
Microsoft Officially Announces Next Xbox "Project Scarlett" and It’s Powerful

During Microsoft’s E3 press conferences Phil Spencer, executive vice-president of Gaming at Microsoft took to the stage to unveil Xbox’s next-gen console.

mark3214uk1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

How can it be powerful based of a cheesy video and hardly no specs?

They might as well of said were waiting to see what sony announce before showing our final specs

anonymousfan1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

Well we know it "eats monsters for breakfast" lmao. Nah the only useful bit of info was the planned release window.

Edit: type-o

Eonjay1800d ago

The withheld specs on purpose.

UltraNova1800d ago

The said its going to be 4 times as powerful as the X... 24tf?? Don't think so.

Tech51800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

"4X more powerful than the Xbox One X"

so 24 T-flops of power i presume.

BLizardXD1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

it eats monsters for breakfast!!!

Sevir1800d ago

That 24tf is simply multiplying the number. Not the performance...

The One X is 50-60% more powerful than the PS4 Pro and 4 times more power than the XBO... And the latter is a 1.3tf machine...

Four times more powerful than the one X would place it squarely in the bracket of 12-15tflops...

gravedigger1800d ago


It's not 24 TF becuase it is 4x over X1X. It's overall power over CPU, GPU, bandwidth, etc...

BLizardXD1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

it specifically says ""4X more powerful than the Xbox One X"
not the original xbox, xbox 360, or classic xbox one. it says "X".

X is a 6 Tflops console.

The-Matrix-has-you1800d ago


4X the power doesn’t necessarily directly translate to 4X the Teraflop performance. However, you never know. Could be some crazy advancements.

OB1Biker1800d ago

*'from a pure processing perspective...'

1800d ago
1800d ago
S2Killinit1800d ago

4X more powerful. Hmmmm where have I heard that before? Uha I call puffery.

dantesparda1799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )

"Microsoft Officially Announces Next Xbox "Project Scarlett" and It’s Powerful"
What the f? Did this website make the same claim/statement when Sony announce its specs? Cuz so far they are exactly the same thing. Some people/website just really cant help themselves and make themselves look stupid. So far there has been nothing said that makes one better than the other, except for a bunch of fanboys just assuming that MS's machine will be better. I feel sorry for that dumb lot.

And seriously any difference will be so minute that good luck seeing/finding the difference.

Tech51799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )

OB1Biker "from a pure processing perspective"

T-flops is from a processing perspective. flops = floating point operations per-second. it's the measurement in processing compute power.

anyways, Microsoft just confirmed it to have Unmatched power.
- “Introducing Project Scarlett. Unmatched power and speed ushers in a new level of game play performance and the future of gaming. With four generations of content that looks and feels unlike anything before.”

Razzer1799d ago

The GPU in the Xbox One X is 6 TF. Just the GPU. MS is saying the combined processing power of the next gen Xbox is 4x that of One X. That does NOT mean 24 TF since they are talking about more than just the GPU itself.

"X is a 6 Tflops console."

No. X has a 6 TF GPU. Significant difference.

AmUnRa1799d ago

Yeah that comment" it eats monsters for breakfast" was embarrassing and out of place.

IamTylerDurden11799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )

Are these articles paid promotion? The title "and it's Powerful!" is bullshit. No specs were announced and we got about as much information as we did a month or so ago when Wired Magazine interviewed Mark Cerny about the PS5. Zen 2, Navi, ssd. For an official E3 console reveal this was exceedingly vague. No mention of teraflops, number of gbs of ram, clock speeds, or price point. We didn't even get the real name "Project Scarlett". That was a weak reveal and a weak conference. Even the ssd confirmation was dramatically less exciting due to Sony beating them to the punch and actually showing it in motion on Spider-man. Don't get me wrong, Zen 2, Navi, and ssd are all great things, but Sony already gave the same info in a random interview and Microsoft closes E3 with it? C'mon, nut up and reveal the specs. Big talkers when they know they have the advantage, but not now. How many times has Greenberg or Phil spouted "6 teraflops" or "BEAST" in the past 2 years? But at the official console reveal on stage you are scared to announce specs because you are nervous about Sony.

