
After Transphobic Comments Spark Controversy, Ion Fury Developers Apologize For Employee Remarks

"Moving forward, Voidpoint will institute a zero-tolerance policy for this type of language and all employees and contractors will undergo mandatory sensitivity training. As part of our efforts to contribute to the work that must be done to further support these communities, we are donating $10,000 from Ion Fury's release day proceeds to The Trevor Project. We are also patching Ion Fury ASAP to remove all unacceptable language."

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winter_hill1724d ago ShowReplies(3)
1724d ago Replies(3)
Sciurus_vulgaris1724d ago

Where the developers comments actually transphobic? Or was the developer actually looking at the discussed topic in a critical manner?

NecrumOddBoy1724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

One of the developers suggested that if you are deciding your child should be transgender at birth, then you are a bad parent.

Another posted how the World Health Organization just deemed video game addiction as a mental illness and at the same time deemed transgender dysphoria not an illness.

There's really no sexism or racism or transphobic content in this thread. It's more of a discussion of some guys asking questions because they understand that gaming media is full of left-wing liberals to attack everything and they want to figure out how to deal with it. Then the Forum was uploaded and picked apart by Super Progressive people who basically silenced anyone with the slightest bit of conservative or understanding thought and everyone else collectively attacked them and the Developers

Srhalo1724d ago

The problem here is the way you are framing this like it's only the left that complains about things like this.

Where are you when the right is review bombing and sending death threats to developers who want to tell a story about a gay or minority character. Look at the fake outrage TLOU 2 kiss created, or basically any game from Bioware. Or the right trying to blame mass shootings on games.

Don't pretend it's just one side trying to shut down the speech of the other. Because it's most certainly coming from both sides.

Absonite1723d ago

It IS wrong to DECIDE who someone should NATURALLY develop into themselves.

Dom_Estos1723d ago (Edited 1723d ago )

Absolute horseshit. And typical of people with your view of politics. The developers basically acted like a bunch of frat boys with far right leaning views on what a transgender is. On top of that, they attacked parents of kids who are transgender by labelling them all as being mentally ill people, with zero understanding of what it is to be a parent of a child born that way.

Basically, they can go fuck themselves. This kind of thing belongs well outside of game development, let alone gaming as a whole. They are the ones that made it political by espousing their lack of understanding and frankly bigoted views. They deserve all the flak they got and will get. It's got nothing to do with "left-wing liberalism" and the fact you even brought that up points to me just how narrow-minded, and ill-educated you are. It's nothing but sheer ignorance. Sadly this mindset is a dime a dozen in today's world.


Spot on. They moan and cry their bulbs out at the most inane and harmless shit. And when it really gets bad, violence is issued. Sad bastards the lot of them.

starchild1723d ago


Those things are not equivalent. People on the Right aren't trying to censor or shut down people's free speech. Becoming completely outraged over what somebody said on a forum and doxxing them or putting pressure on their employers to fire them or to have "zero tolerance" for certain speech is not the same as people expressing dislike for political propaganda in games or saying they will simply not buy such games.

No, for these things to be equivalent you would have to have a game with overt conservative messaging, such as a game with messaging about how it's not right for parents to push their young children into being transgender. Then if leftwing people complained about the political messaging or said they weren't going to buy it that would be their prerogative. You would also have to have people on the Right getting outraged over people on a forum expressing some leftwing view and then trying to get them censored, banned, doxxed or fired. And also have the company they work for come out and say they "will implement a zero tolerance policy" of the leftwing position being expressed and require "mandatory sensitivity training" for all employees.

So you see, they really aren't the same situations or behaviors at all. Boycotting something with overt political messaging (either because you're opposed to the message itself or you're tired of political messaging in games in general) is not the same thing as trying to stop other people from expressing certain ideas on forums or social media. One is simply choosing to not buy something--again, because you wouldn't enjoy the messaging or because you don't want to support games with such messaging--while the other is trying to censor and coerce other people not to say certain things at all.

As for the Right supposedly blaming mass shootings on games, that's simply a mischaracterization. Certain right-wing politicians have put some of the blame on games, but most right-wing people in general do not believe that. Many people on the Right were upset with games getting blamed that way. However, just as many left-wing politicians have blamed games for violence, so don't pretend this is a right-wing or left-wing thing. It's a "certain individuals on both sides" thing.

Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman actually sponsored legislation, the Family Entertainment Protection Act, which would crack down on videogames and enact criminals penalties for selling games to minors, among other things. Hillary Clinton was also the one that said, "We need to treat violent video games the way we treat tobacco, alcohol, and pornography." And when Joe Biden was vice president he opened an investigation of the videogames industry after the Sandy Hook massacre. I could give plenty of other examples. My point is, this kind of blame has clearly come from people on both sides of the aisle, while it seems the majority of people on both sides do not believe there is any correlation between playing violent videogames and committing violence in real life.

ZombieGamerMan1723d ago

@ Srhalo Okay can you prove without doubt that the people who took issues with the kiss from TLOU part 2 are the right or that they are the one ones sending bomb threats? But okay let's go with your thesis that they did, it doesn't change that the outrage mob attacking the devs of Ion Fury are fucking scumbags infringing on people's freedom.

And most times any controversy around a game is happening, it's because of this particular group, a game has sexually attractive women, they attack, Game developer wants to create a realistic RPG set in his homeland that was majority white, they attack, someone states an opinion that they deem hateful or phobic of any kind despite it being the opinion of most sane people on the planet....they attack.

So yes I'd say presently they are the more pressing issue at hand and not the right.

Leeroyw1723d ago

Making decisions on a babies sexuality is insane. Having genderless birth certificates further confuses children. Ps games. So now it's not inappropriate.

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Forn1723d ago (Edited 1723d ago )

The answer is no they weren't. And it always makes me a little ill when a company gives in to far left leaning mentally deranged people on the internet.

JackBNimble1723d ago

I agree... this world has gone fucking insane!

Doge1724d ago

Welp. Looks like the people here who championed that dude’s opinions by buying copies of the game just had their money donated to an LGBTQ charity. Well done 👏🏼

Dom_Estos1723d ago

Yeah, the irony of that, eh.

eddvdm1723d ago

If you look into Steam reviews and forums you'll see a lot of them already reclaimed that. Reviews are already sinking, and censorship galore at the forums.

Of course they still will earn a lot of money with the game, but you can be SURE that donation went way above 10.000 now.

Unless you think SJWs will compensate all the refunds.

Srhalo1723d ago

So you're saying they have already started the review bombing? Ah well as expected from the I'm offended your offended crowd.

Rapidfirepunches1723d ago

They censored the game for the people who were never going to buy it in the first place. That forum spends their time trying to get people fired in the games industry, not actually playing games.

Majin-vegeta1723d ago

That's why they're known as REEEEEEEEEEESETERA

Srhalo1723d ago

Ah is that like 4chan?

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jznrpg459d ago

Bad list ! But shooters aren’t the reason anyone buys a Switch

FreeckyCake458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

Why is it bad? Plus, I never mentioned in the article that shooters are the reason people buy a Switch.


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