
Gears Of War 5 is in Quite the Interesting Situation

Exclusively Games writes:

'' The Coalition announced that Gears 5 would not include smoking of any kind. The developers behind the popular Microsoft exclusive have partnered up with Truth Initiative, which are an anti-smoking organization, to ensure no game coming forward from the studio features smoking of any kind.''

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lxeasy1717d ago (Edited 1717d ago )

There's no denying Cigarettes are terrible for you. They destroy your teeth, lungs, skin etc... I'm cool with this partnership The Coalition has with Truth Initiative.

2pacalypsenow1717d ago

Smoking is bad, but cutting someone in half with a chainsaw is OK...

lxeasy1717d ago

How many people you know are cutting people in half with a chainsaw compared to people smoking cigarettes... don't worry I'll wait.

1717d ago
spicelicka1717d ago (Edited 1717d ago )

To be fair, cutting someone in half is not a pandemic addiction. Anyone who understands how things work would know that removing or adding smoking in a game would have no real impact on smoking statistics. It's just a political move to show corporate responsibility, and Rod has a personal problem with it after losing close friends.

I would call it dumb myself but I really don't care as it doesn't affect my experience at all.

2pacalypsenow1717d ago

I've seen plenty of people being chopped in half by chainsaws.

And most people pick up cigarettes during middle/high school.

The game is for people 17+.

TK-661717d ago (Edited 1717d ago )

Are you saying video games cause people to cut other people in half with a chainsaw?

If not then your analogy doesn't hold ground. It has actually been documented that media played a role in the popularization of smoking so I don't see how your chainsaw analogy is similar.

Hedstrom1717d ago

2pacalypsenow: Its all about the pace people die ;)

2pacalypsenow1717d ago (Edited 1717d ago )

No, but just like video games don't cause violence, they don't cause people to smoke.

At least not in 2019

Kumakai1717d ago

lets see... is someone more likely to be influenced by legal but terrible smoking, or to go cut ppl in half with chainsaws. #relevantcontext.

scoot_n_loot1717d ago

You're not addicted to cutting people in half with chainsaws? Maybe it's a cultural thing but in Canada I see people cut in half all over the place. Chainsawer's leaving their dismembered half-people on sidewalks and in public parks. Thoughtless littering

TK-661717d ago

"they don't cause people to smoke."

It's pretty much scientific consensus that tobacco products being glammorized in media played a huge role in its promotion. You can't really disagree with that without citing multiple studies at this point.

ravens521717d ago (Edited 1717d ago )

How many people do you know that started smoking because they saw it in a video game? Dont worry, Ill wait.

bluefox7551717d ago

The game is for mature audiences. All of the defenders of this virtue signalling censorship here boggles my mind.

Atom6661717d ago

It doesn't seem like they're including rape in the game either; should we apply the same fake concern?

Rape is bad, but cutting someone in half with a chainsaw is ok...

darthv721717d ago

Who knows... maybe none of the characters in this game even smoke.

So why worry about it?

Failcube1717d ago

I don't think anyone said that's okay IRL.

But smoking is an everyday common thing. Chainsaw guns are not. Stop being a child.

Gaming1011717d ago

For those who don't understand how addiction works, the reason watching someone else smoke doesn't make you want to smoke is because YOU AREN'T ADDICTED TO CIGARETTES. It's people who used to smoke who will be dying for another cigarette when they see other people smoking that will be affected.
For young impressionable people, it simply makes smoking cool. Ask people who smoke why they started and you will get several different responses, some of which will be because they thought it was cool, wanted to be like someone else who smoked, they were young and stupid and now they're paying for it.

Christopher1717d ago (Edited 1717d ago )

Bleh. Such vapid arguing.

Let's spell it out for people.

Smoking is not illegal. It is a publicly sold product to people much like alcohol, also not illegal.

Murder is illegal.

People understand the difference between legal and illegal.

People understand that pressing buttons on a controller to send intangible bullets contained within the game screen at another intangible object also contained within the game screen do not constitute murder as it's all fake. Much like actors aren't really murdering people for a movie. It's a performance that is intended to entertain.

