
Nintendo doesn’t care about your opinion.

Nintendo has to be one of the most hilariously stubborn companies of all time. Throughout the years, they have made some baffling decisions regarding the online functionality of their consoles, friends codes, voice chat and features in their flagship titles or hardware. Fans have been voicing their opinion in social media ever since social media started being a thing. Nintendo just doesn’t care.

FallenAngel19841785d ago

“Nintendo could have thought of a way to make the Lite “dockable” but that would mean you would have to buy a controller in order to play on TV.”

If you really want a docakble Switch then just get the original model

mikeslemonade1784d ago

Lol and that’s why they are last place in most generations.

ThatDudeMunkee1784d ago

Gonna be that guy. They don't care about the generation to generation console war. They do their own thing through innovation. The Nintendo Switch is actually, in my opinion, one of their best pieces of hardware since the GameCube. I wasn't a fan of the DS family (DS to NN3DS/2DS) or the Wii and Wii U. The Switch, honestly, is my favorite piece of hardware they've released in a rather long time.

Those crying about the Nintendo Switch Lite... Really have their priorities out of place and it's rather noticeable that this new hardware iteration was aimed at children and those who would rather have a Switch on the go versus a dock.

slapedurmomsace1784d ago (Edited 1784d ago )

Last in most generations??? Am I missing something here? NES destroyed the master system. SNES beat the Genesis. The N64 beat the Saturn. The Gamecube beat the Dreamcast. The Wii beat everyone. The Wii U was in last place and by all accounts the Switch will pass the One. They were last in 1 generation. They weren't in 1st place in some generations, but last in every generation is just a trash comment that's grossly misinformed. But I'm sure you'll move the goal posts somehow. Like tell me the Saturn and Dreamcast don't count because you say so.

Y_51501783d ago

@mikeslemonade and two of the last place systems are so beloved to this day.

Read the first 3 words of the title please.

badz1491784d ago


OR...how about Nintendo include a mini HDMI port for the Lite to allow connection to TV via cable? they don't have to include the cable, just the port. why can't they do that?

RosweeSon1784d ago (Edited 1784d ago )

Because after 9 years they wanted a replacement for the 3ds without fully launching a new handheld model and taking away from the current switch steam train. This is best of both worlds it covers their handheld market while also continuing to sell switches. I guess the bigger battery rerelease is the pro model was rumoured unless they do decide in 6 months or so (by March latest)a proper switch pro looks doubtful now the bigger battery version is coming they’ll ride that out and by March 2021/22 latest switch 2.0 ;)
Their home console cycle is never more than 4-6 however their handhelds are always kept going as long as poss and dated hardware look how long they kept the original gameboy in service and even then they only barely added colour haha. Luckily the games are fantastic.

ZaWarudo1785d ago

ughhh it's frustrating to be a Nintendo fan. They live in their own little bubble.

We've been asking for better online for years. Switch is lacking basic online features like friend messaging. Party chat would also be amazing.

And where the hell are the virtual console? people wouldn't pirate Nintendo games as much if they were more easily accessible. I swear Nintendo is completely out of touch.

nucky641784d ago

you can't message friends??

Segata1784d ago

You can...through the smartphone app. It's stupid. Wii U and Wii let you message friends on the console. Some of my Switch friends just message me on...wait for it.........my PS4 ROFL!

Sono4211784d ago (Edited 1784d ago )

Yup, it's an absolute joke. The fact this guy has 10 disagrees just goes to show how in denial their hardcore fanboys are, honestly Nintendo get's away with some really bad practices.

1. Amiibo, and the horrific release of them, not to mention pricing and functionality, or lack there of.
2. Releasing 2 versions of the same Pokemon game. With certain pokemon and other various differences being specific to a version, all for a pathetic attempt to double dip into some fans wallets, then they release the THIRD or THIRD and FOURTH version in a sad attempt to get into their wallet again at FULL PRICE, that on any other platform would simply be sold as $10-$20 DLC or would be completely free.
3. Charging for an absolute dumpster fire of an online service. Literally lacks all basic features and has HORRIFIC lag on most FIRST PARTY titles, the only exceptions being Mario Kart and Splatoon, but even they are far from perfect.

It's honestly sad to think they get away with all of this with little to no push back, instead the fanboys actually defend it, and i'm sure i'll get plenty of dislikes on this comment as well. Not to mention the replies with the "whataboutism's" YES I get it, they aren't the worst, but at least every other company doing shady stuff get's called out for it, meanwhile when Nintendo does it, they get applauded and then defended by their loyalists, it's almost a cult like mentality. Actually I can be positive that if any other company did what Nintendo is doing, they would get endless flack for it, no doubt in my mind.

Honestly what really get's me worked up is that I now STILL have to wait for the next Smash game to FINALLY have good online, and just being real, they will probably mess it up with the next release as well, I mean we all heard that quote from Miyamoto saying he doesn't believe their online is behind the competition, I mean are you actually kidding me? Leave your bubble Nintendo, you're starting to seem like a senile old man unwilling to change.

DillyDilly1784d ago (Edited 1784d ago )

I like Nintendo's don't give a damn attitude for the most part. Unlike Sony & their censoring & Microsoft & their bowing down to anything the SJW / PC culture complains about. All companies have good & bad things about them & some just all around bad. Nintendo just seems the most well rounded of them all

anonymousfan1784d ago

Your started well; "all companies have good & bad things" can't say I agree with "most well rounded" though.

Sm00thNinja1784d ago

You like that Nintendo doesn't give a F*** about you. Well that's a new one from Nintendo fans yall are a trip

DillyDilly1784d ago (Edited 1784d ago )

Like I said on one hand you have Sony doing their thing & Microsoft doing their thing with trying to have their cake & eat it as well. Nintendo will do what Nintendo will do & between the three Nintendo is the lessor of the evils of the three at this point. Their online does suck but they wont censor & wont bow down to SJW / PC non sense & I will take these factors any day

Wolffenblitz1784d ago

Once again, an entire group of people judged based on one person.

StalinSupremacy1784d ago (Edited 1784d ago )

there's is no whinier a bitch than some cuckservative complaining about 'sjws' on a comments section Lol
and they have the audacity to label everybody ELSE a fucking snowflake...

Dragonscale1784d ago

Stalinsupremacy my arse. The man who was 2nd only Mao when it came to murdering psychopaths of the 20th century, he even put hitler in the shade in the genocide stakes, such a great man. Sjw's deserve all the shit they get fgs.

Last_Boss1784d ago

Even with the censorship in the weeb/pedo games, they are in another galaxy when it comes to content and connectivity.

Steppenwolfmother1784d ago

Isn’t the only games Sony are censoring Pervy Japanese games where the characters age is questionable? I’d hardly call that a bad thing.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1784d ago
PlatinumGX1784d ago

And I no longer buy their stuff, funny how things work.

Kumakai1784d ago

Nintendos online services are nothing short of a joke - especially when compared to psn and xbl.

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