
Sean Murray explains why it's best for Anthem and Fallout 76 developers to stay silent after launch

From Games Radar: "Sean Murray, founder of Hello Games and famed creator of No Man's Sky, knows a thing or two about how to deal with... shall we say, constructive feedback.

The game's original release back in 2016 saw a huge backlash from players who felt misled by its lack of promised features, but the indie studio has since worked its way out of that sticky situation through healthy post-launch support, most notably with the release of No Man's Sky Next last year and the upcoming launch of No Man's Sky Beyond within the next few months. "

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masterfox1773d ago

That's just being coward, face your audience and tell the truth and earn a bit of shame that's the least they can do.

NarutoFox1773d ago

Let me get this straight, so being silent means your a coward?

DillyDilly1773d ago

Being silent means you got nothing positive to say

CrimsonWing691773d ago

Yea, when people are asking what the hell is happening with the game and why it was released in such a state and you run, hide, and keep quiet... that seems pretty cowardly.

thatguyhayat1773d ago

Being silent and not addressing the issue means you gone and messed up big time

Nitrowolf21773d ago

I would say it does, when you aren’t there to address your community and wait for it to Seattle down only to still be silent on the dedicated fans, it’s cowardly IMO

bouzebbal1773d ago

Starting quiet while people are pissed means 2 things: u don't give a #### or you have nothing to say..
Not the right way to deal with people's frustration.. I always found this guy to be full of it through the e3 conferences he has been to.. He has no insurance the way he speaks

NarutoFox1773d ago


I agree being silent and not addressing the *issue* is cowardly but being silent in general or if you're a quiet person is not cowardly

yomfweeee1773d ago

In this context yes it does. You put out a complete crap product which was no where near what was promised. If there is a huge uproar and you stay quiet... yes that is cowardly. Admit the mistakes to start with. If you have a plan, say so.

Christopher1772d ago

***Being silent means you got nothing positive to say***

If that was true, then this site would be deadly silent.

Soybetaboy1772d ago

Yes, you messed own up to it

BlaqMagiq11772d ago

Yes it does. Own up to your shit and apologize for it. Come back better for it next time. Saying nothing will make you look worse.

UltraNova1772d ago

I guess Murray doesn't know who EA and Bethesda are...he might have had a plan to redeem himself and NMS and hunkered down in silence to fix it (still wrong but he did had a plan at least) but think logically and historically for a moment on who EA and Beth are and tell me if they give a shit or just moved on altogether to the next Live service bullcrap they had planned...

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1772d ago
Kosic1773d ago (Edited 1773d ago )

I agree to some extent. It's when Devs say they'll do post launch content and then go quiet. How do we know the game is being supported any longer after the harsh backlash.

They should speak up and explain their plan to fix the issues.
The longer they stay the quiet the less we as gamers would trust them.

For no man's sky, it was harsh to the developer. But I give him credit and respect for sticking to it and rarely going under the radar.

Bethesda, I've lost trust after fallout 4 and with 76 and the same old issues. It's hard to say I'd buy into their next game.

DaDrunkenJester1773d ago

No Mans Sky / Shawn Murray literally went afk for almost a year after launch. He wouldn't address anything, he wouldn't show his face, nothing. Yes they did come back with a good update so at least they were doing something, but they should have been upfront about their plans and admitted mistakes from the beginning.

rainslacker1773d ago

He tried to address stuff. But every comment by him was just people flying off the handle, calling him a liar, and generally talking shit about him.

There was nothing he could say to improve the situation, so why bother trying to address it. Make a statement you're going to improve for those that may want to know and not just want to throw out random hate, then work to improve.

That's a good way to stay silent in situations like that, because as we've seen, not staying quiet tends to just make things worse.

Maybe if the community could be a bit more restrained in the way they handle their criticism, it wouldn't have to be like that. It doesn't help that the media will happily jump on any chance to twist any comment into something incendiary.

With EA and Bethesda, they just don't know when to shut up, and come across more as trying to make excuses, rather than as if they have any genuine desire to make things right. Even if they're working to make things right, they always have to come and say something stupid....or in EA's case, somehow make it the consumers fault.

dumahim1772d ago


"He tried to address stuff. But every comment by him was just people flying off the handle, calling him a liar, and generally talking shit about him. "

the first part of that is absolute, complete bullshit.
Between the game's launch on 8/12 and 8/18 (his last tweet before silence), it was all about hype and working on technical issues. He even commented on his amazement that people actually met each other on the first day, despite the clear fact that they didn't actually meet each other. They just happened to be in the same place at the same time and there was zero evidence that the other was there. The time of day was different, they didn't see what the other person did to the environment, and they could pause the game with no effect to the other player.

