
What Went Wrong With Days Gone?

Sony’s first party output sees a noticeable dip- but just how noticeable is it, really?

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ArchangelMike1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )


Nothing "went wrong" with Days Gone.

Like most games, lessons will be learned, mechanics will be improved upon and the game will be iterated upon in the sequel.

The game hasn't "gone wrong" just because it isn't God of War, or Horizon Zero Dawn. Can we all just agree that not every new Sony exclusive will be at the standard of The Last of Us.

Fluttershy771845d ago

I agree. And the critics are being quite fair with the game, mentioning all its flaws. It's not a 10, or a 9, or even an 8...
It's a 6-7ish, it's Ok, blend and quite generic, forgettable... not broken, there's a quality standard which is great... Is not like that Crackdown 3 mess.
We'll soon forget all about it.

bluefox7551845d ago

It's definitely better than most of the 8's that get released these days.

Hroach6161845d ago

You haven’t even played it so you’re still judging it by it’s critic reviews. When you buy it down the line once the price drops you’re going to be really surprised.
Take note. Maybe that’s the day you’ll realize critic reviews shouldn’t be listened to so much.

sampsonon1845d ago

solid 8 for me. at that's all that matters.

carcarias1844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

I see where you're coming from but, with respect, the 72 metacritic comes from the divisive nature of the game, rather than a consensus that it's a 6-7 across the board. It's an average that doesn't give a true picture to how much, or how little, some reviewers liked it, imho.

Last I checked, there were 89 reviews with 53 over 75% and 41 at 80%+. Nearly half reviews gave it 8/10 or more. So saying it's 'not even an 8' is a tad unfair with regards to how many reviewers did, indeed, find it an 8/10 game.

For what it's worth, I'm nearly half way through and it's sitting comfortably at an 8 so far. Maybe it'll get repetitive and drop to a 7 or maybe I'll love the build up to the ending and it'll be closer to a 9.

Lastly, I think it's important to note that a lot of reveiwers didn't have the day one patch for most, if not all, their review. I haven't met any bugs so far. Also, there were reviewers who got political about Deke and the general, rural, survivalist themes.....but that's a different subject :)

nucky641844d ago

it's an 8.5 - only technical issues hold it from being higher. how far are you into the game?

TKCMuzzer1844d ago

Wow, you went right round the mountain with that comment and said absolutely nothing. Plus, I doubt you have played it so your comment is even more irrelevant.
It is not perfect but it lies between the 7.5 and 8.5 for me, not the 6-7 you assume it to be.

1844d ago
SpinalRemains1381844d ago

It's a solid 8 minimum. It's impossible to play and not laugh out loud and or have fun 90% of the time.

RDRII was the opposite and felt more like labor and received much better scores.

sushimama1844d ago

The game is awesome. I can play for 4 hours straight and the time just flies by. It's AT LEAST an 8 after the patches. I rate it 8.5 at the moment

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RpgSama1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )

They want to push the agenda that Days Gone it's a flaming mess, when it's not, I find It incredible how detached media it's from the actual gaming community, you go to any article trying to downplay the game and a grand majority it's saying that the game it's good, that it is worth your time and your money.

Is it a perfect 10 or a 9, no, but it's definitely not the 5 that the Gamespot reviewer gave to the game, a score she gave to the game in part because she didn't think some of the decisions Deacon made in the game were moral (in a post apocalyptic world she complained about things being in shades of Gray) and then she complained on Twitter how every freaker was white (when there is a story reason and an actual explanation of why every freaker it's the same color IN THE GAME and It Is not white, they actually say that IN THE GAME, the same game she supposedly finished and played 55 hours)

carcarias1844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

Yeah, I'm glad you mentioned that. For awhile now, journos bring politics and cultural sensitivities to games and make a big deal out of them in the review.

A game comes out that's about 30+ hours, full of stealth, shooting, melee combat and exploring etc...and then some critic spends 7 out of 10 paragraphs complaining about story-pacing, disliking the main character from an ethical point of view, and that the game had moral shades of grey. Why are moral shades of grey automatically a problem, anyway? Most people find it more thought provoking and interesting since it better reflects the differences in people and some of the tricky dilemmas life can bring.

Do they even want to play games or is it a job they do begrudgingly, all the while wishing they were reviewing movies instead?

nucky641844d ago

yea. i said a couple days ago that i didn't think reviewers played more than a few hours of the game.

MrBobSugar1844d ago

All media has been infected by leftwing identity politics. It's very unfortunate because it means we can't trust what we once could. And unfortunately, this problem isn't going anywhere soon.

