
Electronic Arts showcases next-generation hair rendering, giving us a glimpse at next-gen graphics

DSOGaming writes: "Electronic Arts and DICE have released some videos, showcasing the new hair rendering techniques that have been implemented in the Frostbite Engine. As the publisher noted, its goal is to produce a step change in real-time hair and reach results close to movie and offline rendering."

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CH33S31845d ago

So...now we're going to have to pay for hair?
Nice work EA. You guys are killin' it.

Kumakai1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )

Are you just looking for drama? It’s a tech demo. Chill the F out. Annoying. Also grow up.

Fluttershy771845d ago

Same can be said of you. He doesn't like EA. Just let the guy make his comment. What is it with you, are you with the Comment Police Squad?

CH33S31845d ago

"Are you just looking for drama? It’s a tech demo. Chill the F out. Annoying." - Well. I can see how you take that personally. I mean it was directed at...?
"Also grow up." - Nice edit. Really brought some perspective to your original ,err, whatever that was. Now can we stay on topic like adults? Or alternatively you could use the time for a cookie, nap, hug. Whatever you need to stop being cranky big boy.

kayoss1845d ago

@Kumakai, why not just ban opinions all together. Better yet, lets not even have a comment section at all.

Born2Game831844d ago

@Fluttershy77 Same can be said for you too. He can comment on his comment. Why are you being the comment police squad. And you and say the same for me. Everyone can say their point without you mentioning the first point. It's obvious.

PowerOfTheCloud1844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

Yes, same can be said of you. He can comment on his comment on his comment, lol jk. This is fun!

Hungryalpaca1844d ago

You just made the drama dude. Good job.

CDbiggen1844d ago

He is chill. He's not looking for drama. He made a joke about EA.

PapaBop1844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

EA bring it on themselves with their shameless greed. He's obviously poking fun in a semi joking manner, perhaps you need to take your own advice and chill the F out? Telling him to grow up just makes you look childish for taking a comment on the internet so personally.

1844d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1844d ago
micdagoat191845d ago

HAir has been one of the hardest things to make look realistic historically in gaming.

CH33S31845d ago

Agreed. This isn't a game. It's a tech demo. Tressfx, hairworks and all the rest are only hamstrung by processing power and latency.

You could run with half floats and just brute force it. You'd want to reduce the noise afterward but it'd be your cheapest option.

Did you want to talk about the tech or the fact that this isn't a game?

nucky641845d ago

yea. remember when hair didn't move and it looked like a helment shaped like hair?

darthv721844d ago

I remember seeing a behind the scenes for Monsters inc and the programmers saying the hair physics on Sully were next to impossible to pull off but they did it. That was years ago on high end workstations. We really are getting the Pixar level of tech for next gen games.

jonny8971844d ago

Yeah, they tried with the recent Tomb Raider games.

PapaBop1844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

Everytime someone says this, Square's upper management kills a kitten. They nailed the hair years ago with FF Spirits Within but cost them so much money that they nearly went bankrupt in the process. I guess you did say gaming but they proved it's possible.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1844d ago
AngelicToucH1845d ago

I would have appreciated if it was a new joke or something..but this is basically the oveeer recycled joke for the fake internet points...not only that but it's directed at a tech demo.

1844d ago Replies(2)
jeki1844d ago

What does the 'So...' beginning of your comment mean, are you making a statement or asking a question?

PapaBop1844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

Absolute lies and slander! Base hair will be free, apologists will leap to their defence because it's an ongoing service where we will get non paid for options months down the line which we will never see because it'll sell poorly and EA will pull the plug.

tontontam01844d ago

You don't need to pay for the hair. You'll pay for the hair treatment.

1844d ago
1844d ago
TheHan1844d ago

Your comment is childish just because you dislike EA doesn’t mean they can’t do some things right

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1844d ago
S2Killinit1844d ago

its a little scary looking. I didn't think we could have uncanny valley apart from face/body. This looks so real that there is an uneasy feeling as if something is quite not right.

kasu1844d ago

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1844d ago
S2Killinit1844d ago

Yeah, that is definitely affecting it. But, also, it looks like the hairs move in cohort a bit too much. They all move in the same direction, the same distance, and at the same time. Normal hairs move in groups some groups move more while others in a different position move less or later, etc..

but thats not to take anything away from this, it looks legit. Just a little 'creepy', and like you said, the mannequins don't help. lol

blackblades1844d ago

Yeah I can imagine what we'll see except for Japanese games.

andibandit1845d ago

Next Battlefield I will be playing a long haired guy. Try killing me while your fps drops towards 1.

MWH1844d ago

I imagined it.. it's terrifying!

