
An Easy Mode Has Never Ruined A Game

In video games, easy is a dirty word, even when it shouldn’t be.  There’s something about the word “easy” that rubs some players as condescending, something that we should maybe leave behind—except where we shouldn’t. Like in FromSoftware games and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a game that finds itself plagued by a debate that is, by now, familiar: Should it have an easy mode?

ziggurcat1888d ago

Stop. People should be familiar with the difficulty level of Miyazaki's games by now, so stop asking for an easy mode.

Redrex70001888d ago

but y...?
how would it effect
your enjoyment of the game?

CptDville1888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

It's like removing blood from films. Would not entirely affect it, but still would remove something the movie was designed for.

Some games werent designed for an easy mode. *Looks at Contra 4*

Redrex70001888d ago

that still does not
explain how that would
effect U?
if the challenge is still there for people
who want it

PapaBop1888d ago

Because that's the game's genre. I use my thoughts on racing sims as an analogy. I generally dislike racing sims but love arcade racers like burnout and online races in gta. That doesn't mean I go out and buy Gran Turismo then complain that the devs need to make it more arcade like to fit my preferred tastes.

Hungryalpaca1888d ago

It defeats the entire purpose of the game.

DaDrunkenJester1888d ago

Because it would be like asking a walking sim to add more action. It goes against the dev's vision and the experience they designed.

1888d ago
SilverDemon1888d ago

A large theme of fromsoft games is death, impossible obstacles, dying and retrying, being weak human facing unspeakable challenges

How many games where you supposed to fight a world ending catastrophes but it was really a joke of a challenge?
Video games are unique for its interactivity. Something fromsoft uses to build the world. No one said that gwyn became weak because he was consumed by the flame (ds1) but we realized that after facing him and seeing that for ourselves
S&O where serving under gwyn and which is why they were strong

By asking for easy mode is asking to change the world/lore

Forn1888d ago


That was a great analogy. Props.

Asuka1888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

It cheapens my experience and makes my accomplishments feel worthless when I know someone else out there did it an easy way. Call it being selfish on my part or what have you. But that's just how I feel when I see someone else getting a "participation trophy" for accomplishing the same things I worked hard to achieve.

PapaBop1888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

@NewUser I wouldn't know..I haven't bought one in a long time. I see your point though, the last one I played was a Gran Turismo on the ps2.

TheGoodestBoi1888d ago

Because I enjoy telling scrubs like you to git gud

Gaming1011888d ago

lol gamers really do come off like a bunch of childish losers whose only achievement in life is completing a game. If the game has a normal difficulty mode then their achievement is basically worthless! Who can they brag to? All they'll have is beating the same game everyone else beat, but on the hardest difficulty.

In truth, the souls games actually had normal difficulties and regularly occurring checkpoints, you would realize just how lousy the hit detection is, the camera, it would all just be a slog.

UltraNova1888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

Asking for an easy mode in From games is like asking for cayenne pepper without the spicy-ness. No you cant have sweet cayenne pepper, you can skip it and get regular black pepper. When people are going to realize that these games are designed from the ground up to be challenging. Its not just a switch you flip...its the games design, its DNA, its why we, those who love these games ask for more and more.

Eclecticcop1888d ago

It would potentially affect my enjoyment of the game. Developers have finite resources and time. Making an easy mode may sound trivial, but probably takes a great deal of resources, especially if you are a developer who wants to release quality titles.

So it would be fair to assume that From would want to fine tune and balance and additional difficulty settings, which may in turn result in an inferior main game experience.

DrumBeat1888d ago

You really think the 'pussification' of a difficult game is going to help anyone, or be of use to anyone? Come on. Think. It's a difficult game and that's part of what makes it, well, it. The fact that it doesn't compromise. Why can't you understand that? What happened to mastery? What happened to learning the ropes and overcoming?

I remember when games didn't have 'easy' modes. People were fine with those games, and they should still be fine that.

This is not a 'problem' or an 'issue.' The only problem is people that can't accept a game for what it is.