RpgSama1844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

Something happened because in the span of maybe 1 hour I went from having 40+ agree votes and 2 disagree to 40 agrees & 60 disagrees for a comment that's been up for 9 hours, they usually build up over time, same thing with archangelMike, he went from an overwhelmingly positive agree to disagree ratio to the disagree being almost twice as many as agrees, in little more than an hour.

esherwood1844d ago

Why is it alway white chicks so worried about color

1844d ago
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sampsonon1845d ago Show
NarutoFox1844d ago ShowReplies(1)
Kraytossmeoff1844d ago

Agreed mate problem is Sony has been on a roll with exclusives garnering good review scores god of war horizon etc,so people expect that all the time and to be fair in terms of exclusives they have not put a foot wrong.Developers are only human it happens it’s certainly not a bad game by any means.

IamTylerDurden11844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

Exactly, nothing went wrong. Days Gone is a good game like any good game. Uncharted Drake's Fortune had some minor rough edges at launch, like any new IP, but ultimately it was an excellent game just like Days Gone. Even HZD had some slight dings, but that didn't stop it from being fantastic. Days Gone is no different and people should be supporting quality new IPs with free DLC rather than attempting to tear them down. Days Gone didn't fake footage or lie about features. It doesn't bombard people with MTs or offputting DLC. It's a quality sp game that will be supported with weekly challenges and free DLC.

SwampthingsSon1844d ago

Funny how this energy wasn’t around for Xbox games that achieved a 79 or less. Nearly every article making it to the top spots have been N4G community defending this game with vigor. Not sure why this site doesn’t just became Sony only. No one else is allowed to have fun and hear different opinions other than “Sony is superior the end...”

IamTylerDurden11843d ago

What games? Crackdown 3? Sea of Thieves? SoD2? Those are the recent non-Forza exclusives. Crackdown 3 is a joke. It was a massive downgrade and it literally doesn't improve the Crackdown formula at all. Sea of Thieves was an unfinished game and basically a 60 dollar free to play. SoD2 was actually a mess, it was ugly and ran poorly. It also was more of an expansion rather than a fresh sequel. Days Gone is a fresh new IP, finished game, good grfx.

bloodymeatballz1844d ago

Literally everyone needs to shut their mouths and buy the game. It is fantastic. Fin.

rainslacker1844d ago

What went wrong was it wasn't a completely crap game, so some fan boys doubled down on the negative reviews to try and force the narrative that it's a bad game. Sucks for them I guess. Maybe next time Sony will have a dud so they can revel in whatever they feel is important

RpgSama1844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

Something happened because in the span of maybe 1 hour I went from having 40+ agree votes and 2 disagree to 40 agrees & 60 disagrees for a comment that's been up for 9 hours, it's strange because they usually build up over time, same thing with archangelMike, he went from an overwhelmingly positive agree to disagree ratio to the disagree being almost twice as many as agrees, in little more than an hour, definitely suspicious.

People can disagree with our opinion, but these numbers don't build that fast in such a short amount of time, archangelMike's comment was done 1 day and 7 hours ago and just in the last hour he got more than 100 disagrees

XisThatKid1844d ago

That's like saying "what went wrong with Uncharted 1" pfft, click bait.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1843d ago
1845d ago Replies(1)
Fluttershy771845d ago ShowReplies(3)
sampsonon1845d ago

this is the problem with the game. media, and the https://gph.is/2g1EQ0x that follow them.

TekoIie1844d ago Show
IamTylerDurden11844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

Watch me stream. The game runs exceptionally well on my Pro. Days Gone is a good game, i think people just want to see sony fail because so many PS4 exclusives are GotY contenders. They are waiting to jump on the next bad game, but Days Gone isn't that. It's great to see 95% of the people who actually played it coming out supporting it. People generally love the game. I love it.

Sweetbrandigirl1844d ago

Yeah this game is a dumpster fire and the AI is total garbage !

IamTylerDurden11843d ago

AI isn't as bad as people think but they do react slow when attacking them quickly and up close. If you attack erratically and very close they sometimes get disoriented. But they do impressive things as well. Verbally reacting to shots, lamenting a friend's death, recognizing footsteps or headlights. The game is heavy with impressive details yet people harp solely on the few flaws.

BrettAwesome1844d ago

Bland. Bland. Bland. Bland. Taste that fucking word!! Feel it, and let it become part of you. That way, maybe you'll stop writing "blend" all the fucking time.

