
Are You a Gaming Addict?

Phreaky from PS3 Attitude writes: "While carrying out some research for another article, I found myself sidetracked looking into gaming addiction. As with most other forms of addiction, most people don't know that they have a problem. Further reading surprised me in that I display one or two of the symptoms of gaming addiction. Should I be worried? And how common is gaming addiction anyway?

According to the Byron Report, gaming addicts are far less common than people think. Apparently you need to display a number of the following criteria in order to be considered a potential addict. Click through for the skinny on the signs and find out if you class as an addict."

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Why o why5675d ago

ive known many who have let gaming detract them from studies, work and even partners. There's an even bigger addiction out there though and that is 'gaming site addiction' this addiction can change even the most rational and sombre people into raging fanatics;)

phreaky5675d ago

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new comment WOOOO!
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robotnik5675d ago

There are many addicts in FFXI and WoW. In FFXI you can see them wearing a blue cap.

There are guys that have every job leveled to the max. And thats not easy, neither fun.

ArtisianDragon5675d ago

I remember seeing quite a few in FFXI before I quit who were either in my group just maxing out something for a subclass or where helping us power-level through certain parts. I've gotta say games like those it's easy to get addicted to, especially when their is always something new being added, some new foe you haven't faced, and perhaps some item that you may have missed. Not to mention the expansions (Separate from regular updates) that keep the people their, as well as the friends they have made within' the game itself.

Astric5675d ago

I find myself smiling at your FFXI references. :) Which server were you playing on? I was on Phoenix, and I had a couple of friends who were seriously thinking to get Maat's cap. Thankfully, though, those same friends helped me cut my FFXI addiction.

robotnik5675d ago

I used to play on Ragnarok, tbh I was kinda addicted too. The game is so big that you feel the urge to explore more and more.

But after my friends left to WoW and the introduction of Treasures of Aht Urghan, or whatever is called, I felt like the game was broken.
Played for a little while and now I'm out, I dunno, this game feels more like grind fest now. But sure had a great time when I was a rookie.

If I remember correctly my playtime was 250 days <_<. Yeah, that's quite a bit. But this guy with the blue cap had something like 500........

But I might come back someday if Square adds something cool.

ArtisianDragon5675d ago

AhtU was pretty interesting, spent quite a bit of XP trying to get that puppet master :p. Though I think one thing they should really think about doing at least for the time being is adding a race and expanding a bit on the lore. Seriously the game was major fun when it first came out and loved the heck out of it with friends. Though when WoW came out the main reason they left was due to the fact of "Their are more races than FFXI that you can play as." Don't get me wrong I love the selection so far, but I feel it has been quite some time they could expand upon it, friend even got mad because he could not be a male neko..? (Forgot the name.) I just think that each new expansion brings a new class to the table, new areas, no new races.

Another thing I hate is that if you quit and after three months stop playing you basically have to buy the game over again >_> they should get rid of that seriously, then maybe a lot more people will come back...

hay5675d ago (Edited 5675d ago )

Cheers robotnik, I played RO for like 3 years, it was fun game.
Aren't Treasures of Aht Urhgan FF11 expansion not WoW? Bit confusing there.
Anyone here played EQ2? Great and immersive mmo.

Back on topic. I was gaming addict in the past as a teenager but I don't have time for it now and prefer beer, chicks and friends than spending time on games.
And I don't score friends, don't drink chicks and don't talk with beer.

robotnik5675d ago

@ Artisian

You hit the nail with the account deletion, that sucks a lot. But I think its a year now untill they take down it... not sure though. But nevertheless, it's just absurd to have your account deleted.

About the races, yeah, it would be cool to have more races. You are talking about Mithra, cat girls.


I played RO too! Favourite class was Assassin.
Yeah, Treasures of Aht Urghan is the third FFXI expansion.

1. Zilart
2 Chains of Promathia (the best IMO)
3 Treasures
4 Wings of the Goddess.

ArtisianDragon5675d ago

To 1.8:

Yeah I never will get why they did that, I mean I suppose I can see it a bit as trying to move discs and such but ultimately it seems like they would be wasting money since they would have to keep manufacturing them as well as the boxes for storage. Overall I think they should stop as I loved the POL thingy :/. Mithra that's it! Suppose another thing they could do is add a bit more variety to the races give you more custom-ability for making your character stand out, though I suppose the game ultimately isn't about that as quite a few people are still playing it to this day.

To 1.7:
Yep played EQ2, Forgot my account so I am unable to go back, as I cannot find my discs either! Truly a fun game, and loved the variety of classes they gave you at the beginning It felt like a D&D version of WoW, or something (Hard to find an analogy for it as it was simply that great.) I just saw to that they release a new expansion for it? I may just pone up and buy all the discs again and jump right into it, play it over the Christmas break seeing as their are no other console games I really want at the time.

hay5674d ago

@1.8: I prefered rogues and monks. It was great game back then but unfortunately it doesn't have what it takes to win my heart where so many great games on the market.

@1.9: EQ2 changes constantly so it's worth to give it a go especially where you have all-in-one for 40 bucks. If you wanna try wait for 18 november, you'll get newest expansion for the same 40 usd.
It's really big and complex now.

