
​Head Of Xbox On E3 Says “I Wish Sony Was Here”

We're not the only ones who wanted PlayStation at E3, it turns out Xbox did too.

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Nyxus1790d ago

Hopefully they're back next year. This was a relatively boring E3 overall, although Nintendo and Square Enix had good shows.

Relientk771790d ago

I think Sony will be back next E3. Sony is just busy working on PS5 and next-gen games. It's probably a combination of much of those games in development aren't ready to show yet, and they don't wanna show their hand too early.

RpgSama1790d ago

Not only are they going to be back, they're going to kill it, the combination of hype for them being back plus a full 2 years of not showing anything will make a great combination with what I'm sure will be a large number of never before shown next-gen projects.

SkatterBrain1790d ago

Am I The Only one that Thinks This Guy Woulda Made a Good Villian in the Original MAX PAYNE? he has that face for it , could picture him being a Mafia hitman working with the Russians

-Foxtrot1790d ago

I think they played it smart not coming this year, they have Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima and Last of Us Part II coming out before this gen ends. Multiplatform games were shown at EA, Ubisoft, Square Enix and even Microsoft's conferences so they didn't need to be there especially when they can't or don't want to show off next gen fully yet.

If they came their conference would have most likely been bare bones

RpgSama1790d ago


They put all the pressure on Xbox side, with both of them going, Xbox just needed to be better than Sony to win, without Sony at E3 because we have no point of comparison, Microsoft had to be amazing.

darthv721790d ago

I got a feeling they were there. Or at least some reps were there likely taking notes on various things they saw. Sony didnt have a presentation but they def had a presence.

bouzebbal1790d ago

They already summed up PS5 reveal for scarlet... Feels like xbox relies on what Sony says or does to make next move.. So funny

1790d ago
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RangerWalk2671790d ago

Sony didn't add much last year though. It was a mess actually. Guiding people to different venues. All to showcase games that we're already in the pipeline.
I'm sure they'll be back E3 2020. That's plenty of time to "reload".

Sunny_D1790d ago

That show was probably why they decided to not show this year. Makes sense.

oasdada1790d ago

What? Atleast they had full blowouts of their games.. And fyi MS did yhe same thing this year.. Show games they already had in their pipeline and instead only showed cgi trailer for gears that comes out in september and no gameplay for halo infinite that is supposed to be their nexgen system seller.. And sonys last year format should be a prob for those eho wete attending but for us sitting at homr i dont think it was thst big of a problem people are making out to be.

zodiac9091790d ago

Did you not notice the lack of full gameplay demos at this years e3??? They were the ONLY ones last year to show off their games with no bullshit...something that not even Square managed to fully accomplish this year...they did THE MOST last year and the years before, and if you cannot see that now, you must be a fanboy or delusional.

Rimeskeem1789d ago

They showed something like 30 minutes of gameplay, more than all the rest of this E3 showcase. At least they showed their products rather than a minute CGI trailer.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1789d ago
andibandit1790d ago


"they don't wanna show their hand too early."

I kinda feel Sony is more of the opposite

madpuppy1790d ago

""they don't wanna show their hand too early.""

"I kinda feel Sony is more of the opposite"

whatever lets you sleep at night, Man... :P

rainslacker1790d ago

I suppose if Sony was there, then maybe some negative attention could fall on them, instead of people saying they were smart not to attend, and that MS did nothing to really prove that Sony needed to be there. It's rather funny how MS is getting more negative attention in relation to Sony not being there.

Maybe he genuinely did want Sony to be there, just so he could have a better understanding of what to do next in their marketing. They seemed kind of lost this past year, and if it's like the pre-launch of this gen, then Sony is playing a chess game with marketing, which MS seems to have trouble matching. It's like they don't know what to do when it's not clear the path Sony is going to take.

madpuppy1788d ago

Microsoft tends to be at a disadvantage, Because of their history and not really having to do anything to sell products effectively (eg: advertise and compete) Generally they Leverage Windows technologies as well as other IP to gain the upper hand in any industry they enter BUT, without that, they are on an even playing field don't know what to do, That is why they FAILED when it came to their Phone OS, They lost the chance to have a foothold in that industry and Google with Android became pervasive and the "standard" for all but a small few phones. (Apple is the exception with iOS).
That is one of the reasons why They failed so hard at the beginning of this generation, They jumped the gun thinking because of their good showing in the last gen that they could dictate terms to the consumer and the competition, It was essentially a failed coo to take over the console gaming industry. They forgot that the Industry does NOT rely on MS technologies to function, and "dictating terms" to game consumers about how they game was not going to go well.

