
Why Gamers Are Not Happy with the PS Store

Sony's going to stop selling digital codes for PlayStation Store games in retail stores. It's a bad situation. Here's why it will hurt a lot of people.

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ApocalypseShadow1882d ago

Perfect picture for this article. Most gamers aren't upset. Don't try and play it up more than what you're trying to. How about gathering news or requesting interviews on the matter. It's why most game articles are trash written by bloggers and not journalists.

Making assumption articles but imply that all gamers are upset about it is wrong. Some claim it's for Sony to lock in a game at full price and force you to buy direct. It's possible. But also possible that glitches happen at retailers and customers have to jump through hoops from a middleman about digital codes and why some have complained like on reddit.

Gathering facts are better than writing without full information. Comes off as being an opinion. Facts are better than opinions. Facts allow you to properly form an opinion afterwards after getting to the truth.

quent1881d ago

So You like being fucked over by shitty refund policies, shill a bit harder and maybe uncle sony will send you a $5 gift card for you're unrelenting fanboy dick sucking, don't you ever get tired of being so full of shit ?

kayoss1881d ago

THe problem is when people buy a digital code from a retailer and there is a problem. who do they go to? They go directly to Sony instead of the retailer that they bought the said digital code from. Not only the consumers have to jump through hoops, Sony, microsoft, or Nintendo have to jump through hoops to figure out what went wrong, who the retailer was, and how to get them reimburse the consumers. This becomes a nightmare for Sony, microsoft, and Nintendo.

Jin_Sakai1881d ago (Edited 1881d ago )

“So You like being fucked over by shitty refund policies, shill a bit harder and maybe uncle sony will send you a $5 gift card for you're unrelenting fanboy dick sucking, don't you ever get tired of being so full of shit?”

Who buys digital game codes anyways? Most people just buy PSN cards and use the funds to buy games.

What’s sad is how Xbox locks F2P games behind a paywall. Now that’s something b*tch about.

Dirtnapstor1881d ago (Edited 1881d ago )

So you buy a code from a retailer and then buyers remorse sets in. You think that retailer will take the ‘unlocked’ code back? Nope.
Policys regarding digital purchases are no different than buying directly through your console. smh.

SpineSaw1880d ago

Damn kid, mommy not love you as a kid or what? Might wanna think about seeking some help cause you don't play well with others.
Now TBO I base my opinion off your one comment maybe this dude was your pal and you are just hacking on him but even if that's the case you still crossed the I can't get along with others line.

SurgicalMenace1880d ago

Triggered much?!?!😂 What did Sony ever do to you? People take gaming way too seriously, one would think their loves depended on it. Smh

1880d ago
1880d ago
UltraNova1880d ago

Septic, is that you buddy?

1880d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1880d ago
TekoIie1881d ago

"Gathering facts are better than writing without full information. Comes off as being an opinion. Facts are better than opinions. Facts allow you to properly form an opinion afterwards after getting to the truth."

Why did you write a whole paragraph based on speculation if you're so big on facts?

crazyCoconuts1880d ago

I normally don't bother reading articles from that site...

rainslacker1880d ago

I haven't noticed anyone being upset myself. I see them sometimes gripe about some policies here or there. Most recently their refund policy. I see them sometimes gripe about Sony's customer service. But, the PS Store seems fine for the most part. I can think of a few things they can improve on, but it's a store where you can buy digital content, and it does that just fine.

The retail codes in stores probably won't affect that many. If a enough people were buying them, they'd continue selling them. But it costs money to print those cards they sell them in the stores. If people need to buy stuff from the store, and don't have the means to use the available payment methods, PSN cards will still be sold, and there are enough denomination options where it shouldn't end up paying more money than the cost of the card.

ApocalypseShadow1880d ago (Edited 1880d ago )


Here's an example. And that's the online code. Could be worse in store. Who knows.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1880d ago
Dark_Overlord1882d ago

I've never bought one of these codes from any store, why would I when I can buy a PSN card and get the same game during a sale? The game prices in store never change even when the game is on sale on the PSN :/

TekoIie1881d ago

"The game prices in store never change even when the game is on sale on the PSN"

There have actually been times where a game is priced higher directly through the online store than it has been to buy a digital code through a retailer. If you want to argue about price drops through sales then why doesn't the digital price drop to match the physical version?