There was a few tweets in October about his account being hacked and his next tweet was about the first major update at the end of Nov. Over 3 months of silence. There was no comments about the missing features elsewhere either. A LOT of the players anger was driven by the silence.

DaDrunkenJester1773d ago (Edited 1773d ago )

Pretty much. For the amount of shit that Sea of Thieves got at launch, Rare has continued to make weekly dev videos talling to their fans, admitting mistakes, and making massive changes based on fan feedback.

You dont need to go quiet, you need to talk to the fans and make good changes they want. Anthem needs better loot drops, that's been the complaint the entire time, just do it already.

If you're open, honest, and willing to take feedback and make that feedback your priority... that's how you build a close fanbase. Look at what Warframe did as well. Their launch was rocky, but they have some of the best community managers talking to their fans and they have been making massive strides.

At times you're going to get a punch on the chin, it's how you get back up from it is what will define you. Running away and hiding in your room for a year is not the answer.

Heavenly King1773d ago (Edited 1773d ago )

It would be nice to have the developer addressing the issues, and actually have a plan to fix them.......BUT STILL; It is a lot better to say nothing, than straight out lie to you costumers ***cough...Anthem....cough***

chobit_A5HL3Y1773d ago

doesn't mean anything nowadays. some people are just entitled, sometimes rightfully so, other times not, and that leads to bullshit either way. there's a reason why there's the saying, "actions speak louder than words". if they're gonna make the game better, then let them work. the internet isn't going to make your job easier if you talk or not, so just do the work and let it speak for itself.

rdgneoz31773d ago

Telling the truth and admitting fault it was saved FFXIV. It's now released it's third expansion and has millions of players around the world. They realized what was first released was crap and apologized to the players, and then spent their time fixing it before finally releasing A Realm Reborn. They didn't ghost players or hide, they admitted fault and the game has thrived since.

rainslacker1773d ago

He's not saying you have to just shut yourself away and not address the issues. He's pretty much saying that one should not try to keep making excuses for why things didn't work out well. Admit fault if necessary. Give a plan to fix it. Then fix it. Between those last two, one shouldn't prattle on about why the game isn't that bad like we see with FO76 or Anthem.

Maywell1773d ago

You need to study more about business and marketing knowledge

rainslacker1773d ago

Actually, Murray tried to explain after launch. Only a couple times though. Nothing he said mattered. Instead, he shut up, and went and improved the game, and after he did that, he came out and seemed genuinely sincere about wanting to do right by his customers.

He worked to gain forgiveness, not just begged people to give it.

dumahim1772d ago


Between the game's launch on 8/12 and 8/18 (his last tweet before silence), it was all about hype and working on technical issues. He even commented on his amazement that people actually met each other on the first day, despite the clear fact that they didn't actually meet each other. They just happened to be in the same place at the same time and there was zero evidence that the other was there. The time of day was different, they didn't see what the other person did to the environment, and they could pause the game with no effect to the other player.

There was a few tweets in October about his account being hacked and his next tweet was about the first major update at the end of Nov. Over 3 months of silence. There was no comments about the missing features elsewhere either. A LOT of the players anger was driven by the silence.

Christopher1772d ago

***That's just being coward, face your audience and tell the truth and earn a bit of shame that's the least they can do.***

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Talk and people will criticize you no matter what as "the game shouldn't have been released in this state". Stay silent and people will criticize you for not sayin things.

In the end, what matters most is rectifying the issue and having to deal with randos in the community isn't necessarily important to focusing and getting things done in a timely manner. If you don't like it, get that refund. But they still worked on improving the game without having to involve themselves in discussions that people would twist and turn into other complaints let alone they didn't need to make promises on when and what was coming.

rainslacker1772d ago

Even after all this time, some people still seem really upset about what happened. Any chance to take a shot I guess.

I don't know if all that matters is rectifying the issues, as I would prefer games be released in a proper state, and not be oversold by the dev or pub. I understood why some people may be upset with what happened, but the complete and utter hate lobbed at the dev was way overblown and irrational. People acted like the man came over and boiled their pet bunny and should burn in hell. These same kinds of people will still buy the next Fallout game, or EA game if they finally get good, but no MP in NMS and Murray needs to retire and is never again to be trusted.

It's beyond ridiculous.