Ceaser98573611799d ago


Wrong info dude. X is 40% powerful than the Pro....

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 1799d ago
Donnie811800d ago

So pretty much they are making sure they have the more powerful system

Rude-ro1800d ago

They are making sure they are saying the right thing.
The issue is confidence in Microsoft’s actual actions.

crazyCoconuts1800d ago

We'll see. They won't have a year to adjust so they're both playing with the same limitations. Gotta think they'll be targeting the same price point too, so they'll probably be similar performance wise.

Profchaos1800d ago

4 times more Powerful from a processing perspective equals amd zen 2 has 4 times the power of the old Xbox One and one X CPU which was a mobile based system.

If you listen to the wording very specifically they are talking about the CPU power not the GPU

Tapani1799d ago

Profchaos is correct. They were talking about the CPU not the GPU. 4x powerful is pretty much the minimum we needed to get back on track in regards to frame rates and physics.

The SSD here is the key. I think Xbox Two and PS5 will be somewhere around 12TF - 14TF in terms of power. Now it will be much more about the content and ways to play, than ever before. The power will be there, no doubt.

kingfortoday1799d ago

@BLizardXD no. They specified that the cpu is 4x more powerful. That's all

IamTylerDurden11799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )

People are on Crack. This was little more than what Cerny gave us about PS5 in a Wired magazine interview. Zen 2, Ray tracing, 8k, Navi, ssd. All good things, all expected now, but the only difference is gddr6 was confirmed, whereas, it was assumed but not confirmed for the PS5. No teraflops, clock speeds, number of gbs (ram), no numbers on storage, no price point, not even the official name. The entire conference was underwhelming, but the next box reveal was the height of disappointment. I expected a true console reveal, but it appears that Microsoft isn't confident enough to drop numbers this time. Obviously PS5 is looming and team Xbox is nervous.

I'm surprised we didn't see gameplay from Gears and Halo, but we did see gameplay from Minecraft, though, Riverbond looks vastly superior. Flight Sim would've been perhaps palatable in VR, maybe? The Gears POP and mobile game was a low point. I recall something similar last year.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1799d ago
1800d ago Replies(12)
darthv721800d ago

Guess Sony got wind of Scarlett specs and opted to reveal theirs beforehand to steal some thunder.

No worries though. Even if they are on par I will still get both. PS5 for God of War 2 and Scarlett for Halo Infinite.

THC CELL1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

You really think sony r gunna show.a console less powerful now. Pff u will be shocked how sony strategy is working right now

Oh and bring up anaconda bla bla sony will also have a pro

S2Killinit1800d ago

I believe MS will release first because of their position, then Sony will release. This is why MS is making it a point to mention that there will be future models, since their first counsel might be slightly less powerful than Sony’s. This doesnt mean Sony wont have later models as well.

Razzer1799d ago

"Guess Sony got wind of Scarlett specs and opted to reveal theirs beforehand to steal some thunder. "

lol....what? They are both using the same exact architecture. Navi and Zen 2. The only "specs" they have revealed coincide with the capabilities of HDMI 2. Why are you making nonsense up about what Sony "got wind of"?

NarutoFox1799d ago

Or you can get Halo Infinite on PC as well

rainslacker1799d ago

Yeah....except it worked to generate hype for PS5, while MS ended up looking like they were just reacting to the news.

I don't think it's because they got wind of Scarlett's specs, because Sony didn't release any specs. I think it's because they knew that MS was going to say something at E3, and they wanted to make sure they kept their name in the news and not come across the way MS is now.

Or, they just do their own thing, and are better at playing the marketing game than MS is, just like they have been since before this gen started. Remember last gen when they caused MS to delay it's reveal conference by having a surprise reveal event themselves? This is really no different.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1799d ago
EddieNX 1800d ago

4 times as powerful as Xbox one X. 25tflops?

