
Microsoft shouldn’t take [ALL] the blame for Scalebound, says Platinum

“Both sides failed,” studio head says, and ultimately, the game “didn’t do all of the things that we needed to do as a developer”.

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AngainorG7X1842d ago

That's very professional, hopefully we'll see a better collaboration between them in the future.

lxeasy1842d ago

Glad to see Platinum step up and admit it wasn't MS fault this game didn't work like so many without information were saying. I hope that one day Platinum and MS can work together again start from scratch and give us Scalebound.

TopherMan1842d ago

"Glad to see Platinum step up and admit it wasn't MS fault this game didn't work like so many without information were saying."

Why are you pretending he exonerated Microsoft from any and all blame? He said:

"Both sides failed"

And I've read plenty of blame levied at Platinum for all this. Inaba is taking the high road here in saying MS took the "brunt" of the blame. Platinum hardly came out of all that unscathed.

darthv721842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

I always believed PG was burdened with too many projects and one of them had to take a back seat while others were finished. I mean scalebound was one they had pitched before even starting work on Nier Automata and yet they were able to finish Nier during the time they were also supposed to work on scalebound. We dont really know how they managed their $$ or teams but ultimately MS paid lots of $$ for something that wasn't completed so instead of keep spending $$... they pulled the plug.

Just look at the list of games they were working on during this time between 2013 (when SB was announced) to 2017 (when SB was canceled). The Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, The Legend of Korra, Transformers: Devastation, Star Fox Zero & Star Fox Guard, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan and finally Nier: Automata

Can you blame them for cutting their losses? I'd do the exact same thing if i hired someone to do a job and they kept giving me the run around on when it would be completed. It really depends on the job and who though because some people i know I'd be a bit more understanding but someone I hadn't worked with before.... prob not so much.

TopherMan1842d ago

"The concept for the game was created when Platinum established in 2006 but the studio decided to move to develop Bayonetta instead of making Scalebound. The studio attempt to re-pitch the game again after the completion of Bayonetta, and a prototype was made but it failed to generate any interest, and the studio moved on to develop The Wonderful 101. When the development of The Wonderful 101 was almost finished, the idea for Scalebound was revised, and the game's development officially began in 2013."

Scalebound development started in 2006.
The Wonderful 101 was already done when official dev began in 2013. The Legend of Korra was released the following year. Star Fox: Zero and Guard were co-developed with Nintendo. So there is some context behind all that which is left out.

Was Platinum Games spread too thin? We don't know. Did Microsoft change requirements after the project started? We don't know. If we take Inaba's word that "both sides failed" then maybe there is truth in both statements.

That's the thing. We don't really know anything and yet so many are trying to pretend they do.

darthv721842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

@topher, the take away here is that MS had to make the tough decision to cancel it and in doing so PG went silent while watching them take all the heat yet we know for a fact they had a hand in the decision process as well.

the head of Xbox didnt just all of a sudden wake up one morning and say, lets cancel the project. That's not how it works. They have to be motivated to do so and the only other party who could have provided the motivation is PG. So they hold the most responsibility in MS coming to their decision. I dont agree with their decision, but i understand it. sometimes you just have to cut your losses and move on. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

TopherMan1842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

No, I agree wholeheartedly that this was a tough call. No way MS just did this flippantly. The question is why and to that we have no answers.

" PG went silent while watching them take all the heat yet we know for a fact they had a hand in the decision process as well. "

Where was it reported that PG had a say in the cancellation? And PG was not "silent". They apologized and expressed their disappointment. Not sure what else you expect them to say.

TheUndertaker851842d ago

@Topher: You’re using one line.Then Inaba states,

““At the bare minimum, it’s unique for us as a title in so much as we feel that we didn’t do all of the things that we needed to do as a developer,” he said. “There were a lot of painful lessons, but that helped us grow as a studio.”

“Inaba conceded that “maybe” the studio announced Scalebound too early. However, he disagreed that its cancellation fuelled Platinum’s decision to move towards self-publishing with its two new in-development game IPs.”

So the developer says they think there was a lot of combinations on themselves that ultimately caused the cancellation.