1844d ago Replies(3)
sushimama1844d ago

I've never seen any of that. The game is bloody awesome. I can play for hours at a time and the time just flies by. When I'm not playing it, i think about playing it. It's good. 8.5

NarutoFox1844d ago

Reminds me of Sea of thieves. Some parts at least

Obelisk921844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

I played this game for fifiteen hours and I can absolutely guarantee you it is not like that.

I've encountered two, maybe three bugs, and not nearly as bad as that video shows.

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AnnaDea1845d ago

Game is good, don't expect it to be like something blindblowing like Horizon for example.

Too bad they are having problems with the updates. After going from 1.03 to 1.07 it seems there's some framepacing on the Pro version.

supes_241845d ago

I agree with you to a certain extent. Horizon was a huge success and a great game but I'm having much more fun with Days Gone. I prefer Days Gone of HZD, I like the rush I get when dawn sets and the music changes its tone and you can hear freakers lurking and looking for me. Love Days Gone, I just wish I had more time to devote to it during the day!

eamonn791844d ago

Me too cant wait to get home and play it later!

SpinalRemains1381844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

Yes!!!! That's when I plug my cans into the Dualshock and listen to the night! Freakers right or left!!!??? Where are they!!!???

Days Gone is stellar.

smolinsk1844d ago

Absolutely agree, this game is gonna go down as a cult hit, a game for the gamers and not the reviewers. I think they are confused at what the game is, it's not the last of us, but it feels like it sometimes, it's not arcade zombie slacher game, it's more story driven in a open world. Feels like playing the walking dead but more down to earth..

IamTylerDurden11844d ago (Edited 1844d ago )

HZD was awesome, but Days Gone isn't that far off. HZD wasn't perfect, but it was a fantastic new IP. God of War is a masterpiece and imo a step above HZD and obviously Days Gone, but Days Gone imo is in the same class as HZD or even Spider-man in a sense.

People are missing the details. Days Gone is filled with impressive little elements that casuals don't appear to notice. The lighting and shadows are exceptional. The glow from your headlight even refracts off the splashes of water when riding in a body of water. Clothes have levels of saturation and when riding through water only from the knee down will become wet on your pants. Tires retain a slick look when exiting water. Enemies lament the fact you shot their friend. Deacon talks about events dynamically as they happen. Beautiful mud and water trails/splashes when riding through different terrain. Physical damage shows aesthetically on Deacon. Snow accumulates during storms.

Emme1844d ago

Wet pants happened in Uncharted 2 or 3 already.

Sunny_D1844d ago


Has been in there since Uncharted 1 actually.

carcarias1844d ago

Thanks for the heads up, I was gonna update today but I'm on 1.03 and not having any issues so I think I'll stick with it.

Larrysweet1844d ago

See days gone beats horzion to me

Seraphim1844d ago

Here's the big difference when you take a game like HZD and compare it to Days Gone. Guerrilla Games has worked on Playstation for quite some time and released KZ Shadowfall (?) on PS4. Bend Studios has done a great job on Sony platforms, Vita, but this is their first big budget PS4 title. Look back at Killzone. It was a wonderful game that got crapped on but Guerrilla Games learned and improved KZ2 and KZ3. While KZ was a solid game KZ2 and KZ3 were phenomenal games.

Anyway I don't think anything went wrong with Days Gone. Aside from loosey goosey controls & bike riding the game has been pretty solid so far. Granted I'm not terribly deep into it but so far it's been solid. Considering this is Bends first big Playstation title they did a terrific job from what I've seen so far. The real question is what does Bend learn from this and improve upon assuming a sequel is in play.

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bluefox7551845d ago

Nothing, the game is really good. Lots of fun. Ignore the game journos.

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Days Gone, 5 Years Later

Almost unbelievably, Days Gone has just turned 5 years old after launching on April 26th, 2019. What's changed in that time?

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mkis00723d ago

Such a good game to me. Crazy how different peoples opinions can get.

Crows9023d ago (Edited 23d ago )

For me it wasn't that surprising. There was some bad press before. There's also the matter and element of a person's disposition when trying out a certain game. Sometimes you're just not really into the type of game that you're playing so you put it down because you don't like it. Not necessarily because it's a bad game but because you're just not up for something like this. Reviewers have a tough because no matter what they feel like playing they've got to play what's releasing.

I have many times gone back to games that I put down only to thoroughly enjoy them the second time around because either there wasn't another exciting game coming out around the same time or I just had no other games to play and haven't played that type of game in a while. I'm not the type of person that can just play a souls game through all this iterations one after the other without getting burnt out on the formula.

