
Listen EA, FIFA is not the game it used to be

SXO: The FIFA series has been in a slow but long decline for years now. It used to be my favourite series but from the moment microtransactions took over in the form of Ultimate Team, the series has been going downhill fast.

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2pacalypsenow1858d ago

FIFA is dead, its all about Ultimate team now, might as well just change the name to FIFA Ultimate Team

IMissJimRyan1858d ago

Game is selling better than ever. Maybe some fans are unhappy with the path game took, but business wise they are doing great.
People need to understand that those big companies are looking for short term profit. If you're not growing you're a failure. Games as a Service are worse for traditional gamer but it can expand userbase to unreacheble people. And in the system western countries works, that's what matter.

SegaGamer1858d ago

The last good one was FIFA 13, when it was actually fun to play.

chris2351858d ago

don‘t buy, don‘t blog = problem solved.
buying and complaining via blogposts = wanting clickrevenue only

Berenwulf1858d ago

I loved playing FIFA when you could load your won face in the game and be the Pro. It was amazing, they should have made a story (like the journey) with your own Pro. I don't know why the hell they didn't think about that...

Also as long as FUT is earning them money they don't need to innovate. Just small updates are enough, because every year everything resets for FUT-Players...

FUT should be maybe a standalone game, only then I could see FIFA evolve...

badboyz091858d ago

They KILLED NFL GAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been a over a decade since I've played a NFL game I was last in high school. Now I have 2 kids ones in high school.

SephirothX211858d ago

You need to sort your life out son

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Here Are The Games Leaving Xbox Game Pass by End of June 2022

Microsoft has rolled out an update on the Xbox Game Pass store page and app to reflect the games that will be leaving Xbox Game Pass.

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iplay1up2716d ago

The Last Stop, Fifa 20 (being replaced with 22) Jurassic World Evolution, MotoGP 20.
I won't miss these.

MadLad716d ago

Not to mention Jurassic World Evolution 2 is now on there.

MasterChief3624715d ago

Jurassic World Evolution 2 is on there? Yoooo. I need to play that one! I LOVE the first one.

Tedakin714d ago

TMNT > All of these games times 100.

iplay1up2714d ago

TMNT is so much fun! That came out of the blue for me! I have only been playing Arcade mode, but it's an instant classic already!


EA Are Removing FIFA 20 From EA Play

EA have announced in their online service updates notice that FIFA 20 will not be playable on EA Play from July 1, 2022.

Orchard726d ago

So basically, FIFA 22 is coming to the service.

lockedongamer1726d ago

Is, not are. EA is a singular entity as it's a company, not a group.

huzaifakhan726d ago

Really; grammar policing on a video game forum?

F0XHOUND725d ago

Eh, cut lockedongrammar1 some slack man... fml >.<


Top 10 Worst Games of 2020

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "There are no two ways about it, 2020 sucked. Many will remember the last 365 days as some of the most trying in living memory and are more than thrilled to cast our 2020 calendars into a large fire. But we can’t really move into 2021 with a clear conscience without totally confronting all the negative things that happened in 2020, including video game releases."

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PitbullMonster1254d ago

It really hurts to see the XIII Remake in that list. I loved the original game and bought the remake without reading reviews, that was a big mistake. It is sad what they have done to this game.:(

RgR1254d ago (Edited 1254d ago )

I completely misread your comment before.

Yup I agree

Darthpaul841254d ago

Oh wow! Is it really that bad? Was hoping to give it a go after I play thru my fall backlog

PitbullMonster1254d ago

I m sure they will patch a lot of broken things in this game but it will take time. Just wait half a year or a year.

1254d ago
djl34851254d ago

The list became a shit list as soon as Cyberpunk was listed. Just because you played it on your shit base console, doesn't make it one of the worst games of 2020.

Paridinojelly1254d ago (Edited 1254d ago )

Definitely one of the most disappointing, though. It kind of reminds me of Mass Effect 3.

mikeboccher1254d ago

Mass effect 3 was great, just the ending sucked beyond everything.

Ashunderfire861253d ago

Mass Effect 3 was great up until the ending compared to being Cyberpunked by this game!

Knightofelemia1253d ago (Edited 1253d ago )

ME3 is at least playable and has no game breaking glitches or random crashes unlike Cyberpunk the only thing that blew about ME3 is the ending. I got to enjoy ME3 never had to sit around and wait for an update like Cyberpunk and the second update made the game worse.

CYALTR1252d ago

Are you thinking of Andromeda? That was a train wreck at launch that never really recovered

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TheExecutioner1254d ago

it was announced for the base console, so yes it should be on the list

Mr_Luke1254d ago

If they say the game is for X, Y, and Z, it has to run well on X, Y and Z.
No excuses. If i can't buy a new console, i still have the old one and i'm really waiting for that game, i get a bad surprise. Bad surprise = disappointing. So yes, it deserves to be there.

Sherif1291254d ago

Maybe read the author's reasoning into why it's in their list? Completely agree with their justification.

thorstein1253d ago

The game runs well on PC, PS5, and XboxSX. That doesn't mean it isn't a terrible game that (as the author of this piece said) "Cyberpunk 2077 has the best chance of being updated and fixed."

Running well doesn't mean it isn't a glitch filled, unpolished mess.

Ashunderfire861253d ago

Ray Trace Lotion 🧴 only mask the problems on the PC version of Cyberpunk 2077, and it’s not just the bugs! The A.I is outdated especially with the police 👮‍♀️ 👮‍♀️ that randomly appears to shoot you! And the NPCs are dumb as rocks with barely any reactions to your actions! The world building sucks compared to GTA 3-5, Watchdogs, and Red Dead 2!!!

ScootaKuH1253d ago

So all of a sudden the base consoles are shit and it's not the developer's shit optimisation?

There may be a decent game underneath but all versions have issues. It shouldn't have been released in the state it was in so it absolutely deserves to be on the list

CYALTR1253d ago

If you are going to release a game, it should work on the consoles it is released on. Everyone should understand that it's not going to run the same on an next gen or high end console as it runs on base, but it should at least be playable, and it is not for many.

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Marcello1254d ago

F&F Crossroads & PC3 were dumped on gamers by Codemasters knowing they were going to get taken over by Take Two or EA. It was a last ditch attempt to get rid of those steaming piles of dogs mess.

Terry_B1254d ago (Edited 1254d ago )

Cyberpunk does not belong in this list. After seeing the many many positive reviews for Tamarin (it has a 72% positive rating on Steam) I also doubt it belongs in a list of disappointing games of the year.

gamer78041253d ago

I could understand how it could be disappointing for those on base consoles but it doesn’t make the game itself bad.

ScootaKuH1253d ago

Oh it does. It was released in a broken state. After the sky high hype how can it not be anything but a disappointment? Anyone who's happy with the state the game is currently in is lying

Magog1253d ago

Cyberpunk is a bad game folks. No AI and a rushed incomplete story. Graphics are the only thing it has going for it. Difficulty is completely busted as well.

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