EddieNX 1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

Fishy Fingers, they seem to use TFLOPS to put power into perspective for consumers. It's even on the Marketing material for the X.

1800d ago
Fishy Fingers1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

Eddie, it wont be 24tflops (4x XBX), AMD dont (nor does anyone else) produce hardware capable at any consumer price point.

2080 TI at £1000 is 13tflops and better than anything AMD has to offer.

Cupid_Viper_31800d ago

Direct quote from the reveal video: "From a pure processing perspective, this is 4 times more powerful than the XBox One X."


RosweeSon1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

They said 40X... look at their twitter feed it’s all their in bulletpoints
40X more powerful than current consoles... 40X!?!?!!! Hahahaa ok I got power and performance mixed up but still 4X is laughable that halo footage didn’t look 4X better, yes I made a mistake could have edited it all out but hey ho 4X still a joke they think they iPhone or something haha

beulahland1800d ago

@mark3214uk "Dont be silly"

Well, if our N4G Nostradamus says, who is Eddie to say otherwise? LOL!

rainslacker1800d ago

Zen is the CPU. That's what they were citing. The layman doesn't really pay attention. GPU is probably going to be between 12-14TF. Even on the current systems, the TFlop rating is potential rating of the GPU, not the actual performance of the whole system, so the number is kind of meaningless outside of peak potential, except that more powerful GPU means more chance of better graphics.

Razzer1799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )


Keep dreaming.

@Fishy Fingers

Exactly. Thank you.

"GPU is probably going to be between 12-14TF. "

Doubtful. You are in RTX 2080 ti range there. I'd say less than 10 TF for the GPU otherwise the cost is going to be too high. This is why MS and Sony are yapping about SSD and they are reading off the HDMI 2.1 spec sheet for what is "capable".

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1799d ago
beulahland1800d ago

@Vandamme21 didn't ask you.

DerfDerf1800d ago

Well they did say that in terms of processing power it is 4x's more powerful than the X.

Kribwalker1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

They said it’s 4 times more powerful then the OneX in a processing perspective. And that thing is a beast

Orionsangel1800d ago

They may have just given away the name of the next Xbox console

Xbox Infinite

The-Matrix-has-you1800d ago

Xbox 2
Xbox 2X
And so on

crazyCoconuts1800d ago

That's a good one... You might be right

beulahland1800d ago

@mark3214uk "How can it be powerful based of a cheesy video and hardly no specs?"

How cannot it be? Do you have any insider information, Nostradamus?

1800d ago
RosweeSon1800d ago

Because they said so 😜 besides they were hardly gonna launch and inferior console but yeah think I’ll wait to see much more.

rainslacker1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

It's the most powerful they've ever designed, which is important, because...well, I'm not sure why. They made a remark that it'd be 4X more powerful than the X1X, implying about 24TF or so, but they were only talking about the CPU, not the GPU, or it's overall computing power, but I'd imagine we'll see some assuming they meant 24TF, because some people are stupid. So....we have that to look forward to.

While watching the video, I thought they were just taking the talking points of Cerny's interview, and saying, "me too". Then they had to make it worse by highlighting the load times, which was from a follow up interview, and making it into a much bigger deal than it needs to be. But hey, it came from a person who is really into RPG's, which is like me, so I should listen I guess....even though MS has the least number of RPG's on their system than all the big three...including Nintendo. I had to laugh when she acted like people were somehow brought down because they "just knew" that the loading was going on in the background.

They talked about how they provide all this hardware and tools for the developers to realize their vision, but the rest of their show just makes it seem like they don't even know what to do with all that power beyond pretty graphics....and their graphics aren't top of the class material IMO. Halo Infinite I thought may have been a remaster of a prior game as rough as it looked, and can't tell about gears because they didn't show any game play, but David Cage had better graphics for the load screens for Heavy Rain, on the PS3, rendered in real time, than they showed in that trippy thing they did leading into Gears.

