
Review: Rage 2 - PS4 | Pure PlayStation

Pure PlayStation: There’s not much to Rage 2 except the gameplay and combat. The story is still uninspired and the overall experience before things feel repetitive is pretty short. I’m just glad the developers injected a much needed yet familiar boost in how the player can cause gory and over-the-top mayhem. It alone was the driving force for me. I don’t know if this sequel was necessary, but it was a serviceable three-day distraction.

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TopherMan1829d ago

Someone has a buddy at GameStop.

harmny1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

pure playstation is cancer. they did the same thing with days gone. they generate traffic by getting a copy from some asshole that break the street date and publish their review a day before the embargo date

Palitera1829d ago

You are helping them when you interact with their posts. The clickbait needs the click.

robtion1829d ago

These guys only gave Metro Exodus a 7.9 and I loved it. Mad Max was so good I am willing to take a gamble on Rage 2.

rdgneoz31828d ago

8 is good, so not much of a gamble. Curious how others that haven't broke the street date will go. Either way, it's your money.

InMyOpinion1829d ago

Thought the embargo was tomorrow?

djplonker1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

If you signed a contact to receive a review copy then yes the embargo is tomorrow.

These type of reviews are from copies recieved early from retailers and the reviewer (most likely) rushed through the game to be the first review it to maximise clicks and that is what makes these early score's unreliable for the most part.

meep3161829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

You think any review scores are reliable at all these days? I don’t trust any website anymore personally. They are getting desperate to keep the lights on, and it’s getting worse.

Lon3wolf1829d ago

At the end of the review:

Note: The official review embargo is May 13th. We did not get our copy of the game from Bethesda so we’re under no obligation to adhere to the embargo or any other conditions placed upon those who agreed to Bethesda’s terms.

TopherMan1829d ago

Explanation under the review:

"Review Disclaimer: This review was carried out using a physical version of the game with the latest patch (1.02) bought at retail at the expense of the reviewer. For more information, please read our Review Policy.

Reviewed on a PS4 Pro.

Note: The official review embargo is May 13th. We did not get our copy of the game from Bethesda so we’re under no obligation to adhere to the embargo or any other conditions placed upon those who agreed to Bethesda’s terms. "

NecrumOddBoy1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

I think if you didn't get a copy from the publisher, you should still wait to post the review at embargo.

1. You are showing that you would respect the integrity of a publishing relationship.
2. You're not pushing out a rushed review for clicks and skipping the updates.
3. You're not buying an illegal copy or supporting a company that disregards a contractual agreement.

It doesn't harm you to wait to release your review.


How is it illegal to buy a copy of the game early at a legitimate retailer? Is there some kind of law I don’t know about? Secondly these publishers shouldn’t need day one patches for their games to function properly. Third how is it disrespectful to post a review of the game he bought and paid for? I see nothing wrong with what this author did. These game companies are shady and ashamed of the product they put out which is why they want to wait until the last min to allow reviews.

rainslacker1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

It's not illegal to buy them early from the store. However, most stores sign a pretty binding contract with some hefty penalties to the retailers, either monetary, or revocation of their right to receive games early for day one sale if they're caught. The store has more to lose than the person buying the game, and if it's an employee at the store, it's likely they'd be fired if they're caught. If it's the retail owner, then it could be pretty bad for them if they're caught. Even though it's a Bethesda game, the contracts are usually issued by the distributors, who do so on behalf of the console makers, so Sony could pull their rights to get games early.

The customer themselves have no legal obligation to wait until release day if someone will sell or give it to them early.

I signed such a contract for my online business, but I don't buy new release games, because there isn't enough profit in them for me to make it worthwhile. If I did though, I could preorder games and get them 3-4 days before release. Typically the Thursday or Friday before a Tuesday release.

Garethvk1828d ago

Embargo on all coverage is tomorrow.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1828d ago
rob-GP1829d ago

At most, I expect they’ve had the game for one day - not really long enough to fully play through and experience everything on offer. This is the second time they have released a review early due to them buying the game though. I would have thought they would have stuck to the embargo (as they clearly know when it is), even if it’s just to remain in good standing with Bethesda.

chrish19901829d ago

Kyle had the game for three days. As mentioned in the review you clearly didn't read.

rob-GP1829d ago

I'm guessing his PSN is GOODKyle (based on that profile having played the same games this reviewer had reviewed at the same times as they were published). If so then he got one trophy on the 10th - it was played for five hours before it then was picked up for another two hours on the 11th.

Now, he could have played and got no trophies, but based on that, he's played around seven to eight hours, not the three days you, the other guy, and the reviewer claims.

Again, they knew the embargo yet they got it late on Friday then played through it fast in order to put out a review first and hope to gain more clicks. Just an observation and why I didn't read the content of the review, as he clearly hasn't taken the time to see everything the game offers.

milohighclub1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

Rob. Stop speculating and trying to grab at shit that doesn't matter and stop been such a stalker man.

Down with Bethesda and that scum bag Howard.

rob-GP1829d ago

@milohighclub - oh be quiet, I had a look because people, like yourself, tried to counter my speculation with your own speculation by blindly believing the final sentence of the review... This was clearly a rushed review for the sake of getting it out there for more clicks. That was the only point I was getting at, yet that's hard for some of you to comprehend I guess.

If ~seven hours gameplay in an open world game, which supposedly takes around 15 hours to complete the story, is enough for you to formulate a full opinion of the gameplay, including its story direction and overall satisfaction, then fair enough.

LucasRuinedChildhood1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

Well, your suspicions are unfounded. He mentions how long he had the game in the summary. "I don’t know if this sequel was necessary, but it was a serviceable three day distraction."