In my opinion this game was great from the start. Some bugs here and there but nothing worse than the most AAA releases during the same time after and before. All I did was wait one week and I had a phenomenal time with the game. No other zombie survival game comes close to how I thoroughly enjoyed this one

Cacabunga23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

game is outstanding. I was addicted to it until I got that platinum to pop.

i understand some people who find it thin in terms of content in comparison to RDR2 which released 1 year before it but DG has very fresh good ideas.

it has been my favorite PS4 game......until I played RDR2.
PS have one more gem in their crazy catalogue of exclusives...

-Foxtrot23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

Yeah I thought it was pretty decent, it had its flaws but for their first big console single player open world game it's a solid 8/10.

I have never seen an AAA "zombie" game feature as many enemies as the horde sections did, you really had to think about your surroundings and plan carefully.

I feel journalists had an issue with this game from the moment it was announced, they really didn't like the Biker characters and the overall Biker gang theme. If they were anything else I feel it would have had a better chance or at least they'd overlook some of the flaws like they do for certain other open world games. They don't mind waiting weeks or months for a patch knowing its coming but a game that has it Day 1 it's suddenly a big no no? Yeah this was one of those moments that showed you how they cherry pick who to suddenly decide to go harsh on when they want to.

mkis00723d ago

Ill never forget the reviewer who tried to claim the "ride me like you ride your bike" line was anything but a joke...they (sarah and deacon) explicitly call it a joke and the reviewer still misinformed the reader about it as if it was a literal thing.

Michiel198923d ago

the score on metacritic is 71 from journos, its 9 points lower than your review so stop making stuff up. They didn't hate it from the start, they on average just liked it slightly less than you.

-Foxtrot23d ago (Edited 23d ago )


I'm not making anything up, they held a grudge against it and made stuff up themselves like mkis007 has just pointed out. That 71 on Metacritic is why it didn't get a sequel.

Anyway how can I make anything up when I didn't even mention metacritic in my original post?

Michiel198923d ago

@fox it was maybe 2 outlets that made a stupid woke statement, not every journo. Not even close.
I think the director himself crying about that the game should have gotten better reviews might have had something to do with not getting a sequel. That was just a pathetic display on his part.

anast23d ago

Most reviewers are a certain type of person that won't allow them to explore those types of themes.

PhillyDonJawn22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

Nah the game is 7. The only good thing you even said about it was the horde/enemy count. If that's the only positive it's not an 8 lol

Crows9022d ago

As you can see...some are so blind because of fanboyism that they honestly can't see the writing on the wall. It wasn't just 1 or 2 reviewers...it was a lot of them. Some more direct than others ..just like with stellar blade.

They all coordinate with each other...especially evident seeing as they start submitting the same type of article over the exact same issues within 20 minutes of each other or nearly the same time..that's not a coincidence.

We all know it happened...some are just oblivious so feel free to ignore them.


Why are we pretending there's some huge difference between a 7 and a 8, don't both of them mean "above average/good"? On a 5 star system they would both be 4 stars, no? Heck, I simply put games on either of 3 cateorgies, it's either bad (don't play), good (play once if you can), great (make the effort to play and keep it), it's enough for me to make a logical decision or to recomend a game to someone or not... I'd say Days Gone was something between good and great but closer to good, so 7 sound fair to me anyway.

At the end of the day the reviews, be it journalists or users, on average or a punctual review, decimal or star based or whatever measuring stick we get... Reviews simply weren't the reason the game didn't get a sequel, it's performance on the market was. Reviews could say it was dogshit or the second coming, it wouldn't make a difference, or at the very least they are not the deciding factor, the game selling under Sony's expectations was the real issue... Heck, I'm sure the studio's issues and the lead director running his mouth figured way higher on the list of reasons for not making a sequel than any review ever was.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 22d ago
Babadook723d ago (Edited 23d ago )

I concur. It’s main problem of frame rate slowdown is gone with a ps5.

Leeroyw23d ago

Second act of that game far surpassed the first. Which is why people felt it didn't live up to the hype of the trailers. Personally I loved it. But it was a slog to get your bike and weapons up to skill.

Pyrofire9523d ago

I hear it's big enough that it could have just been 2 games. Maybe that would have worked out better, with some changes to make it fit that mold better. Idk, I haven't played it much.

mkis00723d ago (Edited 23d ago )

Just the first section was a slog...but I never found it boring if that can make sense. You don't have much of an arsenal until after about 6 hours if memory serves. Some more half-step bike upgrades and a few more weapons could have filled the gaps.