ChristopherJack1844d ago

Don't forget beards, needs all the physics.

gangsta_red1845d ago

Hair is definitely important for next gen

harmny1844d ago

I don't think it is. You can have the best hair in the world but you mention the word microtransaction and all gaming forums will hate you

The 10th Rider1844d ago

If they had hair looking like this and ray tracing, with graphics like The Order 1886 but in 4K 60fps with no black border or film grain, a seamless open world and loading times like that Spiderman PS5 demo, then I'd be one happy gamer. That's probably a bit much to ask for all at once though, haha.

harmny1844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

You forgot the most important part. Delusional console fanboys want all that but they want to pay only $400

RememberThe3571844d ago

I've been hearing people talk 500 more than 400. How is it delusional to be off by 100?

Seems more delusional to think the next consoles will be more than 500.

KyRo1844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

I hope open worlds get scaled back next generation. So many IPs have been ruined this generation making the transition to open world.

The 10th Rider1844d ago


Yeah, all of that is probably two or three generations off, at least. I also forgot to mention including environmental destruction like Battlefield and physics like BoTW or Just Cause. We've still got a ways to go before we get all of that in a game that could run on reasonable hardware.


It's more that were not getting that in a console (or PC) this next generation, whether it's $400 or $500.


I'd love to see franchises like Prince of Persia come back. Linear levels allow for much tighter design. It's also be nice to see some smaller, better designed and more packed open worlds

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1844d ago
blackblades1844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

Everything is important, I wonder how japanese games like soul calibur hair gonna look like or dynasty warriors.

KickSpinFilter1845d ago

Ya but now we have to deal with wood manikins, don't know if it's worth it.

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Battlefield Dev Asks Fans Map Layout & Location Feedback; Frostbite Getting “Much Needed” Upgrades

Battlefield Game Director asks fans map layout & location preferences; confirms Frostbite is getting some "much needed upgrades."

PitbullMonster598d ago

Just go and play BF3 and BF4 included all DLCs and your questions will be answered.

z2g598d ago (Edited 598d ago )

this is how you make studios do better. Not by threats, not by screaming, not by DDoS and not by hacking. You simply just don't buy or play the game. When the revenue dries up, they will be very happy to take your feedback so they can get back to taking your money. This method forces them to simply make better products at a better value and we see it beginning to happen here.

zero_jp598d ago (Edited 598d ago )

They have had this obsession with being COD for quite some time now. In doing so the franchise has gone completely down the sh*tter because of it.

They failed to realize the man power COD invests in content both story, co-op, and multiplayer PVP. There is a literal army for each and every release.

Battlefield use to have the entirety of DICE on each and every project they released. However once Battlefront returned to EA you could see the quality of each and every game after that suffer from diminishing returns.

DICE as a studio simply couldn’t handle more than one project at a time. Yet they plowed ahead anyway and fans of Battlefield and Star Wars suffered because of it.

And while yes they did right the Battlefront 2 and Battlefield 5 ships respectively. In the end those titles were abandoned to work on the next half baked project.

I just don’t see how DICE recovers from the incompetence. Maybe just maybe they’ll pull a Modern Warfare 2019 out of their ass and restore the timeline.

But as it stands today I have little to no confidence in them producing anything but mediocrity. I suspect many of you feel the same way.

CorndogBurglar598d ago

The crazy part is they have the templates of what people want. Battlefield 3, 4, and Bad Company 2 are all anyone wants Battlefield games to be

Same gameplay. Updated graphics. Lots of weapons. New maps. New armies. Same classic game modes. Maybe a new game mode or two. No paid loot boxes. Preferably a single player campaign.

It's really not hard. That's the formula that kept this franchise alive and thriving for almost 15 years. This is the formula that kept fans happy and spending money. Why try to change that?

XxINFERNUSxX598d ago

Go away with that crap. It's been 20 years since the original BF1942 and nothing was done to celebrate that. There should have been a BF1942 remake + both expansions done in the new game engine.

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High Score on Activision's Frostbite for the Atari 2600

Son of Dadisajoke gets the ultimate high score in Frostbite. This is one of his favorite Atari 2600 games, and he goes all out to get the high score.

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EA Exec: Consoles Will Be Inside Smart TVs in 10 Years;Frostbite Will Support User Generated Content

EA executive Matt Bilbey predicts that consoles will be inside smart TVs in ten years. He also said Frostbite is being upgraded to support user-generated content in the future.

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ccgr2130d ago

Those TVs will be quite expensive....

Imp0ssibl32130d ago

I think he just means applications to log into the cloud

kevnb2129d ago

I cant see gaming going to the cloud, this is really just no reason for it. I can see them going 100% digital though.

TheCommentator2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

People who don't believe that cloud compute is the future are going to be in for a big surprise!

Now we have both Ubi and EA, along with MS, who know how important the cloud is.

StormSnooper2129d ago

Yeah cloud is where we are heading unfortunately for gamers.