DaveZero1790d ago

I thought the best was Ubisoft to be honest..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1788d ago
1790d ago Replies(5)
megaworm251790d ago

Is e3 even at the same place in 2020. I thought i read that this was the last year at this Venue. Could be wrong

Abnor_Mal1790d ago

When the competition isn't there, a brighter light is cast on the one who is there, and blemishes become glaring flaws. No where to run to, no where to hide. Everyone likes the spot light, until the spot light is on them on Front and Center Streets.

rainslacker1790d ago

Luckily for MS, EA's show wasn't all that great, Ubisoft was too Tom Clancy-ish, and Bethesda's sucked ass.

I think MS had a good show overall. Too much CGI, and speeding through the indies way too fast. But otherwise, not bad. But, with Sony not being there, it's highlighted the notion that MS failed hard to capitalize on that, as people are saying as such, instead of focusing more on the content. Generally, when they are both there, there is more talk about who showed the better games, which means the games get more mention. As of now, I'm kind of hard pressed to remember off the top of my head what they showed besides their staples and a couple big multi-plats, and 12 minutes, despite there being a few other games there that interested me. Luckily, I did make note of them so I can keep an eye on those games in the future.

Abnor_Mal1790d ago

12 Minutes was the stand out game of their presentation in my opinion. Luckily I was informed that the game is also coming to PS4.

Good thing for MS those other third party publisher were also there like you said, but I think most times when people discuss who won E3, they think of mainly the big three.

I think it was Square who had an interesting game, something about a ghost town of disappearing people. Bethesda with the French dev team and their game, both of which escape me at the moment, I would like to see more of them.

rainslacker1790d ago

There were a few games from their conference that got my attention. 12 minutes, the Legend of Wright, Lego Forza combines two things I like:). There were a couple indie games in that sizzle reel that caught my eye, but they went so fast, I still have to go back and see what they were.

I wasn't really that into Cyberpunk, but it's not my kind of game. The showing was good though.

Otherwise, yeah, I've said a few times to people talking about who won, that it's always been about the console makers. There are often times when 3rd party publishers do better, and they do get mentions when prudent, but who "won" is a console war discussion, hence, it's contained to the console makers.

Personally, I saw a lot of games that caught my eye, so I won. Square, and Nintendo were the only ones that I felt were solid all the way through though.

I think you are referring to Ghostwire Tokyo, which was at the Bethesda conference. And that was among the biggest new announcements at the conferences for me. Unless you're talking about the For Honor limited in game event. Deathloop at Bethesda was also good. Overall though, their conference was terrible.

I didn't watch EA's show, but saw reactions, but didn't seem anything that interested me.

Ubi had Watch Dogs Legion and Gods and monsters which caught my eye, but overall, too much Tom Clancy.

BLow1790d ago

Yes. How was that 2hr presentation? And you don't show proper gameplay of your 2 biggest titles. Then you have that game from Ninja Theory. You paid all that money for 3rd party games which was free advertisement for Sony. So good job. Sony saved all that money.

I'm really sick of this guy talking. That's all he's being doing for years yet the fanboys think he's actually doing something. Show us something or shut up.

Now we have to wait until next E3 again. The fanboys said they are holding back until since this is the end of the generation. But I thought generations didn't exist anymore according to almighty Phil. So what are you holding back? So confused.....

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My Trust in Xbox is on Shaky Ground Right Now

The Outerhaven writes: With multiple gaming studios, including Tango Gameworks, closing, the editor-in-chief of The Outerhaven shares his thoughts on the matter.

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rlow16h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Honestly I was looking back and at the launch of the Xbox 1. With Don Matrick at the helm I was disappointed but therevwas something else. That fighting spirit of Xbox at its inception was lost. They stopped innovating, I lost excitement on what the next big new surprise was, because their weren’t any. Not like Halo 2 and Gears launch. You couldn’t really brag about it anymore.
So here we are and corporate MS has ruined what was a beautiful renegade project.

shadowhaxor4h ago

For everything that Xbox did, I was hopeful it would turn stuff around. Game Pass was a start, and the release of its upcoming titles was a nice way to return. I mean, I'm not going to say it was perfect, just like I wouldn't say PlayStation is perfect. Neither company is, but when Xbox goes and does this, it makes zero sense. The message of Xbox's plan had already had me frustrated, but I was like, "Maybe they'll fix this mess."

Now... yeah. Not so confident anymore.

Aphrodia3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

That's how you know this is clickbait garbage. If you write about games for a living and didn't know Microsoft is a cancer on the industry until now than you are awful at your job.

XiNatsuDragnel6h ago

Xbox will destroy Activision too and Bethesda will be gone too lol

Chocoburger5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

"Right now"?
But not 11 years ago with the disastrous Xbox One reveal which they NEVER recovered from?
Man are you slow on the uptake.

shadowhaxor4h ago

No, Xbox never recovered, but Game Pass (which you're a fool if you deny the success of it), Xbox Cloud, the acquisitions, the reboot of Perfect Dark (which seems to be in the gutter now), the success of Forza Horizon, Sea of Thieves, and yes, Hi-Fi Rush (FFS).

Denying any sort of improvement only goes to show you don't pay any attention to the entire picture.

