
Clannad for Switch launches July 4 in Japan

Romance visual novel Clannad will launch for Switch on July 4 in Japan, publisher Prototype announced. Although previously planned as a digital-only release, it will now be released both physically and digitally.


Best Visual Novels You Should Definitely Try Out

KeenGamer: "We have the best visual novels to suggest to you, but we do recognize that many gamers don’t consider visual novels as games. Sluggishly leafing through dialogues, from time to time making choices. Additionally, many don’t like the anime style of the genre. Maybe we can change your mind."

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Unknown_Gamer57941322d ago

The House in Fata Morgana definitely deserves more attention.

SaveFerris1322d ago

I haven't heard of Hideo Kodzima before.

Yui_Suzumiya1321d ago

Root Letter was really amazing

1320d ago

Legendary Visual Novel Clannad Getting Physical Editions for Nintendo Switch by Limited Run Games

Today Limited Run Games and Sekai Project’s console arm Sekai Games announced two physical editions of Clannad for the Nintendo Switch.

SegaGamer1513d ago

I haven't played the game yet, but i am watching the anime and I have come to the conclusion that it is probably the most overrated anime show ever. I just don't understand what is so great about it. The girls are all seniors at high school and they act like 6 year olds, especially the main girl, Nagisa. She is the most unbearable of the lot. Also, the drama in it is so pathetic and melodramatic that I struggle to understand why anybody thinks it's good. The only good things about it is the main character and his relationship with his dad (something that would have been far more interesting to focus on instead of the harem nonsense) and the comedy surrounding Sunohara.

Vits1513d ago

Normally is Clannad After Story that is highly praised. The first season is mostly use to set characters, backstories and the world. It does a alright job on setting those, but it's not amazing or anything.

Also, while the anime is a fine adaptation. It doesn't go deep enough in explaining how the world works. So unless you really pay attention to the first season, you might get confused by what happens in the second.

xTonyMontana1513d ago

I can't really comment without spoiling it for you but it's after story where it gets better however I just don't think the show is for you judging by your comment.

SegaGamer1512d ago

" but it's after story where it gets better "

I'm 6 episodes in to After Story and it's exactly the same. I have seen a lot of people say it get's better in the 2nd half of After Story, but come on, if the anime is meh for 30+ episodes out of 48, then it really isn't anything special.

I just don't get the popularity of this show at all. I'm at the point where I think people are seeing things that just aren't there. A lot of the fans say this show changed their lives 😂 Are these people for real? If they are, then they are as melodramatic as the show itself. Seriously, anybody that gets emotionally invested in this show must have emotional problems.

Yui_Suzumiya396d ago

You'll eat your words once you've watched After Story


Clannad (Switch) Review - GameSoulz


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