Many people, though, do not understand the same with smoking because it is legal and it is oftentimes promoted by figures of high profile. Much like how people buy clothing brands because a star wears and promotes them.

What's that? Those people are stupid and you aren't influenced like that. Well, first of, yes, people are easily influenced via marketing. If they weren't, then marketing wouldn't exist. And, second, yeah, you are influenced. You just don't know it.

Correlating an illegal act that people understand, murder, with a legal act that people might understand but are willing to take the chances with (much like drinking alcohol, going skydiving, extreme sports, and more) is just silly and attempting to ignore why these people are likely doing what they are.

It's very likely that one or more people involved at a high level in the company had members of their family and/or friends die due to cancer obtained because of years of smoking.

rainslacker1717d ago (Edited 1717d ago )


I dont think killing people or cutting them in half with chainsaws has ever been glamorized. More often than not, its represented as just a self defense option.

Otherwise, a game here or there having smoking is much different than the normalization of smoking to make it seem more like it was socially acceptable...which it was for many decades.


Won't speak about what causes people to start smoking, other than to say that peer pressure is the biggest influence

But you are right that ex smokers can easily feel the urge when seeing it on tv. I quit just over a year ago, and I still feel the urge when I see it, or even just smell cigarette smoke on a smoker in some interaction. Luckily it passes quickly, but it was rough there for a while.

For this game I never really understood why there was some moral addressing of the situation. It's not like gears ever promoted it, and it certainly wasnt known for such a thing. Great if the developer wants to talk about his experiences and not potentially promote it, but the way it was announced made it seem like it was done to appease some vocal minority, which is annoying to a lot of people nowadays.

RangerWalk2671717d ago

Touche. I guess they are assuming the chances of someone making a habit of smoking is lower than the chance of someone cutting people in half with a chainsaw a habit. Haha

nibblo1717d ago (Edited 1717d ago )

So if they banned violence in the game as well you would be then be ok with the decision?

UltraNova1717d ago

It all boils down to this, do good and dont advertise it. If the studio (or some executive) felt he didn't want to show smoking in his/her game then by all means dont add it, just don't go making a fuss about it.

One other thing, smoking depiction in one game out of say 100 and in a 17+ rated game no less is nothing in the general scheme of things. Gone are the days of Tobacco conglomerates spending billions to have media advertise cigarettes and convince people of how cool they could be if they started too.

DJStotty1717d ago


"People understand the difference between legal and illegal."

And yet kids/minors play these games, and parents allow it, but yeah i see what you mean. /s

DaveZero1717d ago

Like millions are doing such a thing compared to those who smoke.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 1717d ago
gamer78041717d ago

I'm not a fan of censorship,. but this is his choice, he's managing the game, he can do whatever he likes. from a personal standpoint losing one grandfather and a father in law both to smoking, emphysema and lung cancer, cigarettes are awful for you and decrease your lifespan and impact the health of others around you.

SublimeStylee21717d ago


Clearly I'm aware of the xbones existence....but the lack of polished software made me forget. If they could release hardware with a consistent stream of software then I would purchase it! Why is that concept so hard to grasp? I have no reason to hate Microsoft, I loved original xbox and 360, I purchased xone at launch and was disappointed shortly after with the lack of 1st party titles and game cancellations like scalebound, that I was insanely hyped for. It's great to see you resort to name calling ty. If they deliver next gen I will certainly be hyped for it and support it 100%. I'm a gamer just like you, I want to play games. Hope you have a great day.

