
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden (NS) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "The industry needs more games like Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden. Sitting snugly in the middle space between big-time "AAA" releases and small-scale independent titles, it's a modest, mid-range turn-based tactical experience that, not needing to sell five million units to break even, can afford to be experimental and weird. At the same time, it enjoys the staff and resources needed to create high production values and up-to-date visual assets—at least on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The Switch version, regrettably, is another story entirely. Despite developer The Bearded Ladies' successes in world-building, tactics, and stealth gameplay, it has allowed a huge graphical downgrade on Switch. It looks a generation old."

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Jimboms1773d ago

This is the version I'll be playing I think

SegaSaturn6691773d ago

I pirated it and deleted immediately. It looks like shit and is a slideshow any time action happens.

techies1773d ago

Not only your taste and sense in games sucks. your PC sucks too.

rob-GP1773d ago

The site clearly didn't get the email from the publisher this morning... The build on the store is an old build - it doesn't have the graphical and performance updates which should have been in the final product. They are trying to push the correct update out asap. Hopefully the site will do an update to the review once the game is updated? Otherwise, the review will be in relation to a version the majority of gamers won't be playing.

InflectionPoint1773d ago

The game was taxing on my PC, I cant imagine the switch version. Very ambient environments with a lot atmospheric effects. On top of it, the game was only ok.

techies1773d ago (Edited 1773d ago )

the game was great on PC. and i loved every bit of it. i think today the DLC Seed of Evil is coming out and i sure it'll be great too.

i cant say much about the other versions but on PC this game is at least a 8/10
i recommend the PC version for anyone that want to try this great game.

1773d ago Replies(1)
SwedishWargoat1059d ago

Oh my jebus, this is a fantastic list of indie rpg's! You sir, you deserve a cookie.

anast1059d ago

Evoland looks interesting.


Bits & Pieces - Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden – Review – Narrative XCOM-alike

A duck and a pig walk into a wasteland

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Amazon Action-Adventure & Role-Playing Game Sale: Up To 83% Off

Daily Video Game writes: "There are various nice action-adventure and role-playing titles on sale with big discounts across multiple gaming platforms that include PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. While the savings may vary from title to title, those of you who are looking to pick up new games to play right now will be able to save up to 83% off on various action-adventure and role-playing games at Amazon!"

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Black-Helghast1503d ago

I'm gonna have to start staying away from these type of articles since there's always a chance I'll buy at least 2 games and in the current state that the world is in, I'm about to be a father so i gotta prioritize my son but goddamn I'd buy at least 5 games from this list.

1503d ago
GameStallion1503d ago

Mutant Year Zero (shown), is a good little game if you like Xcom style combat.