
Ed Boon Debunks Reports That It Costs $6,440 to Buy Every Mortal Kombat 11 Skin

Series co-creator Ed Boon debunks reports that it costs $6440 for all Mortal Kombat 11 skins via Twitter.

BigBosss1845d ago

Yeah I don't know where people get their information from seriously. Everything can be earned in game through towers, etc.

GottaBjimmyb1845d ago

Even if it was $6400, who cares.
1. They are cosmetic only
2. There is no pay to win
3. You can earn almost all (if not all) skins via playing.

If you are upset about the skin pricing, don't buy them. If you are upset you have to play to earn them, then buy them. If you are upset you have to play more than you want or be better than you are to unlock them, then work to get better or spend more time and unlock them, giving your experience longevity and a goal...

SamPao1845d ago

Well yes and no, would you agree with me that all these things should be reachable within a certain amount of time? from what I heard, dont quote me on that I could be wrong, it takes 3-4k hours to earn everything. Is that a fine amount of time?

But Yeah I agree, I dont give a darn about cosmetics.... They can put in as much as they want for all I care

Hungryalpaca1845d ago

People like you are why we have this garbage in the first place. That amount of time is unacceptable. NO $60 game should have a mobile f2p model.

GottaBjimmyb1845d ago

"from what I heard, dont quote me on that I could be wrong, it takes 3-4k hours to earn everything."

Sure why wouldn't it be? It gives the most hardcore things to keep working toward, and not everyone needs to unlock every thing... there are plenty of games with unlockable things (and no MTs) where most people haven't unlocked everything, so what is the difference if they add an option to buy.

If there were no MTs would it still be an issue if they had content that required a large amount of time and some that took a small amount? Are they not allowed to reward or incentivise their most loyal players? If so, why does adding an option to buy matter?

Obviously with P2W or gameplay related functions being behind paywall, there is an argument, but that doesn't seem to be the case here or in most games the people on this site constantly whine about.

MadLad1845d ago


You do realize there are many examples of developers purposefully lengthening the "grind" if games in order to capitalize on selling microtransactions, right?

A decade ago, when free to play phone games had this sort of economy, I understood and accepted.
Over the last few years the fact companies do the same exact thing to premium priced games is just gross and greedy.

1845d ago
VTKC1845d ago

"who cares" Hold on a minute, you speak for everybody do you? I think your fanboy is showing. You know? -blindly defending regardless?

Christopher1845d ago

***Pretty soon every damn game is going to be a basic shell where you have to buy into all the added stuff that makes a game visually appealing. You know, the video part of video games.***

Same thing people were saying when the 360 came out. Your hyperbolic hypothetical isn't realistic as an argument nor does 'soon' seem to be within a century. This is all cosmetic unlike SWBF2. It has unlockables through story and towers. Is it grindy if your only goal is to unlock everything? Yeah, but that's similar to most games where you soon for Platinum trophies or the like. But you still have access to all characters and all content with little effort.

dumahim1845d ago


"Sure why wouldn't it be? It gives the most hardcore things to keep working toward, and not everyone needs to unlock every thing"

3-4k hours is excessive. Consider that 2400 hours is 100 days of playing non-stop. That's years-long of playing an MMORPG level of playing heavily.

sprinterboy1845d ago

Not everyone has 3000 hrs of play time with 1 game

Melankolis1845d ago

They're cosmetics only, yes.
But the amount of time to earn all of them is ridiculous, and who said we can't have all of them in a more "normal" way even if they're just cosmetics? We pay full price dammit!.

Scatpants1845d ago

I care. I don't want all the choices for cosmetics locked behind paywalls. Don't really care for loot box grinding either.

SegaGamer1845d ago

Sorry, but anybody that says "it's only cosmetic" is part of the problem. Have you all forgotten the days when unlocking those cosmetic items was just part of the game? Have you forgotten the days when we would collect everything in the game for fun? Have you forgotten the days when games weren't deliberately made grindy just so they could frustrate the player into buying their in game currency with real money?

People like you will say things like "You don't have to buy it, just keep playing it and you will unlock it" but face facts, nobody wants to play a game for thousands of hours to unlock things, and the thing is, the devs didn't design it to be like that either. They don't want people playing their game for thousands of hours, they want you buy their in game currency so you can buy the rest of the stuff to 100% the game. I'm astonished that fully grown adults still can't see this. You're being played and you can't even see it.

GottaBjimmyb1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )

@sega "I'm astonished that fully grown adults still can't see this. You're being played and you can't even see it."

I'm astonished full grown, supposedly responsible adults aren't able to have self control enough not to buy things they don't see value in...

I am not being played at all, I simply buy what I feel is valuable and usually that is nothing other than the base game. And the momey from people who do buy MTs very often helps a sequel or free DLC so it is an all around win for me.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1845d ago
AK911845d ago

A tweet like that isn't very reassuring, would've preferred he went more in depth on the MT's why $6440 is incorrect rather than "nah just haters bro"

Christopher1845d ago

Because, as he said, many of the unlockables can only be earned by playing the game and can't be bought...

Sono4211845d ago

This is a very crazy and out there idea... but I think f2p models should stay in f2p games... crazy I know.

Also Chris why even waste time replying to this guy? He is clearly "Pretty freaking racist" Why not just mark him as spam like you do with others you disagree with?

(I don't actually think you are racist my guy, just making a point to chris)

ScootaKuH1845d ago

It could but it doesn't have to. You could unlock everything through story, tower and krypt. It means a fair amount of grinding which in this game means a lot if fighting but as it's a fighting game I feel that's the point

CrustifiedDibbs1845d ago

i was pumped to buy this game, but the free to play model on a full priced game and the grind have turned me off for now. this practice needs to stop. it is ruining gaming.

nameen1845d ago

What f2p model are talking about? Lmao. Learn to read. It says skins only "cosmetic" that doesn't even affect the game.

xX-oldboy-Xx1845d ago

Maybe you confused FTP with PTW.

Sgt_Slaughter1845d ago

"Learn to read" The irony is beaming from your comment

Scatpants1845d ago

People like you are the reason we have this problem. Quit explaining away greed.

harmny1845d ago

Maybe it shouldn't have skins st all. The. Nobody would complain

DJStotty1844d ago

Lol "the grind" most if not ALL MK fans will play this game for well over a year, so by that time will have accumulated enough credits to unlock everything.

These moaners are a joke and i think they are just fans on non violent video games, looking for the next game they do not like to hate on.

CrustifiedDibbs1844d ago

"they are just fans on non violent video games"

i wasn't going to respond to anyone, but this little comment is beyond stupid. i just finished sekiro. i guess that game isn't violent enough for the hardcore like you... the grind is there to push people towards micro-transactions. you can be a fanboy and deny it, but its still true.

MWH1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )

a patch is coming to balance the grinding a bit. Try to hold on a little longer before you begin your grind quest.

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