Baza2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

Cloud computing huh... oh like Crackdown 3? Yup that’s the future

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2129d ago
drpepperdude2130d ago

I would rather not have a TV with any smart features.

The_Sage2129d ago

Me too. I don't want to pay for that crap when I don't need it.

chiefJohn1172129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

Smart TV's don't force you to pay for them. They're there as a shortcut so you don't have to buy/use a 3rd party hook up. Use YT, Netflix, ps vue, etc, straight from the TV rather than a game console or USB device.

Muzikguy2129d ago

Same. I still don’t own a smart tv. I’ve got no problem hooking something into it like a Blu-ray player or AppleTV.

RememberThe3572129d ago

I have a smart Sharp TV and the apps are just annoying. Everything is slow and when you accidentally touch one of the app buttons on the remote it can take minutes to get back to what you're doing. I exclusively use my PS4 and Fire Stick for TV so having these extra apps that aren't regularly updated, if at all, is pointless.

gamerz2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

Just never connect it to your network. I bought a TCL tv for an amazing price but read it actually spies on everything you do including sending screenshots back to home for marketing. It even says so in the terms-of-service.

FinalFantasyFanatic2129d ago

I like having say the youtube and netflix aps or miracast, but I don't use much else, it depends on the services said apps can offer.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2129d ago
Timesplitter142129d ago

"Smart TVs" seem like a bit of an outdated concept to me already. Integrated hardware stuff isn't really cool anymore. The real future is having your phone be able to do everything (connect to TV wirelessly and stream games)

chiefJohn1172129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

....😑 Then you won't be able to you your phone for other things. That's just stupid. Htf is giving easier access and less hardware need outdated? That like saying car GPS is outdated cause I can just use my phone's gps 😌

agent45322129d ago

Yes the first or 6 months, afterwards it will drop in price.

rainslacker2129d ago

They should do it something like the LaserActive from back in the day. Just an expansion port that can accept modules to play a particular system. The LaserActive could support the Genesis or Turbo-Grafx/TurboCD.

That way every TV is compatible, and people can move at their own pace, and the console part of the hardware wouldn't become obsolete before the TV does.

BioNeo2129d ago

Not really mobile GPU s are basically an Xbox 360 now. In 10years they could be PS4 pros or close to it.

gamerz2129d ago

Knowing EA it will stop your movie 10 minutes before it ends and ask for a micro-transaction payment to see the ending.

ravinash2129d ago

So when the next generation of Playstations or Xbox comes out, I have to replace the whole 4K HDR TV.... no, I think I'm with how things are.

Don't they already have access to things like Sony's Playstation Live?
Then you have to deal with which TV company has which licenses to have the app on your TV.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2129d ago
XiNatsuDragnel2130d ago

Hell no EA, When EA talks it's bad

Baza2129d ago

This “EA Exec” doesn’t know anything about gaming. All he cares about is profit. These are the same guys that force micro transactions and loot boxes into games.

Sirk7x2129d ago

Isn't it scary though? These execs are some of the people with the most control over the entire industry. When you have companies like EA, Ubi, Microsoft all talk about the future of gaming business, it's because many of these companies have decided already that's there they want it to go.

annoyedgamer2130d ago

Back to PC gaming we go then.

IMissJimRyan2130d ago

What EA is saying is that games won't be loaded localy, but in the clouds, very similar with Microsoft is saying.

Those games will be built to run on Azzure, for instance, and your TV is just the application laucher, like Netflix.

This approach solve a lot of problems for publishers, like piracy, used market and emulation once final user doesn't have access to the game code.

annoyedgamer2129d ago

That still means we, the consumers, lose our right to own the product.

Rude-ro2129d ago

Not happening in ten years.
The tech will not be commercial vs the internet providers and their war on charging for data.
Sure, someone will try it... but the games will be laughed at once real world consumers start playing and dealing with all the latency and image crawling.
When 4k movies actually start streaming in 4k up to 60fps.. then I’ll believe it’s on its way.. until then, nope. And the fact that you have to pay the premium price to experience 4k television/streaming... no way.

kevnb2129d ago

EA is probably saying it because Microsoft paid them too, this is the kind of tactic Microsoft uses.

IMissJimRyan2129d ago

@kevnb I don't think so... Seems more like they share the same business model. Both companies are north american, open capital, profit before quality, etc.

343_Guilty_Spark2129d ago

If I own something I made why do I have to give it to you so you can own it.

RememberThe3572129d ago

@343 So we can play it when we want. Buying games isn't the same as going to the theater to watch a movie. We want to own the product the way we own the paintings on our walls or the furniture in our homes. If I want to own the game I'm willing to pay for it. If I want to rent im willing to pay far less. If publishers don't want customers owning their games, customers will go to other publishers. MS learned this lesson, or should have, when they announced the original Xbox One and watched they're gleeming utopian future burn to ashes.

rainslacker2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

Doesn't solve the problem that last time a company tried to force that, the gaming community pushed back.