Crows903h ago

I think you missed the part where these things were spread years apart. Theres no consistency

ApocalypseShadow2h ago(Edited 2h ago)


Perfect Dark IP was purchased along with many other games like Halo, Gears, etc. Perfect Dark needs help with Crystal Dynamics just to finish the game. That's pathetic. HiFi Rush was purchased and was probably already coming to PlayStation before the purchase.

If Game Pass was a success, these developers wouldn't be closing their doors. We told gamers it isn't profitable. It does make revenue. But revenue isn't profit. It hasn't changed Microsoft's position in the industry or increased hardware sales. If it did, they would be shouting from the rooftops like their arrogant asses always do.

Anyone can have a cloud service. And Sony's is more successful. It took buying major publishers just to increase their spreadsheet. But Xbox continues to fail even then. By having to place games on their competitors platform while still trying to compete. You don't see Nintendo putting their games on Xbox. And Sony was only forced because they don't own the MLB license. Which was forced behind the scenes by Microsoft to take away Sony's successful game and throw it on game pass to use it against gamers buying it on PlayStation. How is the acquisitions a success if they have to close companies they just bought and make many developers jobless? Are you serious? Unless you call it a success by taking away games from other platforms that made those developers more money. That's ridiculous.

Sea of Thieves took years to fix. How is that a success that you have an unfinished game for years that needs fixing? Games should be complete at launch. Just like Halo was an incomplete game that needed fixing. Forza Horizon is a good game but even that game hasn't improved Microsoft's standing at all.

Denying all that shows that you're not paying attention.

Chevalier2h ago

Success? They missed their own targets 3 years straight, stopped announcing numbers because they're so terrible and it's not profitable. Hence the closing 4 studios. There will be more consolidation too. Just watch the by the books garbage yearly releases too followed by more season passes and shorter games come out

Chocoburger1h ago

I have been paying attention for past 11 years. That's why I made my fully accurate above post.

You're the one who hasn't, thus you made that completely worthless post.

- I don't care about a rental service for mid-tier (or any tier) games.

- I don't care about streaming services, I play on actual hardware.

- What is Perfect Dark at this point? Its just a name trying to have an easy win with nostalgia. The original developers and talent has long been gone once MS bought Rare in 2001. ITS JUST A NAME, nothing more.

-Don't care about Forza Horizon.

- Don't care about Sea of Thieves.

- I am interested in Hi-Fi Rush, but MS killing off Tango has pissed me off, so I don't want to reward them for their B.S. and now its guaranteed that the hard working devs won't see any benefit from me supporting them.

MS has done squat over the past 11 years. Nothing but the embarrassing stink of failure. I know this because I have been paying attention.

StoneTitan13m ago

I never played hi-fi rush, even though I would have loved it from all I can see, but as it never came to playstation... Now it comes to playstation and I have no intention to buy it because they closed the developer and the money will only go to poor phil and his poor suits. Well I mean, what else is there to say.
Gamepass brought them into this position so you would be a fool to see it as a success lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 13m ago
Skuletor1h ago

Must be getting their news on Microsoft's Internet Explorer

notachance5h ago

I imagine smaller ABK studios like toys for bob and beenox are now feeling uncertain about their futures

LucasRuinedChildhood4h ago

Thankfully Toys for Bob managed to safely separate from Xbox and are independent now.

notachance4h ago

lol I don't know that, thanks for clarifying

TheColbertinator4h ago

Beenox has been in danger for years now with Activision. Microsoft may act more ruthlessly to them unfortunately.

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Regardless Of What Xbox's Next Move Is They Need To Be Crystal Clear With Their Direction

Get insights into the issue of mixed messaging in the Xbox community. Learn about the controversy and divided opinions caused by Xbox's shift to multi-platform games.

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DarXyde3d ago

They'll tell you.

... But it'll be open to interpretation.

Babadook73d ago (Edited 3d ago )


There's no way anyone can even believe them at this point.

mandf3d ago

They are clear they don’t have one

jwillj2k43d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Dude the vision is crystal clear. Become the largest, third-party developer across console and mobile gaming, continue to make Xbox consoles and push game pass through consoles mobile, and PC. When the time is right, move to the cloud completely.

Firebird3603d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Xbox has pushed me from being a complete xbox 360 obsessed fan boy to ditching xbox in favor of pc/ps5 gaming. Theres no direction complete lack of focus, no exclusives any longer. They fumbled so hard with x1 and never recovered, I got tired of waiting.


Xbox sale slashes up to 90% off some of our favorite Star Wars games

Now is the perfect time to stock up your Xbox with Star Wars games, as this amazing new Xbox sale arrives to celebrate Star Wars Day 2024.

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DefenderOfDoom23d ago

Star Wars Dark Forces remaster on sale for 20.99 which is still double the price of QUAKE 2 remaster which has new content from Machine Games . Guess Disney needs their cut.