
Okay, BioWare Fans Can Start Panicking About Dragon Age 4 Now

Author "The lack of focus to Anthem's story and BioWare's tainted track record between its latest game and Mass Effect Andromeda has me worried about Dragon Age 4."

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chrisx1886d ago

the bioware you once knew and loved is long gone. thank ea for that .

MoshA1886d ago

And the owners of Bioware for being sellouts.

Vhampir1886d ago

The original owners left long ago, as well as the staff. Bioware was already gone when ME2 came out. As EA started to distill everything out that made them who they were. The process is finished, and they are nothing but a name now.

Legion211886d ago

I think it's a little more complicated than that. If I remember correctly it was Bioware's parent company at the time who sold to EA in 07. Wasn't completely on Bioware

AnthonyDavis1885d ago

Dragon Age was never good. One of the worst looking games compared to its peers.

Angyobangyo1885d ago


Wrong! The first DA was incredible but soon went downhill after the second.

kreate1885d ago

Dragon age origins is great. Dragon age 2 sucked.

Dragon age Inquisition is mediocre.

Next dragon age will be the fail of the year.

EA will close down Bioware after the next dragon age.

DarkKaine1885d ago

Here's enough money so you and your crew can retire forever and live a good life.
No sir, we are far too passionate to abandon gamers.
See how dumb that sounds?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1885d ago
Palitera1886d ago (Edited 1886d ago )

As if EA made their games be bad. They're both together in this.

Bleucrunch1886d ago

Perhaps but last I checked, the developer (Bioware) makes the game and the Publisher (EA) handles marketing and distribution. More BIoware than EA, EA is just the poison that makes good games/developers go BAD.

Man o Man what ever happened to that once great Company in EA.

1885d ago
Kostche1885d ago

exactly, EA are crap, but developers deserve the blame also

nommers1885d ago

I don't think a lot of people realize that publishers have more power than the developer does when it comes to how a game comes out. It's kind of like the same thing when a developer pays its own employees. The publisher pays the developer and the developer is now working for the publisher. The publisher can also chime in creatively if they want to.

Cikatriz_ESP1884d ago


I’m not defending BioWare, but the publisher has way more say than you’re suggesting, especially when they have ownership of the developer.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1884d ago
-Foxtrot1886d ago

They had to announce the game last December because they knew Anthem was trash and they wanted to start hype early...which is one of their problems, hype.

It’s like 2-3 years away still apparently

uncleDAD1886d ago

Yep. This is the truth all us fans of old must sadly face

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1884d ago
Relientk771886d ago

I'm worried for Dragon Age 4...

MoshA1886d ago

They already said they will prioritize SJW agendas over making a good RPG.

nyu11886d ago (Edited 1886d ago )

The bullshit is strong with this one.

Writer said he wears his beliefs on his sleeve, and yes that implies there will be a message or agenda. When did he say it's prioritized over making a good RPG ? He didn't. You just popped that in there for good measure didn't you ?. Lots of artists use entertainment to push a message. That doesn't mean it's prioritized over the game.

What gullible people don't realize is that said agenda does not have to conflict with making a good RPG. This is isn't Battlefield 5, this is Dragon Age. The setting and narrative are often political by their very nature. Heck, Dragon Age : Origins was political too. So having a political message can fit in perfectly fine.

There's no problem with 'pushing an agenda'. You can't ask artists to not put their beliefs in their work, because that would be ridiculous. The problem comes when it's prioritized over believability and consistency of the game world and narrative, ala Battlefield 5.

Surt1886d ago (Edited 1886d ago )

The problem comes when it pandering to the freaks that make up the SJW crowd.

And before the crying starts, I'm talking about the skin as thin as paper crowd. Maybe freaks is a strong word. Here.. The autistics that make up the SJW crowd.

Heavenly King1885d ago

so far this gen all their games suck

Wolffenblitz1885d ago


There's a lot of thin skinned people on this website.

MoshA1885d ago

I wish that were true but it has already happened with Uncharted 4's nonsensical Nadine fights, who in early development didn't even exist until Neil Druckmann took over Mass Effect Andromeda is obvious.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1885d ago
Redemption-641885d ago

They never said that? It's sad when lying to fit your own narrative gets more votes. It's almost like some people here love to be lied to in order to deal with reality.

ILostMyMind1885d ago

Well, that's sad, of course. It is also very sad when people invent stories and attribute it to other people. You could prove your "reality" by quoting what was said by "them."

Redemption-641885d ago

I have no desire to try and educate fully grown men or women who openly lie about what someone said in order to deal with reality, especially when this very topic was on this site and can be found within seconds. My reality is that, what this guy said is false. He/she lied in order to fit his/her agenda and some people are far too happy to go along with that lie. It would have taken you less time to find the truth than replying to my comment, calling out a person who is lying or you know, as him/her to also prove what they are saying

RememberThe3571885d ago

Wasn't it a BFV producer who said if you don't like the game don't buy it? What else did EA say?

criticalkare1886d ago

After Anthem won't be bother with DA4

Kabaneri1886d ago (Edited 1886d ago )

I thought Dragon Age Inquisition was extremely overrated GOTY 2014 my ass.

jznrpg1885d ago

It was overrated but I still enjoyed it .

Movefasta19931885d ago

it wasn't overrated , that year was weak in comparison to 2015,16,17 ect. Inquisition is even hated by many dage fans , I thought it really good. Origins is the best tho

Segata1885d ago

Bayonetta 2 should have won but it was on Wii U so no one played it.