Christopher1771d ago

***I don't know if all that matters is rectifying the issues, as I would prefer games be released in a proper state, and not be oversold by the dev or pub.***

That's in relationship to the "issue". The issue was that he released the game without all that was "promised." So, all that matters at that point is rectifying the issues.

DarXyde1772d ago

An oil company causes a horrendous spill and apologizes in hopes that you'll forgive them and keep buying their petrol.


You man up, handle your poor delivery, and turn it around. Through action.

Which is better?

Murray really brought it after the lofty promises that fell short. Then he made up for it with actions.

esherwood1772d ago

Honestly gamers aren’t the forgiving type, really no point responding your just going to get it spun against you. Maybe instead of strategizing on how to deal with bad launches you work on being more honest In your PR though. Murray strait up lied about his game

TheEroica1772d ago

The gaming community acts unreasonable, inhumane and volitile at times. They can be an embarrassment to our hobby. If I'm a developer I'm not feeding that cell block right, ever.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1771d ago
Rachel_Alucard1773d ago

Says the guy who flat out lied to everyone. At least Bioware and Bethesda didn't do that, they just sugarcoated it.

TheOptimist1773d ago (Edited 1773d ago )

Sugarcoating is lying.

A lie is a lie. Big, small, middling, makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary.

At least Sean Murray kept silent but worked his way up there. What are Fallout 76 and Anthem doing? Adding battle royales and being present at E3 shouting from one corner of the room "I exist!!!"

Rachel_Alucard1772d ago

Sean made actual claims to things that never appeared in vanilla plus many trailers showed the same. 76 and Anthem did not do this but they did show scripted gameplay demos. Sugarcoating is AAA publisher wide thing, lying is what Peter Molyneux did.

esemce1772d ago (Edited 1772d ago )

"Everyone Lies" House MD.

I don't think I will ever trust any launch from Bioware, Bugthesda or Murray.

TheOptimist1772d ago


I see you are a man of culture :3

dumahim1773d ago

"it just works" "16 times the detail."
I think that's beyond sugar coating.

shadowraiden1773d ago

they lied way worse then even he did. or do i need to remind you the whole "it just works" that Bethesda said yet nothing worked in FO76.
Anthem well is that even a game at best its a tech demo it has literally nothing except some nice flying mechanics.

rdgneoz31773d ago

Bioware's pre release footage of Anthem was nothing like the release. During E3, they showed that you could solo stuff and have friends drop in and out at any time. That you could be go to dungeons from the world map and during one you could find an event going on like an Ancient Titan out in the open world. They also showed a ton of customization materials and different armors, only to lock them behind the store with a trickle over time (the sugarcoating part).

william_cade1772d ago

Bioware made a fake trailer for Anthem.

ShockUltraslash1772d ago

BiowThedsa lied too.
Also Sean Murray is a good guy. He wanted to make a good game. He failed. Then he corrected his mistake.
When Bioware and Bethedsa failed, they are abandoning this after taking money from gamers.

BlaqMagiq11772d ago

Todd Howard said "it just works."

Then I saw a video of someone playing FO76 and it was literally destabilizing right in front of him. That is WAY worse than NMS.

Rachel_Alucard1772d ago (Edited 1772d ago )

You forgot how he then said it doesn't work at E3. His main studio in Maryland didn't even make 76 yet they face all the brunt of criticism.

BlaqMagiq11772d ago

"You forgot how he then said it doesn't work at E3"


"His main studio in Maryland didn't even make 76 yet they face all the brunt of criticism."

Lmao what? You might wanna check your facts. Bethesda Game Studios made the game with the help of MULTIPLE studios, with Todd Howard being the director. They deserve ALL the criticism.

Rachel_Alucard1772d ago (Edited 1772d ago )

Bethesda Austin made the brunt of 76. Maryland implemented a lighting renderer and only had the game for a year. Check your facts. The "It just works" line is also from way back in Fallout 4's reveal in 2015 and I have not seen him say that at all last year at E3. I'm not even defending the game or the company since Zenimax is run by evil disinterested con men, but the disinformation that's spread is more rampant then I figured.

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Tonykid1773d ago (Edited 1773d ago )

I don't even need to read the article everytime PR talks to angry gamers they still get angry or things just get worse. If the devs can't change things just shut up and release the game and cut your losses.

harmny1773d ago (Edited 1773d ago )

Hello games has what? 20 employees.
Bioware and BGS have thousands.
If the game fails it's over.
Big companies won't take the risk of staying silent and working on the game for two years

Cmv381773d ago

Offer full refunds, and scrap the game. Do better next time and at least there'll be a next time.

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