
New Death Stranding Images Show How Sam Massages His Sore Shoulders While Resting

Today Hideo Kojima posted even more images of his upcoming game Death Stranding.

The images released today showcase an interesting little detail that well underlines the fatigue that Sam feels while walking alone across plains and mountain passes in order to reach his destinations.

TeamIcoFan1752d ago

Are we gonna get an article about how the main character picks his nose next?
I'm excited for Death Stranding but this is getting stupid.

1752d ago Replies(1)
Abnor_Mal1752d ago

Came here to say something similar.

Abriael1752d ago (Edited 1752d ago )

As a matter of fact, if Kojima puts a nose-picking animation in the game, you can bet your full monthly wage that you're gonna get an article.

SyntheticForm1752d ago

Nose-picking would be more noteworthy than this. It's funnier and I've yet to see a character pick while idled or in any situation.

Now I kinda want Sam to pick.

Fluttershy771752d ago

Well... like the article says it "underlines the fatigue" he got from walking, and walking, and walking...

DaDrunkenJester1752d ago (Edited 1752d ago )

Aaaaand he will walk 500 miles, and he will walk 500 more... but first he will need to make multiple rest stops.

porkChop1752d ago

It's ridiculous. Pretty much every modern game has little animations and details like this. Are journos really so starved for content that this needs its own article? This realistically should have just been a mention in the final review, if anything at all.

DaDrunkenJester1752d ago

Right? Stationary animations have been a thing since almost forever Haha

SyntheticForm1752d ago

"How he massages his sore shoulders when resting" - yeah it's gotten out of hand.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1752d ago
Shezgear1752d ago

Gotta love how kojima pisses xbots off😂

Kabaneri1752d ago (Edited 1752d ago )

The game is possibly coming to PC and MGS has been multiplat for years so why would Xbox fans be pissed off about a character rubbing his shoulders in a Kojima game?

Srhalo1752d ago

That's a good question, you should ask them.

MasterCornholio1752d ago (Edited 1752d ago )

MGS is owned by Konami though not Kojima Productions. We have to wait and see if it becomes a multiplatform title but since it's using Guerilla Games engine there's some doubt over that.

With that said the game will definitely be an exclusive but it won't come to other platforms unless Sony allows it.

bluefox7551752d ago

Xbox fans "prefer" not to play on PC, because reasons.

Shezgear1752d ago

By looking at the comments. What do you guys expect really?? That he will show full trailers with explosions every day? He shows that he is testing with single screenshots. And we have also seen lots of trailers with gameplay. Last time was like 2 weeks ago

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1752d ago
MasterCornholio1752d ago (Edited 1752d ago )

Im confused, how is he pissing off Xbox fans with those pictures?

Battlestar231752d ago

I can't wait for this game it's going to be great. I even have the €200 collector's edition pre-ordered.

DaDrunkenJester1752d ago

So basically more sitting around. Is there really going to be a fatigue stat where you'll need to keep resting all the time? That's he shows off in these pics is sitting around and resting.

theshredded1752d ago

Damn this game is something else

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Juancho51116d ago

Just got to chapter 5 and Im loving every second of this game. Phenomenal boss fight at chapter 4, and just great dialogue and story. What a GEM.