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Game Developers Have Begun Confirming Nintendo Switch 2 Support

Game developers have already started to confirm that they will support the Nintendo Switch 2 with their future titles.

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Microsoft Is Finally Ending Its Focus On Big Budget Gaming Nonsense

Back when the Xbox 360 launched, Microsoft pushed the big budget game as a differentiator. Following all the recent layoffs, it’s clear this strategy has run its course.

Einhander19723h ago(Edited 3h ago)

The Microsoft shill take on the Microsoft causing the death of big budget gaming...

The whole driving force for growth in gaming both technologically, creatively and financially was all nonsense, and it was definitely not because Microsoft ran the industry into the ground with obviously bad decisions and creating an unprofitable business model that massively disrupted consumer spending habits. /s

RpgSama2h ago

First, F**** Forbes and their shill take, I hope the money cleared by now.

Second, Which big budget games I might ask? Microsoft has been in a rut for like a decade now, with no big publisher and developers puechases they would have not released anything in the last 5 years but the new Halo and Forza.

Hofstaderman2h ago

Ah Forbes. One of the prominent MS mouthpieces....

Luc202h ago

Microsoft is finally... ahhh I've never heard this one before!

Petebloodyonion2h ago

LOL, this article is a big pile of dog crap...
Spencer has been constantly telling ppl that NO they would not go the route of having games like TLOU, Uncharted, etc because Playstation exists and prefers to focus on a diverse portfolio.

How many years have we seen Xbox as no game and we don't want small games like ORI, Pentiment, Grounded, etc.?

That's the real tragedy and why lots of gamers are mad at MS right now
because they have been championing smaller titles and yet fired the ppl delivering exactly what they were proning about.

So no the only nonsense is that MS seems now to be going BACK to AAA popular titles..sorry, I meant refocusing effort on core established IP where broken GAAS might be rewarded versus praised and rewarded work.

Einhander19722h ago(Edited 2h ago)


You read an article cheerleading the end of big budget games and all the other articles about problems and this is what you have to say? That's what you think "the real tragedy" is?

I thought that xbox fans might finally "get it", but no, it seems they don't even understand what is happening and what is at stake.

crazyCoconuts2h ago

Hurray! No more big gam.... wait... what??

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Ninja Theory trends on X as gamers fear for studio following Tango Gameworks closure

Following the closure of 4 studios, many are now worried for the future of Ninja Theory once Hellblade 2 is released.

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Sonic18817h ago(Edited 7h ago)

How is it going to sell well when it's also releasing on gamepass 🤔

Sephiroushin7h ago

Meant better to sell the studio and not closing it 🤦🏻 not to sell more games….
and games are sold anyways, you can buy it on xbox (not recommended if you got gamepass) but many pc gamers prefer to buy on steam than deal with the xbox app or pc gamepass!

On a side note to OP, the sales of studios wont happen though, especially when they want to retain the IPs, and well nobody is gonna buy a studios without its IPs; the other publishers that want a certain dev from the studio that are closing on their team can try to grab them as soon as they see they notice of the studio.

RaidenBlack5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Well hypothetically speaking, Ninja Theory can be sold to Sony at a lower rate sans the Hellblade IP.
Sony can then welcome them to work on the Heavenly Sword IP, which they still own.
Will be a nice proposition for Sony who can continue to offer a God of War-like hack n slash in their portfolio via Heavenly Sword 2, whilst Cory Barlog & co. decides to take a break from the God of War IP & venture some other genres.
On top of that, Ninja Theory was also interested in a sequel to Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and such Sony can come to a deal with Namco Bandai regarding the Enslaved IP.

Lightning771d 1h ago

Because they're next come next year. HB2 won't hit some impossible metric within MS so they're getting axed in 2025. Leave gaming now MS.

XiNatsuDragnel17h ago

Ninja theory might as well be gone in 2025 at this rate

notachance8h ago

Every xbox studio is in danger now because there’s just no way they’re gonna rake in big money from game sales because of gamepass, even CoD was rumored to not come to gamepass because it would canibalize their sales number.

neutralgamer19926h ago

If they are smart they don’t put COD on GP day one. It’s one of the best selling games on yearly basis

Hofstaderman6h ago

Satya will make sure that doesnt happen. As you rightly put it; why kill the cash cow?

But then again, it is MS after all.....

thesoftware7302h ago

I agree and disagree. They should not put it on GP, but CoD makes real money from the overpriced MTX that people buy for over a year. They also have it all linked up to the Mobile CoD, which will incentivize Twitch spending from consumers.

-Foxtrot3h ago

Also if you punish a studio for releasing a great critically acclaimed game which won some awards then what chance does anyone have

Elda2h ago

After this mess, I highly doubt the next installment of COD will be on Gamepass day one. It'll probably land on Gamepass 6 months after release date.

Rynxie8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Ninja theory games were never big sellers. I could be wrong, but I doubt hellblade 2 will sell millions. I would rather they go independent and make heavenly sword 2.

solideagle8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

heavenly sword is Sony owned IP. this will never happen as original didn't sell enough...

Wikipedia: "In 2008, it was reported that a sequel to Heavenly Sword was in-development at SCE Studio Cambridge, but was canceled due to Sony no longer seeing it as a commercially viable product"

Flewid6382h ago(Edited 2h ago)

I remember. I feel like the amount of time & technology that has passed would make a sequel a big seller now. The game has enough legacy recognition to build hype.

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