Then to expand many are jumping on MS for the cancellation yet getting to the nitty gritty why wouldn’t they cancel? The developer is admitting that the product they were working on took a lot of time. That time equates to time that MS then was paying for. Then the developer states clearly that they weren’t doing their job as developers either.

What do people expect MS to do in that position? Keep paying for development of a project that the developers admit they aren’t developing properly?

The ironic thing too is that if it’s also true that this isn’t something that made Platinum want to self publish their interactions with MS wasn’t all that bad either.

The point is individuals can keep doing what you’re doing and attempting to place false blame on MS or they can read the full story and keep context. What we know, now, is that Platinum Games can even admit fault to the situation and state to a certain degree where they were failing.

Obscure_Observer1842d ago


"Glad to see Platinum step up and admit it wasn't MS fault this game didn't work like so many without information were saying."

This will be the one of the worst day in their lives. All this time blaming Phil Spencer while never ackwologing Platinium´s fault. I´m glad that they finally telling the truth.

TopherMan1842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

"The point is individuals can keep doing what you’re doing and attempting to place false blame on MS or they can read the full story and keep context. "

You need to read my posts again. I haven't placed the blame on either side at all. My point has been entirely that we don't know who is to fault. Inaba took some of the blame, sure. Does that mean all the blame rests there? Apparently not when he says "both sides failed". I'm harping on that one line because it is the most relevant. Inaba isn't going to lay out the reasons MS failed. That isn't his place. But Ixeasy is acting like PG just confessed to full responsibility to Scalebound's failure. That is absurd.

"What we know, now, is that Platinum Games can even admit fault to the situation and state to a certain degree where they were failing."

Much of which, Phil Spencer had already acknowledged in 2017.

"During the long time in which Microsoft and PlatinumGames worked together on Scalebound, they have learned a lot about game development from each other. Spencer believes that they’re a very unique studio, and he hopes to work again with Kamiya-san, who plays an important role in the gaming industry.

His opinion is that perhaps the game was announced too early as PlatinumGames strives to create huge games that have no equal among existing titles in things like size, scale of multiplayer and more.

However since the announcement was too early, it created pressure, influenced development, and raised the hurdles on the way to the goal. As a result, this created a situation in which both companies were in doubt on whether the game could offer what the fans wanted. Due to that, it was decided to discontinue Scalebound‘s development."


Strange that Inaba is taking blame for the early announcement. It was Microsoft's game and announced at Microsoft's conference. Does anyone believe the game was announced without Phil Spencer's consent? More blame to share then.

beulahland1841d ago

@TopherMan "That's the thing. We don't really know anything and yet so many are trying to pretend they do"

We DO know. He is taking half of the blame.

rainslacker1841d ago

I saw plenty of people say it was all P* fault as well. It was always probably something in between.

TopherMan1841d ago (Edited 1841d ago )

"We DO know. He is taking half of the blame."

LOL. Even if that were accurate, it would mean MS gets the other half.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1841d ago
-Foxtrot1842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

Is it though?

“Watching fans getting angry at Microsoft over the cancellation wasn’t easy for us to watch. Because the reality is, when any game in development can’t get released it’s because both sides failed.

I mean he says that but it was cancelled 2 and a half years ago, where was the defence for Microsoft then? They saw everyone go for them and didn't say a thing, just sat back and watched.

Seems more like they've taken time to think it over and now have come to a point where they want more business proposals so are trying to mend things with Microsoft.

Just seems like the whole thing is a 180 in my opinion.

Concertoine1842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

Actually, they said theyre working on self-publishing.

To me it seems like MS fault though. They forced in this 4 player coop and a Windows 10 port. It sounds like they overburdened the team.

coolbeans1842d ago

That requires people to take everything he's saying here on bad faith though.

-"I mean he says that but it was cancelled 2 and a half years ago, where was the defence for Microsoft then?"

Perhaps licking their wounds and wanting to move onto other projects? Getting behind-the-scenes access akin to Kotaku's examination of Anthem's development isn't very common (esp. since this is a cancelled project); plus, Kotaku is able to net said sources for--I'd argue--rather shady reasons. Looking back at these shuttered projects when they're safely in the rearview mirror is often enough reason in it of itself.

-"Just seems like the whole thing is a 180 in my opinion."