BlackRaven85_11800d ago

These consoles weren't designed yesterday you know that right? Honestly you sound like a fanboy bashing the other team.

rainslacker1800d ago

NOOOO...Really? I thought they slapped it together right before the show and stuff. Also...what relevance does that have to anything I said, and where did I imply that I felt they just slapped this together?

How was a I bashing the other team? I stated my opinion on the information in the way they presented it. Be more specific, because if you can't say why my opinion is wrong, then I don't know if you're trying to discuss something with me, or just throw in a comment trying to discredit anything i say with nothing worthwhile to argue from your own point of view.

giovanealex1800d ago

@mark3214uk they told that games can run up tp 120fps and 8k. What do you expect to run games like this, genius, a RASPBERRY PI? LOL!

itsmebryan1800d ago

Isn't that the same thing Sony did before their no show at E3?

DillyDilly1800d ago

Sony announced the PS5 through a interview no one bitched calm your tits

NeoGamer2321800d ago

Specs mean nothing without them being tied to the real world capabilities.

A perfect Example was the Sony Cell processor. Spec-wise it was capable of 1080P and 60 FPS.... In reality very few games achieved that on the PS3.

Retroman1800d ago

Skip all the blah,blah, blah this and that. what do it look like

NonPartisanGamer1800d ago

No concrete specs unfortunately, but 4x processing power of x1x, gddr 6, ssd with virtual ram, and all gen backwards compatibility is a good start.

antarius1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

You don’t think Microsoft is going to put out a beefier console than Sony? They will but games is what matters most. I didn’t catch if halo will be a launch title. That will help them immensely in a holdiay sales competition.

Nintentional1799d ago

You’re just mad it was a good tactic. Why not make the competition sweat?? You need a sweatshirt? 😂😂

KillBill1799d ago

Except they have said the same thing about PS5 with relatively same amount of info... when is PS5 release date again?

sprinterboy1799d ago

Ryzen 2
Pretty much obvious it's gonna be powerful. Seems the same specs as ps5

fathertime44641799d ago

Well Sony withheld their specs probably hoping MS would reveal theirs first. Problem is both Sony and MS players want to know what to anticipate

343_Guilty_Spark1799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )

At the bare minimum it has the same specs as the PS5, possibly better

MasterCornholio1799d ago

Well after the video it's even possible that the PS5 will have better specs since Microsoft didn't make claims on having the most powerful next gen system.

We will have to wait and see.

1799d ago
+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 1799d ago
THC CELL1800d ago

I see why sony stayed away now most games was mp
Also halo looks good

jznrpg1800d ago

Halo looked cheesy to me. No gameplay just bad acting

aconnellan1800d ago

Do we really need gameplay a year and a half before release?

bouzebbal1800d ago

Lip sync is still devs enemy number one,.. Eats monsters for breakfast but devs aren't capable of pulling decent lip sync, even CG..

IamTylerDurden11799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )

Two straight years of Halo cinematic trailers, and they closed the show with it. If you close the show with a mediocre cinematic at least let it be a reveal. Either a reveal or a gameplay trailer. That was a weak closer with bad acting. The conference was uneventful and boring. The only newly announced exclusive (i assume it's exclusive) was the woefully unimpressive and dramatically disappointing 4x4 multiplayer game from Ninja Theory. Everybody feared that the studios MS acquired would be ruined and pressured into developing budget titles for Game Pass and multiplayer/GaaS abominations. I know Ninja Theory stated that Bleeding Edge was in development before the acquisition, but in truth Ninja Theory is constantly prototyping and experimenting. Of course MS encouraged development of Bleeding Edge. It's exactly what they want. Budget game, multiplayer, Fortnite aesthetic, room for MTs, probable GaaS. From Hellblade to this. I know "it was already in development" but this is what people feared. Unfortunate. We'll see what other projects they have, but Bleeding Edge was a brutal start, imo.


