
E3 2019: Gears Pop! Gets Cute New Trailer, Pre-orders Soon

Hardcore Gamer: The team up between Funko and Gears of War was revealed a ways back. Gears Pop! is a mobile game featuring the same characters from series but in Funko form. An adorable trailer was revealed along with some gameplay.

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MixPot For X019 Detailed

Xbox has detailed what is in the MixPot that can be earned for watching X019 on Mixer. Check it out.

darthv721670d ago

I was going to watch on YT but if I can get some free stuff from mixer... ehh why not.


What to Expect at Xbox X019, What Won't be There

Gamerheadquarters; "Some details surrounding what we'll see have already been confirmed and I thought it made sense to compile what to expect with the event."

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conanlifts1671d ago

I think they will announce at least one more acquisition.

1671d ago Replies(11)
Smokehouse1671d ago

Age of mythologies remaster would be cool

skycaptin51671d ago

While at E3 I asked and the devs told me they just needed the approval from Microsoft to do it, they were interested. I wrote a bit about that here: https://gamerheadquarters.c... . It's one of my favorites.

Gordoncordon1671d ago

what to expect? nothing.
what won't be there? exiting stuff.
btw i hope cuphead DLC gets a release date finally.

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GameEnthus Podcast ep388: Extremely Corrugated or Rambo Alone -

This week Suzanne (@425Suzanne) from The Dice Tower and GenCant joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) talk about: analog games, The Dice Tower, Gen Con, bad movies, video games, more analog games and more video games.

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