
Nintendo Labo VR Kit Review - BadFive

Nintendo managed to do VR in a fun toy-like way, accessible to kids and affordable for curious gamers. Hiroshi Yamauchi would be proud.


Top Nintendo Switch Accessories That Can Enhance Your Gameplay

BLG writes: "The Nintendo Switch has sold more than 100 million units since its debut and it shows no signs of slowing down. While the Switch and Switch OLED are amazing right out of the box, there are a few Nintendo Switch Accessories that can enhance your experience in some useful and sometimes unique ways."

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The Opportunities of Nintendo Labo VR

Having been out since 2018, Nintendo Labo VR isn't a new thing, but it has been criminally underutilised. With a staggering amount of potential for Switch owners.

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ocelot071120d ago

Skyrim vr on the switch???? I honestly couldn't imagine it. It ready looks a blury mess on psvr. So imagine what a switch vr port would look like.


Nintendo Labo is awesome - so why did it die?

— Nintendo Labo:

Nintendo Labo is an ingenious combination of technology, cardboard, and creativity on Nintendo Switch, yet it didn't sell and is now being forgotten. Why?

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ApocalypseShadow1269d ago

It was imaginative, creative and unique. But ultimately, just another Nintendo gimmick. Tech demos.

They dabbled in it, made high profits on what is basically, expensive paper. AR Mario Kart will be following right behind it and Labo VR that they didn't fully support. Because the RC Kart only works for one game. Just like most of the Labo.

Power Glove and Virtual Boy will have a new friend in the closet to sit next to that eventually, will getting trashed or donated.

Inverno1267d ago

They were tech demos sold with pieces of cardboard. Anyone could see this wasn't anything more than just a one off thing