Inverno23d ago

Was gonna post a brick wall of text but I'll keep it short. Pardon my French but f**k the media for the hate they gave this game. If you have a PC to play it on you can get it as low as 10 bucks, and if you have a PS then it's a no brainer. Totally worth a play.

phatak23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

I don't even comment here often but had to for this game, I still stand by my opinion that this was one of the top 10 games of the ps4 generation, I preferred days gone over god of war, horizon and last of us 2, the launch version was definitely piss poor and that messed up the reviews for this game, honestly some games deserve a re-review or post patch review as the metacritic score stays forever but the reality is its not even the same game anymore, the ps5 patch is amazing and the pc version which I play on nowadays is one of the best looking games ever, complete shame that we wont get a sequel, god of war got one, horizon got one, last of us got one, spider man got one,ghosts of tshushima about to get one but this game wont get one, sucks to be honest.

Ps3/360 era had some hidden underated games for me it was shadows of the damned, alice madness returns that deserved more sales and a sequel/ higher scores, and similarly for the ps4 era it was days gone, and dying light 1 that deserved much more love, dying light atleast got a sequel, everyone needs to play this game once and judge for themselves, for me its officially the most underrated game of the ps4 era, go play it if you haven't.

andy8523d ago

Awesome game. Just bought it for my laptop last week

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15 Biggest Unresolved Video Game Cliffhangers We May Never Get Answers To

Cultured Vultures: These 15 unresolved video cliffhangers could be solved in the future, though if we’re really honest with ourselves, we all know there’s no chance in hell of that happening.

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Fluke_Skywalker99d ago (Edited 99d ago )

Never say never, I really didn't expect to ever see Space Marine 2 and 12 years later its almost here.
So there is still hope for all these games.

Chocoburger98d ago

I've completed 5 of the games on the list, but the author forgot to include Advent Rising. It was supposed to be a trilogy, but it bombed hard, and the two sequels never got made. It was Mass Effect, a console generation before Mass Effect.

The game is buggy and unpolished, it needed a few more months of development, but the potential was there. At the end of the game, you have all these super abilities, I remember the stomp attack that created a shockwave being especially powerful.

shinoff218398d ago

I personally think days gone will recieve some sort of sequel at some point. I'm personally also hoping it's not the rumored multiplayer online stuff. I'd think most that enjoyed it would rather thisnto.

Knightofelemia98d ago

Sony needs to dust off Sly Cooper and Days Gone so needs a sequel two of my favorite Sony titles. Bulletstorm I love great game wish it also got a sequel. And I wish Namco would finally give Enslaved a sequel another great game.


Days Gone | Trailer [GOG]

Days Gone is now available DRM-free from GOG

shinoff2183206d ago

Such a fun ass game. I enjoyed it alot more then I thought I would.

ravens52206d ago

We need a part 2 doesn't even have to be Deacon. But I had no problems with him either, he was a dude on a mission.

Cacabunga206d ago

My second favorite PS4 game after RDR2 hands down

neutralgamer1992206d ago

I think with Jim Ryan gone we may get a sequel down the road. It has become a cult classic

andy85206d ago

This was so fun I love the hoards. People need to stick with it because the start is very slow

MrDead206d ago

Has a really good PC port too, I wasn't expecting much from this game but I had a blast. Wish it had a part 2 as the story was building well.

jznrpg206d ago

It does take some time to get some weapons ,skills and a few bike upgrades up to feel like you got a rhythm going but then it really starts to click and the game is a lot of fun

shinoff2183206d ago

I was sad when it ended. I wanted more. I'd have to look but I think that was one of the few games I platinumed to. I only got like 4. I don't go out of my way for trophies though

Abnor_Mal206d ago (Edited 206d ago )

@shinoff same I only have 4 plats and one is Days Gone, and I also don’t go out of my way for platinums.

Was a very fun game and wish there would be a sequel, maybe one day they will come back to it with a different pitch that Sony will approve.

They probably rejected it he sequel because it might not have been the direction they were going for with gaas games and the like.

jznrpg206d ago

@shinioff I had the same feeling when I got the platinum. I need more. Hopefully they make a sequel and leave multiplayer out of it unlike the last pitch for Days Gone2.

got_dam206d ago

The critical reception had Sony relegate Bend to a support studio. Thank God the fans spoke up and Sony reversed that decision.

jznrpg98d ago

They have been working on a game for some time now and have said so

Knightofelemia206d ago

One of my favorite Sony titles too bad there is no sequel.

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