
Mortal Kombat 11 still has power to shock, but can we put argument over video game violence to bed?

It's time to stop fretting about violent games influencing real-life behaviour, argues OXM's Chris Burke, and a Royal Society report backs this up

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PhoenixUp1860d ago

It’s still absurd how a game like this can have such over the top violence with little second thoughts yet there’s usually a big concern over how sexual content is handled within the same game

GhostTurtle1860d ago

"Its cool to chop of somene's head but goddamn them titties better not be jiggling"....

yomfweeee1860d ago

Curious do you have kids? Because there is a difference. I tried to explain it in another post.

My kids know violence is wrong. They know shows with violence isn't real. They know it isn't okay to do that stuff in real life ever. Nudity though? It isn't illegal like violence. But it does affect desires that are part of human nature and I wouldn't want my child exposed to that.

Like when I was younger, I'd try to sneak catching a boob on some late night TV. I don't recall ever trying to sneak anything about violence.

It is different.

Imalwaysright1860d ago

No there is no difference because kids shouldn't be playing games that have nudity or games with extreme amounts of violence like this one.

carcarias1860d ago (Edited 1860d ago )

My kids are adults and I haven't a clue what you mean by this comment; what big difference are you talking about? As @Casepb said, it's just cultural so trying to rationalise it is difficult.

You're saying kids know violence is wrong in real life because it's illegal so no need to worry about it influencing them. However, boobs aren't illegal IRL so it's important kids are kept away from such media because they won't understand boobs are.....wrong? Or a bad influence? Eh?

What do you mean by, 'affect desires that are part of human nature'? What negative impact do you think it has? Also, did 'catching a boob' on late night TV have a bad effect on you? Did you become some kind of sex offender?

I remember, when I lived in France between '89-93, there'd be adverts for shower gel with soaped up women showing breasts. Don't remember society collapsing or an increase in juvenile delinquency.

I think people are just over protective and fearful of sexual themes but violence gets a free pass. I managed to get hold of my dad's porn tapes when I was 12. Loved it. I understood it was fantasy though, like movie violence and Tom and Jerry when Tom gets an anvil on the head.

Seeing porn never stopped me from understanding that women, along with everyone else, should be treated with respect. In other words, as I myself would like to be treated. I therefore am not worried about 'boobs' having a greater effect on kids than violence.

Having said that, age ratings are there for a reason. I just will never understand how the violence often gets a free pass compared to the sexual content.

yomfweeee1860d ago


So you let your kids watch whatever movies with whatever nudity (I'm not talking porn) when they were young children?

I've never known any family to allow this.

DaGR8JIBRALTAR1860d ago (Edited 1860d ago )

You wanna see some tits? Ass? Get on xvideos weirdo.

MoshA1860d ago

Some SJWs at Netherrealm rose to power. Good riddance. The game is review bombed to death on both steam and metacritic.

The7Reaper1860d ago

It's super confusing.

"Hey can we slash open this dudes throat and have them bathe in blood?"


"Can we show a nipple?"


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1860d ago
stefd751860d ago (Edited 1860d ago )

I think adults can deal with it, this is a game for adults after all, 18 rated in the UK i believe, if kids are playing this then that is the parents fault.

SegaGamer1860d ago

I actually think it's the kids that can handle this better than the adults. It's the adults that freak out over a bit of boob jiggling XD

stefd751859d ago

God I love jigging boobs

annoyedgamer1860d ago ShowReplies(1)
zahdab1860d ago

What is really disturbing is not the over the top violence but the fighter's smiles and faces while doing it... seeing some enjoying ripping another's headoff and then using it as a puppet with smile on their face is qbsurd but disturbing for me

EliteComments1231860d ago

its a game!! LOL movies do it etc. kids shouldnt play it.

bloop1860d ago (Edited 1860d ago )

Oh come on. How can it possibly be disturbing when it's so over the top that it couldn't possibly resemble anything that could happen in real life? The gore in MK has always been so ridiculous it's more comical than anything.

zahdab1860d ago

well the facial animation is very realistic for one, it's hard to look at it like previous games that look very gamy... i am not saying i am not going to play and enjoy the game but when i saw the videos it just struck me as a bit much ... though i've played every single MK so far.
it's something you would see a serial killers doing not the supposed "good guys" in the franchise

SoulClaw1860d ago

then don´t play it faggot

zahdab1860d ago

Mature! hope you didn't hurt your brain to come up with that one...

xVOLTx1860d ago

I guess you don't like horror/ zombie movies then.

zahdab1860d ago

I do, though the violence in them doesnt do much for me ... if the plot is interesting i enjoy them, if the plot is boring i don't, cheesy violence can be funny but you would rarely see a main character or a good guy doing violent acts and enjoying it

jagermaster6191860d ago

Are you kidding me? Don't buy it then I'm tired of all you snowflakes getting upset with anything and everything....you need to hide under a rock and shield yourself from all the M-rated games and movies! 🤦‍♂️

zahdab1860d ago (Edited 1860d ago )

are you kidding me ? i am not entitled to an opinion that is different than yours ? just cause I don't enjoy seeing characters doing excessive violence and enjoying the violent acts makes me a snowflake ? if you read my comment i mentioned it's not the violence that disturbed, i know it is mortal kombat ... it's just the reaction of the character's face while doing the act, it's almost glamorizing the violence.

it's one thing to have an opinion and it's another to insult people for having an opinion different than yours. whatever man i am tired of kids pretending that seeing violence and enjoying violence is manly ... I've probably played and watched more violent games than you can count does't make me more manly than nor does it make people who don't enjoy them snowflakes ... grow up

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1860d ago
SixFragz1860d ago ShowReplies(1)
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