
Microsoft encourages trash talk, just don't be racist/sexist/offensive about it

If you've been on Xbox Live for any length of time, you probably have thick skin towards trash talk. Now, Microsoft clarifies its guidelines.

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AngainorG7X1826d ago (Edited 1826d ago )

Let's see how this goes

Sono4211825d ago

Isn't trash talk meant to be offensive? I'm confused.. I understand the no racist/sexist, but offensive?.... that's why it's called trash talk... you're talking trash.

ravinash1825d ago

@ Sono - You Mama is still open season!

darthv721825d ago

trash talk isnt meant to be offensive, it is meant to be discouraging. Meaning to throw another player off his game. Yet in this day and age pretty much anything can be offensive. Even using a term like snowflake is considered offensive to the right person while to others its just a harmless insult. That is what trash talking is... harmless insults. The idea is to have power over the words, not the other way around.

NecrumOddBoy1825d ago (Edited 1825d ago )

You can't offend someone, they can only take offense to it. Thick skinned people are less offended than others. There is difference between racism/sexism and that. A person can find or take offense in almost anything so it's really hard to make up standard like that with such a broad range based on someone's personal feelings. Whatever happened to just not being an ass?

jznrpg1825d ago

For positive MS articles yes

Gwiz1825d ago

Yo momma so ugly that even Scorpion said " Stay over there ".

Nu1825d ago

if your mum was a videogame she'd be rated E for everyone

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1825d ago
Silly gameAr1826d ago

What happened to "That's my company!"?. Now my comment makes no sense lol

AngainorG7X1825d ago

I read the article and i had to change it, lol 😂😂😂

rainslacker1825d ago

Ms has been trash talking in a very passive aggressive way all gen towards Sony, so it doesn't surprise they'd say their users can do it.

Can't they just say be respectful, and not encourage trash talking. Even if its not racist, sexist, or discriminatory, some people are pretty sensitive to such talk. They won't stop idiots from talking really bad with this sentiment either way, but they could be more encouraging of a positive online environment.

FinalFantasyFanatic1824d ago

I don't like trash talk personally, ruins the whole tone of the game.

DaveZero1824d ago

Make things up much do you??

xX-oldboy-Xx1824d ago

First to 10 million wins - Mjr Nelson, they are deplorable on all levels. the cream rises to the top.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1824d ago
SmielmaN1825d ago

I agree with the racist/sexist part, but trash talk is trying to piss someone off and is likely to be offensive.

wraith99991825d ago

lets see the results of you 1v1'ing zeref

XiNatsuDragnel1824d ago

Yep I want to shake the N4G forums on this, I'm ready to fight my big bro (Off topic)

SegaGamer1826d ago

Exactly. Seeing how people get offended by every thing these days, offensive is just too vague of a word.

sampsonon1825d ago

people getting offended indeed.

shaun mcwayne1824d ago

What do you mean "how people", dont you mean native Americans, some people just twist things to get some light on their agenda. Its only a big deal, if You make it a deal.

Cobra9511825d ago

Offensive: adj. Whatever we say it is.

uth111825d ago

Whatever we say it is TODAY. We will use completely different standards tomorrow and the next day..

RauLeCreuset1825d ago

"The overall gist of the new community standards is 'Don’t be a dick.' Pretty good advice, in-game as it is in the real world."

Seems I was just saying something along those lines the other day. That's most of the battle. But for people convinced the majority of offenders are getting caught up for innocent utterances and for those who want to plead ignorance, it's better for them to adhere to that simple saying "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Like with many other things, it's best to keep it simple and only graduate beyond that once you've mastered the basics.

CyberSentinel1825d ago (Edited 1825d ago )

I wonder if the notion "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Has led/ will lead, to people not using microphones while playing games online. 🤔

RauLeCreuset1825d ago


Lost in that ponderence is any concern for the people currently not using microphones while playing online because of the toxicity.

CyberSentinel1825d ago

Some online games are very dependent on fast/voice communication. If people fear being banned because of “offensive” and “hate” speech, it could lead to a decline in online games.

Maybe that’s why single player games are becoming popular again...


RauLeCreuset1825d ago


I doubt it. There's the offset of more people engaging online in the absence of that conduct. But beyond that, it's less to do with lacking self control and more to do with lacking consequences for failing to exhibit self control. You'd be surprised how many find their self control when faced with real consequences. Trust that most of the people behaving that way online somehow manage to be more disciplined when at work, school, or otherwise about in the real world somewhere where that kind of behavior has real consequences.