Days Gone has great voice acting and good lip syncing. The lip syncing issue was merely a glitch, in fact, the lip syncing during real-time gameplay and even combat sequences is better than the lip syncing in the cut scenes of some games. Days Gone is great, btw, free DLC just released with new trophies and all.

fathertime44641799d ago

Y'all need to make up your minds! Your pissy if they show game play footage a year in advance and your pissy if they show a trailer....
Maybe since the game isn't done yet they didn't want to show in game footage that may change so that they didn't have to listen to people that will never play it anyways bitch that it was possibly downgraded...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1799d ago
akurtz1800d ago

Just another “hey look who it is, Master Chief, what a surprise” with no gameplay. Uuggghhh.

zawuxif1799d ago

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Potnoodle9991800d ago

Such a boring show, I was shocked at the boredom...

kneon1800d ago

I had a good time, I didn't watch and was out doing other stuff.

RpgSama1800d ago

It was a terrible show, everything they showed except the games from Xbox Game Studios are going to be on the PS4, for me the biggest announcement from the conference was that the outer world's is going to be day one Game Pass.

Halo didn't include any actual gameplay and the "in game footage" doesn't even look that good.

J-DARKnes1799d ago

Right! Keanu Reeves was the highest of this conference, so much for having the floor to themselves.

Thunder_G0d_Bane1799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )

Hslo looks good? There was no f**king gameplay. It could look like a dated game for all we know.

This is why companies take the piss out of gamers cause people like this say a game looks good based on a CGI trailer ffs.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1799d ago
Cupid_Viper_31800d ago

That XBox Scarlett reveal was so unnecessarily cringy. It's like Microsoft really, REALLLY, desperately want that good old "gaming money" but are so clueless on how to go about it. It was like watching a visual presentation of the interview Mark Ceny did for PS5. Almost word for word. lol

Unspoken1800d ago

You mean neither company let on to what the specs of the consoles would be? And that they would be similar in performance? You don't say.

Cupid_Viper_31800d ago

One company knew that they wouldn't "let on to what the spec of its next console would be" like you said, and that company just had a simple regular interview for that purpose.

Another company hyped up E3 having everyone believe that it was going to be this huge thing, only to announce the EXACT same thing that another company announced almost 2 months before. Almost word for word.

Gamers: Hey Microsoft, why should we consider buying your next-gen console?

Microsoft: Well, Imagine a PS5....

SmielmaN1799d ago

“Gamers: Hey Microsoft, why should we consider buying your next-gen console?

Microsoft: Well, Imagine a PS5....”

🤣🤣🤣&# 129315;🤣🤣ԍ 15;🤣🤣🤣& #129315;🤣🤣 315;🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣🤣 9315;🤣🤣🤣 ;🤣🤣🤣 29315;🤣🤣㊃ 5;🤣🤣🤣&# 129315;🤣🤣ԍ 15;🤣🤣

solideagle1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

Combination of SSD and Solid State Drive will... :O :O :O 1: 52

now that is killer combination :)

Cupid_Viper_31800d ago

Haha, I thought I was the only one who noticed that.
Microsoft is out here combining SSD and Solid State Drives. No wonder it eats monsters for breakfast.

OB1Biker1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

Yea, I thought maybe I dont get it but it sounds a bit like the infamous highest quality pixels ever quote XD

scorpio_20491800d ago

Woah woah woah. Hol up. I’ve only ever seen the separate. Microsoft has found a way to combine them?

thejigisup1800d ago

SSD stands for solid state drive....

frostypants1800d ago

Jesus, imagine if they also combine a GPU with a graphics processing unit. What a beast!

victorMaje1800d ago

Hahaha I knew I heard that right. 🤣

solidossnakos1799d ago

He didn't say ssd.
SoC and Solid State Drive.

Cupid_Viper_31799d ago

Uh... Even the close caption has him saying "SSD"...

Razzer1799d ago

The closed caption is wrong He said SoC.

ziggurcat1799d ago

“He didn't say ssd.
SoC and Solid State Drive.”

No, he clearly said SSD and Solid State Drive.

Cobra9511799d ago

I listened again carefully. Razzer and solidossnakos are right: He said "the SoC [system on a chip] and the solid-state drive". It's much funnier the other way.

ziggurcat1799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )

Okay, listened to it again very carefully - he does say SOC.

