
Epic takes the battle to Steam by giving Everything away for free

Epic is trying Everything to make its store bigger than Steam on PC. Wink. Wink.

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Father__Merrin1710d ago

That game everything its actually pretty good. Thanks epic you have my support now go on and become the face of the esports scene can't wait to see epic grow

1710d ago Replies(1)
Spurg1710d ago (Edited 1710d ago )

They expect us to build a library of games on the EGS. The infrastructure is so barebones it feels like playing a pirated version of Borderlands 3. I hope they let me import my save to steam when it releases on it.

DaDrunkenJester1710d ago

That's their biggest problem. They can pull people in with paid exclusives, but they won't retain any customers because their store is terrible.

Zeref1710d ago

I mean as long as they have exclusive games. People are gonna buy... Didn't borderlands 3 break records?

DaDrunkenJester1710d ago


It was going to break records regardless, it was hardly because of the Epic Store lol

But sure, as long as they keep dropping millions on getting year exclusives they will have a player base. But how long can they keep that up?

rainslacker1710d ago (Edited 1710d ago )

I start up the EGS, click the library button, I have a library of games. I currently have 6 batman games i got a couple years ago, and while I only dabbled in one of the Lego ones so far, it feels about as pirated as a steam game does...in that it's a digital copy that I start from a launcher.

What it doesn't have is EGS features, which is what is different from steam. I'm sure over time theyll get those features, but epic pushed pretty fast into the market after fortnite's success

Cobra9511710d ago

Everything for free? Best clickbait yet today.

tochi1710d ago

Big benefit of punching a rich idiot.
As long as we do not spend any money on EPIC, everything stays free.

zakir2551710d ago

What Misleading tittle... Epic way to do it.

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