Mroc131888d ago

these people act as though an easy mode is like cheating on an exam or something illegal. They dont get that it's just a game that's meant for entertainment. It's not that serious. Be happy that you can beat the game on its default setting and be happy that others that aren't as skilled or don't have the time to invest can enjoy the game as well

BigTrain1888d ago

It wouldn't. Some people only see things their way.

frostypants1888d ago

No, the question is why you think artists should cater their vision to what you like.

CoinOrc1887d ago

Deeply flawed analogy. People aren’t asking From Software to make the game easier; they are asking From Software to put an easy mode option in the game which you can turn on or off.

Artists cater to their customers all the time. Any time focus testing is conducted, that’s the artist catering to their customers.

carcarias1887d ago

It wouldn't but, imho, it would effect the enjoyment of the person playing on easy negatively. Trust us, these games are built from the ground up with challenge and difficulty in mind. It's the reason they work. The difficulty isn't just some quirk or design eccentricity.

Everything from stats, to enemy positioning, numbers & attack patterns, dishing out of special items, environments, exploration etc...is based on it. Without the challenge, the gameplay would fall apart, imho.

You'd have a game that lasts mere hours and that seems hollow and empty. My playthrough took about 30 hours. If I'd beaten every boss first time and reached every idol on my first foray, it probably would have been about 10 and would have had none of the excitement or sense of satisfaction. Well, that's just my take on it anyway.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 1887d ago
Livingthedream1888d ago

It doesnt affect the individual, but sharing the same experience with someone is pretty cool. You can relate more from a gameplay perspective. I dont pick these type of games up because I dont have the patience or time to get really good at them, so a less challenging mode would actually lead me to purchase the game, but I can respect the vision of the developer. As long as their sales are strong, this wont be changing.

GottaBjimmyb1888d ago

I am not sure that is true anyway. If the super mario series, or banjo kazooie, or spelunky had an easy mode, they would be way worse, the idea that every game that added an easy mode is as good or better than without is completely untrue. As you said, part of that is everyone playing it has the same experience, but also, half of the appeal to those games is getting good enough to beat the difficult sections and feeling accomplished. You can work to just beat part of the game, or put a lot of effort in to beat the whole game and all bosses/quests etc.

Obviously narrative games and other games decide to add easy modes, but most of or large parts of the game are only accessible in hard/hard+ mode.

Sono4211888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

Honestly I want them to add an easy mode just to make all these people stfu, Some serious entitlement coming from these people. I completely understand wanting a game to be harder, because if a game is too easy it just isn't rewarding, I also understand people wanting a broken game to be fixed, for obvious reasons. But asking for a game to be easier? and specifically this game... it isn't THAT hard.. it provides a challenge, yes.. but so hard that you need to complain about it and write endless articles demanding an easy mode? Not even close.

opc1888d ago

yeah... the people asking for a reason to give them $60 are the entitled brats and totally not the people that want to keep it hard for no reason other than spite.

neutralgamer19921888d ago

It's not about anyone game all games should have different settings like casual. Easy, normal etc

Look at new AC games they now support it and so should all if not most games. You can play on normal but what do you have someone playing on eafu if they paid money too

LordoftheCritics1888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

From Software's games should have a demo.

Like it buy it.

Don't like it, play something else.

DrumBeat1888d ago

Seriously. Between 'easy mode' beggars and third person beggars, my head is spinning from all this stupidity.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1887d ago
victorMaje1888d ago

True, an easy mode has never ruined a game but if the game was made without one it doesn’t mean it has to have it.
Enough. Respect the developer’s vision & design choices. Play the game & beat it on its own terms.

remixx1161888d ago

Exactly, I didn't see this much backlash over cup heads difficulty so they should just leave this game and all fromsofts games alone.

The games are about overcoming the death that awaits you. It's literally the theme of all of their games and asking them to remove that core concept is just stupid.

Games like cup head, metal slug and souls like games are about being hard. No ifs, no ands, no buts.

Tross1888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

That's because Cuphead was published by MS and these sites wouldn't speak ill of a game published by the company that lines their pockets.

opc1888d ago

Cuphead was published by studio mdhr. I returned it on steam after an hour and a half.

They can keep their difficulty level and I'll spend my money elsewhere.

iDadio1888d ago

Wouldn’t bother me if the game had an easy mode for the peons as long as it disabled achievements or something due to it going against the very nature of the game.