We got ourselves a Yanni/Laurel thing going on here haha

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1799d ago
1799d ago Replies(2)
Evolve1800d ago ShowReplies(4)
DarkZane1800d ago

They basically announced that Xbox Scarlett would be able to do what Sony already said the PS5 would be able to.

mark3214uk1800d ago

word for word on most of the video

beulahland1800d ago

Which is good. What's the problem with it?

Fishy Fingers1800d ago

Weird. Both using AMD, both releasing in the same window. Shocking they're similar isn't it...

THC CELL1800d ago

Deffo u think sony will announce a less powerful console come on

1800d ago
OB1Biker1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

Did you mean 'Sony got this Mark Cerny'?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1800d ago
deadfrag1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

From the looks Scarlett does not play physical game discs its only a streaming/cloud box!? PS5 will play disc base games!

Nyxus1800d ago

I really doubt that. Didn't they also say they wanted to give gamers options?

Sharky2311800d ago

If this is true... the box will be dead on arrival! That’s just my opinion!

DerfDerf1800d ago

They confirmed months ago the next xbox would have a disc drive.

Potnoodle9991800d ago

Hmmm don’t know where you got that from mate.

aconnellan1800d ago

Nowhere in the conference did they say that, stop spreading misinformation

1800d ago
itsmebryan1799d ago

Why are you spreading misinformation?

1799d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1799d ago
rainslacker1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

I predict the Scarlett will win the console war, because it will load Cyberpunk in 0.12 seconds, instead of 0.14 seconds on the PS5.

Thank God for that MS ingenuity, and "designing" a new SSD system the likes of which we have never seen. Now, I will never have to play my games just knowing that it's loading in the background, while I travel up that elevator...which I assume is a common thing done in Xbox games, because I've never seen it in the RPG's that the person who loves RPGS who makes that statement and can't think of any game where they had something so pedestrian...although I assume they exist. God of War had that area you had to walk through, but they filled it with exposition. If that's a problem for people, then I don't know how they lasted this long, or they are very new to gaming.

I just hope that load times aren't the next big thing that Digital Foundary tries to make it's click bait off of.


/s since a lot of people seem oblivious to it as of late.

RememberThe3571800d ago

There's the elevator in Mass Effect, remember? That's the only one I can remember.

rainslacker1800d ago

Yeah, that one had slipped my mind. I know it's common to mask load times with in game stuff, like Uncharted did it in the back ground during cut scenes. But never once was it something in the back of my mind ruining the experience, nor did I feel that it was something of a contention that it really needed to be addressed as something generation defining. At most, for "elevator" loads, it was sometimes annoying if I meant to do something else before going to where the elevator goes, and I have to get back on again.

chiefJohn1171799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )

Have no clue what you're talking about with the mumble jumbo. But no honest person minds load times. So you brushing that off is BS.

rainslacker1799d ago

Load times can be annoying. I'm brushing off the comment from that one designer that made a big deal about how people just know in the back of their head that the game is loading in the back ground, and that it somehow ruins the experience.

I'm fine with no, or minimal load times. I'm not usually fussed about them in more modern games except in rare instances. I'm hoping that load times don't become a major focus in the console wars, because it's a silly thing to bicker about.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1799d ago
nucky641800d ago

only with way less good games than PS.

TheUndertaker851799d ago

Sony hasn’t said the PS5 will be backwards compatible with all past console generations from Sony. They’ve only shown PS4 games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1799d ago
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Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future

With Arkane Austin no more and Lyon living for who knows how long, the superb Dishonored is in serious danger; Microsoft cannot be trusted.

Relientk774h ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.