Christopher1825d ago

***I wonder if the notion "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Has led/ will lead, to people not using microphones while playing games online. 🤔***

Kind of the opposite, actually. I think most people who hate hearing from others mute everyone and don't use headsets at all.

uth111825d ago

Maybe there should be rooms that are moderated and rooms where "anything goes", and people can gravitate to whichever they feel more comfortable with

BlackTar1871825d ago

The less people who talk crap the more effective mine will be. As someone who has participated in organized sports my whole life and boxed for a long time i can without a doubt understand that the only effective trash talk is offensive. We all shake hands or hug after cause it's just a game and like the sport we just played the effective trash talk is a skill that requires skill in delivery and tone and we as opponents respect that.

bolimekurac1824d ago

Most people wont understand what you said
" it's best to keep it simple and only graduate beyond that once you've mastered the basics."
but many of us do.

bolimekurac1824d ago

cybercentinel, when was hate speech ever excepted, when was being a total asshole ever excepted. people should always fear if they are purposely being offensive and hateful, yes its free speech but this is a paid online service with rules and while trash talk is all good and dandy, ruining someones time or cursing them out etc.. thats just never been cool and should be punished when that behavior materializes online while playing games with other people who dont want to be abused.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1824d ago
bluefox7551825d ago

Therein lies the problem. "Offensive" is entirely up to the subjective whim of the offended. Offense is taken, not given.

rainslacker1825d ago

True, but there are times where people are trying to offend others. Itd be impossible to be completely inoffensive, unless you just dont trash talk. Some people dont like trash talk, and find it offensive whether they're on the receiving end or its aimed at someone else. It doesn't have to fall into one of the isms or be discriminatory to be offensive. Just saying someone sucks at the game is enough to trigger some people.

Generally, I feel it's better to encourage a positive online environment than one where trash talk is encouraged. Dont have to ban or restrict because of trash talk, but dont say its perfectly acceptable, because it just means people will keep pushing to see how far they can go.

But, in the big picture, it probably doesn't matter much. Across the whole community, and generally speaking, there are plenty out there who will make everyone look bad

jeki1825d ago

"If I can't use the n-word does that mean I can't say hello to people?"

That's how you morons sound, like dysfunctional man-babies.

CyberSentinel1825d ago

What is “offensive” to you, may not be offensive to others. For instance,

“Homosexuality is a sin”

“Gender dysphoria is a mental illness”

“You play like a girl”

“That kill was gay”

What is the definition of offensive, and who should get to make that judgment?

jeki1825d ago


There will always be people who don't find things offensive, that doesn't mean you should say them.

In this case, Microsoft gets to make the judgement of what's offensive. If you're not sure about saying something, you probably shouldn't say it until you are sure. It's not complicated.

CyberSentinel1825d ago (Edited 1825d ago )


I don’t think you realize how broad of a term “offensive” is...

If companies should have the right to censor free speech, shouldn’t they also have the right to discriminate against who they hire and fire, or even provide services too?


Projekt71825d ago

There’s times your batteries might die on you at the wrong time, your killed instantly after spawning and you simply mumble gay or shit. Your not meaning that at any person or to offend. It’s just part of speech. Especially those of us that have been around since online gaming started. Now I can be recorded and taken out of context for a slip directed at no one and be given a red card because my microphone picked it up and someone reported it. Like everything this will boomerang and end up effecting the people who called for it. People might also stop handing over their hard earned money in fear they might accidentally say a naughty word. I’m pleased single player is making a comeback. Is tea bagging still a thing? Life and family has had me sidelined for some time now. I personally used to be shocked at the tweens playing online screaming and screaming in a prepubescent voice the worst things possible, all while you could hear the mom and dads in the background telling them to quiet down. Back then I blamed those adults in the room.

jeki1825d ago (Edited 1825d ago )


Microsoft isn't censoring free speech, they are implementing a code of conduct on their servers.

I'm sure you can figure out what is ban-worthy, if you're not sure then play it safe until you are sure, unless you don't care about being banned.

Hiring practices have nothing to do with this conversation.

CyberSentinel1825d ago


The “Code of Conduct” defense.

If a baker decides he doesn’t want to bake a cake for a customer, because that customer’s lifestyle goes against the bakers “code of conduct”, should that Baker be forced to bake the cake? 🍰


jeki1825d ago


You're not making sense.

Mystogan1825d ago

Exactly, if you are a decent human being, you know exactly how not to be an asshole.

rainslacker1825d ago


Legally, a business isnt required to sell to anyone they dont want to if it goes against their established beliefs. They can not actively restrict access to the premises based on the things protected under the equal rights amendments, or just make random exclusions without a basis of an established belief....usually formed from active religious affiliation, or membership in some group with some guiding principals. The only exclusions are based on gender or race, nothing else is covered under the equal rights amendment....although gay rights are being looked at as an addition to the amendment, or it's going to be decided by the supreme court.

There was a case exactly like what you posit, and the Baker wasn't required by law to bake the cake for a homosexual marriage.

CyberSentinel1825d ago



You're not making sense."

Actually, it does make sense...it just went over your head.

CyberSentinel1825d ago



Here's my question:
When do My religious beliefs, infringe on your religious, civil or constitutional rights?

If I am Catholic, can I refuse to serve Muslims?

If I am Muslim, can I refuse to serve women who aren't dressed appropriately, or accompanied by a man?

If I am Jewish can I refuse to serve homosexuals?

jeki1825d ago


No, it makes no sense. You're comparing rules on a game server that users must abide by to a baker's personal views on LGBT issues and whether or not he has to bake a cake (what?)

Let's be honest, you have no argument at this point. Resorting to ad hominem attacks only makes that more evident.

