
‘Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice’ and why we need to talk about that difficulty option

Blast Away the Game Review writes: "It’s true, however, I’ve hit my breaking point a time or two. I’ve had to walk away from Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I’ve had to hang up the sticks for the night and dust off my go-to beanie for a stream. I’ve had friends even state that due to an inability they have, be it physical or mental, that they can’t enjoy Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. In an unfortunate situation, I’ve met one gamer already who has parted with his copy due to a degenerative disease known as muscular sclerosis or MS for short, which makes it so his muscles and brain don’t work like the average person's would."

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capjacksparrow1893d ago (Edited 1893d ago )

Play another game. There, we discussed it.

The game isn't broken, it's challenging. They are aware of sales projections and whether or not the difficulty of their game will have an impact on overall sales. They knew what they were making when they made it. If you want to discuss marketing of the product, for instance, saying that the game is extremely challenging on the back of the box, then I can understand that train of thought.

There are thousands of other games that can be played that have an easy mode. Pick one.

monkey6021893d ago

Exactly. Not everything has to be catered to everybody.

If you don't like it, it wasn't made for you. Move on

abstractel1893d ago

Problem is for people like me, who love the game and its mechanics but does simply not have the time to invest in getting good at it -- all so the guys that beat it can beat their gaming chests and scream "I BEAT THIS DIFFICULT GAME"? It's ridiculous. I'm actually playing the game with a trainer, and I enjoy it.

I love everything about it except it's difficulty, so I am grateful the trainer exists.

Gaming1011892d ago

The problem with Sekiro isn't that there is no "easy" mode.
The problem is no mode other than "Extremely fucking hard" exists, so only lonely losers who play videogames 10 hours a day can practice enough to get good at them.
Make a Normal mode, a Hard mode and an Extremely Hard mode like every other game.
The people who love the difficulty can still enjoy their Extremely Hard difficulty, and everyone else can enjoy the gameplay for what it is.

mikeslemonade1892d ago

This game is not as fun as Soulsborne. Too much focus on breaking the guard and parrying.

notachance1892d ago

10 hours of playing everyday to get good?
I beat most bosses in 2-3 tries though, it's not even 20 hours yet and I've finished it.

perhaps if you guys actually pay attention to what the game told you to do and not spending every part of the game getting angry and whining, you can see that it isn't too hard. and try not to play too much games that make you a practical god after 5 minutes tutorial

1892d ago
monkey6021892d ago

Yeah I'm not buying the no time because of other priorities thing either.

I work 1 full time job and another part time. I'm studying on the side. On top of planning a wedding and have my first child due in 9 weeks.

Time is not a luxury I have much of lately. However Sekiro is made exactly as it should be and if that doesn't fit your lifestyle then that's down to you and not the developers to adhere to

Gaming1011891d ago (Edited 1891d ago )

LOL at all the butt hurt losers lying about how much time the sink into gaming.
"Yeah I beat Sekiro and all the other Souls games in a few hours and only died 3 times, just total casual playing on weekends, who even needs guides or practice?"
BTW your girlfriends likely hate your denial of how much time you spend gaming, just bring it up to them and you'll find out.
Just kidding, 99% of you here don't have girlfriends lol

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1891d ago
Brave_Losers_Unite1893d ago

Which is why I take matters into my own hands and increase the exp multiplier.


Been thinking about doing that for my farming runs...

1892d ago
ThinkThink1893d ago

I enjoy challenging games like Ori and Cuphead but i also don't see anything wrong with making a novice setting for new, younger players or disabled gamers. How would that ruin the experience for those that thrive on the challenge? Can someone explain, in a mature way please? Bloodborne looked like a lot of fun but i never picked it up because at the time, i had a new baby and didn't have much time to put into the game. I completely understand that it's the devs choice and it's their vision, but I feel like these games could appeal to more people if given the option.