Dirtnapstor1881d ago

No, never. Digital from a retailer is still locked at the original price point 99% of the time. The physical version could be on sale, but the digital is fixed because a retailer wants to move their physical products they’ve invested in.
It’s rare, and if so, the same digital deal could be had directly from Sony, MS, or Nintendo.

TekoIie1880d ago


Yes, they have. I know for a fact that during the 3DS lifetime 90% of the games digital retail codes were cheaper than buying through the EShop at launch and it's a similar story with the Switch. As to whether that was true for most of the PS4 releases I can't say for sure but digital codes have at times been the better option compared to going directly to the online store.

Nitrowolf21880d ago

@dirt @tekolie

They have but I don’t believe at any brick and motor stores

Amazon would usually price match the digital copies or lower sometimes

Green man gaming also did it very often

ziggurcat1882d ago

I don't see why you would go to a store like Gamestop for a digital code when you can just go directly to the PSN store. Was Gamestop selling them at a discounted rate?

ApocalypseShadow1881d ago

Could have. Like Amazon does. Or maybe the digital codes lock the game at full price when there is a sale on PSN digitally. Does PSN give credit if the game is on sale and it adds the difference to the account?

These are questions these bloggers should be asking. It's not like they'll write a retraction article afterwards. It's easier to write an opinion than search for facts.

Traecy1881d ago (Edited 1881d ago )

When you buy things from GameStop like PSN cards or codes you build up your reward points including points from the PSN store.Though imo GameStop points are much better than PSN rewards points.

Razzer1880d ago

And buying PSN gift cards will give you GameStop points just like codes for specific games.

Traecy1880d ago

@Razzer That's exactly what I stated.

FallenAngel19841881d ago

You can just buy a PSN card and still get get the game. Don’t tell me any gamer is too lazy to do that

Don’t make an issue over this

ChrisW1880d ago

True! So true!

BTW, why do I have to actually call the pizza shop to deliver a pizza?

AK911881d ago (Edited 1881d ago )

Actually we dont really care about this issue as long as we have PSN cards that give us cash we don't really care.

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lodossrage2d ago

What we need is a more honest games media. I'm sorry but if you're an outlet in bed with a publisher or getting goodies to attend preview/ review events then you can't be trusted to be objective. Very similar to the need for getting money out of politics.

ApocalypseShadow2d ago

Basically this. We've seen how the game media turned for the worse after the acceptance of advertising dollars during the 360 era from one particular company. How many websites were willing to sell out for Mountain Dew and Doritos. Accepting $800 Halo Swag bags and expensive Windows laptops to do blogging.

Video sites like game trailers that was willing to lie about PS3 graphics and sometimes, still had the wrong controller image at the bottom on the video. And, turned off comments it deleted them to keep the truth from being told.

That same company twisted certain gamers to a new level of fanboyism. This website was full of them when I arrived. Lying through their noses again and again. Then, that very company started lying or withholding information that showed the truth. That their competitors were selling more worldwide and had better graphics overall. But the damage to the media and a certain group of gamers was done. And, continues to this day. Even after hearing the truth that that company they serve is very destructive to the industry, developers and gamers.

lodossrage1d 20h ago

Yeah, and one of that company's former executives OPENLY admitted that. And before anyone says I'm lying:


Also, yeah plenty of people that are here now don't remember when this place was a haven for xbox. You have people like "The Mart at Xbox Kings" push all sorts of propoganda on a daily. But people seem to want to forget stuff like that...

Skuletor2d ago

The whole Gamespot/Kane & Lynch thing is one of the best examples and that was 16 years ago.

lodossrage1d 20h ago

Yeah, but with people and their short memories, I'm sure a good portion here forgot all about that

anast2d ago

Most game journalists are pariahs and low level marketing drones. They got too greedy and cannibalized their respect and trust. Something they learned not to do in their journalism schools. This is why we might as well watch gameplay critics on You Tube. Don't get me wrong, I love reading, but for every genuine article there is a thousand game journalist trying to gloss over monetization schemes so they can sell the game to gamers in order to get free games to do their jobs. It gets old. Even this piece doesn't address the problem.

UltimateOwnage1d 22h ago

We need better media in all aspects of society, period. Everything from the gaming press, to MSM is all fueled by clickbait headlines, half truths and buzzword topics that don't give much meat or meaning for the reader to benefit from.

lodossrage1d 16h ago


I can't even add anything to that .