JEECE1h ago

I mean, I think the fans will probably kill Arkane Lyon by cooking up reasons to hate whatever they do next without playing it. I've never seen a game so artificially disliked as Deathloop.

thesoftware7301h ago

Lol, why don't we just say, we are worried about all studios owned by MS now. They will keep closing studios until they have none left ...🙄


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purple1011d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

such a shame, its my fav console by far. it was way better than ps1, problem was ps2 was due to come out, a year or so later, and many just waited for that, especially after the flop that was the Saturn,. (even though it way okay, it didn't sell well,).

ps1 did sell well, a lot of those fans waited for ps2. thus, the downfall of Dreamcast,,

Jingsing16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

Every console is responsible for its own destiny, You don't go around pointing fingers at him or her or anybody, cowards do that and that ain't you! you're better than that!

lodossrage15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Not true,

The Dreamcast falling apart was because Sega couldn't make up the pay for the increasing debt from the Sega Master System, Game Gear, 32x, Sega CD, and Sega Saturn. The Dreamcast and Genesis were profitable. But the profits weren't outpacing the debt plus interest.

It had nothing to do with anyone waiting for the PS2

MetroidFREAK2115h ago

You're forgetting the most important part of the story. Sega was losing so much money so fast due to their past failures, they couldn't sustain the business. Even if the PS2 did help the demise of the system, the true blame is Sega themselves

lodossrage12h ago


Even Bernie Stolar R.I.P (former Sega exect) admitted in an interview past debt was what hurt the Dreamcast.

Everyone says "Sony killed Sega" when that's not even remotely true. Not just that, but most of their debt came from fighting Nintendo, not Sony

ZeekQuattro10h ago

This. The only truly successful home platform Sega made was the Genesis. Every thing else flopped to varying degrees. The real culprits were Sega of Japan and Sega of America which went to war against each other for some odd reason.

Chocoburger20h ago

I bought a DreamPi to play both Dreamcast and Saturn online! So far I'm only played with two people online with Saturn, and I need to spend more time with the Dreamcast community in order to play with them. I miss ChuChu Rocket online, good times!

Profchaos19h ago

P2P there's even Sega genisis games that still connect online based on this.

Hosted servers wasn't really something I saw regularly on non oc platforms until the 360 era.

Ravenkiss15h ago

The Dreamcast was easily my favorite console of all time, home of many good fighting games


Report: Sexual Misconduct Investigation Conducted at EA, Suspects Named and What They Did Revealed

EA senior staff has been investigated for sexual misconduct involving female coworkers, and these said people have been named publicly.

isarai1d 22h ago

Aye just call Phil, i mean he somehow made Bobby Kotick's scandal disappear and gave him a few million dollar high five on the way out.

Cacabunga1d 13h ago

I wonder if it will be censored with some in game ads.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 19h ago (Edited 1d 19h ago )

EA about to go down like Activision and then Phil saves the day saying.this is good for the industry and consolidation will help create competition. /s.

ravens521d 17h ago

What's up with all these horny creeps. You gon be horny, fine. Just not at work take care of that shit before you go in. Rub one out if you have to. Don't be a creep at all. ESPECIALLY at work. But don't be one AT ALL.

Extermin8or3_1d 12h ago

I mean part of the issue is that things transpired outside of work....

KwietStorm_BLM1d 12h ago

You think deviants care where they are? Work sometimes makes it an even better situation for them because they can abuse their power.

mudakoshaka20h ago

Nerds think they are Gods when they are making video games.

NotoriousWhiz1d 16h ago (Edited 1d 16h ago )

"it seems that according to EA, given the events transpired outside of work between two adults, and the fact that once investigation has started that the alleged perpetrators didn’t do it again, the investigation is considered closed. [...] The victim still has to work with the people that harassed her."

Yep, EA is disgusting.

Extermin8or3_1d 12h ago

I mean the fact stuff happened outside of work puts EA in quite a difficult position legally. These women don't seem to have reported the matter to the police which kinda ties EA's hands on what they can do. If they don't file reports of the crimes then yeah from EA's perspective it is stuff that happened outside of work. The only exception is the guy that apparently referenced things in the slack channel for work, spending on what he said proving it may be very hard and he may well be able to get away with plausible deniability. I don't like EA and I think these people need to be dismissed but without any legal action being taken, EA can't really do much without risk of being sued themselves for unfair dismissal etc.

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