Nate471893d ago

I think because that sense of accomplishment and the rush you get is lost. The devs had a vision for a game that delivers this and would be lost with an easy mode. (not to mention the bragging rights and trophies lol). But overall that was their vision and not all games need to include everybody in their approach. Hardcore for the hardcore in this case. Part of the magic of a From Software title

AspiringProGenji1893d ago (Edited 1893d ago )

This game was not made with disabled gamers and casuals in mind. There are more than a hundred games that are easier to play that are for them. They won’t miss Sekiro if they play something else, and certainly they don’t have to play it. That’s why From Soft games don’t need to appeal to everyone. Notice how From Soft game are not hyped to heavens like other games... That’s why! They are not for everyone

Now why would a easy mode ruin the experience? It is not that it would ruin it for anyone, but it would ruin the sense of accomplishment in the game. The game is much better when everyone is playing at the same level difficulty. It is not impossible to beat the game, but how upsetting would be that while I am dying over and over and getting better at the game, someone else is going thru it like it’s nothing?

That’s why the Soulsborne community is great. Everyone proved their skills at beating the game with the same odds and discuss their struggles with the game and how much they died. You are suppose to die in these games. If they make easier modes, what would make the Sekiro experience different from other games?

Lukejrl1893d ago

It comes down to,what i think, 2 factors.

1: The Creators made the game with a baseline difficulty in mind. It was constructed with the rules and playstyle with that baseline difficulty integral in design. And when i say integral i mean that there is a measure of pride in making the game a challenge. Neutering the difficulty cheapens the experience and the hard work crafting the game around the difficulty.

2) People need to rise to challenge. Lowering the standards to the lowest common denominator for the purpose of inclusiveness ultimately makes people complacent and entitled. At any work enviroment you dont get a raise or more responsibility without demonstrating you can handle it. People nowadays believe they should be given the most for the least. The creators believe that one should strive to accept and complete the challenge.

You may argue it is just a video game, and it is, but if you dont like it you dont have to play and your life will not be effected. Just as your life will not be effected if you did play it and beat it.

Veneno1893d ago

The explanation really is plain and simple, short and sweet. No need to call people immature over this. From Software are one of the few developers that treat gaming like art. The greatest artists don't compromise their work. They make what they set out to make to challenge their audience and make them think, and wonder.

If you're unhappy with the game then plain and simply you don't like it and no one will give you grief for it.

And if you are going to argue this you really need to research and do your homework more. You said you passed up on Bloodbourne? Well if you played it then you would know this is Froms style and that's why they have become successful.

capjacksparrow1893d ago (Edited 1893d ago )

Of course it could appeal to more people. Don't you think they know that? They made a video game, which is a very complex undertaking, you think they wouldn't know that making a game accessible to a wider audience would allow them a bigger slice of the pie? Of course they know. They still didn't add an easier difficulty. Their games are for a specific audience, if you aren't part of it, then don't buy it.

Racing sims are a pain in my ass because I don't like the realism of the physics, I'd rather race around the corner at 100mph. I don't ask GT developers or Forza developers to make the late game stuff and challenges have an easy mode, I just don't buy those games. They're not made for me, and that's OKAY. (I don't know if either of these games has an easy mode, haven't purchased one in a while, it was just an example).

ThinkThink1892d ago

All great points guys, makes sense. I think i get it now :) thanks!

zombiewombie1892d ago

The game isn't for everyone and its not meant to be accessible by everyone.

salmonade1892d ago

Git gud scrub.

Nuff said.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1892d ago
Servbot411892d ago

Eh, the camera and lock-on are hot garbage sometimes, but yeah it's otherwise really good. I wouldn't mind if there was an easy option, but I wouldn't use it. Not every game needs to be accessible to everyone, if you can't play it move on.

1892d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1891d ago
Uglyday1893d ago

I sold my car because a paraplegic couldn’t drive it. Then I quit my job because snowflakes can’t handle the workload. I also stopped eating gluten and dairy so intolerant people aren’t hurt by my happy tongue. Am I doing this right?

Thinking of killing my cats next because people are allergic to them so I shouldn’t take comfort with my support animals.

salmonade1892d ago (Edited 1892d ago )

They need to rework the NBA so the average person gets to play. It's not fair. Why can't everyone get a medal for running the race? Why can't the developer make the game more easy so I can enjoy it? Why can't the developer of a really hard puzzle game make it so the puzzles are easier? SO my dumbass can finish the puzzles and enjoy a really hard puzzle game. What about me huh? Forget your vision of the NBA or your vision for a game you made... make it so I can enjoy all these things too. /s

SegaSaturn6691893d ago

One thing you can do if the difficulty is too high, is to find a really busy intersection and leap into oncoming traffic.

pandehz1893d ago

If you show us how maybe we can try and follow it.