In order for that to be the case, Platinum would've had to have said this in the past: "MS should take/wholly take the blame for Scalebound. They didn't fulfill their obligations as a publisher." Just saying IMO in that context looks more like an escape hatch for you if called out. Present some type of proof of where you're getting this suspicion.

DaDrunkenJester1842d ago

"I mean he says that but it was cancelled 2 and a half years ago, where was the defence for Microsoft then? They saw everyone go for them and didn't say a thing, just sat back and watched."

Not exactly, they both came out and admitted things failed and there was no hard feelings between each other. Kamiya even stated that the game was very ambitious and it caused him to be too stressed out and such. No one blamed each other. It was just the fanboys who automatically assumed MS pushed them too hard with too many things.

-Foxtrot1842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )


" Platinum would've had to have said this in the past: "MS should take/wholly take the blame for Scalebound"

Isn't watching everyone from your everyday gamer to professional gaming journalists rip Microsoft apart just as bad. Not even a "hey lets slow down guys, lets not all go for Microsoft, come on". You even had rumours and so called sources saying things like this


So when you have ALL this stuff coming out and literally painting Microsoft as the big bad, making out it was indeed their fault you just go silent and don't say anything? It's like seeing someone get attacked, have the chance of saying something to put things right, to punish the guilty and not say a thing until 2 years later when the whole thing is over and done with.

Even their PR statement was barebones and to the point? Any defence to Microsoft here?



So coming out 2 and a half years later and then say something is, in my opinion, strange and completely out of the blue

mrmikew20181842d ago

That's a good point @Foxtrot.

I was thinking to myself that they should've came out with this statement much sooner, because MS sure did take a beating on announcing this cancellation.

I'm just wondering why now?

nyu11842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

"where was the defence for Microsoft then?"

What do you mean ? You say this as if developers always immediately come out and clarify these matters like that.

Most of the time, we don't know the details of it. It's like with Anthem and EA. I'm sure EA was to blame much of the time, but there were probably plenty of times when the studio was more to blame than them. It's not like we would actually know about that. Most of us just jump on the prevailing opinion bandwagon at the time. In the case of Anthem, when the details did come out, we see that the studio is as much to blame if not much more so than EA.

-Foxtrot1842d ago Show
Saranya1841d ago

@Concertoine MS forced PG to made 4 players coop? No, it's on your head.

beulahland1841d ago

@Concertoine the guy just said that both are to blame and you are still insisting on "to me it seems like MS fault though". Dude, you are sick.

beulahland1841d ago

I fully agree with you on this. I see lots of people replying "much respect to this guy for doing this". What, two years later, after all that silence while everyone was blaming mostly the other side? No, I can't respect that.

coolbeans1841d ago


-"So when you have ALL this stuff coming out and literally painting Microsoft as the big bad, making out it was indeed their fault you just go silent and don't say anything?"

But even in that link you posted it brings up how many were quick to pass the blame to Platinum as well (at least back then). So, it's kinda goes both ways b/c I didn't see MS or employees hopping out to say "stop throwing crap Plat's way" either. MS's defense, and Phil's, were quite basic as well. I don't thinks it's indicative of questionable or inconsistent character to come out and give a measured response to this type of fiasco long after the dust has settled. Oftentimes it's for the best to hold off on making criticisms against your own team (and publisher too) until everyone has been able to gather themselves mentally and move on.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1841d ago
Fluttershy771842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

Yes. Very professional... It's the right thing to say when you are asked... Also, we all know: Not true.

MadLad1842d ago

Do we all know that?

Please; enlighten us with your objective knowledge on the topic.

1842d ago
Fluttershy771842d ago

@shaggy2303 I heard similar things already pal, but coming from the Sony fans. In the end both sides are pretty much alike, don't you think?
I don't care. It doesn't matter, because I'm still respectfully holding and expressing my opinions and there's nothing you can do about it.

Imalwaysright1842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

Yes, you're being extremely respectful. So respectful that you're calling this guy, that just happens to have witnessed everything that happened, a liar. As for what I could do is ask you for proof but someone else already did it and you chose to pretend that it didn't happen due to obvious reasons.

Random anonymous (respectful) person on the internet or the head of Platinum Games? Who sould I believe in?

