
Ion Fury Review (PC) - Pixelated Gamer

3D Realms and Voidpoint have reignited the corridor shooter genre with the release of Ion Fury. The blazingly fast gameplay and gorgeous pixelated graphics produced from the original Build engine is pure brilliance. It showcases what made Quake and Duke Nukem absolute icons in the 90s. It’s ridiculously fun and a huge nostalgic trip.

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luckytrouble1738d ago

More like 0/10 because fuck the developers that have chosen bigotry and hate over actually being decent humans.

Razmiran1738d ago

Their handling of that situation was really bad

1738d ago
BlackTar1871738d ago (Edited 1738d ago )

hahahah go yell at your wall surely it cares more than anyone else.

Bigotry and hate lol you guys stomp all over these words and now they mean nothing but a joke. Good Job you were able to take words with strong meanings and devalue you them to where they mean nothing now.

SLOW CLAP on being the thing you resent the most.

luckytrouble1738d ago

If your comment actually had any point, I'm pretty sure the best detective on the planet would have a tough time working it out.

1738d ago Replies(5)
BlackTar1871738d ago

lol like said below you're a cuck.

Psychotica1738d ago

What on earth is a cuck??

Psychotica1738d ago

Standing up against perversion and immorality is not bigotry or hate..

1738d ago
Imalwaysright1738d ago (Edited 1738d ago )


"You reactionary simpletons are so adorable." https://media1.tenor.com/im...

1738d ago
Imalwaysright1738d ago (Edited 1738d ago )

Yes, I know the meaning of the word. The question is: do you? I suggest that you read your comment above and the one I replied to and if you're having difficulties in spotting the hypocrisy you clearly don't understand the meaning of the word.

Psychotica1737d ago

@ButtAnihilator - Because we aren't robots. Ever hear of free will? You have the freedom to be perverse, but it doesn't mean no consequences. I am sure you have spent a lot of time reading the Bible to determine it was a book of fairy tales, more like following other atheists who have never read it either. Just the blind leading the blind.

1737d ago
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CatCouch1738d ago

Ion Fury is absolutely spectacular and well worth playing if you like 90's era shooters. Avoid all the drama and just play the game. It's packed full of funny jokes and references to find, as it should be.

BootHammer1738d ago

Solid advice there. Don't get pulled into the drama that is Social Media. Ion Fury is epic, would be a shame to miss out on this one.

Leeroyw1738d ago

Finally a review that doesn't use the words 'problematic' or 'controversial'. Apparently free speech doesn't exist in the video game world unless you're a left wing loon. These developers should be allowed to speak up and it should have nothing to do with review scores. I'm buying it.

BootHammer1738d ago

Thanks! I always focus on just the game itself and the experience achieved from playing it. Ion Fury over delivers in just about every conceivable way...it's a blast!

Leeroyw1738d ago

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Great review. Will keep watching.

MazeRunner1738d ago

fck politics, if the game is good thats all that matters

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Ion Fury expansion ‘Aftershock’ launches October 2 for PC

The “Aftershock” expansion pack for Ion Fury will launch for PC via Steam and GOG, on October 2, publishers 3D Realms and Fulqrum Publishing, and developer Voidpoint announced. A release date for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch versions was not announced.


The Best Shooters on the Nintendo Switch to Blast Hours Through

Here is a list of the best Nintendo Switch shooters while you wait for your girlfriend to come out from the hair salon.

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jznrpg482d ago

Bad list ! But shooters aren’t the reason anyone buys a Switch

FreeckyCake482d ago (Edited 482d ago )

Why is it bad? Plus, I never mentioned in the article that shooters are the reason people buy a Switch.


Phantom Fury interview: Build vs Unity, boomer shooters, tips on making a FPS

An interview with the developers of Phantom Fury - sequel to Ion Fury.

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