SegaSaturn6691893d ago

I'll make a tutorial later today.

AnubisG1893d ago

Dude, we are talking about a game. Calm down!

GameStallion1892d ago (Edited 1892d ago )

I don’t like the easy difficulty idea, but this comment is mean. I’m sure you’re joking, but comments like this don’t always read with the same humor they do in your head.

DrumBeat1892d ago

I agree, they can dropkick the grille of an oncoming semi. If it's anything like the Chained Ogre's, that truck's going down.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1892d ago
TheColbertinator1893d ago

I swear these articles are being written by these trash websites just to score easy hits.

Gardenia1893d ago

This happens with every new Souls game

LegoIsAwesome1892d ago (Edited 1892d ago )

Wonder what happen if these weakass pretentious gamer even rung the demon bell. I'll bet they cant even kill a normal mobs

bluefox7551893d ago (Edited 1893d ago )

Just because game journalists often suck at gaming, doesn't mean the rest of us have to pay..

yomfweeee1893d ago

Just curious, if they added an easy mode... how would that make you pay?

salmonade1892d ago

Just be quiet and let the developers make the game they want. Don't force them to cater and pander to, quite honestly, people that think they deserve a medal for running a race and coming in last place.

Natversion11892d ago

Because most of them are fake elitist pricks who haven't even beat the game but hate the idea of people enjoying the game and that by toning down some of the cheap ass bosses that somehow its robbing the developers of their vision like its a million dollar piece of art.

yomfweeee1893d ago

Bring on the down votes, but no one will bring a legit answer.

DaCajun1892d ago

Plenty of legit answers above, you and the other snowflakes like you just fail to accept logic. This game is not for you, play something else. Just let the devs do what they have done for years and stop trying to make them change because you don't like it. Just don't buy it and move on. Just like I don't like the way COD games play so I don't buy them. Does that make them a bad game? Absolutely not but I just won't play them and I'm happy with it.

Hungryalpaca1892d ago

I guess the NBA should have an easy mode so everyone can play.

yomfweeee1892d ago

@dacajun, That wasn't a legit answer to the question I asked. I asked nothing about the devs or their right to do what they want. I asked how it personally affects you. You have no answer.

@hungry, that has to be an all time terrible analogy.

FunAndGun1892d ago

It cheapens my experience. You are getting the same medal for beating it on easy as I did for beating it on hard. You asked how it affects me, there you go. You probably don't like the answer, but that is truth. I play this game because it is a challenge and the community as a whole is on the same journey and same experience. I know every single player with the boss trophies defeated that boss legit and earned their advancement in the game the same way I did. We are all playing the same game as a community and unified experience.

yomfweeee1892d ago


Well that is easily remedied by having additional trophies based on the difficulty, which most games (with difficulties) do. You can even have your platinum tied to it. So, that argument isn't very good.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1892d ago
ThatDudeMunkee1892d ago

Honestly, I don't suck at this game. I've enjoyed every minute of it and continue to. I've one shot several of the bosses with great ease and even got some on my third or fourth attempts before moving on. But this piece isn't about me or if I "find it too hard to play". I personally love the challenge, I love the difficulty, as I stated before:

"Trust me, I’m half-expecting the old and tired, “journalist’s just can’t play games,” mockery. This isn’t about me, I can play games among the best of them, but don’t expect me to speed run a game. I learn through trial and error, just as I did with Cuphead after I had to re-learn how to play a game such as it. Trust me, this game is hard, it’s the hardest FromSoftware game I’ve played, but I’ve progressed at a steady rate with the allotted time I have outside of reviews.

But, again, this isn’t about me. This is about others, those we’re neglecting because of our mindset of “this is how a FromSoftware game should be played” and how it has calloused into hardened veterans of such experiences over the years. Or perhaps, I want to be able to share my experiences with those who can’t play the games as us FromSoftware veterans do. I want to share my memories with them, my enjoyment of those games, and even encourage them to try harder difficulties once they have succeeded in their previous endeavors."

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Before Miyazaki Retires, We Need To Get A Sekiro Sequel

A sequel to the studio's acclaimed title, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, would be the perfect swan song for long-time video game director Hidetaka Miyazaki.