Back on topic, sometimes I want to forget myself and spend days on gaming just like years ago...

ArtisianDragon5674d ago

Ah that's when the new one comes out, fair enough looks like I'll be spending money once again on a game. I thought I would have nothing to buy this time around. Can't wait to play it once again, wasn't to used to it the first time around and perhaps that was one of the factors that pushed me away, but after researching it a bit I can say that it is quite an extensive and great game. Just hope I remember everything..

Danny_D5674d ago

I quit my job and was unemployed for a month. I was happy as a clam though, as it meant one month of playing FF XI non-stop.

Needless to say, I don't play FF XI anymore.

thebudgetgamer5674d ago

its called self control talk to someone with a heroin problem then you will see what addiction really is

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5674d ago
solideagle15675d ago

hahaha that was good.
as per article yes we area gaming addicted i guess. thats why we want new games and whenever have a spare time we just hold the controller and on the system.

ArtisianDragon5675d ago

Nope wouldn't categorize myself as a gaming addict, maybe enthusiast but that's about as far as I would go. I could never let games take over my life, they are merely just entertainment "things" in which I get relaxation from after a stressful day at school or work. Usually playing RB2, and now that it's out a little bit of LBP before hitting the hay (Though I'm sure others have their own games in which they play to get relaxed). Granted I may stay up a few extra minutes to an hour, but that's it.

Montrealien5674d ago

notice how there is none of the regular trolls here? know why? they don' t f*cking game!

DiLeCtioN5674d ago

I just love games so much, just because this gen has made a lot of features easier like online gaming..something i couldnt do on PS2 even though i had an internet connection.

Games like COD4 have hit that addictive level, tbh its a good and bad thing. What some developers do is good for gaming and thats why i enjoy games that die out after so i can trade them. if developers didn't avoid the addictive level, we will find a lot of people in messed up situations.

wow am writing an essay XD

p.s take breaks man it helps.

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Two Decades Later, the Original Splinter Cell is Still a Masterpiece

They don't make games like this anymore.

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vgvill5d ago

Too dated in my book. The AI is way too unpredictable to be acceptable today. It's definitely a game of its time.

Jingsing5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Agreed with those sentiments. The quality of the CPU controlled characters make or break a stealth game and they are pretty poor in all the Splinter Cell games by today's standard. This is what led me to playing Spies vs Mercs all the time in later games just to get a better stealth experience from a real person. Arguably Sony are making better stealth games albeit not Tom Clancy stuff.

TheProfessional5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

You should stick with fortnite or one of the countless bloodborne style games then. What a joke.

rlow15d ago

I had a good time with the game. It is a product of its time. But when it came out it was a must have game for a lot of people. I wish Ubisoft would make another game in the series or at least a reboot.

vgvill5d ago

They are making a remake, I think. I loved the original game when it was released, but I tried to play it again in recent years and just couldn't get on with it. The same with the older Hitman games.

PrecursorOrb5d ago

Yeah chaos theory still holds up though I gotta say. If you’re a fan of the series I highly suggest you go back to that one. Ubi has said they are remaking sc for “modern audiences”. I don’t have a lot of faith for the future of that company

Chocoburger5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Due to the lack of modern stealth games, and me constantly playing the MGS series, I've been looking for alternative stealth games to play, and went back and re-played the SC series recently. I wouldn't call SC1 or SC:PT masterpieces, there are AI issues, they're very much trial-and-error games, and that can lead to a lot of frustration. I also found the stories in this series to be boring, uninteresting, and just sloppily told. Cinematics are also of poor quality for both in-game scenes and CG cut-scenes, the soundtrack didn't leave any impression on me either.

Chaos Theory is better, but there was still a lot of room for improvement, and Double Agent (old gen ver.) was a sloppy mess that ended up a regression from CT. But still, at least they tried back then, these days Ubi-junk doesn't even try to make good games!


A Matter Of Trust: What The Game Industry Should Do To Win Gamers Back

Skewed and Reviewed have written an Opinion Piece covering issues in the gaming industry, how current issues were issues years ago, and what can be done to help restore consumer trust.

anast11d ago

Nothing. It's up to the gamers to stop consuming content from companies that they don't agree with.

Garethvk10d ago

How do you know if you agree with it or not unless you play it? Which without conventions forces gamers to rely on trailers. Perhaps Demos should be made more frequently. But companies need to do better as well.

anast10d ago

Wait until release. Watch Gameplay. Exercise patience.

Garethvk10d ago

But is that not what they have now? Tons of gameplay or are you talking about watching actual gamers play it versus the trailers and streams? The big issue is that some companies pay streamers and influencers and they create content but for me; that is hardly a fair, unbiased, and factual look at a game.

1nsomniac10d ago

Get rid of the suits in the industry and job done!!

Garethvk10d ago

They usually are attached to the money sadly. It would be nice to have gamers in charge but you have so much money invested that business people are needed. Hence the issue; you need people who know business but are also gamers who know have an eye to the community. It sounds simple in theory that if you give gamers quality games that they want to play; money will be made. But that is not always so.


From The Last of Us to Baldur's Gate 3: The success of the Game Music Festival

Marie Dealessandri speaks to Borislav Slavov and Gustavo Santaolalla about “the new golden age of games music”.

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