BadElf1717d ago ShowReplies(5)
SlagWolf1717d ago

Look up the word hypocrisy when u get a chance

SublimeStylee21716d ago

Wanting a gaming division from MS to produce games in order for me to purchase their hardware doesn't seem like hypocrisy to me. Rather make games that appeal to me and you have my purchase. I know it's a hard concept for you to grasp.

roadkillers1717d ago

I'm going to team up with Phillip Morris. Please smoke Malboro because my stocks depend on it!

franwex1716d ago

Altira is the actual company. Their stock has been a little volatile lately, but it looks like they are expanding into e cigs and will push it hard in countries that are more friendly to smoking. Maybe it is a good time to buy.

nibblo1717d ago

Looking at all the down votes your comment is getting there are obviously a lot more angry GoW players who smoke and frequent NG4 than I thought.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1716d ago
franwex1717d ago

I do not recall smoking ever being in Gears anyway...or any other video game except for Metal Gear.

XtraTrstrL1717d ago

Yea, there's like one other person that ever smoked, other than the new character in Gears 5. The little bit they ever really showed of smoking was in the comics and stuff.

1717d ago
lxeasy1717d ago

there is smoking in DMC V with a subtitle that reads Capcom does not endorse smoking during the opening Nero cut scene.

kayoss1717d ago

Final fantasy 7 Cid smoked.

Ricegum1717d ago

I genuinely thought that was a bit of straw.

milohighclub1717d ago (Edited 1717d ago )

Pretty sure drake and elana are hitting bong whilst smashing crash in 4.
First thing he does is grab a drink then some munch, the zones the fuck out mid convo. High af.

Profchaos1717d ago (Edited 1717d ago )

Honestly I'd take drug use over ciggies one leads to cancer the other just makes you sleepy and hungry

Dragonscale1717d ago

The main character in Vanquish smoked. You could throw cigs from behind cover as a distraction.

bluefox7551717d ago

I think we can deduce that precisely zero people have picked up smoking as a result of playing GoW. It's not about smoking, it's about virtue signalling.

Atom6661717d ago

It's about a creator's personal choice. You seem to disagree with his opinion. My recommendation is to make your own game and include what you want in it.

The fact is it is you who is virtue signaling here. Freedom of expression isn't under attack by someone choosing to use their own art and creation as a platform for something they believe in, especially when it's so innocuous. No one believes you really care about artistic integrity here, so stop pretending.

The dude has creative freedom to include it in an M rated game, but chooses not to because of his personal beliefs. Get over it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1717d ago
spicelicka1717d ago

This is old news, we already had the outrage 2 months ago.

Eamon1717d ago

Very odd decision. Isn't Gears of War an 18+ franchise? I highly doubt a character smoking in the game would have any effect on players whatsoever.

spicelicka1717d ago

Again it's not about having effect on players, they just want to show that they support that organization.

milohighclub1717d ago

Isnt this incorrect? Didnt he lose someone from smoking, that's why it isnt in the game?

bluefox7551717d ago (Edited 1717d ago )

Why stop there? Why not have all games stop depicting alcohol in games? Clearly adults can't be trusted to not do exactly what they see in the video game. Virtue signaling is apparently more important than artistic integrity.

spicelicka1717d ago


Yes that's why Rod chose not to have it and went with this organization, but that doesn't make my statement incorrect. What i'm saying is the logic wasn't to start some kind of anti-smoking revolution, or he would just say "it's not in the game because I want to deter people from smoking", why would he go with this organization?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1717d ago
DaDrunkenJester1717d ago

If the design creator designs the characters to not be smoking characters then so be it. It's not like smoking was ever a prominent thing in Gears. Only one character ever had a cigar and it was just in a concept art.


I’ll take blood and gore over smoking cigarettes in a video game anyday so idgf. Just don’t mess with my good old fashion violence!!!

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'Epic Didn't Really Know What to Do With the Franchise,' Cliff Bleszinski on the Gears of War Sale

From IGN: "While Gears of War has always been connected to the Xbox brand, the series was created by Epic Games as an exclusive. And though the series eventually found its way to Microsoft's first-party portfolio, lead designer Cliff Bleszinski shared his thoughts on the sale.

IGN sat down with Bleszinski for a new episode of Unfiltered and found out how the game director felt when it was announced that Epic Games would sell the franchise to Microsoft in 2014. This was two years after Bleszinski left Epic Games in 2012."