H954d ago

Man you didn't have to do me like that with the title

LoveSpuds54d ago

I just don't see it happening given the success of Elden Ring. I think we'll be seeing a sequel to Elden Ring before anything else.

Demetrius54d ago (Edited 54d ago )

I'm not into souls games but it's good to see that this dev studio stick to what makes their titles unique, there's alot of souls copy n pasted games but they rarely get talked about cause they're looked at as copies and not original created ideas, the souls games are unique cause they offer they're own identity instead imitating I respect that

jznrpg54d ago (Edited 54d ago )

Or Bloodborne 2 preferably both but that’s a lot to ask if he plans on retiring sooner than later

Leeroyw54d ago

Bloodborne 2 or I'd simply love a 60fps remaster. I'd also love a bloodborne randomiser option.

toxic-inferno53d ago

I'm definitely holding out hope for a Bloodborne 60fps remaster still. Some extra features thrown in would be nice too.

With regards to a sequel, I'd actually rather From Software make another new IP with a different setting. That is what made Bloodborne so good - the fact that it took a proven formula and applied it to a completely new setting.

anast53d ago

The hype would be insane if they announced Bloodborne 2.

Inverno53d ago

What if they made a Sekiro/Bloodborne mix?

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a Timeless Classic

With this feature, we will be taking a look at Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice all these years later and break down why it remains such a great time.

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Cacabunga57d ago

I regret i never played it, like many other great games!! Still on my radar, when i become retro gamer in a year or two with all this gaas crap happening around

Psychonaut8557d ago

Absolutely. Amazing art design, and didn’t have the Bloodborne problem so it runs at 60FPS on newer hardware, which is amazing given the reaction based gameplay

Cacabunga57d ago

Wait did it get a next gen patch??

Sciurus_vulgaris57d ago

This one title that never clicked with me. I enjoyed Dark Souls, Demon Souls and Bloodborne, but I never warmed up to Sekiro’s parry-focused combat. I honestly gave up on the game at about the half way point.

Armyofdarkness57d ago

Me too. But after the Stellar Blade demo and parrying like crazy I’m tempted to go back and play this again

Inverno57d ago

Took me a couple years too get into when I first bought it. I had gotten so used to Bloodborne that the gameplay was genuinely confusing me. Picked it up a third time and clicked. The game is souls stripped of all its RPG elements and left with nothing but it's combat. It's Souls at its pureness but I can see why the combat would turn people off. That's why I liked it so much tho, without the choice of weapons it's very focused on a specific style. I think a sequel with a small selection of weapons but each fleshed out would be the right step.

Sciurus_vulgaris56d ago

My problem with Sekiro was the combat, I didn’t find it as engaging as Bloodborne, DarkSouls due to the lack of RPG elements. I even found action games like Ninja Gaiden 1-2 and Ghost of Tsushima more engaging as well.


The 7 Best Souls-Like Games - Mastering the Challenge

The Souls-like genre remains popular, along with FromSoftware's classics there are many contenders. But which are the best Souls-like games?

toxic-inferno65d ago

Hmm... In my opinion, the 7 best are the 6 made by FromSoftware (DeS, DS1, DS2, DS3, BB and ER), then Lies of P. But each to their own.

kevco3365d ago

Still DS1? You don't feel it's been surpassed yet?

Demon's Souls has the remake of course, but DS1 has surely been outdated?

Smellsforfree65d ago

I think that the DS1 remake is better looking than DS2. The interior lighting matched with the low resolution textures in DS2 is very garish, IMO.

Besides graphics, what do you mean by DS1 being "outdated"? I'm someone who played through Elden Ring and just recently played through the DS series, and as far as gameplay went, there were all very similar.

Cacabunga65d ago

I haven’t played many but Bloodborne and NIOH1 are on top of my list.. had a blast with these 2

toxic-inferno64d ago

For world design and interconnectedness (that's a word, right?) DS1 is yet to be beaten.

anast33d ago

All great games beside DS2.

toxic-inferno32d ago

I would agree, but there are some things in DS2 that are great and incredibly memorable. It tries to do things differently, and there are some amazingly cinematic moments.

Of course, there's also poor level design (particularly the interconnectivity of the world), questionable combat choices and some of the worst boss runs since the early days of video games...

anast32d ago

True. I can't disagree the game has some moments.