoy something you might not have otherwise

Eonjay561d ago

What you are saying makes sense for you because you have bought so many games. This isn't the case for most people. Services like this are great for finding and trying ges we might have been apprehensive about in the past. I finally get to try Ghost Recon, Earth Defense Force and KH 2.8

I understand your point of view tho.

gangsta_red562d ago

Echo Generation was an absolute blast to play. And I am enjoying Signalis at the moment, in between OW2 play. I definitely agree tho, the offerings for PS+ seem to be left overs from GP, they definitely need standout titles to make their service more appealing.

I guess if you don't have both consoles these would be some good games to play, but again, just as you stated, Sony should make more deals to bring games like similar to Stray to their service.

SurgicalMenace562d ago

There is another option; buy what you want to play instead of relying on a service to grant you access. All the games you mentioned are available for purchase. Sony is already granting a lot for only 120 yearly, that is equivalent to buying two games. Be grateful....

monkey602562d ago

I have bought those games. Well with the exception of Rollerdrome, I havent got that yet. And I have a library of over 800 games so you don't need to worry about my spending habits. I'm just saying the value just isn't there in the service for me. I find they do fantastic with the choices of games for PS Essential but Extra is disappointing and Premium is a joke. They really did just rebrand PSNow and there's no extra effort being made here. As it is, if my sub was up this month I wouldn't renew it

SurgicalMenace562d ago

Cool story bro, but I assure you that your spending habits are of no concern. While every person has their own taste, what stands out to me is the fact that you have 800 games but are complaining about what one serve offers over another.

I have well over 10k games but there is always an opportunity to discover and purchase more. Sony has one of the richest libraries acrossed several platforms so they don't need to offer more "appealing" games as they often just sell those. What sense would it make to give what's willing to be bought? GP has to appeal more because they're both losing market share and have a community of thrifty gamers. With a despondent economy of gamers you can't risk not offering everything to keep them engaged.

Crows90562d ago (Edited 562d ago )

For now. Stray was a day 1 release for instance. So was shadow warrior 3

shinoff2183562d ago

Fist looks incredible. Ive been waiting for a sale.

monkey602562d ago

It's a great game! I got equally excited for Clid the Snail but that was a dissapointment.

S2Killinit562d ago

Your opinion is the exact opposite of mine. I think the value of PSPlus is higher for my style of gaming.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 561d ago
562d ago Replies(1)
nevin1562d ago

Sony needs to just come out and address the state of PS1/PS2/PSP classics to the public.

I paid $28 in June to test out the premium. But it looks like I won't be renewing for $120 in Dec.

shinoff2183562d ago

You do have a point. I want more classics. There loaded ps1 ps2 wise. Whats the deal. I still think the service is on par with gamepass where everything stands right now. But i need sone of those classic titles.

gleepot562d ago

PS Plus has been such a disappointment so far

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ifinitygamer833d ago

They really do try everything.

Relientk77833d ago

I don't think Ubisoft are going to get it through their fat thick skulls either way, even with the incredible amount of backlash they've been getting for this.