There's no point being cynical for the sake of being cynical.

rob-GP1829d ago

See my other comment - if he's the guy who has played the same games at the same time as this guy has posted reviews, based on PSNProfiles, then he's played around seven hours or so, five on Friday and two on Saturday - then put up the review shortly after.

Having a game for 'three days' doesn't mean they've played it for three days...

No Way1829d ago

Does that mean he was online for those days/hours, as well?

rob-GP1829d ago

@No Way - trophies earnt offline have a timestamp placed upon them. Soon as you go online they are uploaded with that 'set in stone' date and time. Anyway, it doesn't matter - I was purely correcting their speculation with a little factual information, rather than quoting what the reviewer claimed.

Cikatriz_ESP1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )


I don’t think trophies work exactly the way you’re assuming. I’ve had trophy info show up days after I actually got the trophy, whether I’m online or not.

rainslacker1828d ago

He may not have an account on PSNProfiles. It doesn't list all the PSN users. It'll grab the overall statistics from PSN lists, but not all the users unless you sign up.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1828d ago
milohighclub1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

If they didnt get a review copy they don't have a working relationship with Bethesda so they don't need to remain in good standing with them.

I dont get it, Bethesda don't give a shit about the fans, so why do the fans still give a shit about bethesda?

After how bethesda has been treating customers lately I hope rage flops, and bethesda sinks. We already have E.A and Ubisoft trying to destroy gaming with MTs, threes a crowd.

rainslacker1829d ago

If they procured it through a retailer, the retailer probably got it last thursday or Friday. Places like GameStop or bigger retailers generally get them a week ahead of time, maybe the Tuesday or Wendsday prior. If that's enough time is questionable. For bigger games, i'd say that's a lot of playing to try and get through the game, then actually spend the time writing and editing the review. That's why embargos allow reviewers time to play the game, write the article, and then release the review in a fair manner. It does benefit publishers, but ultimately, it means that you don't get a big rush or reviewers trying to be the first to print, which is what was happening before embargos became a thing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1828d ago
william_cade1829d ago

oh no, here come the embargo nannies.

CP_Company1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

agree. people should be thankful that someone at least warns them in advance.

1829d ago
1829d ago
Nitrowolf21829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

They list some pretty big cons, idk for three days of play time and to complain about it being repetitive, the story and how short it is only to give it an 8? Looks to me the writer rushed this out just for the sake of being first.

Not saying 8 a bad score, but the review itself seems rushed. Although from the sound of it the game also appears to be really short

1829d ago
monkey6021829d ago

I mean he could easily spend more time in 3 days on a game than I would in a week or 2.
And I could certainly give you an opinion on a game I'm playing within that time. Maybe not a review but definitely my overall impressions

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1829d ago
Abnor_Mal1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

Uninspired story and overall experience is repetitive and short overall. Yet it gets an 8 while other games gets points taken away.

Short game time being able to end the game in less than ten hours, but filler stuff that pads it out to twenty five or more hours.
Driving is just okay whether on bike or car, it's just okay. Then the bugs and glitches even though the author did not name specifics. Oh let's not forget that the game seemingly has a skill tree, all this and it gets an 8 score.

Let me not put the cart in front of the horse and wait and see how others review and score the game before tables are flipped.

1829d ago Replies(1)
1829d ago
1829d ago Replies(2)
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Worst Big Budget Games

GF365: "Among all the well-received and beloved video games, there are some that are horrendous. Here are our picks for the worst big budget games released since 2010."

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banger88490d ago

What a shitty f***** list! Most of the games on it were great fun. Bullshit list.

chantii_mmohaven489d ago

yep this is truly a b*tthurt list :/

MadLad488d ago

I think the only one I agreed on was Anthem, and even that isn't horrendous.

Knushwood Butt490d ago

Anthem; I'd forgotten that game existed. I remember thinking the trailer was BS though; turns out I was right.

Cueil488d ago

the game wasn't bad though

RavenWolfx489d ago

"Worst big budget games" and immediately lists Genshin Impact, a game that has $4 billion in revenue.

blackblades489d ago

$3 billion and counting along with alot of users. I disagree with that being on the list. This list is just a person opinion without merit

monkey602489d ago

I havent played Genshin Impact and Mafia 3 was alright. The rest though I kind of agree with.
I loved the 1st Kane and Lynch and I could not understand how the 2nd game was as bad as it was.

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Rage 2 and Absolute Drift are free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Rage 2 and Absolute Drift are free at Epic Games Store. The free game offers run until February 25 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim them, they’re yours to keep.

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Terry_B1181d ago

Free Games..the only good thing about EGS

gamefreaks3651181d ago

I have a pretty large EGS collection now thanks to all of the freebies.

kneon1181d ago

Me too, and yet I haven't played a single one

Profchaos1181d ago (Edited 1181d ago )

They frequently provide large discount vouchers of %15 to which is nice.

I'm more likely to buy a game on epic than steam these days steam prices are often higher

Terry_B1181d ago

15% lol..I get 20% already for being a humble choice subscriber.

Kados1180d ago

Even with the discount, i wouldn't buy anything from EGS. Rather pay the extra 15% to get it on Steam or GOG.

purple1011181d ago

that drift racing looks simultaneously edge of the seat while also relaxing,

very strange , very cool.

Father__Merrin1181d ago

I've got a massive collection of titles from here great stuff. Always wanted to play rage 2. Cheers Epic

Antnee5341181d ago

Im so excited for rage 2 I always wanted to play it, never wanted to buy it lol.

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Halcyon 6 is free at Epic Games Store, Rage 2 free next week

Starting today, Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander is free at Epic Games Store. The free game offer runs until February 18 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim it, it's yours to keep. Epic also revealed that Rage 2 is free next week.

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phoenixwing1187d ago

Nice rage 2 I owned on ps4 but getting it free for pc now will be good