CyberSentinel1825d ago


My point is, if you are for companies restricting freedom of speech, then be prepared for when they start restricting other rights you care about,. Privacy, religious, civil, human and constitutional rights.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1825d ago
johndoe112111825d ago

Apparently offensive to Microsoft is having the username xxjesusislordxx seeing they just banned a guy for having that name.

ajax171825d ago

yeah, I can't wait for someone to be banned from live because they "misgendered" someone

Christopher1825d ago

Typically it boils down to personal attack or not.

"F that!" is much different than "F you!" for example.

rainslacker1825d ago

Opposite of respectful I assume.

AuraAbjure1825d ago (Edited 1825d ago )

"Yo mama a ga* retar*d ni*/a who is worth less than a squirrel fa*t."
- Spanky.

That is an example of the kind of offensive talk which is non-conducive towards a healthy competition among mature individuals.

pinkcrocodile751825d ago

anything a Feminist would find offensive... which is everything.

F@ck em!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1824d ago
Futureshark1825d ago

Non offensive trash talk?
Such as.. "oh you...you... you... you!"

SIdepocket1825d ago

That’s racist to Asians.

wonderfulmonkeyman1825d ago (Edited 1825d ago )

You're You!?
"Yes, I'm Yu!"
No, you're not me, I'M me! You're you!
"That's what I said! I'm Yu!"
You motherf-...*to be continued*

jeki1825d ago

See my reply to CyberSentinal above.

Christopher1825d ago

You suck
Git Gud
You can't hit shit
Are you blind?
Go back to playing CAndy Crush

uth111825d ago (Edited 1825d ago )

What If someone online has multiple personality disorder, and gets offended by being called "you" in the singular?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1825d ago
drpepperdude1825d ago (Edited 1825d ago )

Don't ever write 'You Suck' in a message on xbox live, you will be promptly banned by your fellow xbox community pals. P.S. not a joke... Also if you want to really get your pals juices flowing throw in a few curse words, maybe they will even give you a console ban for extra credit.

Teflon021825d ago

I mean. If you're taking the time to be an ass and write to someone you suck, while it's nothing big and sounds silly. You're asking for it. Why go out of your way to be toxic. It's one thing to be on the mic and trash talk eachother which has always been alright on every platform. It's when you're now going out of your way to be an ass that's a problem. This is like the dude on PSN situation. Ppl were crying like it's a sony thing and now it's showing that it's just they decided to blow that story up despite the fool deserving what he got lol

Silly gameAr1825d ago (Edited 1825d ago )

Back in my Gears of War 24/7 days, if I wasn't called the n word, or getting some nasty voice msgs, at least 3 times a day, I thought something was wrong. People don't have to deal with that mess as much these days.

drpepperdude1825d ago

Some dude was saying everything in the book over his mic and I'm fine with that (it takes more than words to hurt me) but since I didn't have a mic at the time I sent him a message with those two "toxic" words and he reports it which ends in xbox stepping in to... obviously ban me only for a service I pay for...........

Christopher1825d ago

Okay, it's anecdotal, but if that's true, that's lame.

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Watch the Batman: Arkham Shadow teaser trailer for the next game in the Batman: Arkham franchise, releasing exclusively on the Meta Quest 3 in late 2024.Evil stalks the streets. Gotham City is in danger. And you’re the only one who can save it. Check out the teaser for the upcoming Batman VR game.Tune into Summer Game Fest 2024 on June 7 at 2pm PT/ 5pm ET/ 10pm BST/ June 8 at 7am AEST for the official Batman: Arkham Shadow world premiere reveal from Camouflaj and Oculus Studios, in partnership with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC.

Petebloodyonion6h ago

Nice to see some VR games following Batman Arkham!
Was a huge fan of Batman Vr on PSVR :)

shinoff21834h ago

Shame that something like this won't be on psvr2. Sony really has to step up on this front. There's a bunch of neat and nifty games out there for it. I'll end up getting one once I get caught up buying all the rpgs I've missed these last few years. Anyway I can't justify spending money on this with only a couple major vr titles. Re4 doesn't cut it for me since I was never a huge fan of the game. To see this batman as an exclusive, unless I'm wrong. Sony gotta pump something up


Keoken Interactive lays off majority of team after failing to find funding at GDC

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mastershredder6h ago

The industry model and standards and who's in place to approve/disapprove have changed ^ what Keoken is feeling now is much like the Mobile burst 15 years ago. Expect more to come out of your own finances. Investors are treating games like movies and now (thank$ a lot for involving yourself hollywood) only the big (and money blind) investors get involved, effectively killing a lot of content that would come out with proper non-gate-kept and/or with incentivized funding.

Markdn5h ago

And when you only make a fraction of your games worth on gamepass you suffer

Tacoboto2h ago

Palworld and Manor Lords are so suffering.


New Game of Thrones Video Game In Development

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anast17h ago

The first 3 or 4 seasons were brilliantly written, then the writers ran out of steam.

SDuck9h ago

Netmarble is one of the biggest mobile developers, if that's not enough indication

DOMination-13h ago

Wow those graphics are incredible

RiseNShine9h ago

Maybe that's what Larian is working on? Or even better, an isometric Witcher CRPG like BG3, a man can dream.