
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Microtransactions - Gold Bars

From GameWatcher: "Wolfenstein: Youngblood, the first co-op title in the series, is finally out. Like other high profile releases, the title does, after all, feature microtransactions which in this case go by the name of Gold Bars.

Gold Bars are one of three currencies in Wolfenstein: Youngblood, and being tied to microtransactions are the only ones you cannot earn in-game. Instead, you're going to have to buy them with real money."

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IamTylerDurden11775d ago (Edited 1775d ago )

Highly disappointed in Machine Games for what they allowed Youngblood to become. I have done nothing but praise Machine Games since their inception with the incredible New Order Wolfenstein reboot. I preached their name and showered them with accolades for releasing basically a full AAA game with The Old Blood and selling it as a $20 DLC. The New Colossus was equally as impressive and i admired Machine Games for keeping sp FPS alive and sticking to their beliefs. But it appears as though the almighty dollar or Bethesda breathing down their necks finally influenced them to compromise. Forced co op (basically) and a weird upgrade/level structure that encourages you to spend real money on game currency. It's not surprising that Youngblood has received worse reviews and more criticism than any of their previous games as i'm sure the quality of the game was compromised in order to implement a microtransaction oriented structure.

Maybe i'll play Youngblood at some point if i can borrow it from someone, but i can't support it atm.

Gemmol1774d ago

What do you use micro transactions on?

I’m playing it now and at level 40 and I have not buy anything yet

Yui_Suzumiya1771d ago

Exactly what I said, lol .. I haven't even seen a prompt or text about them in the game yet.

Yui_Suzumiya1771d ago

I've played around 25 hours and I'm a level 47 with all guns maxed out and I've never even encountered microtransactions. I don't even know how they work. I've also played solo and never encountered a problem with the AI. Just give it a chance. It's not as good as the prior games but it's still good with plenty of things to do.

-Foxtrot1775d ago

I just can't believe for what this game is and the shit it pulled turning Wolfenstein into a shadow of it's former self people still give it good scores. No way in hell is this anything higher then a 6 out of 10, it does so many things that MT's are just one problem out of many.

It's trying to be a looter shooter without being an actual looter shooter.

The game we saw during the games build up and what released are like two different things. It's sad when IGN of all sites were one of the few that gave it a reasonable score.

Yui_Suzumiya1771d ago

How much time have you put into the game? Sounds like you haven't played it yet based on what you're saying.

-Foxtrot1771d ago

Oh I have...and I totally regret it

Glad I didn’t buy it myself only positive thing from it

Everything I’ve said is literally how the game is and the user reviews online literally reflect that so...

criticalkare1775d ago

This is my least favorite wolfenstein game ever.... hopefully 3rd one is better.... and dont bring that awful rpg mechanic...

1775d ago

Best Wolfenstein Games - All the Wolfenstein Games Ranked

BLG writes, "There can be only one best Wolfenstein game. Since the franchise’s debut in 1981, the Wolfenstein series has graced our gaming platforms for over forty years. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true! In honor of that legacy, we’re going to list some of the best Wolfenstein games and the worst. That’s right: it’s the Wolfenstein games ranked."

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RaidenBlack670d ago

Scheiße! Nein.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein is the best in the series. After that:
New Order
New Colossus
Old Blood

Harryvok669d ago

I really wish they'd remake Return to Castle Wolfenstein from the ground up. Easily the best of them all.

663d ago

Ranking the Wolfenstein Games From Worst To Best

There have been plenty of Wolfenstein games released over the years, but which Nazi shooting epic is the best one?

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RaidenBlack740d ago

RTCW is wayy better than New Colossus.
RTCW should get the 1st spot but I'll settle for a 2nd spot for RTCW in order avoid unneeded quarrel with late 2000s new gamers - and this is coming from an late 90s, early 2000s FPS lover. (RTCW is one of the best single player FPS eve made and one of my fav game)

porkChop740d ago

Wolfenstein 2009 doesn't get enough credit. It was genuinely good, I really enjoyed it. I think the reboot series from MachineGames is certainly better, but the 2009 game is still worth playing.

RaidenBlack740d ago

I had high hopes for Wolf 2009 especially after RTCW and Enemy Territory. And also because none other than Raven was developing it.
But they couldn't quite hit the mark. It turned out okayish. But after RTCW, it seemed pretty underwhelming as a sequel.

porkChop739d ago

Agreed that RTCW is clearly better. Though I don't think I had played that yet when I played the 2009 game.

Gridknac740d ago

I still favor Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I like the Indiana Jones and the Nazis messing with the supernatural vibe.

Sciurus_vulgaris740d ago

I remember buying Return to Castle Wolfenstein for Xbox when I was a teen. It was my first Wolfenstein title. I found the game challenging yet enjoyable.

Number1TailzFan740d ago

RTCW was one of my first online MP experiences with broadband, both online and single player campaign was very fun.

RaidenBlack740d ago

I consider RTCW as one of the best FPS campaigns made. The mood, the pacing was just really good, especially for an early 2000s PC game. And it was pretty difficult too.

moriarty1889739d ago

Wolfenstein 2009 is still my favorite by a mile. The variety of locations like the farm level and others were so colorful and fun to explore. The story as well with the Dark Sun and the enemies. Just very well thought out and BJ was perfect in it with his look and demeanor.

JL2930739d ago

2009 game way too low on this list. Original Wolfenstein is not better than any of the modern games.

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Wolfenstein: Youngblood Review - Judging the Indiana Jones Devs' Future Quality From Their Last Work

Jason says, "The devs of the future Indiana Jones game made this game. So duh, I decided I’d review their last work to get a feel for the potential quality of their future work!

In case you don’t know, Wolfenstein: Youngblood continues the Wolfenstein storyline of the modern games but as a spinoff centered around BJ’s daughters. It also continues along with the fast-paced, smooth-as-butter FPS action its modern revival and counterpart Doom have so competently brought back."

1182d ago
Zeref1183d ago

Here come the Bethesda fud 😂😂😂

Tedakin1183d ago

Article on N4G tomorrow... "Doom was never very good or revolutionary..."

Battlestar231182d ago (Edited 1182d ago )

The spider-man games when multi-platorm were great now that it's exclusive to PS they are crap with SJW writing.

NeoGamer2321182d ago

I disagree. The Spider-man exclusives on PS are the only Spider-man games worth playing. They are very good.

anast1182d ago

This like a "Pet Sematary" article. It's probably not a good idea to go about bringin' up things that should be dead.

1182d ago Replies(1)
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