
Destiny 2 "New" Exotic Weapon Leaked, Comes From Destiny 1 and Here's How It'll Be Obtained

A new leak has surfaced stating how a Destiny 2 future exotic weapon will be introduced in the game and how it'll be obtained.

ShadowKing-1804d ago

Nice to see weapons from destiny 1 returning, so much content that was developed that is just not being used. Should take every raid and weapons (exotic) and remaster them for present destiny. Would enjoy playing some old raids.

Nitrowolf21804d ago

I wouldn't mind if they remastered some of the raids, possibly even make it fit in terms of a new narrative (but not erasing the old)

Neonridr1803d ago

why can't we just have new content? Why are we literally taking years old stuff, repackaging it and then pretending like it's something new for us to do.

No offense to Destiny 1 but if they literally repackage Vault of Glass or Wrath of the Machine and then pass it off as new content then I am done. I loved D1 raids, but I played them to death, leave them with the old game.

We don't need D1 exotics to return, we have already had so many now at this point.

1803d ago
jhpadilla1802d ago

There is always new content. These are just little extras. I don't see any harm in that. If they bring everything D1 had ALONG new content, even better!

OneEyedSteve1803d ago

The weapon wasn't even good. Best and most fun weapon was the Zhalo Supercell. Its all i used.

Neonridr1799d ago

lol, the lone exotic primary that had an element damage to it

1803d ago
jjb19811803d ago

Was hoping for Dragon's Breath. It was named after the friend that's been drinking, eating chips with ranch and smoking cigarettes all night.

william_cade1802d ago

When is it going free to play?


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