
2K Stops Disk-To-Steam Borderlands Conversions 1 Day Before Game of The Year Upgrade Announcement

Disk users can't even install the game anymore... DRM!?

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Christopher1894d ago

Few things.

1. You can still play the game from disc, just not as a Steam downloadable.
2. This doesn't at all affect anyone who did the Steam transfer before this as it will be in your history.
3. "Gearbox and 2K announced that owners of the Steam-based version of Borderlands would get a free upgrade to the title's Game of the Year Edition on April 3rd" -- Seems pretty clear that the point of the free upgrade via Steam is to offset the costs of delivery of the assets by requiring people actually give some money to Steam for handling the free, much larger update of the game.
4. This feels like a non-issue overall and one done to ensure that Steam isn't abused for downloading large files around the world without getting paid for it ever.

goodwin1894d ago

That's one fine argumentative comment up here

Gwiz1893d ago

Unless they offer the update trough other means your points make no sense,Steam is meant to deliver updates regardless.

Gwiz1893d ago

Not sure,but there might be an issue with the conversion and adding enhancements to it in its current software.
They might have had to change the way it works to make it work.I highly doubt they would make the disc version

Razmiran1893d ago

Well, you had a few years to do this
If you havent done this by now you were never going to do it

CertifiedGamer1892d ago

I think this was done because they figured out that many people could just pass one copy of the game around to each other.


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Chriswheeler22483d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87483d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight


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