I have 4 more skill points to grind out for my Platinum, once you put the time into the game it actually becomes fairly straight forward I coasted through ng+

LightofDarkness1888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

This is always the crux of this argument. All this talk of "art" and the "director's vision" is BS. You kids need these games for your pathetic dick measuring contests. And y'all love it when this argument comes around because it's the only time you little boys get to "flex" on people with your "git gud" nonsense.

I completed Sekiro. It was good, I found it easier than Bloodborne in some respects (because I played actually hard games like Ninja Gaiden that rely on parrying), but I felt some of the cheapness and time required to get exact rhythms unnecessary. I have a full time job that is quite fulfilling and other commitments (family, friends), and the "sense of achievement" simply isn't there, while this actually takes time away from those things unnecessarily. It's a bloody videogame. I play FROM games for their settings, atmosphere, story and visual design. If all you're playing it for is achievements and bragging rights, then seek help.

opc1888d ago

or don't play the game and don't give them money

AspiringProGenji1888d ago

No, but FromSoft games are not meant to be easy or give you that option. Learn the game and prove your worth. If you can’t, then it is not for you

Stop complaining like if you are being denied something

NeoGamer2321888d ago

Although I mostly agree with you, a lot of these kinds of games require near lightning perfection and reflexes to get thru. Many people with even the slightest hint of a disability have no chance of completing these types of games even though they want to.

Not saying that games have to have easy modes, but there are a demographic of gamers that just have no chance of ever finishing a game like this so they aren't going to buy it. Smaller audiences mean less ability to sell.

TheOneWhoIsTornApart1888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

When I was growing up i had a neighbor who was paralyzed from the neck down from falling out of a tree at the age of 15. Around 1990 i was about 7 years old and he would let me come over and play Nintendo with him. He had a special controller that was designed to be played with his mouth. He could play all the games Nintendo had available at the time and he was better than I was with full use of both my hands. He would play Megaman, Castlevania, and Ninja Gaiden games like a friggin pro and those games were notoriously difficult.. Having disabilities doesn't have to mean you can't play a game just because it's hard. I have seen many people with disabilities play games as if they weren't even disabled. They find ways to overcome their setbacks.

NeoGamer2321887d ago

I wasn't really talking about severe disabilities.

I am talking more about as people age they become slower with reflexes, etc. I have been lucky myself that I can still play these kinds of games and be successful. But, I know many people and friends that used to play the toughest games, and now have to tone down the difficulty levels on some games because they just aren't as good or quick anymore.

quent1888d ago

Then how do you explain this gen of gaming ?

meganick1888d ago

Here’s the problem with easy modes, it’s too tempting to switch over to easy mode when normal mode gets tough, rather than persevere, improve and overcome. If Dark Souls and Demon’s Souls had easy modes, I almost certainly would have switched over from normal to easy, and I likely never would have finished them on normal mode, which I have several times for each game. The lack of an easy mode in those games forced me to “git gud” and experience the games the way the developers wanted to present them.

LightofDarkness1888d ago

When DMC3 offers you an easy mode after too many deaths, do you take it? I don't know anyone who has. But it's there for those who want it. This is no different.

nyu11888d ago

It is very different, because it's what Sekiro is about. DMC not so much. Most games are not like From Software games.

nyu11888d ago

Exactly. This is the problem. It dilutes the experience.

Previously, you HAD to learn and beat that boss, and that was the whole point.

With easy mode, that's no longer the case. The only thing really standing between you and beating a boss is the willpower to not use easy mode.

It wouldn't be nearly as bad if you had to start with one mode and stick with it, but even then, many people might just switch over at the first hint of frustration in the game, which defeats the point of the experience.

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Before Miyazaki Retires, We Need To Get A Sekiro Sequel

A sequel to the studio's acclaimed title, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, would be the perfect swan song for long-time video game director Hidetaka Miyazaki.

H954d ago

Man you didn't have to do me like that with the title

LoveSpuds54d ago

I just don't see it happening given the success of Elden Ring. I think we'll be seeing a sequel to Elden Ring before anything else.