Fluttershy771842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

@Imalwaysright I don't think of him as a liar. He's being professional, doing PR, and giving the politically correct answer "it was a 50/50 fault"... you don't say much... everyone's happy.
Also I feel he would like to move on from that mess. It's been, how many, 3 years?
He doesn't want to piss off a major publisher, and I think that's great for him and the studio but we need to read beyond that.
Of course there are always faults in both sides when a deal like this fall, that's obvious... but it's also true, that one of the sides is usually "faultier" than the other one.
I suspect it was MS fault.
Fast looking at the list of their games, Platinum didn't have any issues working with Sony, Nintendo, Sega, Konami, Square and Activision. Even after a failure like their Star Fox attempt, they kept on working with Nintendo and are about to release another exclusive for them.
It's not the first time with MS either, like, next we gonna hear that Fable's cancellation was a 50/50 fault, right?
And probably you can entirely blame Rare for Rare's destruction.

giovanealex1841d ago


You are so funny!

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gamer78041842d ago

agreed, I hope they work on a new project, I enjoy almost every game they make that isn't a movie/tv tie-in game.

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gangsta_red1842d ago

Good to hear something about this, especially when we did read from fans that it was MS's fault. Even heard the excuse that MS forced them to add multiplayer which is why the game failed.

AspiringProGenji1842d ago

Adding multiplayer may be one reason why it failed which was crearly influenced by MS. Platinum games are all SP. the didn’t even say before the game was gonna have MP until that trailer that they showed MP that felt so out of place

Spurg1842d ago

Please provide your sources I would love to read them

lxeasy1842d ago

@aspring the mp was Platinums idea not ms. stop making stuff up. you give us gamers a bad look. always talking crap without doing research.

Atom6661842d ago

I always thought that the coop demo looked a whole lot better than the SP demo they showed. What made it feel out of place?

Spurg1842d ago

Wow...I didn't know I had to spell it out to you but let me explain what I was asking.
You said adding multiplayer was influenced by MS. Which published article, you read that clearly states that MS asked Platinum to add CO OP.
Not asking for the YouTube clip of CO OP but the article that backs what you are saying. You also have to back the statement you made about how the co op mode the responsible for Scale bounds cancellation.
Or you could just save yourself the trouble and say you were just speculating.

AspiringProGenji1842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

Wow I Didn’t know I had to read it out to you. I said “may be” (possibility). I am not saying it’s a fact, and considering MS aleays favor MP titles more it is a strong possibility

gangsta_red1842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )


So waitaminute...you say...

"I am mot saying it’s a fact..."

But in your op you said...

"Adding multiplayer may be one reason why it failed which was crearly influenced by MS."

"Clearly influenced"...please provide that fact that MS clearly influenced Platinum to include MP.

"Platinum games are all SP. "

Not true at all, Star Fox Zero, Anarchy Reigns, The Wonderful 101 are just a couple of MP games Platinum made.

TheUndertaker851842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

...Why did you bother to add a “may be” statement to a story that contains details from the developer, not publisher where the content illustrates that Inaba believes that the development company he is a part of holds lots of fault? While avoiding listing MS faults?

Inaba isn’t saying that may be MS had fault. He’s literally saying and listing ways Platinum was at fault for a lot. Even down to how they were developing the game over a long period of time but they weren’t really developing the way they should have been either.

Ironically also one of your replies literally states you don’t know your point to be factual nor was it ever said by Platinum Games or Inaba in this interview. So you’d seem to be saying things just to say while arguing why MS is responsible.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1842d ago
Germaximus1842d ago

I have no doubt that adding multiplayer forced issues and delays that shouldn't have been there.

gangsta_red1842d ago

Why? The original reveal trailer teased multiplayer. Why all of a sudden, in an industry that thrives on multiplayer would multiplayer all of a sudden be a problem?

Germaximus1842d ago

No, the original trailer did not have co-op. It was originally going to be single-player.

gangsta_red1842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

At the end of the original trailer a group of Dragon riders come swarming in, this implied that friends could help fight enemies/bosses, which means multiplayer.


Atom6661842d ago

Lol. Seriously confused with this. The original 2014 trailer absolutely hinted at MP.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1842d ago
gangsta_red1842d ago

You would blame Microsoft for the nine tailed fox destroying the leaf village

beulahland1841d ago

@NarutoFox "I Blame Microsoft"

Noooo. What a surprise!