The3faces557d ago

I remember playing the original Gears of War for the first time and being blown away by the graphics and art style and thinking how is this even possible on the Xbox 360 lol. Great job by Epic!

Stuart5756557d ago

Awesome game, defined the 360 era. Its a shame what happend really.

senorfartcushion557d ago

It’ll eventually be made into a multiplayer only game. Every franchise like this will be. The main goal of the industry is having everything basically like Overwatch 2 or any multiplayer mobile game.

TheEnigma313557d ago

It was the first next gen game of that generation.

SonyStyled556d ago

There was another game that came before that, but incredibly expensive to play in 2006.

Popsicle556d ago

I remember a comment from my girlfriend at the time. “How could the graphics get any better than this.” Was amazing in 2006.

Eidolon556d ago

Played on the 360 after having seen Uncharted 4, and I was still amazed at what they achieved.

556d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 556d ago
TheEnigma313557d ago

Because it should have ended at GoW3.

rlow1557d ago

In the article he said Phil Spenser was the only person to call him and nobody else. Just found that interesting, because no one at Epic or his ex co-game developers tried to contact him.

LoveSpuds556d ago

Perhaps he actually is as much of a douchebag as he seemed back in the day. Guy had a terrible attitude and always seemed super arrogant.

CorndogBurglar556d ago (Edited 556d ago )

Yeah he did! I remember G4 had him on one of their shows back in the day and he just had this smug look the whole time and was wearing this real tight black shirt and big chain. And he just looked and talked like he thought he was way too cool for the room.

I loved Gears, don't get me wrong. But he was a total douche.

CS7556d ago

Franchises need to constantly and successfully reinvent themselves to keep entries from getting stale.

Look at GOW (PS) and Zelda. Those are examples of franchises that successfully evolve yet keep their core DNA.

That’s what the Gears franchise needs right now.

shinoff2183556d ago

Never much cared for the look of gears. The over used steroid buff look. Ive heard good things about them. I will say i really need to play the gear of war tactics game. I love games like that. I just forget about it.

TheColbertinator556d ago

Gears Tactics is a solid game. Despite being an XCOM clone, it certainly has unique elements from Gears of War running well on the gameplay. I highly recommend it.

CorndogBurglar556d ago

Being an X-Com clone isn't really a bad thing.

shinoff2183555d ago

To date xcom is one of my favorite series. Ive bought each one day one , the rebought when the goty editions come out with all the dlc. I just started it again sunday night. Every other year I run through xcom enemy within and 2 it seems.

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Ranking The Gears of War Series

The Gears of War franchise's influence has remained to this day with cover systems becoming as ubiquitous as regenerating health. With a new console generation upon us, it's time to list the series from worst to best.

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TranceHop 1166d ago (Edited 1166d ago )

My ranking list
1 .Gears 2
2. Gears 3
3. Gears 1
4. Gears Judgement
5. Gears 4
6. Gears 5

Om4ever1166d ago

Same for me... Good taste Trancehop 😉

darthv721166d ago (Edited 1166d ago )

My personal order is (favorite to least)

Sciurus_vulgaris1166d ago

1. Gears 2
2. Gears 3
3. Gears 5
4. Gears 1/UE
5. Gears 4
6. Gears Judgement

Atom6661166d ago

This is the correct answer.

nibblo1166d ago (Edited 1166d ago )

Close to my rankings but some differences. My rankings:

1. Gears 3
2. Gears 5
3. Gears 4
4. Judgement
5. Gears 2
6. Gears 1

People will hate on me putting Gears 2 so low but I always felt the graphics were too busy to the point of confusion and the combat/movement hadn't really improved over 1. Lot of cool ideas but execution wasn't the best as far as I'm concerned.


Technalysis: Gears of War 5: Hivebusters for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One X|S

GameOnDaily does a deep technical dive into the excellent looking Gears of War 5: Hivebusters and compares the performance between not just two but the four Xbox consoles.

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Einhander19711234d ago

This looks brilliant, once I finish Gears 5 will get this DLC.