
Destiny 2 will go free-to-play and come to Steam, leaked Shadowkeep details suggest

Another leak has surfaced regarding the future of Destiny 2 and Bungie - here's everything you need to know about the free-to-play move that Bungie is expected to make later this year.

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Evolve1821d ago

Well... we all saw this coming.

Pepin1821d ago

Activision is barely out the door...

lelo2play1821d ago

Got Destiny 2 from Humble Monthly Bundle and still haven't tried it...

kevinsheeks1821d ago

i got it for free myself . . still haven't got into it :\

YourSixStudios_YT1821d ago

It's hard to say the base game offer was "destiny 2" if you wanted to actually play they game, all the DLC should have been provided with PS PLUS.

Sirk7x1820d ago

It's very grindy, but worth a play if you like shooters. Great mechanics, at the very least. The Forsaken expansion was very good, but again, end game in Destiny is just a very masochistic grind. You need to find regular people to play with to make any progress.

Benoski1821d ago

Given how much D2 depended on it's micro-transaction garbage, going F2P doesn't surprise me.

Don't even try to give me the "It's just cosmetics!" nonsense either. Because that has done nothing to improve the situation.


Clearly you never played D2 because if you had you would know that it DOES NOT depend on Micro transactions. Stop repeating everything you hear. I haven’t bought a single micro transaction. There are ZERO guns or armor or abilities that are locked behind a paywall. There are cosmetics that’s about it. Destiny May be a lot of things but a micro transaction whore it’s not.

kayoss1821d ago (Edited 1821d ago )

It doesnt depend on Mircro Transaction, but it cheapens the game and when Micro Transaction get introduce, you know where the game is headed to. This is what the gamers dont want. Its similar to when DLC were introduced, players were worried that developers will use this opportunity to cut content and sell it as DLC. Which ended up happening to some games.

1821d ago
bcrazy181821d ago

They require you to buy annual passes to gain access to new content as in missions, etc. That is, in a nutshell, makes it depend on micro transactions.

I stopped playing after warmind because that DLC drop did not have a lot of content and then they make us buy another after that. No thank you.

OnlyThoseOnTheFence1821d ago

You're right. It depends on players with alzheimers that keep paying for the same content over and over after the devs take items away and then use them as a tactic to get you to buy the next "expansion" under the guise of "we're listening to the players and bringing back _____".

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1821d ago
1821d ago Replies(1)
phoenixwing1821d ago

Well im actually pleased with this. Shows who the greedy company was out of bunjie or activision. Bunjie at least makes it free to play.

demonicale1821d ago

You don't think it'll be full of microtransactions? nothing is free in this life.

opc1821d ago

air is free for now

Almightsponge1821d ago

Only the base game is free, the rest is still paid content. Shadow keep looks really good

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