XiNatsuDragnel1841d ago

Microsoft are the nine tails fox lol

ghostrider321841d ago

When Neiji died, you probably blamed Microsoft. You probably blamed Microsoft for the death of Setoru Iwata.

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Gaming4Life19811841d ago

Im glad that platinum cleared this up but as in the comments on this article, people still deny that it was all MS fault. The hate is real with MS and the xbox. Its just stupid at this point with all the hate for MS but these haters must be new gamers. When I was growing up back in the atari days, everyone just loved games. i always had all systems and all games.

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XiNatsuDragnel1842d ago

It's a 50/50. Microsoft should of left it alone let the dev do the product what they want it, but platinum should of done using the money better.

Teflon021842d ago

After Nier, I believe that's the reason they have issues with all the publishers they use. They clearly suck at money management

Donnie811842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

It’s not Microsoft’s fault at all. I’m sure the checks they were writing cleared. Platinum just didn’t do their job and got fired. I bet this was really messy behind closed doors

Kaze241841d ago

Funny how everyone kept blaming M$, they kept shoving money to the studio yet very little results, I don't blame M$ at all, anyone in their position would of done the same..

bluefox7551842d ago (Edited 1842d ago )

Nice to see Platinum being diplomatic, but let's be honest, it probably was mostly MS's fault. The ruin everything they touch.

Wikkid6661842d ago

I guess that's why they are the most valuable company in the world.

jznrpg1842d ago

Take out anything not to do with gaming and where are they? Gamers care about gaming

timotim1842d ago


But wait a minute...Blue said "EVERYTHING they touch", did he not? And even in gaming, Microsoft is making more money with Xbox than they ever have in the past...how is that ruining???

He was just making a fanboy comment...as he typically does...and you tried to follow up...as you typically do.

Xavi4K1842d ago

can you explain to me in details how is that mostly Microsoft fault??

it's like you are hiring a worker to fix your car you pay him 300$ to fix your car and instead of doing that he spend it on beer won't you fire him?

try to take your fanboy glasses off for once before you write a comment.

beulahland1841d ago

He can't. He is just a stubborn kid.

NeoGamer2321842d ago

Ya, because you were there and you know exactly everything that happened.

beulahland1841d ago

@bluefox755 nice to see that even when the head of the company comes publicly the take part of the blame, you still insist on the opposite.

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Arrowhead Games: "We want to be the next From Software or Blizzard"

Helldivers 2 developer Arrowhead on the success of its game, what comes next and dealing with toxic players

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LostPotato5h ago

Ambitious dream but sorry you don't make good RPGs. Just online co-op shooters.

ThinkThink4h ago

Not yet, but they can grow. Sounds like that's the plan. They have a new CEO this week as well. I can see they pushing helldivers 2 to other consoles, Mac and even high end mobile devices. The game could become a global force and sony can rack up their MAUs.

Eonjay3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Sure for Helldivers. Surprised Sony doesn't put Helldivers 1 on mobile.... but in reality, I think Arrowhead is talking about creating original IPs that they own. What I question is how they will do this (while remaining multiplatform) without expanding. For HD2, Sony contributed a lot. If they do this by themselves, they are going to hire more people (which isn't a bad thing as long as its sustainable). I love that they are trying to 'stay small' but even when looking at HD2, you get the feeling that they were woefully underprepared to deal with the success they had. Even to today, it takes too long to get bugs addressed.

Another story said that players had stopped playing because of lack of new content. We have know about the new factions since launch but one doubts that they have the internal resources to get new content added at the pace they need to. If they are looking for the kind of success they claim, they need to invest in the resources that will allow them to attract and keep as many players as possible.

XiNatsuDragnel4h ago

Ambitious hopefully y'all can achieve it

shaenoide3h ago

Being the new Blizzard in neither a compliment or a good thing.

thorstein2h ago

When the Blizzard symbol appeared on a title, it used to mean quality. Starcraft, Diablo, Warcraft...I think that's what they're referring to.

S2Killinit1h ago

Yeah I remember those days as well.

CrimsonWing693h ago

Not if those games are going to be GaaS.

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