
Ion Fury devs criticized for comments on transgender kids and feminism

Ion Fury developers Voidpoint have been criticized for comments made on parents of transgender kids and feminism, with them saying those "trying to decide" if their children are trans at birth have "mental problems."

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dotwithshoes1757d ago

They have a point tho, they are mentally ill.

shuvam091756d ago

People these days have problem with the language used while ignoring the crust of the point being made...
6 years ago this wouldn't have been an issue...

bluefox7551756d ago

This used to not be controversial. 10 years ago, if someone said: "Hey, maybe we shouldn't be pumping hormones into our kids when they say their a different gender? Maybe wait til they hit puberty at least?"
This shouldn't be controversial. It's common sense. The world has gone insane.

Christopher1756d ago (Edited 1756d ago )

Eh. This is disingenuous.

Parents wondering if their kids are trans doesn't equate to them doing anything of the sort to them while they are children. The parents are in fact asking these questions because of medical anomalies most of the time (though there are some idiots, but they're not the norm just as stupid gamers don't represent all gamers).

Doctors in fact agree and refuse to do anything to children well past the age of puberty, typically until the individual is an adult and able to make their own decision. They understand that many of these changes are oftentimes reversed later in life as well and want to prevent people from going through these sort of things unless they're absolutely certain.

This is about parents being more open to the idea and the thoughts of their children and supporting how their children feel rather than the approach from before where parents ignore if children were homosexuals and forced them to be something they weren't.

You can dog whistle this as a mental illness, being trans that is, but then forget that not all mental illnesses are solved by trying to stop them from behaving in that manner as opposed to supporting the issue and adjusting it to exist in the world in which we live. Having a mental illness isn't a thing to look down on nor is the solution to those mental illnesses that allow people with them to exist in society as normally as possible.

Forn1756d ago (Edited 1756d ago )

Glad there are those out there that still have some sense. And good on the devs for speaking their mind as well. Hopefully one day this absurdity will stop.

JackBNimble1756d ago

And then the kid grows up and asks their parents " why the f*** did you let me do this to myself, you're supposed to protect me ".

Giblet_Head1756d ago

I doubt many will live long enough to ask that question. Many may pull a David Reimer.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1756d ago
Elda1756d ago

Sometimes things are better left unsaid especially when it comes to situations like that.

Brave_Losers_Unite1756d ago

Exactly.. unless devs dont care about getting a sales hit

Inzo1756d ago

Their sales expectations will double now.

sushimama1756d ago

More often than not it works out quite the opposite. Their game will get even more attention and it will result in more sales. You're overestimating the power of this vocal minority. The majority of the public agree with the statements that were made by these devs.

Forn1756d ago

Those who whine to devs about this kind of thing won't be buying their game anyway.

savedsynner1756d ago

That's the paradox, most of the country doesn't care. It's only the super left vocal minority that makes it seem like the entire world cares what their child's identity is at 3 years old. At 3y/o, your child doesnt have a concrete identity. Most kids go thru phases of being different than expected. If my parents took seriously every little whim I had, i'd be in trouble.

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sushimama1756d ago Show
AK911756d ago

Ah sh*t here we go again

SamPao1756d ago

cmon get away with these shitty articles that try to create a controversy where there is none.

Rachel_Alucard1756d ago

I agree with their points. I like the part where you guys quote him as saying "mutilating a perfectly healthy body” and purposely left out the part where he says "WHILE you have depression and other mental issues" in the same line which changes the stance you are trying to paint him as. It always fascinates me whenever people have their own opinions on things and then when someone dares to be different from the mob they get shut down by the same people who push for that stance. There's nothing wrong with anything he said and trying to paint him as sexist or transphobic doesn't help anyone on either side. I feel like the people crying on resetera have had no justice in their life and now constantly seek it out as adults. You shouldn't waste your time with it if it doesn't benefit you.

Sciurus_vulgaris1756d ago

We live in a time where a person’s feelings are more important than scientific or easily observable facts.

Rachel_Alucard1756d ago (Edited 1756d ago )

I've always said it was due to a sensitive upbringing by the parents of the generation before this one. You would constantly hear how "special" each person was and there was always a need to include everyone and never cause any conflict whatsoever. This mindset coddled many of the kids who then grew up into the entitled and overly-sensitive "victims" of life. Many other industries have dealt with these types and others like how feminists tried to bring down romance novels in the 70s. The difference is, video games go out of their way to pander for profit since they need to reach as many people as possible like movies, whereas romance novels told them to piss off since they aren't going for everyone. This industry and others caters not out of emotion, but out of business reasons and the people supporting them are just ignorant of that fact and don't want to admit they're being exploited for profit.

1756d ago
Rachel_Alucard1756d ago


That is partly due to taking most of their data off a handful of social media sites like Facebook and twitter. They don't do research in the real world at all, just what they have easy access to, and that has affected the perception of the world to them.

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Bad list ! But shooters aren’t the reason anyone buys a Switch

FreeckyCake490d ago (Edited 490d ago )

Why is it bad? Plus, I never mentioned in the article that shooters are the reason people buy a Switch.


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