
NVIDIA GeForce 430.39 WHQL driver is optimized for Mortal Kombat 11, Anthem & Strange Brigade

NVIDIA has released a brand new driver for its graphics cards. According to the release notes, the NVIDIA GeForce 430.39 WHQL driver provides the optimal gaming experience for Mortal Kombat 11, Anthem, and Strange Brigade.

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Orionsangel1870d ago

It never updates for any game I own.


Mortal Kombat's Single-Player Modes Beyond The Kampaign Are Boring And Uninspired

Despite having creative ideas, NetherRealm Studios can't properly execute them to incorporate a fun progression-based single-player mode.


Anthem Sold A Solid 5 Million Copies In Its Lifetime

The multiplayer action RPG shipped a whopping 2 million copies in its first week alone.

JEECE171d ago

A nice piece of proof-as if anymore was needed-that a game isn't automatically a success if it sells "millions of copies."

RiseNShine170d ago

I don't know if it's still possible, but if it still works, PLAY IT. It's a fantastic RPG on it's own, incredible graphics and story, well worth the Bioware name, i don't know how bad it was on release, but when i played years later it was a great single player RPG well worth playing.

ChasterMies170d ago

This a good example of why you should be hesitant to buy a game at launch.

--Onilink--170d ago

Its has been on sale multiple times for like $2-3… and even when not that aggressively dropped, it is usually in the under $10 category of any sale

BlackCountryBob170d ago

That’s good, but also worth pointing out that after maybe 3 months on sale, this game was selling for about a tenner. Reminds me a bit of Days Gone, good sales overall but only after huge discounts so unlikely to make large profit

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Mortal Kombat 11 Easter Egg Finally Found After Years-Long Tease by Dev

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