Demetrius54d ago (Edited 54d ago )

I'm not into souls games but it's good to see that this dev studio stick to what makes their titles unique, there's alot of souls copy n pasted games but they rarely get talked about cause they're looked at as copies and not original created ideas, the souls games are unique cause they offer they're own identity instead imitating I respect that

jznrpg54d ago (Edited 54d ago )

Or Bloodborne 2 preferably both but that’s a lot to ask if he plans on retiring sooner than later

Leeroyw53d ago

Bloodborne 2 or I'd simply love a 60fps remaster. I'd also love a bloodborne randomiser option.

toxic-inferno53d ago

I'm definitely holding out hope for a Bloodborne 60fps remaster still. Some extra features thrown in would be nice too.

With regards to a sequel, I'd actually rather From Software make another new IP with a different setting. That is what made Bloodborne so good - the fact that it took a proven formula and applied it to a completely new setting.

anast53d ago

The hype would be insane if they announced Bloodborne 2.

Inverno53d ago

What if they made a Sekiro/Bloodborne mix?

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a Timeless Classic

With this feature, we will be taking a look at Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice all these years later and break down why it remains such a great time.

Read Full Story >>
Cacabunga57d ago

I regret i never played it, like many other great games!! Still on my radar, when i become retro gamer in a year or two with all this gaas crap happening around

Psychonaut8557d ago

Absolutely. Amazing art design, and didn’t have the Bloodborne problem so it runs at 60FPS on newer hardware, which is amazing given the reaction based gameplay

Cacabunga57d ago

Wait did it get a next gen patch??

Sciurus_vulgaris57d ago

This one title that never clicked with me. I enjoyed Dark Souls, Demon Souls and Bloodborne, but I never warmed up to Sekiro’s parry-focused combat. I honestly gave up on the game at about the half way point.

Armyofdarkness57d ago

Me too. But after the Stellar Blade demo and parrying like crazy I’m tempted to go back and play this again

Inverno57d ago

Took me a couple years too get into when I first bought it. I had gotten so used to Bloodborne that the gameplay was genuinely confusing me. Picked it up a third time and clicked. The game is souls stripped of all its RPG elements and left with nothing but it's combat. It's Souls at its pureness but I can see why the combat would turn people off. That's why I liked it so much tho, without the choice of weapons it's very focused on a specific style. I think a sequel with a small selection of weapons but each fleshed out would be the right step.

Sciurus_vulgaris56d ago

My problem with Sekiro was the combat, I didn’t find it as engaging as Bloodborne, DarkSouls due to the lack of RPG elements. I even found action games like Ninja Gaiden 1-2 and Ghost of Tsushima more engaging as well.


The 7 Best Souls-Like Games - Mastering the Challenge

The Souls-like genre remains popular, along with FromSoftware's classics there are many contenders. But which are the best Souls-like games?

toxic-inferno65d ago

Hmm... In my opinion, the 7 best are the 6 made by FromSoftware (DeS, DS1, DS2, DS3, BB and ER), then Lies of P. But each to their own.

kevco3365d ago

Still DS1? You don't feel it's been surpassed yet?

Demon's Souls has the remake of course, but DS1 has surely been outdated?

Smellsforfree65d ago

I think that the DS1 remake is better looking than DS2. The interior lighting matched with the low resolution textures in DS2 is very garish, IMO.

Besides graphics, what do you mean by DS1 being "outdated"? I'm someone who played through Elden Ring and just recently played through the DS series, and as far as gameplay went, there were all very similar.

Cacabunga65d ago

I haven’t played many but Bloodborne and NIOH1 are on top of my list.. had a blast with these 2

toxic-inferno64d ago

For world design and interconnectedness (that's a word, right?) DS1 is yet to be beaten.

anast32d ago

All great games beside DS2.

toxic-inferno32d ago

I would agree, but there are some things in DS2 that are great and incredibly memorable. It tries to do things differently, and there are some amazingly cinematic moments.

Of course, there's also poor level design (particularly the interconnectivity of the world), questionable combat choices and some of the worst boss runs since the early days of video games...

anast32d ago

True. I can't disagree the game has some moments.