To date, the console makers, and publishers seem to have a different idea on how to deliver their content, versus how consumers at large wish to consume it.


No, EA has been promoting this idea since last gen. In fact, I bet if we look back 8-10 years, we'll see them making a similar claim about digital being the main way consumers buy games on consoles.

FinalFantasyFanatic2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

We don't even have the internet infrastructure for this, it's even worse depending on the country you live in. We're going to need at least a decade for someone to build the telecom infrastructure as well as someone willing to front the money (I think it should be tax funded and government owned).

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2129d ago
IMissJimRyan2129d ago

"That still means we, the consumers, lose our right to own the product."

Yes. Technically we don't 'own' the games already, because they sell us the licence rights to use. But, in pratice, at least in phisycal copies, we own the game. But some companies are already trying to change this, with Activision demanding download two of three games in Spyro Trilogy.

This is the way Publishers want, not it's the best for consumers.

hikikomori-yume2129d ago

@Rude-ro it's called 5G.
Now you can receive severe brain cancer while streaming the latest E.A. games!

DonkeyWalrus2129d ago

What if the games were somehow a part of some sort of blockchain ledger? That would allow you to actually own your digital products.

Dizzy115232129d ago

I own my games. I trade and sell them too.

Chris_Wray2130d ago

It's an idea, but I'm not sure how close he is to the truth. I think the console is here to stay, at least for another 20 or so years, if only as a result of the net infrastructure around the world. Once that has developed to a great point and everybody has easy, superfast connections, maybe everything will be streamed and digital.

2130d ago Replies(2)
agent45322129d ago

After this generation its clear that console manufacturers were too greedy and sold gamers a souped up tablet in the form of a console. That was as powerful as a 2010-2012 High end PC. To the point that console manufacturers were forced to re-release their consoles at launch prices due to its outdated technology. Its clear that the current console business model doesn't work. Besides both PSN and Xbox live are ready to turn into tv apps. It doesn't have to be cloud based but able to download say games and stored them onto external hard drives or usb flash drives. Both of those devices can already be hooked up to smart tvs. So, five years from now or 10 no more than that we will see PSN/Xbox live tv apps 😎. The end of console hardware is near.

ubers2129d ago

"It's clear that the current console business model doesn't work."
Uttered on the same day Sony announced its 500mil ps4 special edition console. When will you learn.

Gardenia2129d ago

Then in 10 years the technology has to change because (input) lag is still a major problem in online gaming and TV/monitors. And there is also the problem of only digital which means no more selling games, and I don't think gamers are going to be happy about that

PiNkFaIrYbOi2130d ago

Smart tvs are a horrid invention.

drpepperdude2130d ago

I want to get a 4KTV but the various smart features are a turn off.

ziggurcat2130d ago

virtually all TVs now are smart TVs, especially the 4K ones, so there's no real way around that. plus, you're not forced to use any of those features if you aren't interested....

drpepperdude2129d ago


I know they all have them and it's a wasted expensive being forced on customers. Laggy interfaces and built in advertisements are trash, nothing but bad experiences on my end.

NotoriousWhiz2129d ago

The "expense" of the smart features on a TV are about as expensive as installing Linux on a computer.

ziggurcat2129d ago

At this point, I don't think it does anything to add to the expense of the TV.

I agree that the OS is slow, clunky, etc... but that's mainly because it's Android, usually, and Android is kind of garbage.

rainslacker2129d ago

They all use pretty much the same software within a single manufacturers line, many based off GoogleTV's OS so all the hardware makers really have to do is make their front end for the consumer. Since its developed for their smart TV's, and their non-smart TV's require pretty much the same hardware, there is no reason to not include them since even on a cheap TV, its a more desirable feature than not.

You are not paying anything more to have it. You'd just be paying the same to get less if you brought one without the smart features.

As far as the advertising, I suppose you are talking about the content purchasing option from Fandango or whatever service one TV uses. If you don't connect it to the internet, which you wouldn't have to if you don't use the smart features, then you'll never see them. On the LG, its an icon that doesn't take up any space unless you have the home menu open. Samsung is much the same, but with a cleaner interface.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2129d ago
agent45322129d ago

Why, because it makes consoles irrelevant. Smart Tvs are the best invention for all your favorite multimedia apps are on there, plus they come with a built-in CPU, plus you can view your homemade multimedia via external hard drives or usb flash drives. Some of these tvs have voice command or able to surf the web. It sure makes consoles irrelevant except for those that play games but 5-10 years no more than that gamers will be able to play from PSN/Xbox Live and Nintendo tv apps 😀

thexmanone2129d ago

You may not want it, but the young ones will.

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