
Fortnite Beastmode Skin Raises Controversy. Players are Not Happy.

Fortnite Battle Royale released a new skin set called Beastmode. However, this is received as something new and controversial by players.

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1883d ago
RabbitFly1883d ago

No one is unhappy about this. The select few that are are elitist bastards.

Not that I play fortnite, but this argument makes it seem like a childish argument between two entitled parties. And considering that a huge majority of people playing Fortnite is kids, and they don't even care, this comes of as the author is the one that is being the entitled elitist.

KwietStorm_BLM1883d ago

How does commenting about overpriced earlier content, in comparison to better prices for skins in a bundle, make you an elitist?

RabbitFly1883d ago

Because the argument is that the new skins should cost equal to the old, or more, so that the people that bought the old skins can feel better about themselves spending that ammount of the earlier skins.

It is pretty much a text book entitled elitist cry baby argument.

Epic lowering the prices on microtransactions would be considered a net positive by absolutely everyone else.

fundy1883d ago

Just read the article. Author's pointing out that players are complaining about Epic lowering the prices for a new set of skins, while the older ones are almost 5x the price. Legit argument here. Not sure what's the problem.

Silly gameAr1883d ago

You can't read what you just typed and see what the problem is?

Karlsh1883d ago

ya, kinda dumb to only lower the price of new skins but keep the old ones high. wtf

rainslacker1883d ago

If people have a problem with the prices of things, don't spend money on the things you think are overpriced. It's not a difficult concept to fathom. Epic isn't required or obligated to lower the price of anything for anyone. People are neither required, nor obligated to buy these things, cheap or expensive, to play the game. It's a F2P game, and if people thought they were going to get this stuff cheap then they set their own expectations.

Maybe Epic just wants to see more of the new skins, or they aren't selling, so they lowered the price to get them to sell. If things are selling at a higher price, it's not atypical for them to remain at a high price.

Daeloki1883d ago

So what? There's a NEW set that is CHEAPER than the old ones, be happy instead of pinpointing the negative in it. Or just don't buy the expensive ones, and they'll eventually lower those prices if it's not selling. Even better, stop playing all together. I'm sure if enough people quit playing, we'll eventually be rid of this cancer of a game

RabbitFly1883d ago

If they lowered the price on the old ones the outrage would be much, much, much, higher. Then the people that bought them early would actually have a better reason to complain.

What they are asking for is the new skins to be more expensive, not the old ones to be cheaper, as the people that are complaining are the people that already bought the older skins.

They want to keep skins expensive so they can feel good about their purchase. And that is all.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1883d ago
KwietStorm_BLM1882d ago

The argument isn't that they should cost more, it's that they overpaid for less. Lowering prices IS a good thing. That's not what the point was. It would be elitist if they said new players shouldn't be allowed access to the same skins. It's more buyer's remorse than anything,

RabbitFly1882d ago

It is elitist because yes they are arguing that the new skins should cost more, because they paid more for the old skins. It is defacto elitism.

"I paid more for my fun, therefore everyone else has to pay more for their fun"

It is however also true that buyers remorse is what is driving it, but buyers remorse would be asking for refunds. Which would still be entitlement without prerogative.

KeenBean3451883d ago

This is a nothing argument and really doesn't require a full article. Personally no one I've seen has been upset over this

Notellin1883d ago

One neckbeard on Reddit is all it takes for a story now.

SLiSH831883d ago

People switched over to Apex, plus fortnite revenue was down 50% since December of 2018. So yes they are trying to keep the ones that are still playing fortnite hooked by giving you more skins for less v bucks I’m hoping that it keeps the current player base engaged and that word of mouth helps bring in some players that might have left the game.
I haven’t bought a skin since probably That December timeframe as well. Just got to be to much $$$ and decided to cut back.
Just doing the battle passes for FN and Apex and whatever I unlock that season is what I unlock not gonna spend anymore money than that one these games going forward.

oakshin1883d ago

If you spend money on a free to play game you should be upset.....

Snookies121883d ago (Edited 1883d ago )

There's nothing wrong with supporting something if you really enjoy it. (I've tossed a purchase or two toward a few different free-to-play games that I thought were deserving.) It's when you have people that go overboard and keep spending... That's where the problem lies.

RabbitFly1883d ago

You do realize that if no one spent money, the game would not be free to play, it would be dead.

The ignorrance of the attitude you are showing is just beyond me.

Games cost money. The free to play model is built on the idea that some people are willing to spend more than others. Without those players spending more, the game would not even exist.

So you are pretty much saying that games should not exist.

oakshin1882d ago

No no all that simply means is I don't support the free to play model even if fortnite does it justice

RabbitFly1881d ago

I don't know if fortnite does it justice or not, that is kind of irrelevant. I am sure there are better examples out there.

Point is that you made it sound like spending money on something that is free to play is dumb, the assumption was that it is dumb because it is free. However I guess you are just against free to play games in general.

I personally think some games are probably served better by the free to play models than not, but there are sure a lot of games that have gone free to play that probably should not.


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MasterChief36241063d ago

"..an interesting game many have no interest in playing" ....what? For those many people, there are also many that love it and play it a ton. This is a really dumb article.

ChasterMies1063d ago

Fortnite is the most popular game in the world. I doubt Epic needs help from fraghero.com.

annoyedgamer1063d ago

Alloy looks prettier in the thumbnail than she does in the actual game lol